Thursday, March 8, 2018

Post Quake

So I guess yesterday was a pretty big day, huh? JaSam had all the feels and so did Friz...but in the shower lol. This Earthquake thing is just...I mean WHY?? WHY?? 

Drew is hurt in the hospital. Sam goes to his bedside. Tells him she was with Jason. They talk about what happened that night (not the mush stuff) Oscar freezing, the freezer door. Sam says: Oh, Franco saved you--Karma He would have been around to do that if we hadn't saved him.  Sam "It's the first time I'm actually grateful to Franco".  

Carly talks to Sonny. Geesh,...Bobbie had Cameron, Aiden and  during the earthquake LOL Carly says they need to make a plan for Mike. Sonny wants him go back to Brooklyn!! ahahaaaaa. Carly's like: UM NO..he'll be staying here. Sonny says he'll put him in his old neighborhood and get nurses. Carly says "You're his only family"-- Sonny says: Why do you care, Mike always wanted me with Brenda" !!! HAHHAAHA. He said that just to piss Carly off.  Mike wants to know why Rita isn't answering his calls. Awkward!  Sonny asks Mike to stay with them. Tears all around. 

Nelle ..still in bed in the hospital. Monica checks on her. Nothing important goin on.  Later, Nelle finds out her apartment was destroyed. Oh REALLY???  Where WILL SHE LIVE?!!  Monica asks her to stay at the Qs! Michael is like: DERP. 

Anna is in BELGIUM with Maddox. And it's basically another cafe like the one she was with FINN in that entire time they were away in Monte Carlo. AHAHHAAA. OMG. Seriously? Some chick comes up an says she was the midwife-- but she's like 20? Oh the midwife was her mother, who is dead. Anna wonders if she kept records. Girl says NO and not possible to find anything out. They talk some more. Her mother talked about the baby that was born June 13th-- and would light a candle for it because the family had to give it away. THEN she says the baby was a BOY.  Just happens to have her moms records--I guess in the car??  It was a boy. 

Maxie and Peter are talking in the Metro. Maxie is staying there, locked herself out of her room and uses his phone. (oy)..she talks about Faison having Huntington's-- and if she should get the kid tested.  She decides to do it. Her mom is "too nervous" and so is NINA so-- PETER IS GOING WITH HER WHEN SHE GETS TESTED!!!!! for godsakes. 


  1. Auggy's hotel room:

    Auggy and Maxie: Poor Maxie can't stay at home. :( Auggy's birthday is June 13th?!!?! My birthday is June 16th! :) Man i really really want an Auggy and Carly scene. :)


    Anna, Maddox, and Midwife's daughter: Blah blah blah zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. June 13th. Zzzzzzzzzzzz. Hmmm someone's else's birthday is June 13th too. I wonder who's.

    The hospital:

    Drew's room:

    Paint and Wall: I can't believe their kids didn't wake up during the earthquake! Give me a break! ROFL! Come on now!

    Janey's room: Oh of course Janey lost her home! BAHAHAHAHAHAA! And of course Monica let her live at the Q home!!! Janey can milk this to all it's worth! :)


    Jason and Michael: HANNAH MENTION!!! :) Carly's instincts are always on point!!!! Listen to her Michael!! :)

    Carson's home:

    Carson: Oh come on Sonny!!!!! Bringing up Brenda? What are you a child?!!?!

    Carson and Mike: GAH! Mike made me cry!!!! :(

    Sidenote: What the freakin hell!!!!!!! Another day without Scotty!!!! Oh that's it! I am going to go search for him myself tomorrow!!!! Why didn't Liz tell BobTodd about his father while they were talking in the hallway at the hospital!??! Or at the chapel?!?!!?! LIZ YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD BOBTODD ABOUT HIS FATHER BEFORE THE SHOWER!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Very upset!!!!

    Previews: THERE IS SCOTTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!

  2. Could Anna be my mother? My birthday is June 13th. Wait, I am not a "son", plus I have at least 25 years on Anna.... Still am trying to figure out how the Q living-room could be shaking in an earthquake and yet the rooms upstairs stayed so quiet that the kids never woke up. I can go along with poetic-license, but that is ridiculous. Wish Sam would get back to Jason quickly so that poor Drew can move on with his life. We all knew she'd eventually choose Jason so get it over with, for crying-out-loud!!! Hoping that Drew and Franco will become friends once they figure out that Franco was only trying to protect "Andy" when they were kids.

  3. Oh, didn't finish watching yet, just finished working . . . SOOOOO relieved that Sonya said that Scotty is in the previews. otherwise we all would have had to join Sonya in the search party for him . . .

  4. Surprise! not. Valentine lied to Anna about her "daughter", it's really Henrik/Peter, who is way too involved with Maxie and Nathan Jr. How could she not be a little suspicious when he's all over her all the sudden?
    Of course Nelle has to move in with the Quartermaines, saw that one coming a mile away. Wonder if she'll fall down the staircase Sarah Brown style, since they seem to be prone to keeping up the Carly parallels. Hope not, Grandma Caroline would be fun to see.
    Not that I really care but did I miss a scene or something after Sam spewing off about how she really loves Jason? Then what? Forget said conversation happened? I love you but I'm going to stay with my husband? All the sudden she's at the hospital like nothing happened.

  5. "AntJoan said...Oh, didn't finish watching yet, just finished working . . . SOOOOO relieved that Sonya said that Scotty is in the previews. otherwise we all would have had to join Sonya in the search party for him"

    Yeah you would have had to!!!! In the preview with Scotty, there was BobTodd! :) Can't wait to watch it!

  6. I could have sworn when Valentin and Anna were originally talking about her giving birth, after Nathan had been killed, they had she had given birth in the UK, as they were still in training. Not in Brussels (Belgium), where now they are now, after Anna told Andre that she gave birth in Brussels.


  7. K, I don't remember that conversation one way or the other, but it would have made sense for her to leave the UK and go as far away as possible to give birth. Of course, that said, NONE of this story makes sense--first, she would have had an abortion rather than give birth to Faison's spawn. And, how can a spy in training hide a pregnancy?

  8. Also, I understand that she now wants to find her child due to the illness, but she started obsessing about this BEFORE she learned of the illness, which also makes no sense.

  9. I want to know why no one lives in the rooms above Kelly's anymore.

  10. It seems like Faison didn't rape Anna, or else then she may have tried to abort. Was she just getting "close" to him as part of her job? Didn't seem like she hated him then as much as now, but didn't want his baby. Just confusing.

  11. AntJoan said...

    Also, I understand that she now wants to find her child due to the illness, but she started obsessing about this BEFORE she learned of the illness, which also makes no sense.

    ** This whole storyline is a big mess, and doesn't make sense, only getting worse as it goes on. The conversation I was referring to was after the funeral, Anna went to Wynd to talk to VC. That first visit then was mainly going to ask if he still had any contacts, that might be able to help, find the child. At that point, she just wanted to know if the child was alright, and depending on how things go, possibly revealing herself to them. "Possibly" being the key word. But, after Kevin told her that Faison had Hunningtons, is when she started really obsessing, feeling like she needed to give them the info that
    Faison had it.


  12. "LSV422 said...It seems like Faison didn't rape Anna, or else then she may have tried to abort. Was she just getting "close" to him as part of her job? Didn't seem like she hated him then as much as now, but didn't want his baby. Just confusing."

    Yup!!!! That's what it was! All part of her job! UGH!



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