Priceless Q vases are a smashin!! JaSam are holding on for dear life!! Later, Ned and Olivia come down. Ned says that their house was rebuilt after the 1991 quake and their safety standards are better. Sam wants a ride to town on Jason's bike. They go to Charles St.
Curtis wants to go find Harvey. He thinks he caused the earthquake by excavating Charles Street. He's hurt though, his leg is bad. Jordan takes him to GH..let that sink in. JORDAN, the police chief TAKES CURTIS TO GH...with a bad leg. AND-- stays there. But, they can't find Molly or TJ or Stella. And the TOWN IS IN CRISIS. But you stay with your boyfriend. OMG this is bad. Sorry, but do better.
Franco gets knocked out in the trailer when pipes fall on him...Harvey tries to wake him up-- nothing happens. Harvey panics and runs out. Later, Franco tries to get out. He can't--then someone walks in..it's MIKE!! Mike can't lift it. He goes for help.
JossCar in the Freezer, under the table.. They can't get out the door is jammed.
Dance: The genderfluid kid has a broken arm that Kim has to reset or put into place. Ouch. They can't find JossCar. Drew says the street is a mess and buildings collapsed. Someone says they saw the kids go back to the backroom.
Joss and Oscar play "never have I ever"-- OMG... with COLA. Because this is the Disney Channel. :eyeroll: I know, I know--but can't they do whippets?
Michael is down in Sonny's foyer, passed/knocked out...wakes up..passes out again. When he wakes up Max is there too. Can't find Mike. Sonny thinks Michael has a concussion. Later Sonny takes him to GH
Church: Ava has blood on her face, freaks out. Griffin says it's not her scar. Kevin helps Liz light candles. Scotty is knocked out! Comes to and has a giant shard in his leg. They take Scott to the hospital. Liz waits for Franco. She knows he's coming. HUH? Wasn't she just leaving? Ugh. whatever.
END: LONG Friz flashbacks. Like a lot.
Mike sees Jason and Sam-- but can't remember he has to help Franco.
They get the freezer door open and...kids are frozen lol
kd said...And the TOWN IS IN CRISIS. But you stay with your boyfriend. OMG this is bad. Sorry, but do better.
ReplyDelete*** And they bandaged his leg outside his pants. lol The whole scene was ridiculous.
The police station:
ReplyDeleteJurtis: Love how he told the cop to have manners with his aunt hahaha. Love that Curtis calls Jordan by her last name. Or half of it. :) Poor Curtis is hurt. :(
The chapel: Oh no Scotty!!!!!!!!! He is hurt!!!! I was so upset about that, that I was crying. Scotty better be okay writers!!!!! :( Love the Friz flashbacks! :) Oh Liz. BobTodd is not coming because he is hurt!!! Get that intuition feeling that he is hurt!!!!!
Q home: Yes everyone!!! Stay put!!! Oh Sam wants to see her hubby so badly while she is having eye sex with Jason. :)
Carson home: MICHAEL!!!! WAKE UP!!! Oh whew he's away. Oh no he passed out again! MAX!!!!! :) Poor Michael has a concussion. :( Michael wins the line of the day.
Michael: It's February. Or the one after February.
The floating rib: Oh geez!!! I hate in movies and shows where the person had to set someone's arm! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUCH!!!! I always cringe!! Like for example in that movie Lethal weapon!!! *Cringe*
The freezer:
JossCar: Oh oh they are stuck! They gonna have sex? :) It would be frozen sex! :) Awwww Oscar is such a gentleman! Hmmm playing never have I ever..
Oscar: Never have I ever fallin in love.
Awwww they are in wuv! :)
Harvey's office:
BobTodd and Harvey: Harvey!! Where the hell are you going?!?!!! HELP HIM! Or are you going to get help?!!?!
BobTodd and Mike: Hmmmm looks like Max Gail has toned down his over the topness. Great scene! And very funny on their conversation hahaha. Crap crap! Go get help Mike!
Jasam and Mike: OH CRAP OH CRAP! Remember Mike!!! Remember!!!! Hmmmm would Jasam really want to help save BobTodd, even if Mike remembers and tells them? I say no.
sonya said...Oh Sam wants to see her hubby so badly
ReplyDelete*** Yes, right after an earthquake ( which usually has aftershocks), Sam wants to leave her babies with their 70 year old grandmother while she goes looking to see if her hubby the highly trained Navy Seal is ok.Maakes a lot of sense to me.
And I was upset that Scotty was hurt too. They'd better not be killing him off.
Let me tell you all straight up - if they do Kin Shriner dirty and kill Scotty in this cheap manner, I AM DONE with GH. Dammit. I have watched them put Tristian Rogers on the shelf repeatedly, jerk Genie Francis around, make Finola Hughes a weepy mess...I'm not standing for it any more. THE LINE MUST BE DRAWN HERE.
So many things wrong with this episode....Jordan is the police commissioner, who should be in the middle of the action, yet she's babysitting her boyfriend who's got a booboo on his leg, that they bandaged over his pants, she doesn't know where her son is, and she sends a patrolman out to look? Get out there woman!!!
ReplyDeleteSam wants to leave her kids to go look for her husband on her ex's motorcycle, even though her husband is a former SEAL and with a doctor and probably doesn't need her help.
And Kim..you are an OBGYN. How many dislocated shoulders have you dealt with in your practice? "I've done this many times" WHEN?????
And Elizabeth...you are a seasoned nurse who proclaims to love her job, yet in the middle of a a natural disaster, you don't go to work, even though you're a seasoned nurse used to working ER, you don't go look for your kids, you don't go look for your missing fiancee, you don't go check on your 90 year old grandmother, you don't go to the hospital with your future father in-law, you sit in the church alone waiting for him to come, even though he was a no show before the earthquake. Go freaking look already!!!!!!
Alicia, ITA with all that you said!
ReplyDelete"Di says Yes, right after an earthquake ( which usually has aftershocks), Sam wants to leave her babies with their 70 year old grandmother while she goes looking to see if her hubby the highly trained Navy Seal is ok.Maakes a lot of sense to me."
"And I was upset that Scotty was hurt too. They'd better not be killing him off."
No!!! They better not!!!
"Alicia said...And Kim..you are an OBGYN. How many dislocated shoulders have you dealt with in your practice? "I've done this many times" WHEN?????"
ROFL! Well, she wasn't an OBGYN right away right? She went to school to learn about everything..
sonya said...ROFL! Well, she wasn't an OBGYN right away right? She went to school to learn about everything..
ReplyDelete*** Maybe not. Maybe she just took a test and got a referral like airhead Kiki. lol
"Di said...Maybe not. Maybe she just took a test and got a referral like airhead Kiki. lol"
ReplyDeleteHahahahaha! Yeah that's a possibility! :)
A little info on a ex cast member: Nathan Parsons has joined the The CW’s in-the-works reboot of Roswell, which is putting an immigration twist on the original WB/UPN sci-fi saga.
ReplyDeleteThe potential series — penned by Originals scribe Carina Adly MacKenzie — centers on Liz Ortecho (Grey’s Anatomy up-and-comer Jeanine Mason), a jaded biomedical researcher and the daughter of undocumented immigrants who is haunted by a tragic incident. She discovers a shocking truth about her teenage crush (played by Parsons): He’s an alien.