Monday, October 3, 2016

Monday I gotta HEAD COLD


Hayden still has her cherry shirt on, ergo..still same day. Finn has to 'break into" GH to get some equipment. Hays's going with him.  Once there, they see Lucy and a board member walking around taking photos. GH is for sale.  They went to put Luxury Condos there. 

Ava talking about Morgan acting weird "he's just like Sonny off his meds" !! Franco interrupts and Ava leaves. Ah, too bad, I like FrAva convos! Franco tries to tell Kiki that Morgan will be ok. They talk about Morgan's behaviors. 

Scotty goes to Ava's later.  He's giving her money back that he owed her. HE also made up a jingle for his law firm. Scott tells her that Paul is the lead suspect in the murders. She's NOT Happy people know! 

Morgan goes to see Dr. Maddox at some office somewhere since GH is shut down. He can't figure out why he's acting like this. He really should take blood levels. AH HA! it happens! Dr. Maddox told him he needed his lab work done in the morning. GOOD JOB!! 

Ok, then Morgan tries to call Kiki, and she has to finish her shift. Morgan then calls to find a poker game. 

Dillon pleads with Paul to let Tracy go. Very stilted dialog. Paul confesses to everyone in the room he did all the killings.  He finally lets Tracy go ..then tries to stab himself with the needle but Dillon stops him. 


  1. Is it wrong of me to feel bad for Paul, I mean he killed people, people we didn't know, except for Sabrina. Killing the others I'm sure he had no problem whatsoever doing, but he really came unglued after killing her. Maybe it's just cause I like Richard Burgi. Paul really grew on me. Glad it's all out, and that Scott knows about Ava knowing. Wonder if he'll do anything about that, since nothing was wrong with Alexis, except being drugged by Paul......tomorrow looks blah.

  2. Awwww a head cold. :( Hey Karen.. Do you feel awkward seeing RoHo on GH today, now that you just recently met him? :)

    What a great show today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Maddox's home/office: Great scene!!! Glad Maddox brought up the blood test and Morgan is going to do it!!! :)

    The floating rib:

    RayFinn: Awwwww! :) Love that she wants to help him get his stuff at the hospital!! :)

    Finny: And why would a serial killer hang out at a place where there aren't any people? That doesn't make any sense.

    Hahahahaha! Good point. :) Finny would have won the line of the day with that line, but Scotty beat him to the punch! :)

    Morgan: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand away we go to the races!!!!

    The hospital:

    RayFinn: Awwwwww! :)

    Lucy and the board member: WAIT HUH?!!?!?! The hospital is up for sale?!!?!?! Why?!!?!? Where will the hospital be moved to?! What building?! So many questions!!!! That board member looks a little like Doctor Oz.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Kiwi and Ava: Great scene!!!!! :)

    Kiwi and BobTodd: Great scene!!!!! Love that she is able to tell her surrogate father what she is feeling. :)

    Ava's home: GREAT SCENE!!! Love that Scotty has money rolling in!!!! Love that Ava is able to tell Scotty what has been going on! Scotty wins the line of the day!

    You are not throwing away your shot, as long as you got Scott.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! OH WOW! ROFLMAOPMP! Scotty you crack me up! You kill me!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! That has to win prop of the week on Sunday Surgery!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! I wonder how many times they had to do that scene! :)It looked like Maura West was trying not to laugh.

    Condo: GREAT SCENE!!!!!! Love how Dillon unties Tracy's arms and Paul did nothing to stop him! Love Tracy's facial expressions. She was really scared and cringing.. NO PAUL DON'T STICK YOURSELF WITH THAT NEEDLE!!! Think about Susan!!!! Who will take care of her if you are dead?!!?!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Oh whew Anna hit Paul with her gun to stop him. Thank you Anna!!!!! I love that Dillon told his father that he is going to take care of Susan. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

    1. Oh yeh I forgot about the blood test, glad he did it too. It's something true to life. My neurologist occasionally will have me do blood work.
      That was pretty funny with Scott haha!
      I had a feeling Paul would stick himself, I hope they take him to see Susan and get him a room next to hers lmao! jk

  3. "Michelle Latta said... Is it wrong of me to feel bad for Paul,"

    No it's not wrong! I feel bad for Paul too! :( He needs to get help! :(

    "Maybe it's just cause I like Richard Burgi."

