Friday, December 23, 2016


Everyone is in the park where it's snowing. I hate fake snow, it never melts on people's hair. Just sticks there.  Wait until you see Laura's hair..its' covered!! 

Friz.... it's about TOM and Liz thinking she knows what Franco did but it's not what he did. Blah, blah...The police called Liz to tell her Tom is missing. She wants Franco to stay overnight. Jake made Franco a stocking for the mantel. Awww. Franco's all awww... He still wants to tell her the truth

Julexis. Alexis chugs vodka. Wants to know who was on the phone "There are some things you don't know" says Julian.  He ordered a Christmas tree for them to decorate.  Later he says he loves her and they kiss. 

Michael and Kristina decorating Sonny's. Sonny wants to put up Morgan's stocking because he's "always with us". Avery looks cute.  Then, NELL walks in. UGH. Then JaSam comes in. I guess Joss is in Aussy Land?
Michael gives Sonny and Carly a photo of Morgan as the Little Drummer Boy. Carly got Nell a necklace with 3 intertwined hearts for her, Joss and Nell. puke

Emma, Anna , Lante and Laura go to Wyndemere.  Lulu gives Charlotte a gift that Nina already bought her!! LOL!!! And then Char gives it to Emma!! ahahaha. 
Emma goes wandering around the house. When she and Anna leave, she gives her a photo that is Anna in the WSB. 

Monica tells the kids what Christmas is about.

Dante and the Police come in to talk to Franco because Tom Baker was found dead. (Oh Heatherrrrrrr).

On a joy scale, GH was a 2 today.

Jingle Jingle! 


  1. And away we go, let's punish Franco again and again....story is getting old. Would have been better with an upbeat story for Friz...Hey and maybe Jason acting like Jake (before getting memory back). Happy Holidays and bring back Todd Manning.

  2. The park:

    Emma and Anna: Emma twirling!!! :)

    Emma: I can't wait until mommy and daddy come here tomorrow. So they can see it too!

    Huh?! Robin and Patrick are coming?! :) We probably won't see them. :(

    Anna wins the line of the day.

    Anna: Emma. I'm not stupid. No.


    Lante family and Laura:

    "Karen says I hate fake snow, it never melts on people's hair. Just sticks there."

    Hahahaha I was noticing that too!!!! The snow on Dante's hair was not melting! ROFL!

    "Karen says Wait until you see Laura's hair..its' covered!!"

    So was Dante's!!! Hahahahaha!

    Paint and wall and kid Cheeto: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


    Anna and V.C.: Anna was sticking to him like glue! Hahahahaha!

    Charlie and Nina: Charlie! Stop calling her Nina! That really bugs me. Call her either Miss Reeves or aunt Nina!

    Emma, Charlie, and Rocco: Emma asking questions and goes off to spy! HAHAHAHHA! LOVE IT! :)

    Outside Wyndemere:

    Emma and Anna: Hahahahahaha! Oh Emma!!!! :) So proud of you! :)

    Alexis's home: Julian! Don't you dare say Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos's name you scum pig!!!

    Julian: You are my breath. You are my heartbeat. Alexis you are my life.

    Oh shut up you scum pig!

    Alexis: There you are. I see you. I see you.

    No Alexis no! He is a wolf in sheep's clothing! Don't believe a word he says to you!

    *Alexis kisses Julian*

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Alexis you are drunk!!!! You don't know what you are doing!

    Sonny's home: Oh goodie look! Everyone around in a circle holding hands thinking of Morgan. Nelle just HAD to hold Sonny's hand hahaha. Nelle looking all jelly when she sees Carly and Sonny together. When Carly was talking at the end, I thought Morgan was going to show up at the house!

    The hospital:

    Friz: Come on BobTodd spit it out!! Tell her what you did to Tom!!!!

    BobTodd and Dante: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! Tom is dead?!?!! Of course he is! ROFL! What was the point of Tom getting out of jail?

    "Karen says Dante and the Police come in to talk to Franco because Tom Baker was found dead. (Oh Heatherrrrrrr)."

