Friday, October 21, 2016

Twitter Alert!

Hell! Twitter is down for me!! What!!??? That's like a giant bummer. Someone hacked it this am for the east coast? Geesh, stupid hackers. I thought it was back up but nope. 

So, before GH I watched one of my fave shows: Hoarders: Buried Alive. I have no idea why I love these shows because I am a Virgo and organizer. This and ID Channel I could watch forever (no I'm not a serial killer either! LOL)

Sonny goes to Casa Carly's  to talk about the funeral.  Carly already scheduled it for NOVEMBER 11th.
HUH ? November 11th? that seems like an awfully long time, no?? Weird. Sonny is of course, not happy she didn't tell him. "You don't get to tell me I can't say goodbye to my Son". They argue. She keeps saying You killed Him. You killed him...

He wants her to come home. She's like, no way... so I'm sure Nellie will be available, right? LOL

Image result for east aurora
East Aurora 

Jason wanders around the PH ...looks a lot different than when it had the pool table in it, remember? GOD Can't they have the kids around once and awhile? Geesh. HE and Sam low-talk a bit about Sonny's guilt. Poor Poor Sonny. 
I swear BM acts like he's ill most of the time. Or has a cold..or something. He's also saying maybe he should leave Port Charles because of his old ties to the mob. (Like they are going to leave..LMAO)
They decide to go to "Aurora' (yes, there's a town here called Aurora..the more famous one is East Aurora) -- then Sam says "Oh the baby is kicking'! 

Felicia and Anna!!  Yeah!!  Anna tells Flea she was asked to go back to the WSB. Anna self created a job for being based Port Charles. 
Felicia can't find Maxie. She's worried and goes and tells Nathan.

Lulu and Nathan talk about the PCPD.  He tells her that Charlotte is not his daughter, she's Griffin's.
WHY WOULD ANYONE believe Claudette that Griff is her Daddy? You'd better get a DNA test ASAP.

Lulu and Dante are arguing over him doing the Morgan case. He's all pissy "I did nothing for him while he was alive".
OMG He has guilt too!! Jordan says maybe Dante shouldn't work the case. 

Later, Lulu and Laura get their nails done (gel's). And I bet anything they'll sell Wyndemere and Valentin will buy it. *sigh* Mark it. 

Claudette says we have to get out of town now. "Valentin knows we are in Port Charles" . Griffin is all "how do you even know". Claude says he 'tossed the room' last night. She parks Charlotte at the end of the bar at the METRO.  They then decide to ask Anna for help. Anna has a cold, you can tell. 

Claudette 'goes up to the room' but leaves basically. BYE!! SEE YA!! Oh crap Nathan sees her in the hall making the plane reservation. Damn it.  They go into the room. He finds something of Maxie's. 

Meanwhile Maxie is with Bearded Dude.  In a basement. He wants info from her---she says make me and egg white omelet and I'll talk. Yes, she said that. He went up to do it and she's getting out of her duct tape. She almost escapes. He's going to kill her. She pleads for her life. He leaves the gas on. 

END OF THE SHOW: Dante walks into Carly's and says he came from the crash site, 'we found something". 

OMG IT's raining so hard here--and has been since yesterday! I mean soaking. I'm cold. wah.. 


  1. I was trying to make a list in my head of who feels guilty about Morgan Basically, it's almost half the cast. It starts with Sonny, Carly, Dante, Kiki, Ava, Dr. Maddox, the guy who took his keys, et al. I would like to start a contest here to see who can name the most people. I also will count those who SHOULD feel guilty--like Dar, who told him to buy the paper; and the dean who expelled him from school.

  2. And the thug who walked away from Julian's car to smoke.

  3. I agree - Valentin will buy Wyndemere. Who else would need a creepy old castle and could afford it?

    I really wish the hospital would reopen already ...

  4. If Valentine buys Wyndemere I hope no one tells him about the tunnels.

  5. Good morning Port Chuckles!!!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Anna's table:

    Felicia and Anna: FELICIA!!!! :) Oh Anna is WSB NOW YAY! Um now Anna tell Felicia she is mayor. :) OH COME ON! TELL HER!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

    Pinocchio, Anna, Griffy, and little Charlie: Geez how long did they do this scene? Cus Finola Hughes was fine and then when Charlie was at another table coloring, Finola Hughes has a cold! Oh Valentin is very familiar to Anna!

    Metrocourt hotel/Pinocchio's room: Well well well. Her room is so clean! Mr. Clean must have showed up.

    Nail Salon: Hey that looks like AMC's nail salon just a different color.

    Carly's home: Sad.. :( Wait November 11th?!!?!?! Why that far away? Will recast Morgan show up? Or ghost Morgan?

