Friday, November 6, 2020

Friday Gunning for You


Alex comes to the house as Anna is telling him there's danger. Maxie walks in too! OY! Finn lets Anna know Alex is there with Maxie.  Finn finally gets Alex out of the room to make tea. Tries to hustle Maxie out but her MOUTH ...UGH she 's like WHY?? YOU're SCARING ME... and then Alex comes out with a gun.  She tells Maxie she's taking her on a trip.. then Finn Jumps Alex! Gun goes off..Maxie yells NO!! 

Robert and Anna come in the house..Finn is shot on the floor. 

Maxie is on the boat with Alex. A helicopter is going to pick them up. 

Britt and Jason--the POOL TABLE at The Rib. He gets all his ladies by using the pool table LOL He wants to play Brit. He's getting "closer to her" because he wants to find out about Cyrus. Damn. Then stupid Lulu interrupts. Britt leaves. Jason is like: GOOD GOING LULU. Geesh. He explains why they need to get to Britt. He leaves. Lulu is going to do something dumb like write a story and Cyrus will hate her. 

Taggert visits Sonny "have a cup of sugar, neighbor"?? They drink. Sonny tells him Kate Howard was killed and the bought the house so Candy Boy Jax couldn't. They talk about things and Taggert tells Sonny that Julian knows he's alive. Oh lord. Sonny calls Jason and tells him to take care of something. Jason says "I'm on it" 

Julian and Ava talk about Ryan. Ryan is still alive. He lost a lot of blood and they aren't sure about his brain because of lack of oxygen. Julian tells Ava he ordered the hit. SHe's like WTF. WHY? He says he's desperate. She's like: When aren't you? OMG!! HE shows her Taggert's phone with Trina and Taggert's photo. Shes' like Julian you are an idiot! That's Trina's Dad. He says: He's dead. Ava's like well...OBVIOUSLY NOT!!  She realizes that Taggert knows Julian was trying to kill Nelle and he'll tell Sonny. Sonny will put 2 and 2 together and come for Jules. She tells him to run while he can. 

Sam visits Alexis who's drinking. She starts telling her that Olivia saw her with booze at the Q house around the kids. Alexis tells her not to be such a nag. They yell at each other. Sam says Alexis almost burned down the house when the kids were there...Alexis is like "it wasn't a big deal" Then she says "You sleep with a hitman, that doesn't make you mother of the year"!! oh..BURNNN. Sam tells her she has to go to treatment now. "She will do anything to protect her children". Alexis says: Except leave Jason. Ooooooooo. 


Sam tells Alexis she will tell Molly and Krissy about her drinking tomorrow

Anna rams the boat, gets on with a gun.

Finn is laying in the hospital, whispers something to Peter about Anna and "your mother" 

Jason takes Julian to Sonny 


  1. I hope to God that Anna finally pulls that trigger!!!

    And Julian could tell Sonny that he saw Nelle trying to leave with the baby but when he tried to stop her some guy took him out and she got away. He can say he said nothing because since he didn't have her or hadn't killed her, he didn't think Sonny would believe him and he didn't want to die.

    1. "Di says I hope to God that Anna finally pulls that trigger!!!"


      "And Julian could tell Sonny that he saw Nelle trying to leave with the baby but when he tried to stop her some guy took him out and she got away. He can say he said nothing because since he didn't have her or hadn't killed her, he didn't think Sonny would believe him and he didn't want to die."

      I love it!!!! :) Yes yes yes!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. And some good news for Sonya. lol from William DeVry

    Have no fear
    The moss in Sonny's kitchen isn't going anywhere. The moss and #GH were able to sign a long term deal. Rejoice!

    1. "Di says And some good news for Sonya. lol from William DeVry

      Have no fear
      The moss in Sonny's kitchen isn't going anywhere. The moss and #GH were able to sign a long term deal. Rejoice!"

      Hahaha yeah I saw that on Twitter. So funny! :)

  4. Chandler Mansion:

    Finchy, "Anna" and Maxie: That was a great scene when Finchy was on the phone with Anna and Alex comes in! :) It was great yesterday too. Glad they reshowed it again.

    Finchy and Maxie: OH MAXIE! SHUT UP AND GO OUTSIDE!!! Oh great too late! *Rolls eyes* FINCHY GOT SHOT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :( Hmmm jelly blood. :) Anybody have bread?

    The boat: This boat looks like the haunted star! :)

    Alex and Maxie: Oh COME ON! Alex is telling her that Hiney has secrets and Maxie STILL doesn't believe it!!!! *facepalm* Maxie is too stupid to live. Just shoot her Alex. I give up. Oh oh crash. Oh Anna!!! YAY! :)

    Alexis's home:

    Sam and Alexis: Oh shut up Sam! You damn hypocrite!!!

    Carson's home:

    Sonny and Taggart: Oh Sonny! Taggart needs some shuga!! :) Sonny is helping Taggart for Trina! Awwwww. :) I'm sure Taggart really respects that. :) Sonny wins the line of the day.

    Sonny: I bought the place so that candy boy Jax wouldn't move in.


    The hospital:

    The floating rib:

    Britch and Jason: Oh my! :) We gonna get some Brason? :) Oh shoot Lulu has to interrupt! Damn damn damn.

    Lulu and her laptop: Oh oh. Will she die because of her article? Or will she have to go to the witness protection program with Dante and Rocco? In her article it says Sonny is a business man! BAHAHHAHHAAHHA!

    The hospital:

    Ava and Jules: Oh oh Jules time on this earth is closing in!!!

    Jason and Jules: OH OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into time machine to go to February 1995* Sean warns Luke about Sonny! ROFL!

  5. "she's a narcissist with a borderline personality disorder". Too funny Finn

  6. With the exception of some stupidness on Anna and Valentin part, the show has been good.

    I missed it, where did Valentin go? It wouldn't have left

  7. I hope they don't "redeem" Peter by having him save Anna in some way. Even though she's not his mother he seems to love her. His reaction when he was talking to Finn seemed to lead that way. Of course, he'd be saving Maxie too which would only increase his chance at redemption.

    1. They probably will, because you know that actor that plays Peter is not leaving


Rock N Roll

 TODAY is.... THURSDAY!!  So one of the soap mags has said that Leslie Charleson probably won't be back as Monica due to health issues. ...