Saturday, December 24, 2016

Sunday Surgery: Early Jolly


This is going out on Saturday! So..surprise! I couldn't get up on Christmas Morning and run in here to post..could I?? (I could but it would be so wrong!!)

Today? Well today I'm giving you all the things I liked about GH this week. Yes, there were some. I'm not going to say anything about all the other doom/gloom.  The week at least ended on a good note so grab a Christmas COOKIE or 10 and snuggle. 

Sam had a baby shower!! Monica was there!! It was really fun!! Of course, it was way too short. Maxie even bought a cake to reveal the baby's sex. (More on that later) 

Our Little Emma..Spy Extrodinare!! Finds something for Anna after worming her way into a "play date" at Wyndemere!! Thank Goodness for Christmas Eve last minute play-dates, right? She got away from Charlotte and went upstairs. She found the photo of Anna in the WSB from the 80's. (did she find his box of pain!!??) Oh we love you girl!! 

Well, jingle my BELLS! Monica was on..and she told the Christmas Story! Now it wasn't the traditional one but at least there WAS one... and kids showed up! Aiden and Cam were let out of the coal mine to participate (no lines but they were there!!) 

"I see you in there"... I'm not commenting on the whole Julexis debate-- (you know how I feel) but this was a kick ass line. I just wish Jules hadn't done what he did to her and it was more of a he was still in the mob thing and murdered someone else. BUT! I'll take that tiny bit of a nugget. And as always, NLG was sublime. 

Anytime these two are together I'll take it. Michael gave Carly and Sonny a "photo" of young Morgan in the Drummer Boy outfit. It was adorable. JaSam dropped by and it felt all Family Like,

Well, here's this little peach who is so talented--she even said "Santa" for Sonny on cue!! 

Let's hear it for the fake snow! They sure used a TON of it!! 

SCENE OF THE WEEK: I couldn't find a photo of the actual moment but...Lulu gave Charlotte THE EXACT same present Nina did! LOL!! And then, Charlotte gave it to Emma!! Oh my gosh, it was priceless.Nina's face was all "neener neener"! 

PROP OF THE WEEK: Nice Cake with little booties..Oh MAXIE! So, JaSam cut it open but we didn't see. That baby better be a GIRL!! lol

FACE OF THE WEEK: Goes to Jason..hell. He never gets face of the week! But here he is after Monica tells him to BE NICE for "Liz' Sake".. LOL

I hope you have a wonderful holiday..It's Hanukkah tomorrow too! Such a joyful day.  Thank You to GH for our family day on Friday-- I did like it and was smiling.  I will probably commence bitching next week but for now--all is well! 

BIG thank you to: @sourcejenn @daytime_Spoilers and @FyeaGH for your screen cappies. You know I love and appreciate them. Also, thanks to TV Source Magazine for running the spoilers every week so I can link. I'm just not into doing them!  Of course a great holiday to all the soap sites out there. We do our best! 


  1. Yay, I am first again, caught your Sunday Surgery on Saturday!! Thanks for all the hard work you do, enjoy your Christmas tomorrow!!

  2. Thanks for the early SS! Love it! Avery was adorable as always. I really am feeling bad for Franco, and was glad Monica told Jason to go easy for the day. Love the face of the wk! Hopefully they don't drag who killed Tom out, cause it sure as heck wasn't Franco. Loved Monica telling the children the story, miss the old days when the extras were the actors children. Loved Emma and her spyness. :) overall I liked the show, except for Nelle. Ugh...

  3. Thank you, Karen for all you do for your readers, keeping up this blog. I know the show has really been bugging you lately, and your sticking in there with us is greatly appreciated.
    Merry Christmas to all your family, from the real relatives to the ones who are "family." Here is hoping 2017 IS better.
    P.S. Have been reading more this year, working on living up to the name I chose. Hee hee.

  4. Michelle Latta said...

    Thanks for the early SS! Love it! Avery was adorable as always. I really am feeling bad for Franco, and was glad Monica told Jason to go easy for the day. Love the face of the wk! Hopefully they don't drag who killed Tom out, cause it sure as heck wasn't Franco. Loved Monica telling the children the story, miss the old days when the extras were the actors children. Loved Emma and her spyness. :) overall I liked the show, except for Nelle. Ugh...

    ** Avery really was, especially with her little fur stole/collar. :) I loved that Monica told Jason to basically back off. He can kind of tend to go overboard, since he got part of his memories back. There is no way Franco would have killed him, that's totally obvious. And I completely agree about Nelle. The girl is an alright actress. Along with the storyline, she is just completely unnecessary. Without a doubt, the worst part of the show right now, for me.


  5. Hahaha Karen.. :) Thanks for the Saturday Surgery! :) Merry Christmas everyone! Or happy happy Hanukkah!


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...