Wednesday, November 18, 2020


 Michael and Willow try to come to grips with being manipulated by Sasha and Chase ..Willow is SO much better with Chase. LOL Michael gets mad that Carly didn't tell him. 
Yada, yada...yada yada...

Nik says he put a hit out on Ryan to protect "his wife "..aww. Sonny doesn't believe he could get Ryan killed in jail. "I'm a CASSADINE" LOL  Sonny's mad Ryan lived. It was a fun exchange. 

Cyrus and Julian. Cyrus won't believe him that Taggert is alive. Julian says he won't kill Jason-- and to give Sonny the letter. He'll be long gone. Cyrus tells him his family will miss him. He tells Julian he was a fool for most of his life and he has no one to blame but himself. 

Jason asks Britt to help them get Cyrus. YES! I am loving BriSon!! YEAH!! She says she can't because she's chief of staff. He tries to convince her. 

OMG BRAD IS WHEELED INTO THE ER!! Brad!! It's BRAD!! Cyrus had him beat up because he knew about Julian's role in the baby switch. 

Today's show was pretty slow for the most part. Just a lot of talk that didn't go anywhere.  BUT!! Brad shocked me! LOL 


  1. Cyrus beating up looking is a way to blackmail like Cyrus is doing with Jordan

  2. Looked like Brad was stabbed. I think he was supposed to be killed so he had no control over Julian. Cyrus wants total control.

    I confess to saying...NOOOO Not Brad, you sleazebag.

    I hope Julian grows a pair and takes out Cyrus. If he's going out it should be in a blaze of glory!1

  3. at some point Cyrus HAS to die, don't you think? No redeeming qualities - they are making him worse and worse. I don't think Cassandra is the patient though - he wouldn't sell drugs if like his daughter was in a coma from them????????

  4. Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Cyrus and Jules: Great scene!!!!!!!!!!! :) I love it! :) Cyrus wins the line of the day.

    Cyrus: You keep making deals with the devil and you're surprised that your hand keeps getting burned.

    ROFL! Yes yes!!! Keep spilling those truth bombs!!! There are a lot! :) Cyrus yelling again! YAY! :) Hmm he tied up 1 last loose end? I'm thinking he must be talking about Ryan.

    Carson home:

    Taggart and Sonny: Besties!!! :) Oh Taggy! Sonny isn't happy with you! Stay hidden dammit! ROFL!

    Nik, Ava, and Sonny: Sonny calling Nik amateur. Sonny so are you sometimes! You don't shoot very well!! :) Nik protecting Ava awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :)

    The hospital:

    Jason and Britch: Love the scene!!! She can't believe that anyone would trust her hahahaha. Awwww Jason believes in you! :) Oops Sam texting.. Where is he? He is with his someday soon hopefully soon lova!! ROFL!

    Sasha's room:

    Carly and Michael: There is that word again that Carly, Michael, Willow, and Chase kept saying today. Affair Affair Affair Affair. It's like Chillow were married and Chase had an affair with Sasha. OH Michael is getting upset! Oh wait no that's just gas. He is calm down.

    Private room:

    Chillow: They are so sparkly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He still wuvs her!!!! Get back together dammit!!!

    Nurses station:

    *Brad is wheeled in*

    WHAT?!?!!?!! The whole time and even now, all I can say is, NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh no! Cyrus wasn't talking about Ryan being the loose end! It's Brad!!!!!!!!!! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( Will Lucas go see him? Can you imagin3e Recast tall tall Lucas with Brad? ROFL! I can't see it. Anyway Brad NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :(

    1. Watching the total destruction of Julian is very painful for me. But the line of the day was a good choice and a big fat truth bomb, lol!

      I thought the text to Jason from Sam was hilarious. It made her look like an insecure nag and she wasn't even on screen! HAHAHAHAH!

      Totally shocked about Brad, and yup a Cyrus loose end. But I'm thinking so was the OD of Doctor Neil. Somehow he found out something and so boom! He's dead.

      I really liked the Willow/Chase discussion. They both were excellent in those scenes!