    I like him too! :) He is a great actor!

  4. Did anybody hear the rumor (mostly from Celebrity dirty laundry) that Joey Luthman is Replacing Bryan Craig? Remember Joey Luthman? He played young Luke Spencer in the black and white scenes on the 52nd anniversary special. Joey Luthman is 19 years old!!! Are they going do desorass Morgan?!!?!! ROFL! I think he would be all wrong for the part! He is too young and don't look like a Corinthos! I would be calling him baby Morgan! Hahahahaha!

    1. Awwww man! I hope not. Morgan just needs to go away. CDL is like The Enquire of the soap world, so hopefully they have no idea what they are talking about. Haha!

  5. "Michelle Latta said... I hope they take him to see Susan and get him a room next to hers lmao! jk"

    ROFL! Well, if they do, then he will be close to his daughter. :) Awwww. :)

    "Awwww man! I hope not. Morgan just needs to go away. CDL is like The Enquire of the soap world, so hopefully they have no idea what they are talking about. Haha!"

    Hahahaha. Yeah hopefully they are making that up! :)

  6. I just have to say scott's jingle for his law firm had me rolling! I think that was the highlight of the day for me, lol

  7. "jessica stephens said...I just have to say scott's jingle for his law firm had me rolling! I think that was the highlight of the day for me, lol"

    Hahahaha. Highlight for me too! :) It was brilliant!!!!!

    1. I just imagine all of scotty's clients in pentonville hearing the jingle and saying "that's my guy! Let me send him my money" lol

    2. I just imagine all of scotty's clients in pentonville hearing the jingle and saying "that's my guy! Let me send him my money" lol

  8. "jessica stephens said...I just imagine all of scotty's clients in pentonville hearing the jingle and saying "that's my guy! Let me send him my money" lol"

    Hahahahaha! I can imagine that too! ROFL!

  9. Michelle Latta said...

    Is it wrong of me to feel bad for Paul, I mean he killed people, people we didn't know, except for Sabrina. Killing the others I'm sure he had no problem whatsoever doing, but he really came unglued after killing her. Maybe it's just cause I like Richard Burgi. Paul really grew on me. Glad it's all out, and that Scott knows about Ava knowing. Wonder if he'll do anything about that, since nothing was wrong with Alexis, except being drugged by Paul......tomorrow looks blah.

    ** Not at all, I've felt that way myself. I adore Richard Burgi, and the look on his face, after Susan ran away from him when he was giving her the cake was heart-wrenching. It's very obvious how much he loves her, and how much it's killing him (no pun intended) to see her in that state, and there really isn't anything he can do about it. He became totally delusional. (which now brings me to something I've been thinking about for the last day or so, particularly after today's show). In one of the small interviews in last week's SiD, with Jelly, they said even after Tracy found out about Paul being the killer, and his attempt to kill her and it now being more widely known who did it. They said something to the effect that there was something HUGE coming up that would turn everything on it's ear. I'm beginning to think Scotty is gonna represent Paul, have him plead insanity. (Which there actually is a pretty good case for, considering his mental state.) He'll be found not guilty, but sent to a mental facility for a short time, and then be released. Hell, it worked for Luke last year, and it only took 3 weeks! I've just been milling this over for a couple days, trying to think exactly HOW they could pull something like this off, and still find a way to possibly keep Richard Burgi on!

    ** I do apologize for my horrible punctuation/ability to write remotely coherently anymore. I haven't had to actually attention to the stuff in 30 years!


    1. Oh yeh he can totally plead temporary insanity or whatever that's called. He was wracked with guilt over Sabrina and the look and actions in the stand off, I think Scott can win for him.

  10. sonya said...

    Did anybody hear the rumor (mostly from Celebrity dirty laundry) that Joey Luthman is Replacing Bryan Craig? Remember Joey Luthman? He played young Luke Spencer in the black and white scenes on the 52nd anniversary special. Joey Luthman is 19 years old!!! Are they going do desorass Morgan?!!?!! ROFL! I think he would be all wrong for the part! He is too young and don't look like a Corinthos! I would be calling him baby Morgan! Hahahahaha!

    ** I think it's just that, a rumor. Everything I've read/heard still points towards there are no plans to recast at this time. (I REALLY hope it stays that way)

    jessica stephens said...

