Saturday, November 4, 2017

Saturday Pre-Surgery WUB: Just Do It

Imagine if you will....


TPTB:  Burton's leaving.. sell it, he's dead. 
Writers:  No recast?
TPTB: Come on, it's BURTON we're talking recast. Sell his death. HARD.

Writer: Okey, dokey 


TPTB:  We recast Burton. 
Writers: WHAT??
TPTB: Yep. with it. 
Writers: Um.. well... 
TPTB: You can bring anyone back to life..,you've done it 56 times already.
Writers:  Yeah, but usually they are the same face.
TPTB:  Some have had different faces. Just do it. SELL MILLER AS JASON. HARD!!! 
Writers:  Okaaaay.... we have to take some liberty with memories and timelines and
TPTB: You think we care? Look at Franco, people buy anything. DO IT! 


TPTB:  Hello, twerps! 
Writers: (all throw their pencils) what NOW? 
Writers: Of course you did. So, Miller's out. 
TPTB:  Oh, you fools. Of course not,  we're keeping him too. 
Writers: So, Burton is a whole different character--like, um..Claudia was? 
TPTB:  No, that would be stupid. He's coming back as...Jason.
Writers: But you're keeping Miller
TPTB:  Yep. 
Writers: : But we sold Miller hard as Jason 
TPTB:  You think we care? Just do it. 
Writers: You can't just do it...
TPTB: Oh, other soaps have done it, don't even pull that one on us. We know. 
Writers: Damn it. Well, then, Miller has to be a fake Jason that doesn't know he's Jason, right? Then Jason comes back and people find out he's the real Jason and...
TPTB: Nah, that's been done before...we want something twisty. 
Writers: Twisty?
TPTB:  Yeah, make it real twisty. But stick to history and don't make ANY mistakes. Our fans know every detail that's happened. So, don't blow this. Just you know, do what you do. We're watching. 
Writers: Oh hell. 
TPTB: Have a nice day--oh, by the way-- Tamara Braun is back too. 
Writers: Hey --
TPTB: Don't worry, you won't have to work as hard on that story! Have a great week! 
Writers: We're fucked.  This is worse than Kidney-Gate.  Get some Starbucks. Now! 


  1. Great columnn! Crazy as it is, the return of SB coinciding with the change of HW may be just what the doctor ordered for GH. The confluence of those two have already brought life to the weak and gasping show. Can't wait to see what comes next.

  2. This story reminds me (or seems stolen from) DOOL when Roman died, came back with a new actor, then when the old actor came back everyone looked at him and said, "Oh, yeah, YOU'RE Roman! Old Roman who was the new Roman must be John Black. Ooopsie!" No questions! The old old Roman left and Chris Kosicheck became the Old old Roman's character, leaving John Black as John Black and who knows WHERE Chris Kosicheck went!! Except Roman now looks like HIM!

  3. I bet that it really went like that, word for word :) Same thing on OLTL, two Todds

  4. Didn't something happen like that with Duke Lavery?

    You know, my husband and I (who always are desperate to find a show we both like and can watch together), have been watching "The Last Ship," don't know if anyone else has heard of it, it is not a new show. Anyway, our Max is on it!! (You know, Sonny's bodyguard, not Maxie.)

  5. HAHAHAHAHAAHHAHHAAHA! I love it! So funny! Especially this,

    "TPTB: Have a nice day--oh, by the way-- Tamara Braun is back too.
    Writers: Hey --"


  6. Love this! Bet the GH writers are telling their friends to read this saying SEE SOMEBODY UNDERSTANDS OUR LIFE!!!

  7. I could SO hear that playing out!


  8. Shelley said...

    This story reminds me (or seems stolen from) DOOL when Roman died, came back with a new actor, then when the old actor came back everyone looked at him and said, "Oh, yeah, YOU'RE Roman! Old Roman who was the new Roman must be John Black. Ooopsie!" No questions! The old old Roman left and Chris Kosicheck became the Old old Roman's character, leaving John Black as John Black and who knows WHERE Chris Kosicheck went!! Except Roman now looks like HIM

    ** The RoJohn years were a VERY strange period on DAYS. Apparently when Drake was told that Deidre and Wayne were coming back, and he would no longer be Roman, EVEN he thought it made no sense whatsoever. Granted, John has gone through so many many background/identity revisions that at this point, it almost is a joke. I'm still not entirely sure what I think of the most recent changes, saying Jigsaw is is father.

    ** What no mention of Alex North? (granted I can totally understand trying not to remember that bit).


    1. After tuning back into DAYS a couple yrs ago I still can't get get used to Chris Kosicheck playing Roman. LOL!! Not sure why cause I love my John Black character.

  9. AntJoan said...

    You know, my husband and I (who always are desperate to find a show we both like and can watch together), have been watching "The Last Ship," don't know if anyone else has heard of it, it is not a new show. Anyway, our Max is on it!! (You know, Sonny's bodyguard, not Maxie.)

    ** I still need to watch the most recent season from a few months ago, which is still sitting on my DVR. Max was only in a couple of episodes at the end of the first season, though. At the time I remember reading an interview with him saying that things had been left where the character would be able to come back in the future. But that hasn't come about, so far.


  10. Loved the end of Friday's show!!! Still waiting fir PERFECT LIASON SCENE ON MONDAY!!!

  11. K, Max WAS on the second season for a few episodes, then he was killed off (we just started the second season).

  12. AntJoan said...

    K, Max WAS on the second season for a few episodes, then he was killed off (we just started the second season).

    ** Ahhh, thanks for the clarification. Up until this latest season, I'd pretty much watch each episode a couple days after they aired, at the latest. That said, reading that he was going to be in it at the time, was why I started to watch it in the first place.


  13. Michelle Latta said...

    After tuning back into DAYS a couple yrs ago I still can't get get used to Chris Kosicheck playing Roman. LOL!! Not sure why cause I love my John Black character.

    ** I adore both of them. Unfortunately though, Roman's onscreen time over the past few years has been damn near non-existent. Which considering how important of a character he is to the show's history, boggles me at times.



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