Thursday, December 29, 2016


SAW Fantastic Beasts and then caught the 2nd half of GH-- I'm very upset Bobbie didn't smack Nellie in the head with her purse. 

NYE Party.  Curtis and Maddox Zzzzzzzzzz. 

I see Naxie didn't get married.  Lucy comes out and tells Nina and Valentine that the wedding is postponed. 
Nina suggests they get married instead. EYEROLL I guess Valentin has a license guy on speed-dial.  They get married. 

Lulu is just going on and on about Charlotte's custody. It's the new EGG convo. Lawd.  

Dilly and Kiki still on the bus--not saying much. 

Robin came in to see Sonny.  Robin is proud of him. Thinks he's strong. 

BUNCH of New Year's Montages. Nothing great.  No show tomorrow. 

Have a good NYE! I'll try to get the blog done by Sunday morning


  1. I guess Nina's weddings are going to be spur of the moment. Didn't she have a quick wedding to Rick a year or two ago?

    1. She married Rick? I've got a seriously bad memory. I can't stand her. Ugh...she was tolerable with Franco but with Silas and Valentin and even alone.....please go away already.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nelle's home:

    Bobbie and Nelle: Great scene!!! GO BOBBIE! :)

    Bobbie: The problem is, I'm a Spencer. You don't know what that means, but in a nutshell, I won't let anything or anyone hurt my daughter or her family. Happy new year Nelle.

    YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WOOT WOOT! YOU TELL HER BOBBIE!!!! :) Oh so Nelle texts Michael to change her mind about seeing him at the New years eve party just to stick it to Bobbie!

    Sonny's home: I LOVE that Carly has changed!!!! :) Go Carly! :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Jordan and Curtis: Peace!!!!! :) YAY! Now give us a little peck on the lips. No? It's okay I'll wait. :)

    Maddox and Curtis: A new bromance? Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..

    Sam and Carly: Oh shut up Sam!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAH!

    Michael and Nelle: Hmmmm people are kissing and they are just dancing.. Is that a clue that Michael and Nelle are siblings? :)

    Metrocourt hotel:

    Nathan's room: What?!!?! Nathan didn't get a copy of his divorce papers?!!?! HE IS AN IDIOT!!! That makes no sense! He catches his wife having an affair, and he doesn't get a copy of the divorce papers? Cus why?!!?! He didn't want to know?! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!? Makes no sense Jelly!!!!!!

    Maxie's room: Cold shower!!! Oh THAT will help! Lulu sometimes you are so dumb! She has a cold and you give her a cold shower?!!?!! Which made it worse!!!! Oh yes give her coffee while the wedding dress is on the bed! ROFL!

    Maxie: Choo!

    Is the train coming again? Kimberly McCullough looks SO pregnant! :) YAY! Congrats to her! I hope the baby is healthy! :)

    Killon bus: Kiwi is worried about bathroom breaks! ROFL! Awww glad Dillo told her that he didn't sleep with Val.. A Killon KISS! YAY! :)


    Robin: She is going to see a friend? I was thinking, Sonny?

    Lucy: Lucy rehearsing? That is strange. Oh because she hasn't done weddings in awhile. But still she should remember.. :) Silly Lucy. :)

    Valenina: Nina wins the line of the day when she talked to the priest.

    Nina: By any chance are you credentialed to perform weddings?

    BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! He is a priest Nina! Of course he is! ROFLMAOPMP! Oh Valenina gets married! Oh come on! Pretending that the only reason you got married is because of Charlie! You two are also in wuv! :)

    Sonny's home part 2:

    Sonny and Robin: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Carson: They kiss, but in the previews for next time, Carly is yelling at him again! GEEZ!!!! Just stay away from him Carly! You don't have to repeat yourself!

  4. Frank Valentini, Shelly Altman & Jean Passanante Interview – General Hospital – Soapmakers of the Year 2016

    Some excerpts.


    Sometimes in soaps writers bring in new characters with a mystery, but they haven’t really fleshed it out that mystery before they begin airing. Had you mapped out Nelle’s entire back-story and knew all the points you were going to unveil before she made it to air?


