Tuesday, November 3, 2020


 Anna's in the cellar. Alex tells her that Peter is her son and she's going to take over Anna's life and no one will know. She says she slept with Faison because she knew he was obsessed with Anna and she could get secrets out of him and get promoted. Anna says "I know you don't want to be a mother or a grandmother, so why are you really here"? Alex says people are coming for her from all sides and she needs to hide out. SO, she'll become Anna and there can't be two of them. Valentin comes over after talking to Peter and figures out that it's Alex, not Anna.  He asks Alex for water..then Anna breaks free of her tape and yells. He is going downstairs. Then Alex hits him with a syringe. 

Peter tells Valentin that Helena called; Valentin freaks out LOL Then he totally figures out it was SPINELLI MESSING WITH HIM. UGH He tells Peter to just leave Spinelli alone-just don't answer the phone anymore LOL. Peter wants revenge. Val says if he does that Jason will come for him. Peter then gets Spin at the bar and tells him Helena called. Then tells him he knows it was him and to back off. Peter is MAD!! ANGRY PETER! I like a mean Peter better btw. 

Sonny has Ava over. Shows her a pic Avery drew then asks why Ryan Chamberlain would call him. Ava's like I don't know. She's such a good liar. She said he's playing games and not to go see him. Sonny says maybe, he'll decide. 

Julian is panicking. Leaves a message for Ava. Shaky cam at the bar. Weird. Ava comes back from Sonny's and tells Julian he should take Nikolas' offer up on disappearing. 

Cyrus harasses Portia in the hospital by asking about Trina. 

Franco goes to see Kevin about his tumor. He is worried more about this psychosis coming back than he is of dying. 

Taggert is in Kate Howard's house

TJ goes to his mom to get the permit for the protest against Cyrus they want to hold at GH. She told him she rejected it. He's pissed off. She's like too bad. Cyrus over hears them talking about the protest. Jordan says nothing as Cyrus lays into TJ about getting back to work and not bothering him. 

OH SONNY GOES TO SEE RYAN! That was fast!! 

Julian tells Cyrus he's ready to make a deal with him.

Ava goes to see Ryan. 


  1. Oh PLEASE PLEASE let Spinelli be taping his conversation with peter.

    At least Anna will have company in the basement. lol

    Maybe Julian will sell him the bar if he has Ryan offed.

  2. Anna gets her hands and mouth free and just sits there yelling. That was bad.
    I have read a few reports saying that Sasha, Dev, Brando and....Hiney will soon be gone. Of course just rumors until it happens.

    1. Oh, zazu, I was posting at the same time. I hope you are right.

    2. "Zazu says, I have read a few reports saying that Sasha, Dev, Brando and....Hiney will soon be gone. Of course just rumors until it happens."

      I agree with all of them going, except Brando! I don't want Brando to go!! :(

    3. That was bad. Anna would have undone her legs and sneak up on Alex and attack her

    4. "lindie says, That was bad. Anna would have undone her legs and sneak up on Alex and attack her"

      Yup she would have!!!! And she wouldn't need anybody to save her!

    5. Hope so for all those! Hiney actor is so bad, with his whispering and one expression, and nothing much to look at either.

  3. I still don't understand why they are getting rid of Julian and Lulu when there are such disposables as (not-Vinessa) Jordan, Sasha, Peter, Dev, Brando and Colonel Sanders. (Sorry, love Michael E. Knight, just not in this role.)

    And, I wanted Taggert to flick Sonny on his forehead the other day.

  4. Zak I agree on Jordan, Sasha, Peter, Dev, Brando and NOT Tad

  5. Rolling my eyes at Alex...was she EVER this unhinged when they introduced her on All My Children? I mean, maybe a missed a few episodes of her run then but I sure don't remember her being this evil. She was/is a MEDICAL DOCTOR, yes? Good Lord...
    Too bad about Lulu Emmy...maybe she could go back to Y and R as Abby Newman. The current Abby to me is kind of blah although very pretty.

