Thursday, November 9, 2017

You're FIRED!!

Miller thinks Burton might take Danny, he thinks they need more security. Sam is, no. Then he says "don't you think I'm Jason" or something like that. He went to see Betsy but she left. Sam tries to reassure him. They mope on the couch. Sam tells him to go for a "ride to clear his head". She can't go because Scout if upstairs. 

Oscar and Josslyn at Perks. He says he's found a CD that pertains to his Dad. They go to Sonny for a CD player lol... you know he has one! They get it and listen. We don't hear it-- because of copyrights I'm sure #$$$ but it's about people that can't be together. (they show Miller right after so?? Is he the daddy??) 

Klein takes the call from his boss--can't recogninze the voice because it's mechanical. Sonny says: MEET HIM! So Klein says they need a face to face. Boss says NO. Sonny says he'll leave it up to Burton to decide Klein's fate. Burton wants him to FIX THE REST OF AVA'S FACE!! ahahhaha. Sonny's not even in the room. Oh that's great. Klein gives Burton a flashdrive and then he puts it in an envelope with an address on it. He tells Sonny that Klein is "all his now" 

Cassie goes to Crimson to talk to Nina. She wants her to go out to lunch.  Nina can't, because of a deadline. Cassie leaves. She sees Valentin later and flaunts seeing Nina in his face. 

Kiki is happy Ava reopened the gallery.  Boy, Ava's hair is..... I like it so much better that lighter blonde!!  Geeesh, you'd think they talk about Avery? Just a little?  Anyway--Burton dropped off the flashdrive at her apartment. She and Kiki look at it and figure out it's notes on how to fix her face. 

Nelle is trying to blackmail Valentin with the photo of him kissing Cassandra. He's not happy!! He says NOPE. So, she goes to Nina and shows her the photo. She acts all upset like it just happened.  OMG Nina finds out by looking at the phone that Nelle took it a month ago and figures out she was going to blackmail Valentin or try to get Nina to give her money!! LOL. She yells at her and FIRES her!! Nelle stalks off. 
Oh, she's got no money, no Michael...No job.  You know it's a rampage next lol. 
Valentin tells Nina about Cassandra and knowing her back in his spy days. He says she's there to see Hamilton Finn about a medical condition. Then he says..."and there's something else" ...

PREVIEWS:  Burton shows up at Sam's door. Miller goes to Monica who reassures him. 

Sonny let Klein go. Brick found out that the cell phone pinging came from Port Charles so obviously, his boss is in PC.
I think it's MAX HOLDEN--Dr. David Bensch. Just a thought. 


  1. my guess, nelle ends up dead.hurray

  2. has anyone mentioned Ava's hair color? What the heck happened?

  3. Why would Dr. Bensch want to have Jason kidnapped. I'd rather it was someone with a history with Sonny or jason.

    And did anyone else notice that Jason Miller suggested to Sam that they get protection for "the kid." Who refers to their son as the kid?

    I loved the fact that Nina also told Nell to get lost. I hope she ends up gone soon.

  4. Let's make it interesting - who could it be?
    maybe Dr. O is back?
    It's not Valentin, but I bet we are to think it is.
    maybe Shawn has finally been released from prison and getting back at Sonny.
    oooo - maybe Aiden and Cam are now adults and have done this to get back at their mother who never sees them.....

    1. Maybe James Franco is the boss
      and RoHo is Todd Manning, brainwashed?

  5. Its been a few years since we've seen Jerry. He is certainly capable of something like this in my opinion.

  6. November 9, 2017 at 6:12 PM
    Blogger JSL said...
    Maybe James Franco is the boss
    and RoHo is Todd Manning, brainwashed?

    November 9, 2017 at 6:57 PM

    I love this! Wish it could be true

  7. They can't afford to get sic for Jocelyn and Oscar, but ABC can have Taylor Swift perform in TGIT? WTF?

    Also, there is no physics in Nina's office,as Nina's glass ball BOUNCED off the door and then fell on ths floor and broke.

    I'm going to be annoyed, if it's revealed that Miller is really Jason, as Burton/6 is LITERALLY acting like Jason. Remember, Jason is lethal, which Miller is not.

    Major People who haven't encountered Burton/6:Michael,Alexis,MONICA,Ned,Dillon,

  8. Di said...

    Why would Dr. Bensch want to have Jason kidnapped. I'd rather it was someone with a history with Sonny or jason.

    ** Yeah, that doesn't make any sense to me, either. Plus, a few recent interviews with JDP I've read, that's not at all how the character is supposed to be. He's suppposed to be more of a "supporting" character, and not anything big like that.


  9. Barbara said...

    Let's make it interesting - who could it be?
    maybe Dr. O is back?

