Monday, March 12, 2018

Daylight Savings

Drew and Franco teaming up to find out what happened on the stairs.  Franco tells Drew he'll be more fun to work with than Jason LOL 

Sam told Liz that Franco may have pushed Drew down the stairs. Liz overheard Jason and Sam telling each other they were in LOVVVvve. 

Carly and Jason. Jason tells her that Sam and he said they loved each other. 

Sonny Ava --Sonny goes and gets Avery and Ava is not happy. 

Anna tells Griffin her and Faison's kid might have Huntington's-- and Griffin realizes it was Peter...because Peter just came back from being tested by him. 

Kiki gets skeeved out by Dr. Bensch asking her to dinner/drinks and then giving her a signed first edition Grey's book. 

Sonny is not reacting well to Mike's illness...I wonder if he's afraid he'll have it? 


  1. Oh sweet baby Jesus, I would do anything for Sonny to end up having early onset Alzheimer's, and get written off the show.

  2. Billikers, that same thought went through my head, LOL!

  3. This has become a show about who is the hugest pompous ass. Jason bragging about how he saved Franco but shouldnt of. Jason looking for the big pat on the back from either Sam or Carly. Holt crap? Sam actually worried about Liz marrying Franco because he didn't tell anyone he may have pushed Drew,down the stairs when he was 4. Which would mean tumor or no tumor he's a bad guy and Jason should have let him die. Seriously? This show is off the wall! Jason and Sam are made for each other. When Drew gets his memory back he is going to be jumping for joy that he is off the hook being married to Sam. Is it just me?

    1. Sorry, wrote above in a fit of fury Just trying to say Jason was actually looking for a pat on the back because Sam convinced him not to kill Franco. Sam trying to claim hero status as well in her pathetic talk with Liz.

  4. I'm ready for Liz to just slap the sht out of Sam.

    1. I am so glad I’m not the only one

    2. Ditto. Give her a big wallop across her face!

  5. One good thing about watching Sam ---
    I realize i have hope that I could even act on TV........speak low/kinda mumble...say over and over
    I am so confused......and I don't care anymore....
    just sayin'.....

  6. I actually like Sonny and Carly in this storyline - SO I am going to be angry if Mike does something accidentally to Avery or she is in danger because of him---
    and Ava gets custody - PLEASE GH writers - don't go there and make this about custody - keep doing what you are doing - REALISTC about Alzheimer's....

  7. Barbara said...
    One good thing about watching Sam ---
    I realize i have hope that I could even act on TV........speak low/kinda mumble...say over and over
    I am so confused......and I don't care anymore....
    just sayin'.....

    Barbara, I prefer not to hear her because every time I think she's redeemable, flashdance girl goes and opens her mouth, blurting out assumptions and makes me give a stink eye. I guess since her private detective days are behind her (I think), her learning curve has faded.

  8. SO let's do this -------------
    Best character right now on GH?
    and GO!!!!!!!!!!

  9. LiamAZ, did she actually ever do any PI work? It seemed like it was always Spinelli. What did she ACTUALLY do herself? I can't remember anything.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Barbara - I pick Aiden. He didn't care what was going on, he just wanted to party. :p

  12. My favorite is Finn, but mostly when he is with Anna.
    I adore Sonny, just not in mob storylines which they are moving away from fingers crossed.
    Liz is a hypocrite. She’s lied some big lies and withheld some big truths. It’s ok to lie if it’s benefitting to her. She needs to worry about Franco, not Drew.

  13. Ava's home:

    Ava, Avery, and Kiwi: Awww Avery! So sweet!! They are using the quiet twin. :) Oh shut up Kiwi and stop being so judgemental! I can't stand you when you are acting like this!

    Ava and Sonny: Oh come on Sonny!! Let Ava have Avery just one more night!!!

    Sonny and Avery: Mommy Carly? That is a low blow Sonny!!!! I love that Avery nodded awwww. :)

    The hospital:

    Jasam: Oh stop having eye sex and go home and tell Drew the truth!!!

    Sam and Liz: It makes a lot of sense!!?!?!? SHUT UP SAM NO IT DOESN'T!!! Where are your instincts? You used to be a PI for crying out loud!! I can't believe you believe Harvey! UGH!