    I just have to say scott's jingle for his law firm had me rolling! I think that was the highlight of the day for me, lol

    ** I'm pretty sure everyone here can agree with this! It definitely was for me!!


  11. Scotty, oh, I LOVE YOU!! The actor just keeps getting better with the years, MORE SCOTTY PLEASE!! He had me rolling, and, as someone here said, MW probably couldn't keep a straight face!! All the vets--Scotty, Laura, Kevin, Lucy, Tracy, Monica, et al. are AMAZING actors, they are a national treasure, and should be the core of the show.

    Sorry, but I DO NOT feel sorry for Paul!! He killed all of those people and knew what he was doing!! He is sad that Susan is ill, but imagine the sadness of all of the families and friends of those murdered, for that he has NO compassion!! So what he felt a little guilty for killing Sabrina, he did it anyway, he knows she has a child, not to mention what a blessing she was to the hospital and to everyone who knew her.

    I guess they will get him off on insanity pleas, they are setting Scotty up to do this. Look, all of the other serial murderers got off, so why not him? (Like others here, I do love the actor, but the character not so much.)

  12. Sonya, I saw something about that Joey Luthman, too. I sure hope he doesn't get the part of Morgan. I agree with you that he doesn't look like a Corinthos, and besides being too young, he looks as young as he is. As much of a pain in the butt the character is, Brian Craig is good as Morgan. I am tired of recasts. Find a way to take him off the canvas. But please don't recast him, esp. with someone who had a bit part on a past "flashback."
    Did anyone else notice when Scotty said, after playing his ad tape, "Pretty good rap, huh." (Or something about it being a RAP.) That cracked me up even more.

  13. I was hoping Paul would turn out to be a really good guy and there would be a romance with Anna. I think RB is great and really hate to lose another Q connection. Love love love Scotty - he is just so entertaining, as is Lucy. Sick of Morgan and looking forward to having him gone. Too bad he can't take Kiki with him.

  14. "K says * I think it's just that, a rumor. Everything I've read/heard still points towards there are no plans to recast at this time. (I REALLY hope it stays that way)"

    Yeah I hope so too!

    "ishouldreadmore said...Sonya, I saw something about that Joey Luthman, too. I sure hope he doesn't get the part of Morgan. I agree with you that he doesn't look like a Corinthos, and besides being too young, he looks as young as he is."

    He was great as young Luke, but being Morgan? Nah not the right fit.

    "Did anyone else notice when Scotty said, after playing his ad tape, "Pretty good rap, huh." (Or something about it being a RAP.) That cracked me up even more."

    Hahahahaha! That was funny too. :)

  15. The floating rib: Gee Ava. How many watering holes are there in good ol Port Chuck? :) And it's still morning Ava! Scotty would pick you up eventually! ROFL! Before noon! :)

    Griffy and Pinocchio: Zzzzzzzzz.. Just kiss!!

    Police station:

    Curtis and Jordan: Great scene!!! Love the lottery ticket story. :) Awww Jordan you still don't trust Curtis! :(

    Paul's jail cell:

    Paul and Jordan: :(

    Paul, Scotty, and Ava: Scotty wins the line of the day!

    Scotty: Wanna hear my new ad?

    ROFL! I do Scotty! I do!!!! :) And it's also funny when Ava stops him hahahhahahahahahaa!

    Paul and Ava: Oh oh! Is PAUL gonna throw Ava under the bus?! Please let him! :)

    Carson home:

    Carson: Oh oh. More naggy naggy from Carly!

    Carson with Morgan: Oh oh! Incredible hulk Morgan shows up!!! YEAHHHHHH! :) Great scene!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Dumb and Dumber: Zzzzzzzz. Just break up already! And love when she was trying to call Dillon! I hope Dillon is okay!!!

    Michael and Nelle: Awwwww more fake comfort from Nelle!!! Oh dear! Calling Mr. Corinthos eh? :) Then he can take you on his island and give you a pretty dress. :)

    Curtis and Nina: RA RO! Baby baby baby baby! Nina talk to Bobbie already! Where IS Bobbie anyway? Where is Brucus? Still on their honeymoon?

    Naxie's home: Wait! Nathan shouldn't you be talking to your fiance first about your "daughter" living with you two? Oh sure! Nina can take the little one in! She doesn't know Nina but sure why not?! ROFL!

