Monday, November 23, 2020

Post Bomb Post


I realized I left at the absolute wrong time here's a post for your thoughts on the Aftermath of the BOMB. BOOM BOOM! 


  1. WOW - talk about nobody caring that Dev died....Sonny didn't seem all that upset.

    1. No one seemed too upset about Dev. Sometimes the acting is good with grief scenes and sometimes not so much

    2. Hell0 lol we didn't even like Dev so....

  2. sonya== where ru? I need a recap please.

    1. "witch says, sonya== where ru? I need a recap please."

      Just did it! :)

  3. Do you know if anyone else will be picking up the baton for these daily postings? They really make my day.

  4. "I realized I left at the absolute wrong time LOL.."

    Well duh!!!! ROFL!

    The gym:

    Sonny and Laura: Laura is telling Sonny all about the David Hamilton story!

    Alexis's home:

    Diane, Sam, Molly, V.C. and Alexis: Diane wrote a letter for Alexis!

    Alexis: I've seen you wing it a number of times in court. Do you really need notes for this?

    ROFL! Alexis would have own the line of the day, but sorry Alexis, V.C. wins it. Diane reads her letter. :( Awwwwwwwwwwwww! Beautiful! Man Alexis has such an attitude!!! Well the intervention didn't last long. Everybody got a ping about the explosion and had to leave. Sam didn't want Alexis to come or watch Scout, so Molly had to stay.

    Alexis and V.C.: V.C. wins the line of the day.

    V.C.: Before you find and murder a bottle of alcohol, can I read you MY letter?

    ROFL! What a great letter V.C. wrote!!! :) My favorite part.

    V.C.: And even though there is no blood between us, it doesn't mean you won't always be my sister. Please don't drown yourself in alcohol. Love Valentin.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :(

    The floating rib: reshowing the explosion! Cam is passed out, and then he wakes up! His leg is bloody! He is able to walk though. BobTodd is awake and then he isn't. Dusty is awake and then he isn't. Lulu was out and then woke up! Cam sees Dev is out and doesn't wake up.


    Dev and Sonny:

    Dev: Tell Lulu I'm sorry.

    Sonny: Don't die on me!

    *Dev dies or passes out* I wasn't sure at the time.

    Sonny: DAMMIT!!!!

    Okay maybe he did die?

    Outside the floating rib:

    Laura and Mac: Laura is screaming for Lulu!!!!! :( Mac is blaming himself.

    Laura and Lulu: Dante and Lulu walk up and Lulu says mom! Laura is so happy to see her!!!! :) Lulu is worried about Dusty! He is being wheeled away! Laura is going to take Lulu to the ER, but Mac says the press are here and want to talk to Laura. Dante will take Lulu to the ER.


    Carly: Is it Dev?

    Sonny: He didn't make it!

    :0 :0 :) Bye bye Dev! :) Oh Sam is so worried about Jason and Cheeto Danny! Laura is trying to calm her down. Jules found his hat and is crying! :'( Heartbreaking! Jules wants to tell Sam the truth about what he did, but didn't get a chance to. Sam doesn't want to hear it and goes to Sonny and he hugs her. Carly is trying to get ahold of Jason!

    Jarly: There is Jason!!! Carly is so happy to see him! While Sam is with Sonny, she overhears Carly saying Jason. Jason brought Cheeto to the Q home! He is safe!!!! WHEW! :)

    The hospital:

    Friz: BobTodd is going to need surgery! They are going to drain the blood to keep his brain from swelling. They are going to take out a little bit of the tumor! OH OH! Wait oh no BobTodd wants to leave! Liz won't let him. He wants her to let him go. :(

    Lulu and Laura: Lulu can't get checked out yet! Lulu is worried about Dusty!!

    Dante and Dusty: Dusty wants Dante to watch over Lulu. Dusty is breathing hard! HE IS CODING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Dante, Lulu, and Laura: Dusty is dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :'( *Cry* Dante gave Lulu the engagement ring that Dusty gave her. :( :( Lulu is heartbroken! :( Dammit!!! :(

    1. I loved Valentin's letter to Alexis. She's still drinking. They kept showing the baby picture over her shoulder.

    2. thanks sonya. starting to love valentine.

    3. I like Valentin. His character has so many ayers. Sympathetic protagonist. Sometimes you hate him and sometimes really feel for him.Plus JPS is such a great actor

    4. "lindie says, I loved Valentin's letter to Alexis."

      Yeah it was great!! :)

      "She's still drinking."

      Oops forgot to mention that.. Yeah she is. :(

      "They kept showing the baby picture over her shoulder."

      They did? Hmmmm. What baby?

      "witch says, thanks sonya."

      You're welcome! :)

      "starting to love valentine."

      Yeah I love him too. :)

    5. I mean Valentin has so many layers.

    6. I must admit I saw both Dev and Dusty dying. And I'm really controlling myself Sonya. I left a message for you facebook messenger as I thought I shouldn't post it here. Sometimes my sense of humour is an aquired taste.

      I loved both letters. And Valentine's did make me like him even more.

      I'm still hoping Julian grows a pair and offs Cyrus himself. He played him and people are dead.