    1. I don't recall Alex being evil

    2. "OldSchooLGHfan says, Rolling my eyes at Alex..."

      I don't blame you.

      "was she EVER this unhinged when they introduced her on All My Children?"

      HELL NO!!!!! This is all her information. She was forced to kill Anna, but couldn't go through with it. She was even married to Dimitri Merick.


      Here she is introducing herself.


  6. Am I losing it or just not paying attention or did the writers flub up?
    Wasn't Valentin with Anna earlier in the day when she was dressed for Halloween?
    Then he walks in to see Alex as Anna and she's wearing black. Are we to assume that he thinks she's changed?

  7. The hospital:

    Friz: Come on Bobtodd! Tell Liz your tumor is back!!!!!!

    Portia and Cyrus: Cyrus trying to be intimidating! It's working! When he got in that elevator with Portia, the look on her face! Hahaha!

    TJ and Jordan: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Okay. Boy Jordan people are going to start being very suspicious of you!

    Portia and Jordan: Oh Portia knows what Jordan and Cyrus are up to. Oh? Do you think they are sleeping together? :)

    Cyrus, TJ, and Jordan: WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cyrus is YELLING!!!! His yelling is scary and creepy! I wanted him to yell more!!!!

    Doc's office:

    Doc and BobTodd: Doc paints? Did I miss something? ROFL! Oh Doc please help BobTodd!!!! :(

    Carson home:

    Ava and Sonny: Ava trying to be calm cool and collected. :) Not bad of a poker face, could have been better.

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Ava and Jules: Poor Jules is skeered!!!! Who will kill him? :( Will it be Jules's ex honey Sonny?! :(

    V.C. and Hiney: V.C. is so smart and Hiney is so dumb!!! The look on V.C.'s face when Hiney said that Helena called him! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Now we just need to find out who V.C.'s bio daddy is. :)

    Hiney and Spinny: You put 2 and 2 together.. Hahaha. No you didn't Hiney! Shut up! Oh I hope Spinny taped Hiney's threats!!!! By the look on Spinny's face, it looks like he did hmmmmmmm.

    Cyrus and Jules: Oh oh Jules is skeered that's why he wants to make a deal with Cyrus!! OH BOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!

    Jail talk area:

    Sonny and Ryan: Oh oh. Let the truth spill out!!!!

    Chandler Mansion:


    Anna and Alex: He left a message some drivel about having to save peoples lives.

    ROFL! She would have won the line of the day, but Anna wins it.. Right.... About..... Now.

    Alex: You expecting someone?

    Anna: Yes. The army, the navy, and the marines they are all coming for afternoon tea.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHA! Oh OUCH that duct tape around Anna's hair! OUCH OUCH OUCH! Well, when Anna took it off it didn't seem like it hurt. She is one tough cookie. :)


    "Anna" and V.C.: Come on V.C.!!! Can't you see that "Anna" is acting very strange? Come on come on!!!

    "Anna": I always do what's best for my son.

    BUSTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Yes yes ask for water yes!!! :) Now let's see if Alex can find the kitchen! ROFL!

    Basement door: V.C.!!! What the hella re you doing?!!?! Don't just stand there!! Open the door and go in!!! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! COME ONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! Oh oh! The needle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why did he just stand there?!?!! It would have made more sense if he would try to open the door, and THEN the needle comes at him.

    1. Yowser, I was owwwwing when AnnaBot ripped that tape out of her hair, just like you, lol! Definitely agree about line of the day. That was excellent!

      Angry Peter and Cyrus were pretty awesome today, but I need PLP to get busted very soon. For the umpteenth time, this is has dragged on waaaaaaaay too long!

      Very unhappy with Franco not telling Liz. Another stupid thing I disapprove of, like that means anything! :)

    2. And I also meant to say fierce Portia is a thing to behold, she just makes Jordan look more lame than she is. :)

    3. "Cyrus is YELLING!!!! His yelling is scary and creepy! I wanted him to yell more!!!!"