    BobTodd's art studio:

    Drew and BobTodd: Oh! Love the scene!!!! They are gonna work together! YAY! Bromance lives on!!! :)

    Benchy's office:

    Kiwi and Benchy: Oh dear! Did Benchy just ask Kiwi on a date? Glad she is feeling uncomfortable about it. Grey's anatomy book? Huh?

    Private room:

    Griffy and Auggy/Heiny: Awww poor Heiny is all nervous.. The age of Huntington disease is from 30 to 40? Didn't someone on the show say it was 40 to 60?

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Anna and V.C.: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    V.C. and Auggy/Heiny: Poor Heiny hates his mommy and is skeered of getting Hungtington disease..

    Griffy and Anna: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Talk about something else besides that damn rewrite baby!!!

    Carson home:

    Jason and Carly: Awwww besties!!!! :) Damn Steve Burton's eyes are so bright blue!!!! Must be the lighting. :) Man I love this scene.. So funny!!! :)

    Carly: YAY!

    ROFL! Jason wins the line of the day.

    Jason: You were right Carly!


  14. can't stand sam or jason. I was starting to like sam, but she went backwards.

  15. Is it oK to call her a "trashy tramp" again if she hooks up with Jason while she's still with Drew? Sorry couldn't resist - I just wish the great Alexis Colby was around to call her that ;)

  16. Sonny always has been my favorite. Sorry, can't help it, I just love him. I wish he wasn't in the mob anymore, though, and wish he was with Brenda . . .


  17. Best character?? Mike. he's just killing it

  18. Ohhhh Griffin, you better not say anything about Peter to Anna, so unethical and not to mention the legal poopoo you would be in. Any will probably find out the results by accident and blab to the whole city. Seriously, that girl violates HIPPA laws with every breath. So fired IRL
    Have to agree with Kiki when it comes to Avery. Ava should've known that Sonny was never going to let Avery spend a minute longer at her place than he had to. And I did get a serious creeper vibe from Dr. Bench, she's going to convince herself that she was imagining it and then something really bad is going to happen.
    Elizabeth's new course of dealing with annoying conversations is to just throw her hands up and walk away. Have used this tactic many times, but this is a soap!!! Give Sam a great big backhand in the face or something. Instead she'll go run to Drew and tell what she overheard. Boring.

    1. *I meant Amy will probably find out the results, stupid auto correct

  19. Billikers said...

    Oh sweet baby Jesus, I would do anything for Sonny to end up having early onset Alzheimer's, and get written off the show

    ** We could NEVER get THAT lucky!


  20. LiamAZ said...

    I prefer not to hear her because every time I think she's redeemable, flashdance girl goes and opens her mouth, blurting out assumptions and makes me give a stink eye. I guess since her private detective days are behind her (I think), her learning curve has faded.

    ** That's EXACTLY what came to my mind today, after watching her and Liz talk. I get to thinking that maybe she actually IS maturing, and starting to become an actual human being. Then I saw the crap she pulled today, and that idea completely evaporated.


  21. When Dr. Bensch first came on, I thought he would end up coming on to Kiwi. An older dr. offering to help a young, beautiful wanna-be dr.--it seemed it would go that way. Then it didn't--he came on to Jordan and dated Alexis. Of course, Jordan is young for him, but Alexis is not. Now, I don't know. Of course, if he has no bad intentions, he should know that he should not ask Kiwi out for dinner and drinks, that it would make her uncomfortable . . .

  22. AntJoan said...

    Of course, if he has no bad intentions, he should know that he should not ask Kiwi out for dinner and drinks, that it would make her uncomfortable . . .

    ** I'm just going by a few interviews I've read with JDP over the past several months in SOD and SiD. But, he's always said he's playing the character as if he has no ulterior motives. Just that he thought she had the potential to be a good doctor, and wanted to help her out. His suddenly being gone for a few months, due to being committed to some play was known before he was even offered the role, hadn't helped very much either. IMO at least, the writing for the character has been all over the place, which definitely does NOT help matters. So, I'm just going to go by what JDP has said. Unless something else changes that all of a sudden.



Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...