      I agree that after the brief minute between Sonny and Dev there wasn't a lot of grief for him. But then again there wasn't much worry on Alexis' part when little Danny was missing. She was really blasé about the whole thing. The whole...I warned Sam this would happen ...was cold and rather discusting. They really are destroying her character.

    7. "Di says, I must admit I saw both Dev and Dusty dying."

      What do you mean? You mean you watched it on GH today?

      "And I'm really controlling myself Sonya."


      "I left a message for you facebook messenger as I thought I shouldn't post it here."

      OH! I haven't been on Facebook in like a couple of months. Will have to go back on it. :)

      "Sometimes my sense of humour is an aquired taste."

      Hahahaha! I love your sense of humor. :)

    8. Last week I said "Maybe they'll use the opportunnity to get rid of Dev and Dusty." That's what I meant.

      And I love yours. lol

    9. "Di says, Last week I said "Maybe they'll use the opportunnity to get rid of Dev and Dusty." That's what I meant."

      Oh! :) I didn't want them to get rid of Dusty. :(

      "And I love yours. lol"

      Hahahaha. Thanks! :)

    10. I'm disappointed about Dustin but not too surprised since Emme is leaving. He has no connection to PC. As for Dev, finally, we've waited for this forever.
      I love JPS and Valentin is really growing on me, as long as he leaves Nina alone.
      What baby photo are y'all talking about?

    11. There was a baby photo behind Alexis during that lame intervention. Must be Danny and Scout.

    12. Thanks for the recap Sonya! Excellent show yesterday and line of the day was Valentine's letter. :) (Though your pick was a close second) I just loved his letter.

      Not sad but was surprised about Dev and Dusty biting the dust.

      I'm loving Alexis right now. (sorry!) She speaks a lot of harsh truth when she's murdering a bottle of booze. It was very nasty what she was saying about Sam/Jason/Danny but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

      Sonya, I hope you keep posting recaps. :)
      I would miss the time machine something awful if you didn't!

    13. "Julie H says, Thanks for the recap Sonya!"

      You're welcome! :)

      "Excellent show yesterday and line of the day was Valentine's letter. :) (Though your pick was a close second) I just loved his letter."

      Yeah his letter was awesome!!!! I loved it!!! :)

      "Not sad but was surprised about Dev and Dusty biting the dust."

      Dusty's death hurt. :(

      "I'm loving Alexis right now. (sorry!) She speaks a lot of harsh truth when she's murdering a bottle of booze."

      Murdering a bottle of booze! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

      "Sonya, I hope you keep posting recaps. :)"

      Yes yes. I will. :)

      "I would miss the time machine something awful if you didn't!"

      Oh don't worry! I will keep recapping and the time machine is here to stay! :)

  5. so shocked Dev died - don't care but just he wasn't related at all to Gladys and Brando, so Gladys can't blame Sonny, right?????
    Did NOT see Dusty dying - Lulu didn't die, so where is Emma Ryan going?

    1. "Mufasa says, so Gladys can't blame Sonny, right?????"

      She can pretend! ROFL!

    2. Gladys will know better than to come anywhere near Sonny now that she has no leverage. She'll move and change her name. lol

  6. So Dev and Dustin are gone. Probably Lulu will leave because she is grieving Dustin I guess. Josslyn will feel guilty. Lulu will feel guilty. Julian will feel guilty. Julian will either go to jail or leave town. Probably leave town.

    1. Of course, Laura and Sonny will suspect Cyrus but have not proof.

    2. surprised by dev and dustin deaths

  7. I just read that Brandon Barash is coming back to GH next month

    1. Hopefully I am not reading old news. Lol

    2. What???? He's on DAYS. Haven't seen he's leaving or even heard he's coming to GH. Source?

  8. Replies
    1. I love brandon barash on DOOL

    2. Me to witch! You saw he slept with Kate?! What do you think is up with Gwen? I just love her! Wonder why she's after Abby?

    3. kate is old enough to be jake's mother. and I think gwen is working for someone to destroy abby. just don't know who.

    4. Yeh but why? I have heard they could be sisters...?

  9. You missed the surprise ending! Jason and Danny were not in the explosion! They were at the Quartermaine's.

    1. Knew they were alive...had to be. His cap was outside...

  10. My dream outcome of the bomb storyline is that Sam realizes it is too dangerous for her kids to be around Jason and in Port Charles. She packs them up and they all leave town, and Britt comforts Jason, giving us a new couple.

  11. Could David Hamilton be Cyrus father? How much older was David Hamilton than Laura? Probably her mother Leslie's age. Is Cyrus supposed to be Laura's age?

    1. But as Laura says "Why now?"

    2. The actor that plays Cyrus is 60 and Genie is 58. Maybe David Hamilton was Cyrus father. Hmmmmmmm

    3. yeah....there has to be some kind of connection.

  12. Dev, Dante, Dustin, Diane, Danny....lots of D names. 2 less now.
    Enough already with Julian the whiny ex crime boss.
    'Valentin' has been terrific lately.

  13. Just read that there will be a temp. replacement for Taggart. Hope he doesn't have more cancer. And good riddance to Dev.

