PAST SHOWS: Loved Laura hugging Cameron; bomb aftermath looked real... I'm kinda team Alexis right now. Only in soapland because you know, I wouldn't really be all "keep drinking" but damn. Laura telling Sonny about David Hamilton was SO Genie Francis.
Lulu and Franco had the same skull caps. Maybe they got a sale on the whole lot? LOL
Lulu's still out. Tracy talks to Laura, she's going to try to find Luke..back in Amsterdam? She's not staying??
Olivia's set on cooking that turkey!!
Alexis tells Sam she's putting Jason-loyalty above her kids wellbeing. (She's not wrong) .
Oliva invited Alexis to Thanksgiving and she went. OMG, Olivia invited Robert to set the two up!! AHAHAHAA..They don't get along well. AND THEN--Robert overhears Alexis and Ned talk about sleeping together!! OOPS!
Turkey burned up. They had to get Pizza.
Epiphany tells Sasha Michael sat with her all night. Then Brando comes in to check on her.
Laura tells Dante they might have to move Lulu to somewhere else.
Carly and Sam talk about 'the life'... and Sam says it might not be worth it anymore.
The entire Q fam go to GH to see Laura and Dante-awwwwwww. :)
OMG THEN TRACY WALKS IN!! So unexpected. I cried a little
Ava goes to see Julian--and has a gun!
Sonny and Jason find out Julian was the one that planted the bomb.