Thursday, November 4, 2021

The Shot in the Arm


So today, I won't be able to do a blog. I did want to keep you abreast of recent rumors about GH and the whole Disney vaccine mandate. 
There are indeed cast and crew members that are out because of non-compliance at this time. RUMOR has it that 2 of the larger ones are Ingo R and Steve Burton. A minor note is that Carolyn Hennessy may be as well. I do not have confirmation of these names. No official word has dropped and other than a few rants on IG, the actors themselves have not said anything in public yet. 

That said, we may see the fallout play onscreen in the next few weeks as things must be changed to accommodate the changing canvas. There may be more people out...and there may be less. I also have no idea what happens if an actor decides to suddenly get the vax after deadline has passed. 

Maybe we will find out today who Mystery Hat Guy is..? Let me know in the comments. Sorry I couldn't recap today but it couldn't be helped. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. THe STUPID thing about SB IF it is true is that he HAD COVID and HAS antibodies, and THAT is better than the vaccine - and most places DO take the antibody test in lieu of the vaccine...
    okay----------CLEARLY Esme IS Ryan's daughter - today kinda proved it....
    and Curtis' dad beat Joey - loving that!!

    1. No, the most STUPID thing about Steve Burton is that facelift. It’s rough
      Also, yes Esme is Ryan’s daughter 😂

    2. He doesn't look like he's had a facelift to me. He's looking a bit gaunt since he's been sick and his face looks a lot thinner.It makes him look like he aged a lot.

    3. Mufasa, I still don't think she's his daughter but I'm now thinking that she's the one who was in contact with Ryan. The letter that came back unopened was from Spencers address but she may have written it.

  3. and Steve and Bradford postponed Patreon until next week.........hmmmm- I don't think he is leaving at all, though.

    1. I think because he didn't want to answer questions about this. Maybe he's still deciding ?? I Don't know but I think Disney said BYE

  4. Oh shoot. My post is not showing up again. I'm trying to fix it. It's not working.. Hmmm.

    1. I've tried again and again. It's still not showing up.. WOW!

    2. THAT is weird. Why wouldn't it show up??? I didn't change ay settings.

    3. I don't know Karen. Di thinks maybe it's the auto sensors! *Shrug*

  5. Good for them! No one should be forced to be injected with poison for a virus with a 98% survival rate.

    1. In the 1950’s all of the kids lined up in school for the polio vaccine because it was for the greater good of public health. The ingredients were not listed like a soda and it’s almost like the public was not as self important as it is today… social media and the 24 hour news cycle to blame ?

    2. That was a real vaccine and it worked. Can you say the same of the Covid shot????

    3. 98% would be great - if those 98% had no chance of infecting others - amazing

    4. Momma always told me the best way to shut up an idiot is to agree with them - so yes Google - you are correct

    5. It's saved MILLIONS of lives already. But if you don't want it...don't get it. He made a choice. I'm sure one of his side hustles will pay off.

    6. Too bad the vaxxed didn't have 98% chance of NOT infecting others. That would be amazing too. No need to call me an idiot.

  6. I think they're all idiots too but come on, it's just as irresponsible to name people just based on gossip and then say "I do NOT have confirmation".

  7. Wtf time do "nightclubs" close in NY? Because where I'm from it's like 2-3am. Yet Esme is at prison for an internship, Ava Trina & Ned hanging around gallery & Dante & Sam are out and about lol

    1. I thought the same thing about timeline. Should be middle of the night at the

    2. I would assume they're not open in the morning either, or early afternoon. Typically people to go nightclubs after dinner and the trendy ones don’t want to open too early because that would make it seem like they are empty and not very “hot”.

    3. From what dante said to Portia & Curtis it's still "tonight after the club closed" as in when he asked abt his alibi. Lol.

    4. The club wouldn't close till 2 or 3 in the morning. Joey was thrown out during the day. It was still daytime when he was at the pier.

      I think you're looking too hard to find problems. Just go with the flow and enjoy the show. lol

    5. Lol Curtis said to sam and Dante the club is closed, which makes it 2 or 3am now is my point.

    6. No. The club would be closed all day. It wouldn't open to club goers till after supper.

    7. They are MESSING with the Savoy times for SURE... I think it was in full swing at like 10 am!! LOL Our clubs don't open until about 4 or 6--and Savoy doesn't sell food so.. even later!!

  8. Wow. There are some Covidiots on the Wubs blog. Yikes.

    1. Oh that's right, we're here to comment on the show today as well....Drunk Olivia was hilarious with Robert. I really do like their relationship. That's all!