    We did in this case. We know Nelle’s back-story."

    Wow!!!!! :0 That is surprising! Really?! So there is going to be a beginning, middle, and end?! :0


    The arrival of Valentin Cassadine on to the scene was quite memorable, and now he is back for a second go-round on the canvas. Is it everything you had hoped for having James Patrick Stuart inhabit the role and bringing it to life?


    He is such a wonderful actor, and he gives us everything. You know he is a bad guy, but boy can he be charming and loving!"

    Hell yeah he can! :)


    Throughout the year, viewers have seen the hotness that is Curtis (Donnell Turner) and Jordan (Vinessa Antoine). When will they finally hit the sheets?


    We are going to play the heat. Donnell Turner and Vinessa Antoine do something to each other’s presence on-screen. We are trying to hold off with that as long as we can so we can get people wanting to see that."

    Oh yeah baby!!! Bring on the heat!!! :)

  5. That last comment by Jean doesn't seem too promising about Curtis and Jordan.

    "We are going to...hold we can get people to wanting to see that."

    Ummm...We want to see that.

  6. "Zak said...That last comment by Jean doesn't seem too promising about Curtis and Jordan.

    "We are going to...hold we can get people to wanting to see that."

    Ummm...We want to see that."

    Yeah I want the kiss, RIGHT NOW! :)

  7. sonya said...

    Nelle's home:

    Bobbie: The problem is, I'm a Spencer. You don't know what that means, but in a nutshell, I won't let anything or anyone hurt my daughter or her family. Happy new year Nelle.


    ** I REALLY hope they keep this up with Bobbie. Since she as never taken shit from anyone!

    Sonny's home: I LOVE that Carly has changed!!!! :) Go Carly! :)

    ** I quite like it too. Over the last couple years, it's as if she has finally grown up, and started to understand that being with Sonny means she and her children will NEVER be safe. (something she SHOULD have learned when Michael got shot in the head), so until Sonny actually makes an attempt to step away from the mob (And not just calling off one hit, is NOT enough) she can't be with him. (It's also why I really liked what they were doing with Julian when he came back. He actually wanted to get out of the mob crap, for himself, and is family. Sonny has never even tried to do it.) Because of her taking this stand with Sonny, has actually got me to start to respect Carly a little bit (at least where this is concerned)

    Metrocourt hotel:

    Nathan's room: What?!!?! Nathan didn't get a copy of his divorce papers?!!?! HE IS AN IDIOT!!! That makes no sense! He catches his wife having an affair, and he doesn't get a copy of the divorce papers? Cus why?!!?! He didn't want to know?! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!? Makes no sense Jelly!!!!!!

    ** Yeah, that's incredibly stupid. Not to mention VERY lazy writing. Which seems to be the norm when it comes to their writing, Most all of what they write isn't very creative or original at all. And then when they DO decide to try and get creative, it usually makes zero sense whatsoever. (I.E Paul)

    Nina: By any chance are you credentialed to perform weddings?

    BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! He is a priest Nina! Of course he is! ROFLMAOPMP! Oh Valenina gets married! Oh come on! Pretending that the only reason you got married is because of Charlie! You two are also in wuv! :)

    ** That was cute.

    Michelle Latta said...

    She married Rick? I've got a seriously bad memory. I can't stand her. Ugh...she was tolerable with Franco but with Silas and Valentin and even alone.....please go away already.

    ** She married Rick a couple of years ago in her hotel room at the Metro Court, at the time, in front of Franco actually. I think Michelle Stafford is a great actress, and has more than proved so on Y&R over the years. I think a big problem is how Nina is being written. Which is understandable, it can be annoying. But, like I've said in the past, mentally and emotionally, she's still 20 years younger, than she is physically. So, that's how she acts.


  8. Yes, Nina married Ric off screen to piss off Franco.

    I read the entire Michael Fairman interview and subtweeted my reactions. I can't believe he didn't ask so many follow up questions or BIG ONES like Why the hell are there so many characters on GH?

