Friday, November 17, 2017

Friday Focus: Face Finds

BRIDGE DAY!! If Robin says he's Jason--he's JASON. "Somehow I knew you'd be here" she says to Burton. know he's gonna be Jason! Robin says "how can this be possible"??  Jason explains that he has an identical twin. Let's think about this-- wouldn't ROBIN have figured that out!? LOL 
She's not sure it's him then he says "Icing on the cake" which he said to her in Montauk -- when they first kissed (flashback--OMG THEY ARE BABIES!!) 
They hug-- then he says Carly and Sonny are going to prove he's Jason. He doesn't care, he just wants to know who's behind all this. 
Robin tries to explain why it's hard for Sam to admit she thinks Jason is Jason-- 

Sam is at Crimson. Totally forgot she 'owns' it now! She's all glam jam siting at her desk! Nina is afraid that Miller's money won't be good and the media company will fail. She's afraid he's not the Real Jason.  Nina mentions them fighting over SILAS!! hee hee.  Nina thinks Sam should talk to her about Jason and how she's feeling. 
Sam says "so you think I'm afraid to face this"? 
Are you afraid of being in love with 2 different men? Sam explains that she loves Miller and their life together (she says it about 99 times).  BUT then flashes back to her convo with Burton the other day about not being able to love someone because the timing isn't right (or close to that). 

Man Landers stuff: Amy comes clean and tells Chet that she's been paying his bills. She makes a heartfelt plea to him. BTW, if he's supposed to be addicted to pain pills and almost just OD'd, he's looking and acting pretty good. 
Maxie sees her PG test sticking out and hides it. 
Amy and Chet make up, hug. 
Maxi is just going to tell Nathan about the PG test and she gets a text about the Inquisitor breaking the Man Lander's is False story. She runs out. 

Franco, Liz and Jake (the other kids are at "sleep overs" lol)  Jake wants to watch a "Twin Movie"-- Liz tells Franco they should tell Jake that there's another Jason running around. Franco doesn't think so. Then, Franco's picture shows up (Maddox sent it back to him). He leaves with the painting.  Takes it to Ava. Ava tells him he's probably right not to tell the truth because Liz might for sure, leave him. Kind of talks about her own life and Griffin. They are the "baddies" and the "goodies" are too good for the 2 of them. 
Later, Ava googles 'unethical plastic surgeons to find someone to do her face"!! LOL

Curtis and Miller: Miller wants Curtis to tack down Dr. Maddox. and..get this, Jordan comes into the gym and also asks him to look for Maddox.  HE's like: Um, you and someone else, lady! He hacked Maddox' phone and knows the IP address. 

Liz calls Miller to come and see Jake and they tell him about the twin thing. And that some people think the twin is "him"-- which is weird.  But..Jake is like whatever, I love YOU Dad. 


  1. steve burton's best home coming scene is kimberly mccoullgh

  2. Those blue eyes never light up for anyone the way that they do for Robin (Kimberly).

  3. I love those flashbacks. We're lucky to have vets who've been around so long that we can show flasbacks of them as teenagers.

  4. I am deeply cynical with the twin storyline but I did like the scenes with Kim and Steve on the bridge.

  5. This is the kind of soap I love watching. Feels like the old days of GH. Loving it!

  6. Yesterday was my favorite homecoming! I loved those flashbacks and man even though I am absolutely loving GH again I miss my GH from long ago. I was younger then, etc. Haha!! Not to mention the mob wasn't so heavy and neither was the cast.

  7. Ah, Robin and Jason-the best reunion and such a wonderful flashback! The beauty of having original cast members.Poor Jake-he will be so confused when the truth comes out. And I still wish Liz had some other partner than that creepy Franco.

  8. I'm with you there, LindaV. Too bad RH's fans keep confusing him with this character.Franco is not a lovable guy even after surgery. He's weird and untrustworthy.

  9. Gym: Curtis wins the line of the day!

    Drew and Curtis:

    Curtis: According to the staff she took a vow of silence or something. She's repenting. Right hand to God man, that girl is cray.

    BAHAHHAHHAHA Heather repenting?!!?!?! BAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! Heather not talking at all. Vow of silence! Hysterical. :)

    Jurtis: Oh glad they are working together too. :)

    Naxie's home:

    Amy and Chet: Awwww great scene!!!!!!!!!! :) The actor is handsome. :)

    Naxie: Love how Nathan mouthed the words what are you doing, to Maxie... :) Damn why re the writers making us wait to find out if Maxie is preggers or not? It's so dumb.

    Pregnancy test: Hello! HI! Pay attention to me!!!

    Maxie: Shhhhh!

    *Maxie hides her pregnancy test, and the test cries*

    Nathan: What is that noise?

    Maxie: Nothing.

    Friz home: Yeah I think it's a good idea to tell Jake about Jason! BobTodd he needs to know!!! Glad Drew and Liz told Jake.

    Crimson/Sam's office: Is it Crimson? Sam's office looks just like Nina's office..

    Nina and Sam: Nina is so spot on, and Sam is in denial.

    Ava's art gallery: This is so stupid!!!! Ava just find Klein!!! You don't need to do research on other doctors.

    BobTodd and Ava:

    BobTodd: I'm skeered that Liz will want to be with Jason.

    Ava: You should be!!!!! The people that we are with are angelic souls!!!!!

    Oh yes. Griffy and Liz are so perfect. They never made any mistakes..

    Ava: They must always wonder, are we good enough?

    Uh no Ava.. That is YOU wondering that! It's YOUR insecurities!!

    The footbridge:

    Jason and Robin: Awwwwwwwwwww! :) I will forever and ever have a special place in my heart for them. I love the soft look he gave her when he first saw her and they had that reunion awwwww. :) I love the flashbacks!!!!!! Awwwwww! :)

  10. "Wanda said... Those blue eyes never light up for anyone the way that they do for Robin (Kimberly)."

    Yup!!!!! :)

    "Di said... Too bad RH's fans keep confusing him with this character."

    Well, I'm glad I'm not one of the confused ones. :)

  11. kd....There's spam in the "FILLER DAY!" post.

  12. Di said...

    I'm with you there, LindaV. Too bad RH's fans keep confusing him with this character.Franco is not a lovable guy even after surgery. He's weird and untrustworthy.

    ** He's just a LOT of fun to watch whoever/whatever he plays. He (Franco) is weird and untrustworthy too, sure. But, one of the things that I love about how he's playing him now, is that Franco really wants to be a better person, and he is trying to become one. Sure, he screws things up quite often.(With Heather and Scotty for parents, and having been raised by Betsy Frank. There is no way in hell, he wasn't gonna have mental and emotional issues) But he sincere;y is trying to do the best he can.


  13. K said...There is no way in hell, he wasn't gonna have mental and emotional issues)

    *** Exactly. Liz is not so desperate for a man that she'd invite him into her kids' home when he needs looking after himself. This storyline has never made sense to me.

  14. Di said...

    *** Exactly. Liz is not so desperate for a man that she'd invite him into her kids' home when he needs looking after himself. This storyline has never made sense to me.

    ** I really do think for the most part she and her "boys" bring out the good in him. Remember though, she's essentially the first person to give him a chance at having a real "honest" relationship with instead of just running away screaming in fear. Sure, there was that small period of time Nina. But more than anything else at all, I've always thought of it like a "stepping stone" for the future. It was never meant to be some grand epic romance. But it was still something both of them needed. As far as the one he had with Carly, I juat try to forget it ever happened.



Rock N Roll

 TODAY is.... THURSDAY!!  So one of the soap mags has said that Leslie Charleson probably won't be back as Monica due to health issues. ...