Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Welcome Home....JASON

Dante says he knew it was "Jason" as soon as he saw him in person and some video tape he looked at confirmed it. Says "Welcome home Jason"...shakes hand. HE also tells him that Jason Miller is a good guy and saved his life once.  Burton wants to see the file from the night Faison shot him.  Not much in the file but Dante tells him that Faison was obsessed with Anna Devane. 

Anna is yelling at Finn that he can't help with the development of the synthetic drug for Cassandra. Why? Who knows. Robin walks in "what's going on"??  Finn talks about how bad synthetic heroin is and she agrees. Then she goes to Maxie's gathering. Anna says: "How dare you use my daughter"! Anna talks about Robin's HIV and how Stone's first girlfriend was hooked on drugs and then gave it to him. It was a cycle. Cries.
Valentin comes in and after talking to Finn and Anna, thinks it's a brilliant plan to have Finn do the synthetic chemistry stuff. 
Anna tells Finn to leave then yells at Valentin...CUTE SCENES, I like it!!  All 3 of them.  Finn goes to the Metro where he runs into: CASSIE!  He asks if she'll have coffee with him. 

Maxie tells people she's pregnant. Everyone is happy. Dr. O is like: Now we are bonded together forever. Mac has to have a bloody mary at that news lol! Lulu asks Sam if there's a job for her at their media company. She gives her the managers' name. Robin goes there and talks to Sam about Burton/Miller. Sam snaps at her, says she's loves "HER HUSBAND" and wishes people would shut up. Robin says sorry. She's going back to CA-- and to call if she needs to talk. 
Nina is thrilled about this baby news! Nathan talks about never knowing his biological dad... just then...
Jason goes to see Anna about Faison (anvil??). 

Jordan and Curtis are in "Cuba". I can tell because of the Panama Hats, Cigar, Palm trees, sun dresses and of course, some salsa music (Or whatever) . They are waiting to catch Andre.  Andre walks up but won't tell them anything.  Jordan pleads with his good nature. Will he crack? 

Tomorrow: Spin is on-- and Dr. Obrect talks to Sonny and Jason about Faison's motive and why he wanted Jason as an "asset" . 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really enjoyed the show today. Loved the Anna/Finn scenes where she tells him how Robin contracted HIV. Finola is so damn good! Also liked the Sam/Robin scene. Really happy they didn't forget that we don't know who Nathan's father is. I wish we would have seen Robin give Obrecht an eye roll - at least - or something;-) And of course Lulu will get a job at Aurora. I mean, she's written a few blog posts and a few articles ... ha ha.

  3. The floating rib: DR O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought she left forever! So glad she is there!!!!! Sounds like Kristina Wagner has a cold.. She has got strange hair. Dr O wins the line of the day.

    Dr. O: What is wrong with Americans?


    Sam and Robin: So basically,

    Robin: Jason Jason Jason. Gush gush gush gush. Jason Jason Jason.

    Sam: SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JASON IS MY HUSBAND! I LOVE HIM!!!!! SHUT UP!

    Robin: 0 0

    Nina and Nathan: Awwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    "Karen says Nathan talks about never knowing his biological dad... just then...
    Jason goes to see Anna about Faison (anvil??)."

    Anvil that Jason is his father, or Faison? ROFL!

    Cuba restaurant:

    Jurtis and Maddox: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!

    Jordan: STOP IT!

    Maddox: OH! Jordan! *heart starts pounding because he still wuvs her*

    Police station:

    Jason and Dante: So basically,

    Jason: Are you going to just stare at me?

    Dante: Well you stare at people all the time.

    Jason: O O

    Chandler Mansion:

    Fincharama, Anna, and V.C. Yeah Anna! V.C. has a point.. Why are you so worried about Fincharama?!!?! Do you have feelings for him? :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    ValeNina and Cassie: So basically,


    Cassie: MY BESTIE NINA!!!!

    V.C.: 0 0

    Nina: Oh babe! Cassie and I are having brunch together. We bonded and are BFF's now!

    V.C.: 0 0

    Cassie: This brunch is going to be so much fun!

    Nina: Yes it is!!!!

    V.C.: O O

  4. Anyone else think Victor Cassadine is still alive? I think he's in on the two Jason things as well

  5. Paul773 said...

    Really happy they didn't forget that we don't know who Nathan's father is.

    ** I've been hoping for awhile now that this was gonna get addressed again. Since there hadn't been any word about it at all for a few years now.


  6. sonya said...

    Sam and Robin: So basically,

    Robin: Jason Jason Jason. Gush gush gush gush. Jason Jason Jason.

    ** With no Thur or Fri show last week, and not seeing her for the past couple days, I totally forgot Robin was still in PC even, when we first saw her at Anna's today. @.@


  7. I would have thought Robin would have at least glared at Dr. O, the woman who helped keep her captive for years. Glad to see Dr. O though. With all this talk about Faison, and with Britt returning, seems like it would be the right time for Faison to come back. Why wouldn't Dr. O have told Nathan if Faison was his father? He is Britt's father, too.

  8. "K says With no Thur or Fri show last week, and not seeing her for the past couple days, I totally forgot Robin was still in PC even, when we first saw her at Anna's today. @.@"

    Hahahaha. Yeah I thought she would be gone by now! :)

  9. LSV422 said...

    With all this talk about Faison, and with Britt returning, seems like it would be the right time for Faison to come back.

    ** I'd LOVE to see Faison show up, even if it's only a brief visit.

    Why wouldn't Dr. O have told Nathan if Faison was his father? He is Britt's father, too.

    ** I'm rather certain Faison isn't his father. And we know for sure Victor Cassadine isn't, either. (Which is a shame. I absolutely adore Thaao Phenghlis (sp), and always wondered for so long as to why it seemed like Victor's existence was for all intents and purposes, was completely forgotten about. Having been the only surviving Cassadine that was directly involved in the Ice Princess affair, (And he wasn't actually a villain, even. Reallu, the original intent of the weather machine, wasn't a bad one.) Hell, he helped Luke and Robert shut the machine down, and went to prison, not to be mentioned again for 30 years. There was SO much untapped potential there.)) It's pretty much all a moot point anyways, seeing as I'm pretty sure Thaao is on contract with DAYS, anyways.



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