Tuesday, November 17, 2020



Cyrus and Julian: Cyrus tells him it's time to pay up.  He has the letter from Nelle that Ryan had. Must have gotten it when he had him stabbed. Julian is like: WTF. MAN!!  Then Cyrus tells him to kill Jason. "Maybe like you arranged that car crash your son and his husband got into" OH! SNAP!!! He knows about that too lol Anyway, Cyrus wants Jules to take a package delivery and then he'll get instructions. I guess it's a bomb for Jason. Julian wants to offer

Britt is angry a patient dies over an OD. Jason sees her upset. He goes to talk to her.  She says that GH has had increased ODs since she got there, both coke and opioids. She thinks Sonny is bringing them to town. Um, duh. Don't you know Sonny is a GOOD Mobster? 

Chase, Michael and Willow talk about Sasha laying in the hospital "How did we not know"??!  Willow and Chase talk. Carly comes in to console Michael. Will she tell him that the whole "sex" thing was a lie? Not so far. Chase comes close...hmmm... 

Carly doesn't tell Sonny about the necklace. He tells her about Sasha tho.  Ava and Nik come over to pick up Avery. Sonny talks to Ava about Ryan. He thinks Ava had him stabbed. She's like NO! Nik tells him to leave Ava alone. 

Portia is walking about the hospital. Taggert is actually dressed up in scrubs and a surgical hat/mask, spying around. LOL! He can't stay home. Epiphany catches him and hauls him into a room. "What the hell are you doing here"? She yells at him. He says he's protecting people. She mentions her son, Stan! Remember him? She said he got killed in mob violence. She wanted to help Taggert because of it. 

Franco tells Cam that he has an inoperable brain tumor. Cam won't accept that. He gets upset and leaves to go study with the kids. 

Dev's trying to apologize to Trina and Joss. They are all studying for the SATs. Joss tells him he was a jerk for being nasty to them. Her feelings for him have changed. Cameron wonders what is going on. He says they all need to be friends because it's senior year. They agree. 


OMG, Carly confesses the Sasha plot to Michael at the same time Chase tells Willow!! LOL!! 

Julian tells Cyrus that Taggert is alive. 

Nikolas tells Sonny that he had the hit ordered on Ryan. 


  1. I think Julian pretends to kill Jason but screws it up - looks like HE died and he goes away - and Ava know the truth....I guess Lulu also is in the explosion as innocent bystander? I am not sure how much LONGER Cyrus can be around - since he knows Taggart is alive ---------that threw me off - I know Taggart won't die so Cyrus MUST GO - now...…..
    we don't care about Sasha -------------oooh I wish Cyrus was her dad...…...

  2. Boy Julian used to be the big bad mobster. Now it is just sad to see him give in to Cyrus

  3. Maybe William DeVry could come back as the "real" Derek Welles.

    I always thought that they should have revealed that the "Julian" that held the knife to Alexis's throat was actually the real Derek Welles (whose identity Julian stole). Derek had Julian kidnapped and was getting his "revenge" by impersonating Julian.

    But, just wishful thinking.

    1. I love your idea above. That would have been a way to redeem Julian AND more interesting than the story we actually got back then.

  4. Metrocourt restaurant elevator:

    Nava: The way Ava is talking, it's like Ryan is dead. I hope not!!!!

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Cyrus and Jules: A package? Drugs? Condoms? Both? Ohhhh a bomb. :) Cyrus wins the line of the day.

    Cyrus: If all I wanted is loyalty I would get a dog.

    ROFL! Hmmm Cyrus probably has lots and lots of copies of Nelle's letter! :) WHOA! JULES!!! Telling Cyrus that Taggart is alive!!!! Stupid yet soapy goodness. :)

    Friz home:

    Friz and Cam: Awwww poor Cam. :( I don't want him to die either Cam! :(

    Carson's home:

    Carson: Of course Carly isn't going to tell Sonny the truth about the half heart necklace! CarJax has a secret which in turn gives them a bond. :)

    Trina, Joss, and Turkey boy: Go away Turkey boy! The girls are still mad at you. I mean you were a jerk. Oh CAM! You don't know what is going on!!!! :( Poor Cam. :(

    Cam and Turkey boy: Oh Cam! :( He is NOT your friend!!!! He is a slimy snake in the grass!

    Ava and Sonny: Sonny's suspicious alert is blaring in his head. He should listen to it ROFL!

    Nik, Ava, and Sonny: Nik is protecting his lady love! Awwwww. :) Oh and I love that Spencer called! :) Too bad we didn't see him. :(

    The hospital:

    Piffy and Taggart: I love that she grabbed him and threw him into a room hahahahahahahaha! Love the history talk. Hmmmm I saw a spark between them!!! :)

    Portia and Britch: Great scene!!! Love that Britch was bothered a lot when a young boy overdosed. :)

    Britch and Jason: #Team Brason!!!! :) Just stop talking about how great Sonny is, and just kiss already! :)

    Michael, Sasha, and Carly: Geez Michael are you still in wuv with Sasha? OH! Glad Carly told Michael the truth! YAY!

    Chillow: Willow has all the guilt feels!!! Chase are you really going to let her blame herself?!!?!?! NOPE YAY! :)

    1. Your line of the day was perfect, but a close second was Piff hollering at Taggert, "What the hell are you doing her?" had me rolling. I just love her! Her bringing up Stan was an excellent use of history!

      It's official they've turned Julian into a wimpy slime ball. Telling Cyrus about Taggert after he promised Ava he wouldn't? Yup, the destruction of Julian is complete except for his death. That made me sad for the character.

      I loved how Nik is protecting Ava, I really loved Carly and Chase spilling the beans, and I extra loved how the girls were ripping on Turkey Boy, little weasel that he is! LOL!

      And yeah buddy, there is some chemistry between Stone Cold and the Britch. I likey!

    2. "Julie H says, Your line of the day was perfect, but a close second was Piff hollering at Taggert, "What the hell are you doing her?" had me rolling."

      Hahahaha. Yeah that was good too. :) Their scenes was great! :)

      "I just love her! Her bringing up Stan was an excellent use of history!"

      Yes it was and I love her too! :) I love when characters talk about the past!

      "It's official they've turned Julian into a wimpy slime ball. Telling Cyrus about Taggert after he promised Ava he wouldn't? Yup, the destruction of Julian is complete except for his death. That made me sad for the character."

      Yeah it's awful that people are so mean to him! Then when he dies, they will probably feel horrible and regret what they said.

      "I loved how Nik is protecting Ava,"

      Yeah me too awwww! :)

      "and I extra loved how the girls were ripping on Turkey Boy, little weasel that he is! LOL!"

      Yeah that was awesome! If only Cam knew what was going on!! Cus he thinks Turkey boy is his friend!!

      "And yeah buddy, there is some chemistry between Stone Cold and the Britch. I likey!"

      I likey too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    3. Yup. They destroyed Julian. Ever since he took the knife to Alexis throat. Slow downhill and now they are making him so slimy. He knows that's Trinas Dad.

  5. "Um, duh. Don't you know Sonny is a GOOD mobster?" ROFL... thank you for that. :-)

    I would like to see Jason and the Britch slowly drift together. Get Sam off the show.

    Weird thought: Did they have Epiphany and Milo break up to put Epiphany and Taggert together?

    1. I also like britch and jason. and agree with getting sam off the show.

  6. Epiphany was great! I don't know about anyone else but I am sick of seeing Cyrus everyday. The actor has a really staccato way of acting that I find annoying, too. Ready for him to get killed off. Great ending yesterday!

    1. Good description of his acting. Staccato or monotone. Wish he'd be gone


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...