Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Tillerson In The Middle

Jordan visits Curtis in the hospital because...he had a boo boo. She's just doing everything but the clean up.  I guess Aunt Stella is ok, she's finding housing for people off camera. Of course. 

Finn and Alexis... Finn says he needs his lawyer.  Does anyone EVER call him Hamilton? LOL. Kinda like Franco and no one saying: "Hey, Bobby"!! 

Carly finds Nello in the Q mansion. She's not happy. 

Liz wants the truth from Franco. 

Oscar and Josslyn--please spare me.

Some new cutie nurse "Francesca" caught Michael's eye. 

OH FOR GOD SAKES Interrupted--- by the Tillerson statement/speech. AND I'M SO TIRED OF THIS.  If we had a presser for every person leaving, we'd never see regular TV. 

I'm done for today. Sorry..I'll catch the rest of the show later.  


  1. Channel 5 in Boston had the weather take over right from the start of the show and that was interrupted for the speech. Then it went back to the weather.

  2. At the end of the show we found out that Detective Chase and Dr. Finn are brothers. They called each other Hamilton and Harrison.

  3. Anne, yes, that was quite a surprise! Of course, they have different last names. . . It's funny, because someone here (maybe Karen?) JUST said that no one ever calls him Hamilton - - which is true, and quite odd, why does everyone call him Finn?

    I thought that the bearded dragon was quite the scene-stealer . . .

  4. Dang, go on vacay out of town, actually DVR GH in wks and it's snow and DC ugh....

  5. Had to go online to see the parts that got interrupted, ughhhhhh hate abc.com. the Franco Elizabeth scene was outstanding, you could practically feel her grief and anguish through the screen at finding out he was lying to her yet again. No doubt all will be fixed by may sweeps though. Ohhh look, more long lost brothers popping up again, snore. I don't really think josslyn and Oscar understand the point of "never have I ever" but oh well, let's keep it PG I guess. Can't they show them eating tide pods and addicted to world of war craft or something? At least that would make them interesting

  6. Franco Franchesca too close sounding names

  7. AntJoan said...

    Anne, yes, that was quite a surprise! Of course, they have different last names. . . It's funny, because someone here (maybe Karen?) JUST said that no one ever calls him Hamilton - - which is true, and quite odd, why does everyone call him Finn?

    ** I'm guessing their mother must've had a Presidential fetish of some type (seeing as they have different' last names)

    I thought that the bearded dragon was quite the scene-stealer . . .

    ** Roxy seems to be great at getting all the attention! :) And Alexis' response to Julian's statement about small horses being acceptable as service animals due to the ADA, was perfect!


  8. Franchesca maybe Nina's daughter?

  9. March 14th

    Charlie's pub restaurant:

    Chase and Finchy: Finchy wins the line of the day!

    Finchy: Really? That sounds made up. Public nuisance is that a thing? You can arrest half the town.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! True!!!! :) He is right! :) You CAN arrest half the town! ROFL!

    CarlyKim and Julian: Great scene hahaahaha. They both are a mess! ROFL!

    The police station:

    Chase and Finchy: Geez Harrison and Hamilton! Were their parents rich snobs? ROFL! Do they have a sister named Henrietta? :)

    Crimson office:

    Nina and V.C.: Poor Nina. :( She just wants to be pregnant writers!!! Why are you doing this to her?!!?!?! :(

    Sam's office:

    Jasam: Time for Jason to go bye bye..

    Hiney and Jasam: Oh hello Hiney. Yes Jason is leaving to find Faison's son! What are you going to do now?! :)

    Police station:

    Ned and Jurtis: OH MAN! Ned use your power and get Harvey!!!!!!

    Harvey's home:

    Harvey and BobTodd: I love that BobTodd and Drew are working together!!!! Great scene with Harvey and BobTodd! WHAT IN THE SAM HELL IS GOING ON?!!?!! BobTodd reverted back to himself as a little boy!!! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HIM WHEN HE WAS LITTLE HARVEY?!!?!! Sexual abuse?!!?!! Physical abuse!?!?!?!!?!?!?! WHO THE HELL ARE THOSE GUYS WHO CAME IN?!!??!?!

  10. "Alicia said.. Can't they show them eating tide pods and addicted to world of war craft or something? At least that would make them interesting."


  11. "Melissa Hudspeth said...Franchesca maybe Nina's daughter?"

    Or maybe Franchesca is the sister of Hamilton,and Harrison! Hahahahahaha!

  12. sonya said...WHAT IN THE SAM HELL IS GOING ON?!!?!! BobTodd reverted back to himself as a little boy!!! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HIM WHEN HE WAS LITTLE HARVEY?!!?!! Sexual abuse?!!?!! Physical abuse!?!?!?!!?!?!?! WHO THE HELL ARE THOSE GUYS WHO CAME IN?!!??!?!

