Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Get My Mocha!

I haven't watched yesterday's show, damn it so I may be spotty on this!! 

Steve and Laura had a fun facebook chat today-- Steve says he has FIFTY BLACK!!  T-shirts!!

Valentin changed his mind about helping Anna bring down Cassie. She threatened Nina and Charlotte. Anna is like: I have to trust you, right? They talk about things. Finn comes in later, Valentin leaves. Finn tells Anna HE wants in on the drug thing! LOL now she has 2 guys to help her!!  She says No though! "I already have a way in"... Finn figures out it's Valentin and he says "oh hell no"

OH! SO Amy's brother, Chris I mean-- um... what's his name? Chet ? Chad? Anyway he's addicted to pain killers. GREAT idea for the opioid story--so many vets are addicted because of physical/mental pain. Finn is treating him. He doesn't want to see Amy--she won't leave. Calls him a hero. Chet says "I'm no hero, the ones that didn't come back are heroes".  He tells her to leave again. Nate says to Amy; "Tell him about the money you gave him for his bills". She says no, it will hurt his pride and she'll never tell him. 

Michael isn't sure if Jason is Jason--but he hasn't seen Burton's face yet. Sonny's like: It's him. Michael doesn't want to explain to Burton why he thought Miller was Jason, he feels terrible about it. 

OMG!! ahaha. Maxie is acting like Nelle's boss!! You GO GIRL!! Nelle is broke, needs a raise. She storms into Nina's office. Nina's like: NOPE.  Then Maxie tells Nelle to go get her coffee. LOL Nelle storms off. 

Later, Nelle sees Michael at the Metro. She says I heard about the Jason/Jason thing. I can help you, I still care. Michael just stares at her. Nelle keeps trying "We can help each other"... Carly sees them holding hands. Michael tells Nelle to just go away. Michael then tells Carly they are broken up. 

Carly goes to Visit Burton. Tells him Franco is "reformed" and to focus on HIS life, not worry about Franco. Diane is getting bail for him. Sonny will pay. OMG. Carly bought Burton clothes. LOL She says to wear them when he gets out. Burton: CARLY!! YOU BOUGHT ME CLOTHES? NOooo. 

Klein is out on bail... he calls Valentin to say thanks. Val is like NOT ME, PAL...never call me again. Then, Klein is attacked. Oh! Sonny takes him into his office. Sonny" You're gonna tell me who's paying you for this"!!  Klein says he doesn't know. Sonny says they are going to sit there until the phone rings. 
OH!! Jason comes in later...he must have gotten out on bail! Carly bought him standard St. Jayus outfit; Black Tshirt, Levi's and leather jacket.  Klein insists he doesn't know who the boss is.
THEN THE phone rings....but show ends..dun dun dunnnnnn. 
Look at that photo up there: Bob the Badger helped out too!! 

SO...Nelle is strapped for cash, she can't even pay her phone bill. After leaving Michael, she runs into Valentin and he asks if she's ok. She says no "you may be the only one to help me"
I WONDER IF SHE'LL DEAL DRUGS!! Oh no--she tells Val he has to tell Nina to give her a raise or she's going to "blow his marriage out of the water".. She took a photo of him kissing Cassandra.  Valentin is not too happy with that. 

Wondering: Will Nelle remember Maxie's Mocha? 


  1. Okay, if I were Valentin "a theif and killer, but not a drug dealer", and someone like Nelle tried to blackmail me, I'd probably just kill her and be done with it. In fact, the idea that he might not really makes me mad.

    Also, if Nelle is soooo broke, how did she afford those tickets?

  2. The Nelle story makes no sense, she gave a $50,000 ring to charity, right? Maybe everyone will end up hating her and she will be dead, and it will be a "who done it"? Oh, well, a girl can hope. . . Actually I don't mind her if she is really evil, she plays the villain really well.

    On yesterday's show, our beautiful Alexis was subject to HORRIBLE lighting, not once, but twice: First in the elevator, then in the prison visitors' area. NO actress should have to work in that kind of unflattering lighting, it should be in their contract. Of course, she is so beautiful that she looks beautiful in ANY lighting, but still . . .

  3. I was so irritated by Sonnys comment to Michael that the "man married to Sam is trying to hold onto a life that doesn't belong to him" WHAT ABOUT SCOUT! Isn't Sonny her Godfather? It's so annoying he and Carly forget all of these "little things" now that Saint Jason is back. I really hope this comeback is not a redux of the Sonny show and that Jason Burton can play a different type of character not Sonnys sidekick ok rant over lol

  4. I think that Amy was really good in her scenes today, and I think that the writing in general has shown great improvement. The actors are not just rehashing the same conversations over and over, things are moving along . . . I hope this can continue . . .

