Friday, November 24, 2017

Spoiler Alert! GH for NOV 27th

Oh, look at the Wub Queen a post about spoilers! That' right-- my friend Jenn has a new soap site and does I figure if I point you in that direction, you can find out to your heart's content. 

I have your old face! 

Check out: Diagnosis Daytime

Confession: I really don't look at spoilers too much anymore. I used to have all the inside scoops when Gedstern was around but since her retirement, I just let that fall to the wayside. If I see something on Twitter, I'll mention it but other than that? I'm enjoying being (mostly) spoiler free. 

I do know Dr. Obrect will be getting involved in this Jason mess, meaning things will probably get worse before they get better. I really hope they don't try to say one is Jason but he's really NOT Jason. I did hear that Spinelli is back too-- so will he have to prove Burton is Jason and not Miller after fingerprints say otherwise?? Hmmmmm... 

Ok! Hope you had a fine Turkey Day!! I will do Surgery this Sunday even if we only had a 3day week. It was a fun one, wasn't it? 


  1. Oh, Karen, thanks for the link! Dr. O is coming back!! Three cheers, I LOVE her. Someone here said her daughter also is coming back, maybe they will come back together? And Spinelli, too, be still my heart!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I stopped reading spoilers for pretty much everything, soaps and otherwise. Everything else related: News, interviews, etc, I still keep a watch out for. I much prefer to be surprised with stuff, the way things are intended to be seen. Up until the Internet came into being.I do think it makes things mucch more fun, with that element of surprise.


  4. AntJoan said...

    Oh, Karen, thanks for the link! Dr. O is coming back!! Three cheers, I LOVE her. Someone here said her daughter also is coming back, maybe they will come back together? And Spinelli, too, be still my heart!!

    ** That would have been me. It was announced last Friday that KT would be back for a short stint. Which is pretty much ALL that was said. No first airdate, possible story, etc... Here's the article on Soapcentral that I got it from:

    ** No clue on Spinelli though, for certain. I do seem to remember reading a few weeks ago or so though, that he was due back. It would be VERY weird if they didn't bring him back, though.


  5. Cannot wait for the Spinelli/Burton reunion! I wish they would bring Spin back full time!


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...