    ** She hasn't gone anywhere, she just hasn't been used in awhile, like with Dillon these days. Besides, sure Liesl has done some bad stuff in the past. But, when it comes to being a doctor and treating/taking care of patients, making sure they receive the best possible care that she/GH could provide was still VERY important to her. There is no way I can see her involved in the manufacture and distribution of synthetic opioids in PC. As bad as she's been in the past (which I do think the VAST majority of them are a result of her having been obsessed with Faison.) Since she FINALLY realized mooning over him did her no good at all, and he would never care for her the way she wanted him to, except for a few instances (and even those were VERY tame in comparison to stuff in her past) She's mellowed out (and to some degree one could say matured) since she first appeared. With her family now a big priority, it makes no sense having her behind it.


  10. Replies
    1. I agree Ant Joan, cause she's never really gone. Haha!

  11. Dr. O has done bad things but would never do this. She would never jeopardize the health of "innocents".

    I would actually like to see Dr. O brought into this story but as an ally of Anna's. Force those two to work together to bust up this drug ring. I'd much rather see Anna work with Dr. O than monotone breathy, boring as all holy hell Silas/Finn/who-ever-he-is.

    As for who is behind this? Draw on GH history and have it be Mr. Big, Burt Ramsey.

  12. friscogh, didn't Dr. O help keep Robin a prisoner at the clinic in Europe? But, I think it might be Jerry or Helena. Or maybe recast Nik, who wasn't a nice guy towards the end. Maura's hair color is horrible-she looks lovely with a lighter color. I read a blind item in SOD awhile back that one cast member wasn't thrilled with a returning actor and I'll bet it's Kelly M., since she is dating BM. Haven't seen any photos of her and Stevie B, like there have been with Mo and Laura W.

  13. Remember when Patient 6 was at the clinic he would clench his fist whenever a Cassadine was mentioned, but yet he says he has no idea what happened to him. Is this a clue? Or is just a writing error. I feel bad for Jason Miller. He is being tortured right now. He even said to Sam that everyone has abandoned him, except her and Monica. Loved how smart Nina has become. Her treatment of Nelle was right on!!

  14. I hope this is the beginning of the end for Nelle. Can't believe they would keep such an unpopular character, but then again there is Franco....(nothing against the actor).

  15. Nelle is great as a skanky, evil villain, I just couldn't stand her brother/sister romance with Michael. I wonder if they will keep her on like that, or have her killed off? . .

  16. I missed the part where Nina fired Nelle, our local station broke in and their sound wasn't working so who knows why?? lol I want my Ava back as a blonde.

  17. Sonny's fake restaurant office:

    Jason and Dr. Klein: Awwww Jason wants to help Ava. :) I like that. :) Sonny won't like that!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    V.C. and Nelle: V.C. is able to threaten Nelle, but he can't threaten big bad Cassie!!!


    Cassie and Nina: Awwww! New BFF'S! :)

    Nina and Nelle:

    Nelle: Oh boo hoo Nina. I hate to show you this.. I really really hate to show you this.. Really I do!

    *Shows Nina the picture of V.C. and Cassie.*

    Nina: You using user!!!!!!!! GET OUT YOU'RE FIRED!!!!!!

    Love that Nina knew that Nelle was manipulating her!

    Valenina: The look on V.C.'s face when he opened the door again after Nina threw something, was hysterical!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! That wins scene of the day!!!!

    Paint and Wall's home:

    Paint and Wall: Poor struggling Drew, and poor quiet Sam.

    Central Perk:

    JossCar: Oh ow nice.. They are listening to invisible music. It's so invisible we couldn't hear it.

    Ava's home:

    Ava and Kiwi: Oh great scene!!!! Thanks to Jason, she got the formula!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awwwwww. :)

  18. "Barbara said..oooo - maybe Aiden and Cam are now adults and have done this to get back at their mother who never sees them....."


  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. friscogh said...

    Dr. O has done bad things but would never do this. She would never jeopardize the health of "innocents".

    ** Yeah, she's still a doctor. And even when she did, they were all focused on individual or a group of others. Not indiscriminately like distributing synthetic drugs just for money.

    I would actually like to see Dr. O brought into this story but as an ally of Anna's. Force those two to work together to bust up this drug ring. I'd much rather see Anna work with Dr. O than monotone breathy, boring as all holy hell Silas/Finn/who-ever-he-is.

    As for who is behind this? Draw on GH history and have it be Mr. Big, Burt Ramsey

    ** If only we could be so lucky. Or I was thinking Grant Putnam would be an interesting way to go. Last we knew he was sent back to a mental facility. Have him connect with Olivia Jerome inside (Alexis is going to talk to Nora about her on Mon, so timing wise it could work.)


  21. LSV422 said...

    Didn't Dr. O help keep Robin a prisoner at the clinic in Europe?

    ** Yeah, she did. Remember though, this was when she was still completely obsessed with Faison, and would do absolutely ANYTHING for him, without question or hesitation. I really do think a "light switch turned on inside her head" so to speak, when she realized, that no matter what she did for him, Faison would never love her the same way she felt for him, and as obsessed as he was with Anna. That was the big turning point for her, IMO.



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