Monday, March 26, 2018


Alexis and Sam...Alexis wonders what happened. Sam "Drew left Me".. 

Drew's on the docks chugging what looks like Sprite but I guess it's a generic beer. Curtis comes along. Yada, yada...

Carly and Jason are taking WAY TOO long to figure this Nelle crap out. I's not even good psycho stuff.  They look at security footage but Diane told her not to put one on her office because ..."To err on the side of caution"-- I guess because of Sonny. 

Sonny really wants Maddox to help Mike-- He says all of his work was on that Disco Nope. 

Olivia and Ned. They are in some planning meeting for Charles Street renovation.

Ok, this was just a I'm out early! 


  1. This show has gotten VERY boring again

  2. Paint and Wall's home:

    Alexis and Sam: Oh Alexis who cares about what Julian thinks!!! You don't need to go on and on about it with Sam! Just move on!!!

    Sam: Drew left me!

    Uh you forgot to tell her the rest of that!!! Oh there ya go..

    Sam: Whine whine whine whine. Have to figure out who I am. Whine whine whine.

    I did love the Sam and Alexis on the chair together scene! Awww! :)

    Sam: Maybe I will know who or what completes me.

    What a stupid line!!!!! Nobody completes you Sam except YOU!


    Drew and Curtis: Love the scene!!!! Love that Curtis is there for his bestie!!! Yeah Drew go to the gym. Good idea. Uh Drew don't just say Sam loves Jason! Tell him more than that!! What is with people just saying half truth and not saying the rest! GAH!


    Metrocourt Carly's office:

    Carly, Jason, and security guy: To err on the side of caution? Huh?

    "Karen says I guess because of Sonny."

    Ohhhh I didn't even think about that!

    Carly and Jason: Great scene! So sad. :( Glad Jason is there for her. :(

    The hospital:

    Maddox and Sonny: Hmmm memory mapping Mike!!! Very interesting.. Too bad Maddox won't do it. :(

    Charlie's restaurant and pub:

    "Charlie" and CarlyKim: Ohhhh Kimlian flirting about the pull out bed!!! :) OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH KIMLIAN SEX YAY!!! :) Damn that was HAWT! *Fans self* Hmmm just fun huh? Cus their heart belongs to other people.. Well in old school soap fashion they will fall in love! :)

    Bar meeting: Hey that was pretty cool I like it! Working hard to figure things out. I love that V.C. and Nina were holding hands awwww! :)

  3. Sam says she needs some time alone. Are the kids going to move into the Quartermaine Daycare? lol

    I FF'd through most of today.

    1. Pretty sure she meant alone as in no Drew or Jason. LOL!

  4. I loved when Curtis said that Jason has the personality of concrete.

  5. "Anne Long said...I loved when Curtis said that Jason has the personality of concrete."

    Oh crap! I forgot the line of the day!!!! Curtis won the line of the day with that line! :) Curtis you are so right! :)

  6. I'm really enjoying Julian & Kim. They have incredible chemistry. Hopefully the GH writing team can execute this story properly.

  7. lol I'm pretty sure she did too, Michelle but as we never see the kids now I don't expect to see more of them.

  8. Aggravating and frustrating episode.

    The pier:

    Jason and Drew: Oh look! Split screen! ROFL! Poor Drew. :( He is pouring his heart out, while Jason's face is all stone. What in the hell? Jason why are you so rude and mean to Drew? Drew you should kick his ass! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! :)

    Paint and Wall's home:

    Curtis and Sam: Wait a second! Why is Curtis all sweet to Sam? You should be on your best friend's side!!! Just ask for Drew's things and then leave! Don't have a sweet conversation!!! GAH!

    The police station:

    Betsy, Dante, and Jordan: Dante and Jordan just let Betsy see her son!!!!! GAH!!!!!! Idiots!!!

    Betsy and Doc: Okay that is a really good scene.

    Friz: Great scene!! So glad that Liz is there for him!

    Sam and Curtis: GAH! Stop being so sweet to her!! I got cavities!!

    Paint and Wall: Did you see the look on her face when he left? You can just read her mind!!! It's like she is thinking, why is he acting this way? Why isn't he talking to me? UGH!


    Sam: Oh his poor eye!!! Well we can still have eye sex even when he is hurt.

    The hospital:

    Friz: Awwww.

    Betsy's room:

    Betsy and BobTodd: YAY! Love their scene!!!! :)

    Hiney's office:

    Hiney and Maxie: Gee they are in a lot of scenes. Maxie if you don't want to live at home, then DON'T! Just move!!! GAH! You don't need to keep having the same conversations with him.

    Metrocourt restaurant: Nina keep digging and find out the truth about Hiney!!!! Your husband won't tell you, so just do it on your own! Don't keep warning Maxie about him! V.C. is right! She will just want to keep talking to him!

    1. Loved the Betsy Franco scenes, he was so sweet with her. Jason ticked me off when he said those things to Drew, like he's any better for Sam!

  9. so sick of whiny sam. someone please shoot her .

