Wednesday, March 7, 2018

No Bloggin"

Well, today is the AFTER SHOCKS--- and I'm going to miss them. Wednesdays are still my busiest day-- and Miss Tillie has a vet appointment! 

SO! Shake and Bake!! 


  1. Karen, at least watch the last few minutes.

    1. I was disgusted. I love Drew and she just did him wrong....never a Sam fan much less a jasam fan but I like her better with Drew. At least now that Franco has saved Drew, Sam and Jason can get the sticks outta their butts.

  2. the dynamic duo rides again. barf

  3. witch, I don't care who played the scene, I just thought the acting was stellar. Not something often seen, although the acting has been a lot better than the writing.
    Karen, I want to add please, and thank you. : )

  4. The acting was great, ishouldreadmore.

    I also love how Liz shows emotion. It just seems to emanate from her pores, and the tears fall gently. She doesn't have to bawl or shriek to get the point across. I just wish they used her more in her role as a nurse. This was the perfect scenario for that; but no. I couldn't believe how they had her leave the floor and the patients in the middle of the emergency,to head into the shower. I fear she's been permanently relegated to the role of Franco's service doll. :(

    The scenes with all the kids were good today too. And the special effects in that last scene were also good given the budget they have for these things. The scene was well done.

    1. Speaking of "kids" when did Molly get hurt. I must have missed a couple minutes of the show.

  5. Hmmmm Earthquake day 3? :) Nah nah.. Aftershocks day 1! :)

    Harvey's office: When they first started showing the outside, I thought the show was a repeat and they were going to reshow Sonny being in that hole! ROFL!

    Jasam: Rockin and a rollin!!! Shakin and a grooven!! Slow mo jump! :) Oh oh eye sex now. So basically,

    Sam: I am so in love with you Jason!! You are my world! You are my saint Jaysus!!!

    Jason: I am in love with you too! I love being your saint Jaysus!!

    Are they going to get back together? Awww are Paint and Wall over? If so, that's too bad. Paint and Wall are so boring they were fun to make fun of. I'm going to miss it.

    The floating rib backroom:

    Oscar, CarlyKim and Drew: Poor Oscar!!! I hope he is going to be okay!!!!

    BobTodd, Dante, and Drew: Oh look. Drew went nighty night. Time for some Zzzzzz's. What's the matter BobTodd? Why won't you help Drew? Oh there ya go! :) No BobTodd don't get stuck! :( BobTodd wins the line of the day.

    BobTodd: Oh yeah sure. I'LL be the one to reach the crowbar!


    The hospital:

    The locker rooms:

    CarlyKim and "Charlie" Awww poor CarlyKim. :( Glad "Charlie" is there for her! :) They gonna kiss? No? Rats. :)

    Alexis and Julian: UGH!

    Molly's room:

    Molly and Julian: Oh so is Molly going to forgive Julian now that he saved her life? :)

    Oscar's room:

    JossCar: Awwwww Joss!! So sweet. OSCAR YOU ARE AWAKE AND OKAY YAY!!!! :)

    Oscar and CarlyKim: Everytime Oscar helps people, CarlyKim gets angry. Glad she didn't get angry this time.

    The hallway:

    Liz and Harvey: OH SHUT THE HELL UP JERKOFF! Don't be talking to Liz about BobTodd!!!! I want to slap him!

    Showers: FRIZ SEX YAY! Wait is Liz on break? If not, she could get into so much trouble. Man BobTodd is so lucky he didn't braek his legs twice! He really should get checked out.

    Police station: Love that Ned was on tv!!!! :) Man I wanted Ned to punch Harvey so bad!

    Ned: We will figure out who to blame later.

    Oh okay then you can punch Harvey in the face later? I hope!!! As soon as you find out it's his fault.


  6. Yes, please, all out alert to save/show Scotty! All of the acting, as always, was stellar. A special shout-out to Joss, the more I watch her, the more I like her, really great acting!

  7. I really should read this AFTER I watch the show. But sometimes the blog/comments are better

  8. FINALLY ❤️💜💖💗💚

  9. Apparently Scott got lost in the hospital abyss, see you next month Scottie...Jason/Sam stuck in trailer of Doom, of course Jason saves her, I really love you blah blah blah, don't care.

    Ummm, Elizabeth, why haven't you asked Franco why he was very VERY late to your wedding and after you get done kissing him give him big punch to the undercarriage, then forgive him for being stupid, the conversation with Harvey could've waited. also, been a nurse for 10 years and we don't typically get shower breaks to go make whoopie with runaway grooms...sheesh

    Ironic that Jason rescues Franco from large metal object, then Franco rescues Drew from large metal object, who's going to tell Drew that Franco and his physics saved him and his superego?

  10. Finally and worth waiting for! Good show and didn’t fast forward at all. I still like Sam better with Jason-Drew is a grump.

  11. "AntJoan said...Yes, please, all out alert to save/show Scotty!"

    Yeah!!! We are going to have to put out a search party for him soon!!!

    "Ruthie said...I really should read this AFTER I watch the show. But sometimes the blog/comments are better"


    "Alicia said...also, been a nurse for 10 years and we don't typically get shower breaks to go make whoopie with runaway grooms...sheesh"


  12. Agreed LSV442, Drew is a grump!!! Sam never panicked with Jason is right! Can’t wait to see Drew lighten up when his Kim memories come flooding back!

  13. sonya said


    ** The special effects for the quake and trailer explosion went over budget, they couldn't afford to pay him.


  14. Michelle Latta said...

    Speaking of "kids" when did Molly get hurt. I must have missed a couple minutes of the show

    ** You didn't,the first time she appears is when Julian and carry her into GH. It was kinda confusing if one misses any of the episode


    1. Yeh I totally missed him carrying her in. The show used to air at 3, but now there are no commercial breaks between The Spew and GH so I forgot to reset my dvr. Oh well.

  15. It didn't appear that the earthquake, as big as it was, didn't touch the PCPD. And it would have been nice to see Julian actually saving Molly and TJ.

  16. "K said...The special effects for the quake and trailer explosion went over budget, they couldn't afford to pay him."


  17. sonya said...

    "K said...The special effects for the quake and trailer explosion went over budget, they couldn't afford to pay him."


    ** It's a shame what I said there can be taken as both funny and seriously, at the same time. Both applying equally. The whole disaster definitely came across as more silly, than anything else, though. These days though, "big event" based storylines just never (or VERY rarely) seem to come across as making a deeply emotionally resonating impact across the canvas that one can REALLY feel. (There are some that do of course) And I don't me specfically GH.


  18. Michelle Latta said...

    Yeh I totally missed him carrying her in. The show used to air at 3, but now there are no commercial breaks between The Spew and GH so I forgot to reset my dvr. Oh well.

    ** Ahhh, you didn't really miss much, essentially, at least. It's when that sort of problems occur, in which I can justify having a hulu subscription. :) ESPECIALLY when nearly all of the 2nd half of today's (Thur) episode get cut into just to show Trump ramble on nonsensically, like he does EVERYTIME he opens his mouth.



    1. Yeh I called in yesterday to work, bad dizzy spell and so I saw GH live. I turned it to and and Trump was on, interrupting the spew for a change and GH actually aired uninterrupted. Shocker.

  19. I hope you're doing okay, now. Seeing him had to have made the spell FAR worse./



Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...