    Paint and Wall's home: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Oh I see a baby bump! Baby Trim is growing!! YAY! The only thing that was interesting in that scene, is when baby Trim kicked and Jason was talking to Trim awwwww! :) Jason wins the line of the day.

    Jason: It's like a little ninja kick.


    Police station: Oh Dante!!!!! :'( Take yourself off of this case!!!! :(

    Kidnapped basement: Oh yes. Eat breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day! And then you can die. Come on Maxie!!! Kick the idiot's ass!!!!!! You can do it!!!!! Oh oh death by gas!!!! And I don't mean fart! Anyway this is soapy goodness! Come on Maxie! You are a Jones! Your father is head of the WSB! You can escape!!!!

    Last week: I think it was last week when Kiwi was pushing away Dillon cus she feels guilty that Morgan died.. Well anyway, I read the guide on my tv, and it said Kiki pushes away Dillo.. Dillo?!!?!?! ROFL!

  6. I am TIRED of GH. When is, Julian and Ava ever going to have to pay from all their wrong doings. The writers need to give Sonny a break. Let Carly get back with Sonny and they both can and should grieve Morgan's death. And speaking of death...can you writers STOP killing characters. Get back to good old adultery and the romantic slapping soaps used to be. If I wanted so much dead I'd watch the ID station.

    1. They need to trim the cast, death is one way to go...

  7. I am TIRED of GH. When is, Julian and Ava ever going to have to pay from all their wrong doings. The writers need to give Sonny a break. Let Carly get back with Sonny and they both can and should grieve Morgan's death. And speaking of death...can you writers STOP killing characters. Get back to good old adultery and the romantic slapping soaps used to be. If I wanted so much dead I'd watch the ID station.

  8. sonya said...

    Anna's table:

    Felicia and Anna: FELICIA!!!! :) Oh Anna is WSB NOW YAY! Um now Anna tell Felicia she is mayor. :) OH COME ON! TELL HER!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

    ** At this point, I'm thinking it's either one of two reasons: 1) Anna has forgotten about it entirely, or 2) Jelly has forgotten about it entirely, and/or they just could care less.

    Pinocchio, Anna, Griffy, and little Charlie: Geez how long did they do this scene? Cus Finola Hughes was fine and then when Charlie was at another table coloring, Finola Hughes has a cold! Oh Valentin is very familiar to Anna!

    ** I'm curious about why Anna finds Valentin's face so familiar. As one would think she would know who every Cassadine was; living or dead.

    Nail Salon: Hey that looks like AMC's nail salon just a different color.

    ** You mean Opal's place "The Glamorama" (sp?) It didn't remind me IIRC. It's totally possible though, that my memory is off.

    Carly's home: Sad.. :( Wait November 11th?!!?!?! Why that far away? Will recast Morgan show up? Or ghost Morgan?

    ** I thought that da5e was rather odd, also, being as far away from now. The only reason I can think of for setting it so far away, would be because of sweeps. Seeing as BC is supposed to last air in Nov, if it'll be as a ghost. There was an "exit interview" with BC in this week's issue of SOD. Sadly, it didn't raise my opinion of him, one bit. If it did anything st sll, it lowered even more.


  9. I'm addicted to the ID channel too :) I don't know if Sonny needs a break but I know I sure need one from him.

    1. I used to watch that channel alot too, loved it.
      I think we all feel the same, pretty unanimous that we need a break from Sonny. Does Maurice ever take a vacation????

  10. NO, NOT unanimous, LOL, I DO NOT NEED A BREAK FROM SONNY!! I don't really take vacations either, just like Maurice!!

  11. Michelle Latta said...

    I used to watch that channel alot too, loved it.

    ** I watch it quite a bit, myself. I absolutely LOVE Homicide Hunter.

    I think we all feel the same, pretty unanimous that we need a break from Sonny. Does Maurice ever take a vacation????

    ** That would be WONDERFUL. I really can't even remember when he last took one. It was nice when FV and RC came on board. As for SO long under Guza's last stint, in particular, he was on every single day, every week. When they came in, and the show finally felt like it was an actual ensemble cast again. It seems like that stopped happening when Jelly took over the head writer duties. And we slid back into `The Sonny Corinthos Hour' again. :P Now, don't get me wrong, I actually really liked Sonny back in the 90s. When he was a much more well rounded character. Guza's first stint at HW, when he and Pratt were doing the job together, is when my opinion started to change. What's so frustrating about it now, is it's just done so badly, it's almost comical in nature.


  12. K said... it's almost comical in nature.

    Yes. When he starts his blowing I just FF through the whole thing.



  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...