Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The Q's Hug it OUT


This will be short and sweet. 

Val and Nina. Valentin 'explains' to Nina that Cassandra is an old business associate.  He says she 'very complicated'.. and he's going to "work" with her.  He tells her about the arrangement about catching Cassie in drug trafficking.  She's really not that thrilled that he's working with Anna tho. 

Monica, Jordan and Anna talking about Dr. Andre Maddox!! Jordan tells Anna they are looking for him because of Jason. Monica leaves and the two of them talk about DNA and twins and things.  Anna said she feels badly for both Jasons because she knows what it's like to have one show up. 

Diane is in the Metro and Alexis comes in to talk to her. Diane is NOT happy with Alexis talking about Julian anything.  Diane calls Scotty a "chowder head" LOL Alexis explains how bad off Jules is and badly beaten. Alexis won't be able to live with herself if Julian dies in prison. Alexis leaves. 
Diane is sitting there and Miller comes in and she has to tell him she thinks the OTHER Jason is Jason!! AND she's resigning as his lawyer!! OH LORDY!! 

Burton is at Sam's penthhouse-- it's a flashback or flashforward and he shoots Miller and wakes up screaming from a nightmare.  Carly comes to see him--and they hug.  She babbles on an on about how much he means to her. She's also trying to get him to figure out who he is. There's fingerprints but the federal ones may be compromised. 

Sam and Miller. Miller is going to FIGHT for his life. He's mad that Jason has HIS face.  Miller thinks that Sonny just wants the other guy to be Jason SO badly, he'll make it happen. He's afraid they'll have to go into court to fight for things like his SS# .  He leaves to interview a manager for the media company.  (who is at the Metro and looks so bland). AHAHA he asks Miller if he's "really Jason Morgan"!! "I've recently had a twin resurface" .... don't hear that every day!

When he leaves...Sam has a First Jason flashback.  She looks forlorn.  Carly comes over. She says "you know that Jason is Jason (Burton)... you know it" Sam just looks at her, doesn't say anything.  They talk some more. Carly tells her that the REAL Jason won't fight for her like Miller will. Because that's not the real Jason--he just wants her to be happy. 

Alexis goes to Valentin and asks him what his association is with Olivia Jerome. She thinks he's bankrolling Nora to be her lawyer. 

GAH!!  MONICA!!  I was so happy so see her at the door.  I got chills!! "I just want to look at you....I am so happy to see you".  "you've always been so independent"--- He says he was unfair to the family. She says it's water under the bridge. They love each other and hug. 

Jason goes to see Diane too--she explains how he can find out who he is (maybe). They need to get  his case files from 1993.

Someone with black gloves touches Andre's passport on a desk. Can't tell where. 

GOOD show...good Carly/Sam scenes. Good Monica/Jason scenes. 


  1. think of another name for me.

    i dont know...

    how about AJ?

  2. Today's show was the best one I have seen in a long time. And I want to point out there was no Nelle, no Amy, no Michael, no Nathan or Maxie.
    I cannot get my head around Nina plotting strategy. She missed 20 years of growth and development in that coma, and she was bat poop crazy when she woke up. I cannot believe she is running a magazine, let alone capable of participating in a sting operation.
    But I did so love today's show. Jason told Monica he loved her, it was fabulous.

  3. Carly needs to shut her piehole! She is driving me bonkers! Loved the Jason Burton scenes with Monica. I actually hope Miller ends up being Jason the way his former friends are treating him!

    1. Holy crap my sentiments exactly on all points. What a slap in the face to the mobsters!

  4. Valentin was crazy telling Nina she doesn't know how to keep quiet about anything. She is going to blow this whole case.

  5. Paint and Wall's home:

    Paint and Wall: It looks like they are going to a funeral. So basically,

    Wall: You know I am Jason right? I am Jason. The man you are married to. You do know that right? You are with me?

    Paint: Of course I am with you. Yes.

    Stop lying Paint!! Deep down you know who is the real Jason!

    Carly and Sam: GO CARLY! Speak a lot of truths to Sam!!!! :) Sam is not even telling you that you are wrong! :) Oh and yes Jason wouldn't fight for Sam! BOOOOOO!! Hate that.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Manager and Drew: Damn why is Drew so worried that Jason is going to take away his media company? Jason doesn't give a crap about the media company! All he wants to be is Sonny's mob enforcer.

    Alexis and Diane: Hey! NLG has got her voice back! :) Diane wins the line of the day.

    Diane: Finding some legal angle that chowderhead Scott Baldwin might have missed.


    Drew and Diane: I love that Diane wants to get to the truth!

    Drew: You can go to hell.

    ROFL! Poor Drew.. All alone in the Port Chuckles world. :)

    Jason and Diane: Jason don't give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jason's home: Oh great dream! I was confused at first, because I thought this was a repeat show. Hey! Steve Burton shirtless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Rare sighting! :)

    Jason and Monica: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww love the scene!!!!!

    Jason: I know you love me. I love you too.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :) Oh oh Monica!!! You are betraying Drew!!! He is gonna think you betrayed him!