    *** I think he physically abused Drew and blamed it on Franco. When he said his mother wouldn't believe him; she never believed him, that triggered a defensive defeated pose in Franco. He was powerless to do anything to help Drew and himself. That Harvey is a sick b******* and I hope Ned gets him good.

  13. Dang I missed it! I was so happy to be channel surfing here at my dad's and GH airs 2 hrs earlier than where I live and missed the first 30 mins and then I stepped away to eat. Can't wait to watch!! Poor Franco and Liz too. 😓

  14. Di said...

    I think he physically abused Drew and blamed it on Franco. When he said his mother wouldn't believe him; she never believed him, that triggered a defensive defeated pose in Franco. He was powerless to do anything to help Drew and himself. That Harvey is a
    sick b******* and I hope Ned gets him good.

    ** That was what I'd been thinking went down for the last week or so. But, after watching today's show I'm CERTAIN of it, now. Watching Franco suddenly mentally regressing into an absolutely TERRIFIED little child, was just heartbreaking. It just made me utterly disgusted and sick to my stomach, today. Seeing Franco suddenly do so on screen just brought so much MORE weight to it all. It really made things far more personal in this storyline, than watching Franco put together tiny little bits and pieces of the past, like we've been doing for the past several months. I REALLY hope Ned just goes after Harvey with EVERYTHING he can. I knew when it was confirmed today that Harvey has been fracking due to all the natural gas under Charles Street, there was NO WAY IN HELL Ned would EVER be a part of that bullshit, even with the way they've been writing him lately as being MUCH more business centered. (I.E. MUCH closer to the way he was originally written as, and portrayed by Kurt McKinney.)


  15. "Di says I think he physically abused Drew and blamed it on Franco."

    Yeah that could be it!

    "When he said his mother wouldn't believe him; she never believed him, that triggered a defensive defeated pose in Franco. He was powerless to do anything to help Drew and himself. That Harvey is a sick b******* and I hope Ned gets him good."

    Ned better do something with the sick freak!!

  16. Can't wait for this storyline to end. I think Roger H. looks just as old as Greg E., who actually looks great for his age. Hard to believe there is quite an age difference. Don't care about any of this anymore. As much as I hate newbies, the actor playing Harrison seems to be a good addition and easy on the eyes, too.

  17. March 13th episode.

    The hospital:

    Oscar's room: Joss looked jelly when she saw Francesca in the room with Oscar hahaha.

    JossCar: Cute shirt on Joss! I like it. I like the color too.

    Joss: I hope this feeling we have never goes away.

    RA RO. That means it will!

    Michael and Joss: Oh Joss shut up! UGH! So basically,

    Joss: Oh Michael! Nell is an amazing wonderful person! You HAVE to get back together! You two are meant to be together!

    Michael: We are not a love story.

    Joss: Yes you are!!!

    Michael: You sound like mom.

    Joss: No I'm not!


    Curtis: I'm better now that I'm holding you.

    Oh Curtis! You sweet talker you. :)

    BobTodd's art room:

    Friz: The end of Friz!!! :( The scene made me cry!! Rebecca Hurbst and Roger Howarth did a fantastic job in this scene!!! BRAVO!

    Nurses station:

    Michael and Francesca: Oh! When they first introduced themselves I wanted him to ask her out! They are cute together!!! :) He is checking her out YAY! I can totally ship them!!! Michcesca! :) Oh oh Nelly won't like them together!

    Michael and Carly: Hahahahahahaha. I love that Francesca gave Michael her number, and Carly is all like who is that? ROFL!

    Q home:

    Olivia, Janey, and Uncle little Leo: Wow! That little boy looks Italian. Oh oh Olivia keep Janey away from Uncle little Leo!

    Carly and Olivia: YAY! Thank you Carly for telling Olivia for 411 on Janey! You should have closed the door though. Janey can hear you! :)

    Janey: Hmmmmm. Janey is planning something!!!! Great scene!

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Finchy, Gugu, Julian, and Alexis: GUGU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! Been awhile since I have seen you sweetie!!! :) Great hysterical scene!!!! :) Oh come on Julian! Let Gugu in!!! Finchy wins the line of the day.

    Finchy: No! She needs ME!

    ROFL! Gugu was cowering in the corner! BAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh hi Chase..

    Finchy: He's

    Long pause, so I said, my brother.

    Finchy: My brother.

    HA! :)

    Chase and Finchy: Finchy I have a question..... Does Chase EVER smile?

  18. Joss is still defending Nell! Why hasn't anyone told Joss that Nell stole the dress and why hasn't she been charged?

    1. The writers probably forgot so they're probably assuming we have as well. LOL!

  19. "Michelle Latta said...The writers probably forgot so they're probably assuming we have as well. LOL!"

    ROFL! We are smarter than that! :)


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...