  9. "kdmask said..Yes, Nina married Ric off screen to piss off Franco."

    No it wasn't off screen. We got to see it. BobTodd was right there trying to stop it! :)

  10. "K says I REALLY hope they keep this up with Bobbie. Since she as never taken shit from anyone!"

    Oh hell no she doesn't!!!!

    "I quite like it too. Over the last couple years, it's as if she has finally grown up, and started to understand that being with Sonny means she and her children will NEVER be safe."

    Yup!!!! I love when characters have character growth!

    "Yeah, that's incredibly stupid. Not to mention VERY lazy writing. Which seems to be the norm when it comes to their writing, Most all of what they write isn't very creative or original at all."


  11. Really sickening to see Robin propping up poor Sonny. And we all know Carly will end up going back to him just in time to have Nelle destroy them. Loved seeing the Bobbie we know and love putting Nelle in her place. I just don't want to see Michael and Nelle kissing on NYE, especially if she turns out to be a close relative of his.

  12. "LSV422 said...Really sickening to see Robin propping up poor Sonny."

    I don't think she was propping Sonny up. Sam was the one propping Sonny up to Carly!

    "I just don't want to see Michael and Nelle kissing on NYE, especially if she turns out to be a close relative of his."

    I thought yesterday they were gonna kiss but nope they didn't. Whew. :)

  13. Yes, very close relative, it looks like she is his sister!!

    Happy and Healthy 2017 to all!!

  14. Why couldn't they show a GH repeat episode from the 1980's?! On Y&R today they showed a repeat from the 80's!!!

  15. Would have been happy to just see Sonny and Robin talk and reflect on their lives and the world since Stone died. So much has changed and yet Stayed the same as Robin and Sonny still have that connection of undying friendship. These two actors click in a major way- not romantic or sexual-just LOVE!

  16. kdmask said...

    Yes, Nina married Ric off screen to piss off Franco.

    ** Like sonya said, they got married on screen in her hotel room, in front of Franco to puss him off. It wasn't off screen.

    I read the entire Michael Fairman interview and subtweeted my reactions. I can't believe he didn't ask so many follow up questions or BIG ONES like Why the hell are there so many characters on GH?

    ** The last several interviews of his, that I've read, have been that way. He never follows up on stuff, and a lot of his questions are pretty shallow. Or just not even ask some stuff at all, that he should. I've become very frustrated with his stuff, at this point.

    LSV422 said...

    Really sickening to see Robin propping up poor Sonny. And we all know Carly will end up going back to him just in time to have Nelle destroy them.

    ** I wouldn't quite say she was propping him up. I get why she cares for him (because of Stone). But, the person Sonny is today, barely resembles that person, and completely disgusts me. I just really wish they hadn't done that with her. Yes, Morgan died, and Sonny did not cause it directly. He was still responsible for it. He's never going to learn though, when it's written that he can do no wrong. And having Robin do that, is a prime example of it. And of course he and Carly will get back together. As soon as she found out that Sonny had nothing to do with the bomb, it was completely obvious, especially, since she's been with him so much since then.

    Loved seeing the Bobbie we know and love putting Nelle in her place. I just don't want to see Michael and Nelle kissing on NYE, especially if she turns out to be a close relative of his.

    ** Bobbie acting like herself again, has been the ONLY part of this whole crap with Nelle, that I actually care about. The rest is just a mess. Even if Michael and her aren't related, I still have no desire to see them together, period.

    sonya said...

    Why couldn't they show a GH repeat episode from the 1980's?! On Y&R today they showed a repeat from the 80's!!!

    ** I know! Watching Victor and Nikki's first wedding again, was fantastic! It made me really wish I was able to go back and rewatch Y&R from back then, again somewhere online. About years or so ago, I actually found a digital copy of this same episode. The quality was pretty awful though, and I have no idea where it went. But sadly, unlike with GH on YT, there is nowhere/noway to be able to go back and rewatch old Y&R or Days or B&B episodes due to Sony cracking down and making anyone on YT that had uploaded them, take them down and lose their accounts. :(




  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...