Friday, November 3, 2017

Push Ups

AGAIN, this was hard to keep straight! Watch the show for the details --and characters' faces!

Diane and Sonny. Diane hasn't seen Burton, he was gone when she went the the PCPD. She says "He could be playing you though"...They try to figure who's who. Get no where, really.

Liz confronts Franco. He admits there's a twin Jason but says HE'S DEAD and gives her the fake death certificate!!  Well, why? Hmmm..Maybe he doesn't want her to think the real Jason is alive?? Hmmmm.

Scotty sees Jason Burton at the PCPD 'GOOD GOD"!! He won't even go in there! LOL he says: I'm out. Remember he helped Susan Moore with all this stuff--- back in the day so who knows what he knows!! 
He goes to GH and hauls Franco away from Liz. Franco tells Scott he can't tell her the truth because he tried to kill the twin Jason. DUH. Like when he was 3??? That's pretty weak. Scotty tries to talk Franco into telling the Jason's who's who. Franco is afraid. 

Burton is in the jail with Klein. He wants to know who took him to the clinic. Who paid them. Klein says he has no idea.

Diane goes to see Burton in the jail. She says Well, Well, Well... Then she says I KNOW you're Jason. I am a litigator, there's too many holes in his story. Your story fills him in. I'm objective. Carly and Sonny love you, they needed you back. I know that's you"....

GrAva..Ava's got strawberry blonde hair today.  They go to the Metro where Sonny is. Griff takes a call. Sonny wants Ava to tell him about Jason in the Clinic. He thinks she may be part of it. Sonny says to Griffin: YOU LEFT the Priesthood FOR HER?? lol he says he'll pray for him lol. 

Alexis and Sam---Alexis asks her "what if that other guy IS Jason"?? Sam says she loves her husband and he loves her. "He's Scout's father, the only Dad Danny has ever known and we've fallen back in love over 2 years"... 

Later Miller and Sam go home and cuddle. He says "You know that guy's a fraud, right"??? Right"?? Sam doesn't say anything.

Curtis is going to work for Miller to help him find out who the 'fraud' Burton is. Curtis goes into Franco's office and picks open the drawer to find the fake death certificate and the envelope that has the names of who who's in it. 

Monica says to Liz that she knows Miller is her son. (I think she wants him to be her son, since they got close and such)-- and she hopes they find out about the impostor person. 

END OF SHOW!! LIZ goes to see JASON! Monday will be a Liason day! 

MONDAY: Liason talk. Scotty says that "Julian was beaten to an inch of his life"....


  1. Soooo confusing but yeh Liason Monday. ❤

  2. Liason still has chemistry. hopfully they reunite. gh needs romance.

    1. I like Friz but I have always loved liason. So I'd be up for a liason romance.

  3. Another great episode with fantastic acting.

    I noticed when Klein was talking to Jason B he said something about people wanting to dismantle something....or something to that effect. It could be that someone wanted to weaken the Corinthos organization and what better way than to take Jason and put a ringer in his place, someone who would lead Sonny down another path ( maybe out of the business) and then leave him on his own.

    I'm also hoping for a little Liason chemistry witch. I hope all these lies means the end of Liz and Franco.

    I never thought I'd get a chance to say this again but kudos to the writers. I love their pacing on this storyline, and the fact that they manage to have everybody talking about the Jason story without everybody repeating the same lines over and over again.

  4. Another great show! Like Di said, kudos to the writers. I am not looking forward to Julian's return. At all.

  5. Looks like writers are tearing down Franco after they did such a good job of building him up. I really liked Friz. But it's looking like the end is coming. I don't get it.

  6. Di said...

    I noticed when Klein was talking to Jason B he said something about people wanting to dismantle something....or something to that effect. It could be that someone wanted to weaken the Corinthos organization and what better way than to take Jason and put a ringer in his place, someone who would lead Sonny down another path ( maybe out of the business) and then leave him on his own.

    ** I can't remember him saying something like that at all. He did say something to the effect though about Jason pretty much destroying his clinic in Russia essentially single-handed, though.


  7. My Liason heart is all a flutttttter!!!

  8. I hope the writers give us a great liason scene monday. please don't disappoint me.

  9. The hospital:

    Grava: Squeeeeeeeeeee! My Grava heart. :)

    Friz: So glad Liz is going to be okay!!! :) Liz learned from her experiences that keeping secrets is not good thing!! Glad she learned that lesson. :)

    Curtis and Drew: Awww the bromance is still alive and well! :) Glad Curtis is going to snoop around! Yes Curtis get to the bottom of this!

    Sam's room: Come on!!! You know that Sam is silently believing that Steve Burton is Jason Morgan!!!! It's written all over her face!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Diane and Sonny: Seeing is believing Diane! :)

    Grava and Sonny: Sonny!! Warning Griffy about Ava? Are you serious right now?! BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAA! Like you are squeaky clean perfect person!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! Someone should warn Carly to stay away from you! :)

    Jason's jail cell:

    Dr. K and Jason: Oh Jason. Dr. K is not going to tell you anything. He is all whiny and skeeered.

    Diane and Jason: Awwww great scene!!!! :)

    BobTodd's art room:

    BobTodd and Scotty: Great scene!!!! :)

    Paint and Wall's home:

    Paint and Wall:

    Wall: I am your husband!!! This other guy is a fraud!!! You do know that don't you?!!

    *Paint is quiet and deep down knows the truth*

  10. If Jason A and Jason B are identical twins, and have children with the same woman, does that make Danny and Scout genetically full siblings (same DNA from dad(s) and same mom)? If so, they can figure out genetics through Jake, who has a different mother.


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...