Tuesday, March 6, 2018


OMG Liz is a damn nurse. So she's standing in the church asking GOD to bring Franco to her?? !!!  Although look at that pic up there.  She's so gorgeous. 

Kids are Frozen.  They try to warm them up. I so hope Oscar loses a toe. Joss goes to GH with Harrison and Kim and Drew work on Oscar.  Kim gives him CPR-- and Oscar comes back to life. 

Nelle and Carly are sniping. NO one is knocked out or bleeding. Damn it. Oh! Nelle has cramps!! Carly doesn't believe her. She gives her water. She may be dehydrated.  They stop. She and Carly talk about having a baby...almost get along and Sonny knocks on the door and says he'll try to get them out. 

Griffin says Michael should be admitted based on the 'follow my finger' test. He needs rest. 
Josslyn goes to GH sees Sonny and hugs her. 

Mike is trying to tell JaSam where Franco is trapped. Jason says he'll find him and to go help Sam get to Charlie's.  
Jason finds Franco. Franco begs for help. Jason talks about Michael's rape--and what he did to Sam. Franco is like I HAD A TUMOR!!!!!!!! A TUMOR! Jason says he doesn't care, he's going to finish him off. Then SAM pops in and tells Jason she and Michael have moved on with their lives and made peace with what happened to them. She would rather have Franco live than lie about how he died. 
They get the cabinet off of him. Franco says thank you and leaves. If you are a JaSam fan, watch the scenes after that. VERY Sad--very well done.  Sam loses a dog tag that Danny gave her ????? Um, okay. Jason finds it. She won't even touch him to take it back! WOW...she tells him to keep it!!

Sam and Mike stumble into the church and find Liz. Liz tells Sam Franco didn't show up. He thinks Liz is married to Lucky. Mike talks to Liz about having Alzheimer's.  GREAT scenes.Mike cries about having it and how Sonny looks at him now. Sob. 
Mike makes it to GH.
Liz is still waiting.... and....Franco walks thru the door--they kiss. 

Still no word on Stella, TJ and Molly.

Both Michael and Nelle are in GH for observation. Joss wants to wait for Oscar. 

AND IT'S AN AFTERSHOCK!! Sam and Jason are in the trailer... Drew is in the freezer--looks like Jules brings in Molly tomorrow. 


  1. OMG Karen, Oscar has hypothermia not frost bite. LOL

  2. Harvey's office:

    Jason and BobTodd: Oh come on Jason!!!! Help him you jerk!!!! GRRRR!

    Jasam and BobTodd: Oh good! Glad Sam got Jason to help BobTodd!!

    Jasam: Wow Sam!!! You are so smart and wise! :)

    The backroom:

    CarlyKim, Oscar, and Drew: Oh no Oscar!!! I hope you don't die!!

    "Karen: I so hope Oscar loses a toe."


    Ava's art gallery:

    Carly and Janey: Start thinking about your baybay Janey and not sticking it to Carly!!!! Oh look Sonny is there to save the day! :) Carly wins the line of the day.

    You know what, there was this one time I was stuck in an elevator in a burning building with all people Alexis Davis. Who I really really hated at the time. It was torture. I never thought I missed those days.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! I love you Carly babes. :)

    The chapel:

    Mike and Liz: This whole scene is SO SAD!!!!! :'(

    Mike: Probably in time I will forget you.


    Chase, Mike, and Liz: Oh here we go with cold hearted Chase! UGH! Liz GO WITH THEM! Did you forget you are a nurse?!!?!?!

    Friz: Great he showed up! Now take him to the hospital!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The hospital:

    Sonny, Griffy, and Michael:

    Michael: I just fell down some stairs.

    WAIT! YOU DID?!!?!?!?!?! :( They should have shown that!!! Damn Chase! Why are you so cold?!!??! He is really getting on my nerves. Oh and how is Scotty?! I hate that they didn't show him today!! And it looks like he isn't going to be shown tomorrow either! GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT TO KNOW HOW HE IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME ON WRITERS!!!!!

  3. "Mrs. Goose said...OMG Karen, Oscar has hypothermia not frost bite. LOL"


  4. sorry but st jaysus is not needed, he can go to hell

    1. Agreed. He more than anyone should understand what any type of head injury or tumor can do to somebody. Quite frankly Sam was not as nice today as the summary describes above. The both deserve each other.