    Jarly: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww my Jarly heart. :)


    ValeNina: Glad V.C. told Nina what is going on! Oh oh Nina wants to help!!!!

    *Nina calls Cassandra*

    Nina: Hi bestie!!!! Want to get together and do something?

    V.C. and Alexis: Oh oh Alexis's voice is bad again! This must have been the first scene they did before NLG's voice got better.

    The hospital:

    Jordan and Anna:

    Jordan: That's disturbing.

    ROFL! You think?! :)

    Gloved man in the Port Chuckles universe or beyond: Hmmmmmm Maddox?

    Sidenote: Yesterday, love that Nelle was spying on Naxie! :)

  6. "david said...think of another name for me.

    i dont know...

    how about AJ?"

    ROFLMAOPMP! Hysterical! :)

  7. I would think that Jason would be obsessing about who held him captive for 5 years. He doesn't even seem to care about it . . . Wouldn't anyone who was held captive for 5 years at least be angry about it?

  8. David - LOL! AJ would be perfect ... 'Also Jason' or 'Another Jason' ;-)

    I also loved the JasonBurton/Monica scenes. Monica has lost so many people. She deserves the love of both Jasons :-)

  9. Really good show today! I would also wonder why Jason isn’t pursuing information on his 5 years of captivity. Finally, a wonderful reunion with Monica! Love seeing the fabulous Diane on more often. Too bad tomw. has Amy. It kind of rubs me the wrong way that Laura W. got her boyfriend on the show and even as part of a GH fantasy weekend next year.

  10. Sorry sonya, this was MEANT to be posted/replied to you on Monday's page later on Monday night. But, my internet connection was VERY bad. So, I figured I'd just stick it here instead, since you'll have a better chance of seeing it this time. (I kept getting knocked offline over and over.) So, I'll try this again!

    sonya said...

    Llanview Pennsylvania/Nora's office: Nora wins the line of the day!

    Nora: Bo Buchanan if I didn't love you already, this would seal the deal. I'm starving and I am so craving a Roadie's burger right now.


    ** LOVED and NEEDED this, today!! :)

    Nora and Alexis: Oh dear.. Nancy Lee Grahn!!! She sounds awful. Her poor voice. :(

    ** She sounded just awful. I hope she gets better soon. I'm definitely wondering now, as to exactly WHO is paying Olivia's legal bills with Nora. At first I was wondering if there was some sort of Alex Olanov or Carlo Hesser connection. (For obvious reasons of course) But then I thought, no I couldn't see Nora taking either of them on. (UNLESS there's an unamed unknown go between, so she WOULDN'T know. (I'm probably just over thinking this, I'm sure)


    1. Its Valentin who is payin Olivias legal bills.

  11. Michelle Latta said...

    Carly needs to shut her piehole! She is driving me bonkers! Loved the Jason Burton scenes with Monica. I actually hope Miller ends up being Jason the way his former friends are treating him!

    ** My thoughts exactly!! The more I think about it, with what's gone on, and how everything has played out /is playing out. If/Until we learn otherwise, I do think he is Jason. Though however it DOES play out. Name wise at least, Let SB keep the last name of Morgan. And then have BM go "back to" being Jason Q. It fits him FAR better. I kinda have to wonder if that was the way things were originally intended to go. But after RC got fired, I think one of Jelly's intentions was to change stuff in different directions.


  12. Anne Long said...

    Valentin was crazy telling Nina she doesn't know how to keep quiet about anything. She is going to blow this whole case.

    ** Probably. I'd love to see it turn out, where her doing what she ends up doing is EXACTLY what he wants her to do, though. And that he was counting on her doing so, all along!


  13. A day without Amy is a GOOD DAY! Oh and her brat brother Chet. PLEASE SEND THEM AWAY FOR HELP ANYWHERE but Pirt Charles. Man Landers is the worst storyline in years! Anything involving Amy is awful. Sorry to the actress but that character is awful.

  14. I am sure that Olivia Jerome amassed a fortune with all of her illegal dealings, so I don't understand why everyone assumes she can't pay her own legal bills . . . Did I miss something?

  15. valentin was working with olivia jerome. he arranged for the mental hospital

  16. I think it would be way more interesting if Steve Burton ended up being Drew. I would really like to see how that played out than have him be Jason Morgan and have it all go back to the Sonny, Carly and Jason show. I would also get no end to satisfaction to see Carly be wrong.

  17. AntJoan said...

    I am sure that Olivia Jerome amassed a fortune with all of her illegal dealings, so I don't understand why everyone assumes she can't pay her own legal bills . . . Did I miss something?

    ** Maybe the govt froze all her assets? (Though, I would imagine having spent a few decades in China, she would have a few accounts over there, at the least) The most likely reason I'm thinking would be just plain old bad writing/sloppy fact checking, though. One way or another, I'm just happy to see Nora again.


  18. uzz5 said...
    I think it would be way more interesting if Steve Burton ended up being Drew. I would really like to see how that played out than have him be Jason Morgan and have it all go back to the Sonny, Carly and Jason show. I would also get no end to satisfaction to see Carly be wrong.

    ** I'm REALLY hoping that's the way things are going to go down, also



Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...