Thursday, November 16, 2017

Pill Switch--again

Burton and Sonny talking about Perks and how Morgan was going to run it. Ugh, whatever. They also mention Faison and Obrect. Sonny will talk to her when she gets back from 'out of town'.  Sonny tells Burton someone messed with Morgan's meds. Burton's eyes are SO BLUE on my new TV set. Like jump-out blue!! 
CARLY barges in ugh. She tells Sonny she invited Oscar and his mother. Sonny is like OMG...cut it out. He and Burton share a 'what ya gonna do' smile. Awww, there's good chem between those 3!! 

Nelle is talking to some newspaper guy about getting Man Lander's story money since she knows "the truth". She wants all the money up front.  He gives her 3/4.  She spills it all. Says that Nina was involved too and Crimson knew when it ran the story it was a lie because that's her brother. 

Carly wants to invite Oscar and his mom to Thanksgiving Dinner. It has to be Tams because there's a promo of her sitting at Sonny's. 
And..Oscar's mother says she'll come to Thanksgiving dinner-- but he's afraid of what she'll think when she finds out Sonny's in the mob. 

Griffin and Ava. Ava's begging Griffin to fix her face. He says NOPE she says Pleaaaaze. Nope. Pleaaaaze. Later, they both go to the Metro. Burton comes over to talk to Ava and pay Griff back the money he lent him at the Abbey. Carly sees this and is furious!! "SHE KILLED MORGAN!!" Ut ohhh...and Burton gets angry. "He was my godson--I repaid you, now we are done".  Ava tried to explain why she did it but he's not having it. 
Carly rails at Ava, says she's as vile inside as out..and Griffin will find that out soon enough.

Amy rushes in to get Nate at GH because Chet is gone!! She's freaking out. 

Maxie is taking her pee stick test when there's a knock on the door. Chet is standing there?? HUH? WHAT?? Hmmm... I guess Twitter put out Man Lander's address out there so he went to the apartment. He wants to talk to Nate about his sister. Maxie is like "Don't you remember me from High School-- I was a cheerleader"!!! He like NOPE.  Chet says he wants to go away and not have Amy find him. Maxie calls him a coward. Tells him Amy paid for all his bills!! 
Then Amy and Nate walk in--that will be tomorrow. 


Hmmmm, they are talking about military people .and San Diego's military base.  Maybe Drew was a soldier boy. Remember Helena called him "Soldier Boy" . Well, Oscar and Joss find a "Oscar McSomeone" on My Face--and he was a pilot in the Iraqi war. They wonder if it's him--we see his photo and it's rando guy. We've never seen him that I know of.  JossCar kiss 

END: Sonny is texting someone and smiling. Jason is on the bridge!! Oh it's gonna be ROBIN!! Tomorrow she's on!!! 


  1. only one person can make jasonb smile like that,has to be robin. can we have some character growth with carly and sam. 2 screaming srews.grow up. we have not forgot your crimes.

    1. So is that Robin at the bridge? I hope so. ��

  2. SO excited we'll get Robin tomorrow! I hope she's on for more than one day.

    Yeah ... I'm so tired of this rehashing of Morgan's death, but I knew Jason had to find out about it eventually.

    I laughed at Ava showing the glam pic to Griffin. "I want to look like this again." Um ... you do. Except for the little (ish) scar. Maybe when she gets her face fixed, she will be a true blonde again ;-)

    Oh! That look Nelle shot that guy when he made that sexist comment. This actress is talented.

    So I assume Maxie (and Chet) will be blamed when the 'Ask Man Landers' expose hits. ?

    I don't care about Oscar, or who his real dad is.

  3. Carson home:

    JossCar: Oh good! Oscar's mother is coming for Thanksgiving!!! And they found Oscar's father! So maybe Oscar's parents will have Thanksgiving with the Corinthos clan, and with JossCar! :) Joss wins the line of the day.

    Joss: I can ask Sonny, and maybe he can demob the place a little.

    ROFL! How do you do that?!!?! :)

    The hospital:

    GrAva: This is so stupid!!!! Just go find Klein already!! Ava begging Griffy to fix her face is getting old.

    Amy and Nathan: Geez Amy calm down or you could get a stroke.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Grava, Jason, and Carly: Oh poo!!!! I really liked Ava and Jason's friendship, and now Carly had to ruin it!! :(

    CarSason: Oh poo!!! More Ava bashing! BLAH!

    Invader office: Oh me likey!!!! GO NELLE GO! :) Get what you need! :)

    Naxie's home: Oh stretching is good.. Very good for bowel movements.

    Chet and Maxie: Uh what is the point of this?!!??!?! Why did Chet have to show up? Come on! Maxie was going to look at her preggers test!!! GAH!

  4. "witch said...can we have some character growth with carly and sam."

    No! Of course not!

    "Paul773 said... Maybe when she gets her face fixed, she will be a true blonde again ;-)"


  5. sonya wrote: 'I really liked Ava and Jason's friendship, and now Carly had to ruin it!! :('

    Same here. I would have bugged Sonny and Carly to death. But we know how loyal Jason is ... (eye roll)

  6. "Paul773 said...Same here. I would have bugged Sonny and Carly to death. But we know how loyal Jason is ... (eye roll)"

    Of course he is loyal!!!! That will never change.

  7. Carly talking about how she never drove a young man insane i guess she forgot about when she drugged aj to make him think he was drinking again.

  8. Anne Logan wrote: 'Carly talking about how she never drove a young man insane i guess she forgot about when she drugged aj to make him think he was drinking again.'

    Great point! And will Jason find out that Sonny killed AJ? Will he care?

  9. Paul773 said...

    Great point! And will Jason find out that Sonny killed AJ? Will he care?

    ** Sadly, I HIGHLY doubt it. I think after the "meat hook incident" ANY chance the two of them might of had to reconcile and be "brothers" again, was gone after that. :(


  10. Carly makes me sick - just can't stand her. I truly wish Jason B would ask about his brother AJ and find out the truth. Nelle's hair looks almost as bad as Ava's. Looking forward to Robin!!

  11. ok I'm over Jason Burton, he dissed my Ava. And I'm so sick of Carly and her screaming

  12. LSV422 said...

    Carly makes me sick - just can't stand her. I truly wish Jason B would ask about his brother AJ and find out the truth

    ** When she and SB were talking the other day, and she kept going on an on about how she was so happy to have him back, and to have someone to watch over her making sure she doesn't get into trouble, etc...I was thinking after she rattled off her list of everything he does for her. No, she wasn't describing a close friend. She was describing a babysitter! Which really is EXACTLY what she needs. I'm in total agreement about the AJ issue. I was thrilled when RC brought him back from the dead, (Especially by Sean Kanan (sp) But, I'd be totally floored if SB did ask about him



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