Thursday, March 15, 2018

Let's Face It

I'm not tuned into GH lately-- I've basically been watching the Mike stuff and sometimes Franco and Drew because Roger is hilarious. Just heard this guy got a brother--the newbie cop. Who's name is Harrison Chase. So, these kids are Harry and Hammy. Nice naming skills mom! ONLY WAIT..they don't have the same mama, they have the same daddy.
So...why are their last names different? 

Hmmmm, who knows. I do love this behind the scenes photo of MEaston with Roxy. 

I have about a foot and 1/2 of snow. Life in Rochester still rolls on tho! I'm having a giant party on Saturday -- and guests next week so it may be a bit before I get back in here.  Keep it clean folks! Cheers. 


  1. Say what....a brother for Finn. Ugh...wasn't the whole Nathan has a brother thing enough?? I was a little confused when I tuned in yesterday and saw the cop staring at him weird at the police station. LOL!!

  2. So excited - finally after many years there is a fan event in VA Sept. Just got my ticket! James P. Stewart and Maura West, and a few others!!

  3. They STILL should have made Curtis Dante's partner.

  4. Yes, Curtis should be Dante’s partner! Curtis needs more than PI stories. Detective Chase could’ve been a Nathan recast. Valentin is so selfish keeping Peter secret from Nina after everything. Nina will be destroyed when the truth comes out.

  5. okay - so Jim Harvey is gonna die and Franco will be arrested
    it will turn out that Betsy IS alive and she killed him....and that will go on for about 2 years.....

  6. "Barbara will turn out that Betsy IS alive and she killed him....and that will go on for about 2 years....."

    Betsy isn't dead.. She just packed up and left. Nobody knows where she is, except Harvey.

  7. Ugh Lulu!!!!! Can she go take care of Spencer for awhile and relieve Laura so Laura can see her husband again!

  8. kdmask said...

    They STILL should have made Curtis Dante's partner.

    ** That would have been SOOO much better, than Chase! I can't stand him, already. And it looks like that's only going to get worse, as time goes on. I still think Curtis and Drew are great together. They just FIT.


  9. KT4GH said...

    Ugh Lulu!!!!! Can she go take care of Spencer for awhile and relieve Laura so Laura can see her husband again!

    ** If only she would!! I SOOO miss having JMB in the role. After Luke, Laura, and Dante rescued her from Stavros' freezer on Cassadine Island, she seems to have lost a significant amount of brain cells, after she was defrosted. (Like what's happened with Stavros. Each time he's been thawed out, more and more of his brain cells die each time. Like Victor told Liesl, about the cause of his mental degeneration.) At this point IMO, everytime Luli opens her mouth, she crams her foot in it.


  10. "Karen says Just heard this guy got a brother--the newbie cop. Who's name is Harrison Chase. So, these kids are Harry and Hammy. Nice naming skills mom!"

    ROFL! No kidding! :) Hmmm Harry Chase! ROFL!

    "ONLY WAIT..they don't have the same mama, they have the same daddy.
    So...why are their last names different? "

    I KNOW!!!! It's confusing!! Hammy should have said my mom remarried.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...