  10. I am SOOO sick of that damn Jasam theme song being cued every time they have a scene. Why don't they mix it up a little bit? At this point, I'd much rather hear the Susan Moore Murder theme music:

  11. It was SO inappropriate when Kevin told Betsy that he is her son's dr. THERE ARE HIIPA LAWS, people!! You NEVER can tell someone who your patients are.

    1. Agreed, total violation right there, license suspension and fines, but then again Amy constantly violates them and pretty sure Griffin is going to very soon as well. Oh well, apparently PCGH has its own set of rules.

  12. Don't know where Karen is, waiting for comments on today's show. Want to say that dialogue between Sam and Jason was PAINFULLY awful, just cringe-worthy. Made no sense.

    On the other hand, the scene when Kiki left the office and ran in the storage room--I actually was crying, she was amazing. . . . I think it's great that they are dealing with this issue at this time.

  13. Totally saw the Dr.Creepo/Kiki kiss coming, and I did want to cry with her. Somehow I don't think that this is the end of it either, I thought at first she was going into the stairwell and I was waiting for him to follow her down. She probably won't tell anyone right away either, hopefully she'll confide in Elizabeth or her mother or someone.
    Sam and Jason scene, I can't even remember what they said. Blah blah, flashback, blah blah. Sam's going on vacation??! Yeah!!! Hopefully a permanent one? Doesn't Danny have school or something?
    Elizabeth giving Franco space is probably a good idea, but have a feeling Jim Harvey is going to kidnap her very soon, Elizabeth has to have the GH record for kidnapping, being shot and/or held hostage at this point. Somebody should count it up, bet the number is astronomical.

  14. Sonya and Karen, where are you?

    Alicia, I doubt that Sam is going on vacation. But, if she is, this coming week is spring break in NYC, don't know about PC, so maybe Danny is off from school :) Not that anyone at GH cares about school or parenting. You would totally forget that Sam is the mother of an infant with all of the time she spends running around town, or home without either child. I know it is a soap and they don't have young children on set very often, but the portrayal of being a parent of young children is sooo unrealistic, it really bothers me . . .

    1. Agreed, I have a 7 year old and a 3 year old and a full time job with a husband that works nights, she could at least pretend she has a nanny like Carly does

    2. AntJoan I agree, maybe they are playing it as spring break in PC.

  15. Poor Sam - really don't feel sorry for her. Look at what Jason went through and even Drew being robbed of his life basically. I am so tired of this Franco storyline and never ending discussions about truth and lies. I think Bensch was inappropriate and out of line, but Kiki acted like he had tried to rape her. She should have just slapped him and said she wasn't interested in a personal relationship instead of going into shock. She isn't a minor. I see the actor playing Heinrik must be on contract since he is in the opening now. The scenes with him and Maxie are really tedious. By the way, where is our "K"?

  16. Loved the JaSam flashbacks! That's the beauty of original cast members!!

  17. LindaV, guess we have some disagreement here, which is OK among friends, right ? :) I think what they are trying to show is that Bensch has been "grooming" Kiki all along, that he became her mentor with the goal of "getting in her pants." This is a giant betrayal. Kiki looked up to him, and trusted him as a mentor. She had thought that he found her smart and talented, now she thinks he saw her only as sexual prey.

    I thought it was brilliant how they have showed these scenes. Kiki was feeling like a hunted animal, and did what she could to protect herself without trying to anger her mentor. She changed her shift to nights, and, when he coerced her to go into his office, she held up the folder tightly to her chest, as "armor." The magnitude of the betrayal was staggering, even if it was "just a kiss."

    I think is also is brilliant how they showed him acting like this was the most natural thing in the world, which is such a mind game for the victim.

    1. I agree AntJoan. I felt Kikis pain. Great time in the #metoo movement to air this. He gives me the creeps. James is definitely doing a great job in this role.

  18. Further to what I said, imagine how she is feeling now about her new career. I'm sure she will doubt herself, and think it all was built on a lie.

  19. I agree with your points AntJoan, but I didn't see why Kiki sort of went into shock. Maybe she really is that naïve, but the warning signs were there. Perhaps because she is an adult, he really thought he had a chance with her, as creepy as that seems to us. There were never any conditions on what he did for her - he just made his move and took a chance.

  20. "AntJoan said...Sonya and Karen, where are you?"

    Sorry! I was waiting for Karen to make a post before I said anything.

  21. Linda, again, respectfully, I think that EVERYTHING he did for her had conditions, he was just planning to reap them in the future. She was also doing EVERYTHING she could do avoid him--declining his invite for dinner and drinks, changing shifts, etc., etc.--how could he think he had a chance with her?

    If a man is not a perverted creep, he would NEVER kiss a woman who wasn't signaling him that she was interested. She looked like a fly in a spider web every time he came near her, and had the folder across her chest like armor--can a doctor, or anyone, be that blind to body language?

  22. AntJoan, he obviously wasn’t thinking, LOL. However, Kiki has to be at least 24 now and she should have told him he was making her feel uncomfortable in my opinion. I believe his ego blinded him to her disinterest.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...