  5. BeaArthur said...

    I was so irritated by Sonnys comment to Michael that the "man married to Sam is trying to hold onto a life that doesn't belong to him" WHAT ABOUT SCOUT! Isn't Sonny her Godfather? It's so annoying he and Carly forget all of these "little things" now that Saint Jason is back. I really hope this comeback is not a redux of the Sonny show and that Jason Burton can play a different type of character not Sonnys sidekick ok rant over lol

    ** This is EXACTLY what my biggest worry has been since the announcement of him returning. And has definitely been on my mind more and more. I really hope they don't go this way again. I've been watching GH since '79, and the "Sonny Show" period was definitely the hardest for me to watch, and probably the closest time in all that I've watched to seriously consider giving up on things.


  6. The big boss man behind all this should be Burt Ramsey. Surely he must have been released from prison by now, and would be a great use of Anna's history.

  7. I was also amazed that Nelle was broke - she actually sold that ring for the 50K she contributed. She is blackmailing the wrong guy and I hope she pays for it. Alexis did look bad in the prison scenes and I think she has been wearing that adorable military jacket for a few weeks. I think it's unfair for Sonny and Carly to turn on Jason M, but he is acting so hostile. Considering his background he should try to understand that anything is possible. And I really like Finn and Anna.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. The hospital/Chet's room: Chet is in his 30's, but looks and acts like an 18 year old.

    Jason's jail cell:

    Klein and Jason: Klein is tight lipped Jason! Hang him over a building! :)

    Carly and Jason: Hahahahahahahhaaha! Carly got you new clothes Jason!!!! HAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAA!

    Chandler Mansion:

    V.C. and Anna: Oh V.C. come on!!! You don't need Anna's help to bury Cassie!!! You can do this all yourself. I don't buy it!

    Fincherama and Anna: Love that Fincherama changed his mind! :) Now Anna has 2 men to help her! :)


    Nelle and Nina:

    Nina: No raise for you!

    Nelle's thoughts: Oh crap! You will pay Nina!

    Nina: Want some soup? The soup nazi has some delicious soup! Are you hungry?

    Nelle's thoughts: DIE DIE DIE DIE!

    Maxie and Nelle:

    Maxie: Get me coffee, get my dry cleaning, wash my car.

    Nelle's thoughts: DIE DIE DIE DIE!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Melle: BURN NELLE BURN!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Michael and Carly:

    Michael: Nelle and I are over.

    Carly's thoughts: YIPPIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I have to tell my mother!

    Sonny's office:

    Klein and Sonny: Sonny wins the line of the day.

    Sonny: As far as I know, everybody loves me.

    BAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Seriously Sonny? Seriously?! I can't believe Sonny said that with a straight face! :)

    Jason: Oh look! Carly has got Jason black clothes again.. No character growth for Jason.. Nope none at all.

  10. "friscogh said...The big boss man behind all this should be Burt Ramsey. Surely he must have been released from prison by now, and would be a great use of Anna's history."

    OH! I would LOVE that!!!! :) Yes I agree, great use of Anna's history. :)

  11. I'm still wondering how Nell changed Maxie' story before she handed it in for publishing. lol

  12. friscogh said...

    The big boss man behind all this should be Burt Ramsey. Surely he must have been released from prison by now, and would be a great use of Anna's history.

    ** That would be FANTASTIC. Sadly though, even if they did actually do it, we'd have a recast. But, his younger brother is still alive. And they did look/sound SO MUCH like each other, it could work. Unfortunately, I think the chances of it happening are probably somewhere around the chance of Tony Geary coming back full time.


  13. sonya said...

    Jason: Oh look! Carly has got Jason black clothes again.. No character growth for Jason.. Nope none at all.

    ** Did you REALLY think there would be anything different? Right when Carly told him she bought him all new clothes, I knew the next time we saw him on screen he'd be back to his usual bad Johnny Cash impression.


  14. "Di said...I'm still wondering how Nell changed Maxie' story before she handed it in for publishing. lol"

    Huh? She did?

    "K says Did you REALLY think there would be anything different?"

    I was hoping!!!! :)

    :Right when Carly told him she bought him all new clothes, I knew the next time we saw him on screen he'd be back to his usual bad Johnny Cash impression."


  15. sonya said...
    "Di said...I'm still wondering how Nell changed Maxie' story before she handed it in for publishing. lol"

    Huh? She did?

    Yep. Nina asked her to look over Maxie's story and see if it needed any corrections before she passed it in. Since maxie was treating her like a servant just before that I thought it could lead to some fun additions.

  16. If Jason A and Jason B are identical twins, and have children with the same woman, does that make Danny and Scout genetically full siblings (same DNA from dad(s) and same mom)? If so, they can figure out genetics through Jake, who has a different mother.


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...