    1. Did Real Andrews (Taggert) have cancer?

    2. Yeah, he had prostate I believe.

    3. "LSV422 says, Just read that there will be a temp. replacement for Taggart"

      I know he is going to be recasted, but I wasn't sure if it was temporary or not.. I'm so glad it's temporary!!! :)

  14. The explosion aftermath:

    Carson and Jasam: Jason shows up, and Sam is so happy she runs and is bouncy bouncy bouncy! Jules overhears where his grandson is and puts the cap on the ground and then leaves, which is odd, cus why couldn't Jules give Jason the cap? Jason calls the Tribbles and tells them that Dev is dead. The Tribbles are devastated.

    Maxie, Hiney, and Mac: Oh why couldn't Hiney be in that explosion!?!?!? Mac tells Maxie about Lulu and Dusty. Maxie wants to go see Lulu.

    Mac and Hiney: Hiney is on the case, but he is also going to be family. Hiney is looking around and through the window. Is there another bomb hidden?

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis and V.C.: I forgot to mention yesterday that she was searching for the alcohol and she finally found 1!! So Alexis sits down and drinks and offers V.C. some alcohol! So today, they were playing a game! FUN!!! :) She notices that she didn't drink for 20 minutes and thinks V.C. was distracting her. :)

    Alexis, V.C. and Sam:

    Alexis: Well you hid all the vodka.

    ROFL! She would have won the line of the day, but Portia won it.

    Sam and V.C.: Oh Sam! Make up your mind. Are you upset with him or are you glad he helped Alexis? I think you need a nap and snickers.

    The pier:

    Ava and Jules: Jules is desperate!!! He needs Ava's help so bad!!! She won't help him! Jules gets a text from Cyrus who wants to talk to him. He thinks Cyrus knows that Jason is alive and wants to kill him.(Julian) Ava is upset that Dev is dead.

    The hospital:

    Portia and Cyrus: Portia wins the line of the day.

    Portia: I am so busy right now, I don't have time to avoid you.


    Carly, Brando, and Cyrus: Carly had to tell Brando that his "son" has died. Oh and you can just tell that Brando is so broken up that his fake son is dead!!! The Tribbles are more upset than anybody else!!! Actually Ava is more upset than anybody else.

    Lulu and Dante: Lulu has a headache. She is so upset that Dusty is dead. :( Where is the damn doctor? She should be seeing Lulu, but the doctor is nowhere!!! Come on!!

    Maxie and Lulu: Maxie is telling her that she should tell Dante she loves him! That life is too short.. Lulu says that she would have said no to Dusty when he proposed to her. It's not because of Dante. It's because of herself.

    Brad's room:

    Brad and Britch: Brad is so skeered that Sonny is going to kill him! Oh no not this again!

    Brad and NuLucas: Uhhhh. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. NuLucas is looking at Brad's chart.

    The hospital chapel:

    Britch, Jason, and Sonny: OH! Britch is throwing Julian under the huge bus!!! Spilling everything!!!!! YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Brad's room part 2:

    Britch and Brad:

    Ohhh Britch told Sonny the truth because she was protecting Brad! Awwww. :) But Brad is more scared!!!

    The hospital chapel part 2:

    Dante and Lulu: Lulu has got a really really really bad bad bad headache!!! She mouths the words I love you, and then down she goes! She passes out!!! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!

    1. I was afraid of that. She had a head injury and a headache she should have been seen right away. One brain bleed coming up.

      And at least Sonny showed some sense of loss today, as did Brando.

      Julian is toast!

    2. "Di says,I was afraid of that. She had a head injury and a headache she should have been seen right away."

      Yeah I don't know where the heck the doctor is!!! You don't want to mess with a head injury!!!

      "One brain bleed coming up."


      "And at least Sonny showed some sense of loss today, as did Brando."

      Yeah they did. Sonny more than Brando. Ava more than both of them. :)

      "Julian is toast!"

      YEAH! :(

    3. Sonya said "Oh Sam! Make up your mind. Are you upset with him or are you glad he helped Alexis? I think you need a nap and snickers." OMG she was so hangry, lol! Definitely needed a Snickers! I thought Valentin was great and their game was a stitch! Petulant Sam should have stayed and listened. She might have realized some facts about her mother. She's so self absorbed that she probably doesn't know half of it!

      Took me a while to remember the Tribbles. Dang, it's been a long time since we've seen them. Carly will probably need a weed wacker.

      And I agree with Di, one brain bleed coming up! Lulu better end up in a coma and not dead. That would be a huge waste of a legacy character.

      Thanks for the recap!

  15. I am still hoping they don't kill off Lulu. Have her leave town.

  16. I think now Lulu will be in a coma and have to go away - don't think they would kill her off after Dustin died, etc.
    Does Laura have full custody of Charlotte if Lulu can't? Or does Valentin? let's HOPE they don't SORAS Charlotte!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I imagine Valentin would have Charlotte. Dante just got back

  17. I'm thinking when (if?) Lulu comes out of that coma she's going to look a lot like Julie Marie Berman.

    Cam seemed to be the only one truly distraught over Dev's death.


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...