  5. Loved the scenes with Liz and Mike! Very compelling! What is so crazy about this show is that there are always loose ends. Why wasn't Audrey at the wedding? Why is Bobbie watching the kids? Why isn't Jordan in charge of the earthquake recovery? But on the bright side, Max Gail is incredible! What a wonderful actor!

  6. Yesterday and today were two of the worst written episodes in GH history (and from a show that has had freezing-the-world and alien storylines, that's really saying something).

    That said, Max Gail should be a lock for an Emmy nom.

  7. JSL said...

    Agreed. He more than anyone should understand what any type of head injury or tumo r can do to somebody. Quite frankly Sam was not as nice today as the summary describes above. The both deserve each other.

    ** I got sick of his hypocritical bullshit a LONG time ago. And he's gotten MUCH worse since he came back. By no means am I a fan of Sam, but at least in the last few years she's matured enough to understand that it would only make things MUCH worse (particularly for Jake) if Jason killed him. She's at least developed a BIT of a conscience since she's been with Drew. I'd LOVE if when all the stuff about Harvey comes to light and sorted out, if Drew and Franco could get at least SOME of the bond they had as kids back.


    1. That would be great if the writers do that with Drew and Franco.And also, I'm sick of how Jason has some God given right to kill people. Time to humanize him by better writing.

  8. Jenny60 said...

    What is so crazy about this show is that there are always loose ends. Why wasn't Audrey at the wedding? Why is Bobbie watching the kids? Why isn't Jordan in charge of the earthquake recovery?

    ** More than likely, it;s just a financial thing. The budget is just SO drastically reduced from even 10 years ago. So stuff that was essentially common place like that, but isn't absolutely vital to what's going on, ends up going by the wayside, so to speak. It's VERY frustrating and annoying, (particularly so to those who've been watching for quite awhile, then it's VERY obvious the way things end up turning out.) The state of the soap industry these days is just an absolute shadow compared how it used to be, sadly.


  9. Love how Elizabeth had a conversation with Jason where she said exactly the same thing as sam said and he didn't listen to a word but when she says it it makes perfect sense. The friz kiss at the end was great as well as the Elizabeth and Mike scene, she knee what was wrong as soon as he asked about Lucky and she doesn't patronize him, she just accepts his pain, as a LTC nurse we see it all the time and it's rough

  10. Did anyone else want Roger Howarth to scream " it wasn't me it was James Franco" when Jason started listing off Franco's sins yet again? That would have been hilarious and a big stfu to Jason to stop rehashing the same thing. Move on, new story please!

  11. I fast forwarded Mon. and Tues. each in about 10 minutes - really bad. Especially after seeing the comments here, I decided not to waste my time.

  12. "Alicia said...Love how Elizabeth had a conversation with Jason where she said exactly the same thing as sam said and he didn't listen to a word but when she says it it makes perfect sense."

    I know! It's crazy!!!!

  13. the best part of this earthquake was the scene between Mike and Elizabeth

    1. It was great. I didn't watch GH for about a wk til the non wedding and earthquake so I hadn't really seen new Mike and I agree this actor is doing a great job. I love Ron Hale but this guy is pulling it off.

  14. "Alicia said...Love how Elizabeth had a conversation with Jason where she said exactly the same thing as sam said and he didn't listen to a word but when she says it it makes perfect sense."

    Or perhaps, having Liz (who Franco didn't do those things to) saying to get over it is different than Sam (who Franco did those things to) saying it. If she's saying, move on, I have, then Jason can't really use her feelings about it as an excuse.

    1. Am I the only person who thought the gender fluid child acted more masculine than Oscar? I want to love Oscar I really do – I love Josselyn. I love the idea of the story of Joss and Oscar I want them to be this centuriy's Robin and Stone but there is a huge difference. I loved the actor who portrayed Stone. I don't want to hurt any actor's feelings but some are better suited to roles the others. Joss needs a strong lead. Someone who can hold their own with The heavy hitters… Laura wright,Tamra Brown,Maurice Bernard, Steve Burton. There needs to be a recast. Sorry but that is the only way I see this story about catching on


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...