    Hahahaha yup!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Heatherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! She must have sneaked back into her jail cell by now. :)

    BobTodd and Liz's kids: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    BObTodd and Jake: Awwwwwwwwwww Jake has a stocking for BobTodd awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    The private magical Christmas room: Oh Monica! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    1. I miss the old GH when the actors kids played extras. They sat around for the story.
      I hope Liz doesn't believe that Franco had anything to do with Bakers death and if she does I hope this storyline isn't dragged out longer than needed.

  3. I LOVED Monica telling the Christmas story, and making it hopeful and positive. Great use of history, and great to have a woman this time! Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas to my wonderful Wub friends!

    1. Merry Christmas to you as well AntJoan. (And Happy Hanukkah)

    2. Merry Christmas to you as well AntJoan. (And Happy Hanukkah)

  4. B & B actually had their usual heartwarming Christmas show, regardless of all the ongoing strife. GH didn't-only Monica with the kids was worthwhile. Everyone looked great, though, especially Anna and Nina.Happy Hanukah and Merry Christmas to all from me, too!

  5. sonya said...

    The park:

    Huh?! Robin and Patrick are coming?! :) We probably won't see them. :(

    ** Yeah, their penchant for stuff happening "off screen" has really gotten out of hand. I get why they do it financially, but it doesn't mean I have to like it. :(

    Anna wins the line of the day.

    Anna: Emma. I'm not stupid. No.

    ** That was priceless! :)

    "Karen says I hate fake snow, it never melts on people's hair. Just sticks there."

    Hahahaha I was noticing that too!!!! The snow on Dante's hair was not melting! ROFL!

    ** Potato flakes for everyone! I guess they could reuse them and make a lot of mashed potatoes, afterwards!


    Charlie and Nina: Charlie! Stop calling her Nina! That really bugs me. Call her either Miss Reeves or aunt Nina!

    ** I think the reason they're having her call her just Nina, is more likely than not, Nina will be her stepmother sometime in the relatively near future.

    Outside Wyndemere:

    Emma and Anna: Hahahahahaha! Oh Emma!!!! :) So proud of you! :)

    ** I thought that picture was in his box on the desk, in what has essentially become Wyndemere's only room. That, and I'm pretty sure than VC is gonna notice it being missing.
    While it was sweet of Emma to think of Anna and do it, it might not have been the best idea to take the photo, though.

    AntJoan said...

    I LOVED Monica telling the Christmas story, and making it hopeful and positive. Great use of history, and great to have a woman this time! Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas to my wonderful Wub friends!

    ** That was really great to see. If nothing else, I'm very glad that Jelly has given Monica a much larger part and presence on the show, than she has had, in the past several years, before.

    Happy Holidays everyone! :)


  6. I think that, by Franco continuing to tell Liz he had "something to tell you that is important," and constantly being interrupted, it was set up to look like he was trying to tell her that he killed Tom. Of course, if he now denies it (which I assume he will), then Liz will be confused, since it DOES look like that is what he was trying to tell her.

    I guess, as everyone says here, Heather done it. . .

  7. Happy Holidays to everyone and thank you Karen for such a great job every day. My big complaint is Avery wasn't with Ava

  8. AntJoan said...

    I think that, by Franco continuing to tell Liz he had "something to tell you that is important," and constantly being interrupted, it was set up to look like he was trying to tell her that he killed Tom. Of course, if he now denies it (which I assume he will), then Liz will be confused, since it DOES look like that is what he was trying to tell her.

    ** Yeah, since Monday's preview had a brief shot of them in the PCPD multipurpose room. (the interrogation room) which looked like she was questioning him about what happened. Since that's what it looks like he was trying to tell her. (Even though, more than likely he just wanted to tell her about putting him in the cage.) It's just getting kind of frustrating, that nearly every couple has some major problem, making things difficult. I get that conflict breeds drama, It's just once in awhile, it would be nice to see people actually happy for awhile. I just don't see him killing Tom, not now after he's changed so much. But, he's almost ALWAYS the first person the PCPD goes after, when someone gets killed. I see why they do that. After all, the PCPD has been so horribly run an inept, ever since Jordan took over.

    I guess, as everyone says here, Heather done it.

    ** It makes the most sense, with how Jelly has been writing things. Though I VERY highly doubt they would do it, I'd love if they had him commit suicide, yet making it look otherwise, for a short period of time. That would at least be different, than "Heather slipped out and killed him, completely unnoticed", that seems to be the standard option.



Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...