      LOL, me too. He was a good villain today.

    4. "Yowser, I was owwwwing when AnnaBot ripped that tape out of her hair, just like you, lol!"

      Haha. Yeah! OW OW OW!!!!

      "Definitely agree about line of the day. That was excellent!"

      Hahaha it was!!! :)

      "Angry Peter and Cyrus were pretty awesome today,"

      Yes they were!!!

      "but I need PLP to get busted very soon. For the umpteenth time, this is has dragged on waaaaaaaay too long!"

      Yeah I need him to have his downfall ASAP!

      "Very unhappy with Franco not telling Liz. Another stupid thing I disapprove of, like that means anything! :)"

      I thought the lying and keeping things from Liz was over!! :(

    5. "Kevin says, LOL, me too. He was a good villain today."

      Yes he was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  8. Also wasn't the black costume I the couch right near Anna? How did Alex get it on with Anna right there

  9. Breaking News: Young & Restless Able to Continue Production Despite Two People Testing Positive.



  10. Now we have TWO sets of evil twins on at the same time!! The "evil twin" construct is sooo soapy, and should be used sparingly, IMO . . .

    1. Definitely should be used sparingly. Does anyone even know an evil twin? lol They are just falling back on other people's characters.Why can't they write a current cast member as the villain. Instead they write Cyrus as annoying. (At least they gave Peter a good shot of caffein and had him open up a bit...at last. He's the most toned down villain I've ever seen. I'd say milk and water but he's more of a milk dud.

  11. Valentin is fast becoming one of my favorite characters. They are writing him so well lately. The actor has always been good, but he's had iffy material in the past.

  12. Me too. I am enjoying Valentin even though he's bad. He is one of those bad guys with good qualities. He is such a good actor. You can see how he feels by looking at his face.So many expressions just in his facial expressions

  13. I love Valentin because JPS is such a great actor. He may not be all good but the actor is so vulnerable and expressive. I think he works so well with Finola.

    1. I completely agree LSV422. JPS and Finola are now making me root for them as a new couple.

    2. "lindie says, JPS and Finola are now making me root for them as a new couple."

      Me too!!! :) What shall we call them? ValenAnna? Annatin? V&A:) Hmmmmm.

  14. Chase's home: Chasse is taking a shower! :) Phone rings. I guess it's work. He has a towel over him. Be careful not to have a wardrobe malfuncion sweetie. ;)

    The hospital: Great shot of the hospital building outside!!!!! :)

    Jordan and Portia: Oh my! Portia thinks Jordan is a dirty cop!!! They had to go somewhere private so that constipated Jordan can tell Portia the truth about Cyrus kidnapping her son. So they are going to work together! YAY! :)

    Hiney and Maxie: Hiney missed the altrasound!! Hahaha. He got all upset and pounded on the table. Maxie has the baby pictures and the heart beat sound! He says the baby will change him UGH! Maxie disagrees, and Hiney disagrees with her. *roll eyes*

    Chandler Mansion: Okay now when Anna pulls off the tape from her mouth and it is caught in her hair, she makes a pain sound.. Good. :) But why yell out help? She can easily get out!!! Come on Anna! You don't need a man to help you!!!!

    V.C. and Alex: V.C. was going to open the door, (that's much better) when Alex sticks him with that needle! So where is the glass of water Alex? So V.C. is down! He is drugged up, and now he is losing his voice.. Wow powerful stuff in that needle! Oh hi Anna!!! :) Come on Anna you can shoot Alex before she can say, Peter. I can't believe Alex got the better of Anna!!!

    Warehouse: Or wherever they are.

    Alex, Anna, and V.C.: Wow! Alex must be very strong to carry V.C. and Anna to this place!! V.C. is out and looks like he is in pain. Alex breaks a pipe so they die, and if that doesn't work, well, she has got a household appliance she can use to blow the place up. She makes it maximum pressure and it will explode in an hour. Alex takes Anna's engagement ring!! Alex wins the line of the day.