    2. She definitely looked as drunk as a skunk. lol

    3. I loved drunk Olivia. And Ned was lucky Robert was so shocked by the punch that he didn't break his neck.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.


  10. So Trina and Joss And Cam paired up to clear her father yet not ONE of them has decided to find the background of Esme? Of course real kids would troll and find out about her parents. No one ever asks her about her past in detail.

  11. Drunk Olivia was pretty funny, but I was with Robert. You think Ned might be right about Leo yet you won't talk to him about it? She's been making me very cranky with this story, lol!

    So I guess Hat Man beat the snot out of Idiot Joey during off-screen GH? I would have loved to have seen that!

    Loved Trina and her enthusiastic response to Ned underwriting the exhibit. That was a nice scene between the 3 of them. And again, Shawn is getting on my nerves and now wants Nik to pay for killing Naomi? Really? Grasping at straws now.

    Honestly I don't care who leaves GH. The cast is so freaking huge that after a week I won't even notice.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. What the heck? It worked. My comments about GH stayed. Now it's gone?! Hey who is the wise guy.. 0 0

    1. And to add insult to injury they said you removed it.

    2. "Di says, And to add insult to injury they said you removed it."

      Wait what? Who said that? No no. I removed the comment to you, because my comments disappeared again.

    3. Oops I mean I was telling you that it worked. But then it didn't so I deleted my comment to you.

    4. Well I put it up, with a few more word spaces and delint the links, and it disappeared too. Maybe because I copied and pasted it.

    5. I don't know what is going on. :(

    6. I'm going in again, captain. I don't know how to give up. lol

    7. "Di says, I'm going in again, captain. I don't know how to give up. lol"


    8. Geez it feels like I'm getting kicked out of this blog. :(

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. This is attempt to put S's post up as one comment....

    Ava's art gallery: Ava, Ned, and Trina: There is a photo art project happening. Animals in captivity. Ned will help with it. Trina is excited. Ned will put it in Olivia's name. He wants her to know that he isn't a bad guy. Ned! Olivia should already know you are a good guy! I hate this!

    Nik and Shaun: Shaun tells him he isn't wearing a wire. Blah blah blah. Same ol same ol. Shaun thinks Nik killed Naomi Dryfus. Blah blah blah. Maybe Nik kidnapped the Tribbles! Ask him Shaun.

    Nava: Nik won't tell her what he talked to Shaun about.. OH A REAL KISS. Not a Cov id kiss. Marcus Coloma must be fully vac cinated!

    The hospital:
    Piffy and Dante: WHAT?!?!!?! El Stupido aka Joey Novak was beat up and is in the hospital? And almost died?!?!?!?! Did Mystery man with the hat do it?!

    Chad and Trina: Awwwwww Trina is concerned about his hand. ?? She walks away and Chad watches her and smiles. Awwww.

    V.C.'s room:

    V.C., Anna, and Victor: Victor wants Anna to go. He don't need a babysitter he says. She ain't going anywhere! ?? Awwwww. Victor is visiting. They talk about Hiney. I wonder if Hiney's ears are burning.

    Nik and Shaun: Shaun tells him he isn't wearing a wire. Blah blah blah. Same ol same ol. Shaun thinks Nik killed Naomi Dryfus. Blah blah blah. Maybe Nik kidnapped the Tribbles! Ask him Shaun!

    Nava: Nik won't tell her what he talked to Shaun about.. OH A REAL KISS. Not a Cov id kiss.

    Metrocourt restaurant:
    Olivia and Robert: Olivia is drunk and wondering if Ned is right about young uncle Leo. OLIVIA KISSES ROBERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Olivia, Robert, and Ned:
    Ned walks in and PUNCHES ROBERT! Well, really I don't blame Ned. Robert didn't stop the kiss, he didn't push her away, and he KISSED BACK! Ned brought a surprise gift for Olivia. It's a painting. Ned left and Olivia looked at it, and started to cry. She cried and ran away.

    Spring ridge:

    Alexis and Harmony:

    Alexis wins the line of the day. Alexis: Maybe you can take the psycho path back to his room? ROFL! Ryan is just sitting there not moving! Hahahahahaha!

    Vampira and Harmony:

    Vampira looked online about Harmony, so Harmony had to explain it all to her.

    Vampira and Ryan:

    1. Thanks Di! Wow what a mess! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    2. lol I know. But it's up...well most of it...and we know what it'll take and what it won't.

  20. Sorry for the mess kd. I can't erase the deleted posts but we have made some progress. Hopefully "Miss I need soap" will have better luck today. lol



  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...