  5. I would like Michael being in a gay storyline with Lucas. than they would both share wiley.the character of Michael has zero chemistry with anyone he has been paired with other than Chase.

    1. I totally agree! I want Willow with Chase - so much chemistry there. Lucas/Michael is a good idea but Michael being gay is a stretch. He has never shown any indication of being gay.

    2. Isn't Lucas Michael's uncle ?

    3. Yes, Lucas is Michaels Uncle but not biological as Bobbie adopted Lucas. Still too weird

  6. "Witch says, Michael has zero chemistry with anyone he has been paired with other than Chase."

    Haha yes he has chemistry with Chase. I think he had chemistry with Francesca! Where the heck is she? And he has chemistry with Maxie.

    1. I agree. And Chase and Michael make great friends. They're similar personality types and get along well. It doesn't mean they have to "turn gay" and get it on.

      I was actually surprised how ell Maxi and Michael got along. And they complement each other well.

    2. "D says, I was actually surprised how ell Maxi and Michael got along."

      Haha. I know!!!! :)

      "And they complement each other well."

      They really do!!! :)

    3. Willow and Chase are so much better than Willow and Michael. I agree he has very little chemistry with anyone. And I really wanted to smack Carly, one of the most annoying characters ever. Again I must say too much Cyrus!!!

  7. Today's episode:

    The floating rib:

    Laura and Scotty: Scotty wants to know what she wants!!

    Scotty: Let me guess. Is it a woman?

    BAHAHAHAHA! Scotty would have won the line of the day, but someone else won it. :) So this is who Laura called to talk about what happened 40 years ago.. Which makes no sense. She should be talking to her mother!!!

    Scotty: My roll in all of that is very minor.

    Yeah! Exactly!!!!! I thought at first she needed a lawyer.

    Laura: Cyrus might try to blackmail you.

    SAY WHAT?!!?! Laura! Your mother was knee deep in that whole situation! Why are you not worried about your mother being blackmailed? This makes no sense.

    Laura and Lulu: Oh boy! Lulu loves Dusty, but is still in wuv with Dante.. This is not good Lulu. You shouldn't be with Dusty then.

    Carson home:

    Carly, Sonny, and Taggart: Carly walks in and sees Taggy!!! :) Her mouth drops to the floor! ROFL!

    Carly: I don't mean to be rude, but aren't you supposed to be dead?

    HAHAAHAHAHA! She would have won the line of the day but someone else wins it.


    Dante's mind: I must complete the mission. Oh he is thinking about that book again.. Must have been a really good book since he can't stop thinking about it.

    Dante and Lulu:

    Dante: I was just in my head.

    Oh yes he was.. Just thinking about things.. About the mission to kill Hiney which is very slow.

    Captain Doctor Kirk and Dante: OH MY!!!!!!!!!!! CAPTAIN DOCTOR KIRK IS IN PORT CHUCKLES! YAY! :) Oh boy clicking that pen and telling him to complete the mission! :) He really wants Dante to read his book again. How nice.

    Captain Doctor Kirk and Dr. O: Damn too bad we didn't get to see her! Just him talking to her on the phone. He wins the line of the day.

    Captain Doctor Kirk: My Leva (sp?) It, it's me.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! She didn't recognize him! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    The gym:

    Hiney and Maxie: Meh. He is worried too much about everything.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Sam and Cheeto: Oh look it's Danny. Where has he been? Oh look he sees his grandma Alexis. She is talking loud and drinking.

    Cyrus and Alexis: OH MY!!!!!!!!!! Cyrus introduces himself to her, and she is not holding back about what she thinks of him! :)

    Cyrus: You do NOT want to make a scene here Miss Davis. You embarrass me I'm afraid I'll have no choice but to embarrass you.


    Jason: That's enough!

    Oh look superhero Jason saves the day.

    Sam and Jason: Oh Sam wants to give her mother an intervention. Oh look the bartender is watching and listening to them.