    Anna: Oh you total bitch.

    Alex: Language please.


    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Cyrus and Jules: They are bonding. :) Cyrus wants to know what Jules wants. Jules brings up Ryan and also Sonny. When he brings up Sonny, Cyrus smiles!!! :)

    Jackie, Finchy, and Harry: Awwwwww! Family. :) Mama and ahem papa!!! :) Harry is showing pictures of Violet to Jackie. Finchy calls "Anna" and when he gets off the phone with her, the look on his face. He knows something is off. Alex sucks at being Anna! ROFL!

    Jackie and Harry: Jackie is talking to Harry about his father. I thought she was going to say he is dying, but no no no. They are just getting a divorce is all.


    Sonny and Ryan: Ryan wants to spill his guts to Sonny, but they can hear Ava freaking out talking to the guard.

    Ava and Sonny: Yeah your poker face Ava sucks bad. Sonny went back in to talk to Ryan while Ava walks in because Sonny didn't close the door. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH RYAN! HIS BACK, KNIFE, STABBED!!!! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!!?! WHO STABBED HIM?!!?!! Is it Jules or Cyrus? I missed the beginning of the episode with Cyrus and Jules because of the election, but then all of a sudden GH was on! I did watch online, so it could have been Cyrus!!! I don't want Ryan to die!!!!!

    Hospital part 2:

    Ava and Jules: Ava calls Jules to tell him that in some miracle Ryan was stabbed in the back! Jules wants to know if Ryan is dead. Ava doesn't know. Jules says it's not a miracle then.

    Jordan and Cyrus: As they are talking, Jordan passes out!! Is she faking? Portia shows up to see if she is okay! Hmmmm is Jordan faking and Portia is in on it? :)


    1. Loved the line of the day again, lol! Perfect!

      So didn't see coming Ryan getting a knife in the back. That was awesome! :)

    2. "Julie H says, Loved the line of the day again, lol! Perfect!"

      Haha. Yes yes! Perfecto! :)

      "So didn't see coming Ryan getting a knife in the back."

      Yeah you should have seen me!!! My jaw hit the ground and my eyes wide. My hands on my face. Yeah I did NOT see that coming either. :)

      "That was awesome! :)"

      YES! Great scene!!! :) Bravo director!! I missed who directed it.

  15. DIE Ryan DIE!! lol Sorry Sonya.

    Can't believe the writers wrote a weak response from Anna, yet again. She should have shot her. Now she'll have to be rescued again.

    No way Alex could move two unconscious people on her own.

    Jules said he'd do what Cyrus wanted if he solved the Ryan problem right away. (Didn't like that he filled him in on all the reasons why though. Now Cyrus will have the guy who killed Ryan get the letter and he can keep Julian under his thumb.) *sigh*

    1. Di, ITA with what you said, I thought it was crazy that Julian told Cyrus everything, he would NEVER do that. Even if he told him something, why did he have to speak about tampering with the car, etc., CRAZY! But I guess it was a day to spill, as Jordan told Portia everything.

      And, yes, Anna should have shot her, and she never could move 2 unconscious people on her own. Maybe her sister, as Anna weighs about 90 lbs., but Alex weighs the same, how could she have dragged Valentin anywhere?

    2. "Di says, DIE Ryan DIE!! lol Sorry Sonya."


      "Can't believe the writers wrote a weak response from Anna, yet again. She should have shot her. Now she'll have to be rescued again."

      What is happening?!?!!? GAH!

      "No way Alex could move two unconscious people on her own."

      Hahahaha. She is a superhero. Just like Jason. She must have borrowed his cape.

    3. Di, you wrote everything I was going too, teach me to come late to the blog! Totally agree about everything! Real Anna would have and could have easily shot Alex. AnnaBot...not so much.

      Still laughing from 2 days ago when you called Hiney (PLP) a milk dud. HAHAHAHAHAH!



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