  16. sonya said...: Awwwww more fake comfort from Nelle!!! Oh dear! Calling Mr. Corinthos eh? :) Then he can take you on his island and give you a pretty dress. :)

    ***How do you know it was fake? I didn't get the sense that she was insincere.

    And you've got to stop with the "having an affair with Sonny" hints. Since we know that these writers probably haven't written her past next week you're just giving them ideas....bad ideas at that. No one wants to see her with Sonny. *duct tapes sonya to chair and tapes mouth. *

    Who in their right mind would hand that poor child over to Nina. And Claudette would never go along with that.

  17. "Di said...How do you know it was fake? I didn't get the sense that she was insincere."

    She is up to something!!! I don't trust her.

    "And you've got to stop with the "having an affair with Sonny" hints. Since we know that these writers probably haven't written her past next week you're just giving them ideas....bad ideas at that. No one wants to see her with Sonny. *duct tapes sonya to chair and tapes mouth.*"

    ROFL! I'm sorry!!!!!! :)

    "Who in their right mind would hand that poor child over to Nina. And Claudette would never go along with that."

    I know!!!!!! Crazy!

    1. I'm with you Sonya, I don't trust her, her being Nelle and Claudette.
      While we're at it, Nina is really wearing on my nerves, now trying to take custody of her niece. Smh

  18. Michelle Latta said...

    Oh yeh he can totally plead temporary insanity or whatever that's called. He was wracked with guilt over Sabrina and the look and actions in the stand off, I think Scott can win for him.

    ** I really hope they do go that direction. It's not like I'm saying I agree with what Paul did. I'm just saying I can understand why he did it. It was pretty damn evident that he wasn't thinking rationally or realistically. His scene with Susan, and then afterward with Tracy really showed how divorced from reality actually was. It would just be a shame to lose an actor of his abilities. It's not like GH hasn't done other stupid shit in the past to try and sort stuff out.

    LSV422 said...

    I was hoping Paul would turn out to be a really good guy and there would be a romance with Anna. I think RB is great and really hate to lose another Q connection. Love love love Scotty - he is just so entertaining, as is Lucy. Sick of Morgan and looking forward to having him gone. Too bad he can't take Kiki with him.

    ** I was hoping that was gonna be what they were doing too, especially after the gun running sting. (And before someone says "But he shot Sonny!" No, he only SAID he did to Ava. When Sonny was shot, all that was shown was a black glove holding a gun. It made much more sense to me, that he took advantage of the situation, claiming to be the one behind it, to make him seem more credible to Ava.) It was really starting to look like they were cleaning up that mess. Apparently when he first joined the show, before RC was fired, the original intent was for him to be a good and upstanding man. There was supposed to be a love triangle between him, Tracy, and Laura. But, when RC was fired Maura West went to TPTB and said she wanted to work with him. So, all that was scrapped, and they quickly changed everything to the him supposedly being a mobster. In early interviews RB described Paul as a "good guy, he may screw up on occasion, but when it comes down to it, he's a good man, who's heart is in the right place," I'll be VERY glad when Morgan is gone, also. According to SOD, his last airdate is sometime next month. It's looking more and more likely, that he's either going to actually be dead, or he'll be "presumed dead." I'd definitely prefer the first, but I'll take the other, just as happily.

    sonya said...

    "Di said...How do you know it was fake? I didn't get the sense that she was insincere."

    She is up to something!!! I don't trust her.

    ** Of course she is! It'a pretty obvious. I just really wish Jelly wasn't so obvious with so much of their writing.


    1. He was shown to shoot Sonny, They showed his face after Sonny was shot. I remember that very clearly as if it were yesterday.

  19. Yes, I also THINK I remember that, and, Michelle, I don't think we are wrong!

    Everyone seems sooo down on Morgan, I've said before, the actor is AMAZING (I think), and also looks just like a cross between Sonny and Carly. He has done an amazing job, and I am extremely sorry to see him go.

  20. Nope, you're both wrong. I went back and checked this awhile back. All we ever see is a gloved hand. Because you heard Paul say so later to Ava, you're certain that's what happened. Here is everything that had to do with the shooting, It's in 4 parts, and here is the first part:

    This is a pretty common thing where you think you remember something that you actually don't.



Rock N Roll

 TODAY is.... THURSDAY!!  So one of the soap mags has said that Leslie Charleson probably won't be back as Monica due to health issues. ...