    The hospital:

    Brad and Britch: BRAD IS AWAKE!!! YAY! Brad is skeered about being killed. He says there is the Renault crew in jail who could kill him. Britch knows someone who could help Brad.

    Carly and her bestie Jason: Carly doesn't need to know the details, but she needs to know if the war is close! So she could wrangle everyone to keep them safe. Jason says they are not there yet. She is asking why he is talking to Brit Westborn.

    Carly: Everyone hates her.

    Jason: Um everyone used to hate you too Carly.

    ROFL! Awww Jason is sticking up for Britch. Awwwww. :)

    Carly: Yeah and everyone was wrong about me, and you were right.

    ROFL! I love Jarly. :)

    Charlie's bar and restaurant:

    Jules and Ava:

    Jules waiting for the package, and Ava shows up.

    Ava: I love you.

    100 hours later.

    Jules: I love you too.

    Jules and the package: Oh my!!! What a big package. Oh he has got the instructions!!! Take the package to the floating rib! OH OH! Laura, Lulu, Jason, and Cheeto is there!!!!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1986* This is the policeman's ball.. This is when Anna first meets Duke! YOW THE CHEMISTRY!!!

    1. Haven't said this before but definitely should have - I love love love when you fill in for Karen - also - I love love love when you don't fill in and just comment - your detailed analysis coupled with your insane ( that's a compliment ) sense of humor just makes the whole GH experience more enjoyable - thanks Sonya

    2. "JohnD says, Haven't said this before but definitely should have - I love love love when you fill in for Karen - also - I love love love when you don't fill in and just comment - your detailed analysis coupled with your insane ( that's a compliment ) sense of humor just makes the whole GH experience more enjoyable"

      Awwwww! Thanks John! :) I'm glad you feel this way. :) I love Karen's blog and I love GH! :)

      "thanks Sonya"

      You're welcome!!! *BEARHUGS*

    3. Thanks Sonya. Dr. Kirk said "my liebchen, which is German for darling or sweetheart.

      And I think I've been on lockdown too long. When Carly said "but aren't you supposed to be dead?" I pictured Taggert waving his arms and saying...Oooooooo.

      I think I need help. lol

    4. "Di says, Thanks Sonya."

      You're welcome! :)

      "Dr. Kirk said "my liebchen, which is German for darling or sweetheart."

      Oh thanks!!! :) I can just hear her on the other line saying, who is this?! ROFL!

      "And I think I've been on lockdown too long. When Carly said "but aren't you supposed to be dead?" I pictured Taggert waving his arms and saying...Oooooooo."

      Hahahahahahaha! Ghost Tsggert!! :)

      "I think I need help. lol"


    5. I definitely agree with John, you do have insanely wonderful recaps! :) And you already know how I feel about your lines of the day!! And the time machine.....I love it!

      Di, you crack me up. Maybe we both need help, lol!

      Loved the Britch and Brad's conversation.
      And the end of Julian is coming soon. I got the feeling that yesterday was his and Ava's last scene together. I am officially sad.

    6. "Julie H says, I definitely agree with John, you do have insanely wonderful recaps! :)"

      Hahahahaha. Thanks! :)

      "And you already know how I feel about your lines of the day!!"

      GH has great one liners! :)

      "And the time machine.....I love it!"

      Oh good! I'm glad you do! :) Such great memories. :)

      "Di, you crack me up. Maybe we both need help, lol!"


      "Loved the Britch and Brad's conversation."

      So did I!! :)

      "And the end of Julian is coming soon. I got the feeling that yesterday was his and Ava's last scene together. I am officially sad."

      Yeah I'm not looking forward to it. :( I am sad too I don't want him to go! :(

  8. I see a spark between Piph and Taggart. They'd be a cute couple. I really like Epiphany

  9. Well, we know there's going to be a bomb at the Floating Rib. Lulu must get "killed" and Julian leaves town. Laura doesn't need to lose Lulu. She already went through Lucky and Nicholas being "dead".

  10. Laura's straight hair looks like when she was young. She has nice hair

    1. AND, I thought Carly's hair looked nice too

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


Uncut Filler

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