Wednesday, December 21, 2016


WELP. Franco ended up with the dog collar on. Fa La La La La... He hallucinates Sam coming into the room. She talks about how he made her think he raped her..yada yada. But it's hollow because she's not real. She also tells him Tom is free to rape again thanks to him. Then, Hallucination Liz comes in. 
I'm not making this up.
THEN he talks to Hallucination Franco. 

I guess Sam was hallucination past, Liz was present and Franco the future. 

Liz went to visit Heather. She wants to find Hayden's mother. I guess--um... she'd know. Anyway--Naomi's sentence got COMMUTED and she's not in jail anymore. Shocker.  Heather tells Liz Franco is basically evil. 

Alexis and Jules would be so fun if that whole abusive "I"m going to kill you crap" didn't happen. I really like WDV and NLG.  Oh, Julian tells her he's going to move into her house.

Sam's baby shower. Monica was there!!  BUT, then Monica says "I have to check the kitchen" THIS IS AT THE METRO. Why would she have to check that out? Anyway, Monica gives Sam Alan's old pen for a momento for the baby. Alexis got a cute motorcycle rocking horse for her and Maxie brings out a 'reveal cake' which Sam doesn't want.  Maxie is sorry. 

Kristina is moving out of Alexis' house. Alexis looks worried. Probably because she knows she'll drink 24-7. 

Jason and Sonny have a spat. Jason asks about the Chinese Mob..Sonny says before his time. 
Jason goes NO I WON'T 
wow...trouble in SaSon land. 
Oh nope. Jason caved, told him Julian may have 'bombed his own car" Sonny's mad.  And Sonny says he's going off to KILL JULIAN.'s never going to end, people. NEVER

Sam and Jason do cut the cake at the end but the show ends before we know. Because, GH. 


  1. Sonny's home: Oh oh! Sason lovers spat!

    Jason: It's done let it go.

    Thank you Jason! :)

    Jason: I DON'T trust you. Not right now. Not with this.

    Well that is fun! :) Love that! Awww but then Jason had to tell him. Poo!!! Hey Sonny wants to kill Julian! I don't have a problem with that! Jason don't interfere! :)

    Ava's home:

    Julian and Alexis: Go Alexis! Treat Julian like crap!

    Julian and shop guy: Hey! Shop guy knows Julian! Hey shop guy don't be using that wheelchair! That's not yours! Oh wait! He hit Julian with the wheelchair. I like this guy! Gee I wonder how long the boss was Julian's boss! Was it after Fluke?

    Metrocourt restaurant: Kirsten Storms is still covering half her face! :( That damn cake! MAXIE!!!!! Carly handled that situation well! Oh Krissy is moving!

    Carly and Sam: Great scene!!!!!!

    Paint and Wall: Oh come on Paint! If you want to find out the sex of your baby, you don't need Wall for that! Find out and don't tell him! Man that was an annoying scene! Did you see how excited she got when she realized he wanted to know? UGH!

    Ava's home part 2: Alexis wins the line of the day!

    Alexis: Oh look. You're still alive. Goodnight then.

    ROFL! BAHAHAHAHAHA! I can't believe Alexis told Julian about the baby shower for Sam! He wasn't supposed to know right?! He didn't seem surprised. Who told him Sam is pregnant?

    BobTodd's art studio:

    Tom and BobTodd: Tom would have won the line of the day with his line of every dog has his day and he barked at BobTodd, but Alexis just had to say her line!! :)

    BobTodd and Hallucination Sam: GREAT SCENE! Love it!!!! :)

    BobTodd and Hallucination Liz: Meh. Hallucination Sam was better.

    BobTodd and Hallucination BobTodd: Fantastic scene!

    Jail waiting area:

    Liz and Heather: Heather you shouldn't be so happy that your son is bad! ROFL! How is Steven Lars by the way? Liz isn't afraid of Heather, but Heather wasn't talking about herself hahahaha.

  2. sonya said...

    Ava's home:

    Julian and shop guy: Hey! Shop guy knows Julian! Hey shop guy don't be using that wheelchair! That's not yours! Oh wait! He hit Julian with the wheelchair. I like this guy! Gee I wonder how long the boss was Julian's boss! Was it after Fluke?

    ** After reading this week's SOD and SiD, it would seem his name is "Rudge". (Apparently they're still sticking with the single word names that sound like they are either building material used by stone masons, or the names of no-neck thugs, with an IQ in the single digit range). I'd imagine it was sometime after Fluke, because he was definitely out of the mob for awhile there.

    ** I did also FINALLY figure out why he looked so familiar to me, since he was first on screen! Which had been driving nuts, ever since!

    BobTodd's art studio:

    BobTodd and Hallucination Sam: GREAT SCENE! Love it!!!! :)

    ** That REALLY screwed with my mind for a few seconds when she first appeared in the hallucination, and then cut quickly back to reality! I had to pause, and finally realized what was going on!

    Jail waiting area:

    Liz and Heather: Heather you shouldn't be so happy that your son is bad! ROFL! How is Steven Lars by the way? Liz isn't afraid of Heather, but Heather wasn't talking about herself hahahaha.

    ** As much as I do love her. I really wish that Heather wasn't being written to be played so camp, as she has been for awhile now. Any real menace/fear of her, is pretty much wiped out.


  3. "After reading this week's SOD and SiD, it would seem his name is "Rudge". (Apparently they're still sticking with the single word names that sound like they are either building material used by stone masons, or the names of no-neck thugs, with an IQ in the single digit range). I'd imagine it was sometime after Fluke, because he was definitely out of the mob for awhile there."

    Rudge? Hahaha. Where did they come up with that name? :)

    "I did also FINALLY figure out why he looked so familiar to me, since he was first on screen! Which had been driving nuts, ever since."

    Well don't keep me in suspense! Why does he look familiar to you? Who is he? :)

    "That REALLY screwed with my mind for a few seconds when she first appeared in the hallucination, and then cut quickly back to reality! I had to pause, and finally realized what was going on!"

    ROFL! And you weren't even on a bad acid trip right? :)

    "As much as I do love her. I really wish that Heather wasn't being written to be played so camp, as she has been for awhile now. Any real menace/fear of her, is pretty much wiped out."

    I wonder when Heather will get well.

  4. So now that Hayden is healed I hope Finn will do the same thing and heal thy self. Sick of the death stuff.

  5. So now that Hayden is healed I hope Finn will do the same thing and heal thy self. Sick of the death stuff.

  6. sonya said...

    Rudge? Hahaha. Where did they come up with that name? :)

    ** No clue, but it is pretty silly!

    Well don't keep me in suspense! Why does he look familiar to you? Who is he? :)

    ** Heh. He played Moriarty in the "Librarians" last season. (season 2). Which is a LOT of fun!

    ROFL! And you weren't even on a bad acid trip right? :)

    ** Nope! Mine were always good ones, when I was younger. :)

    I wonder when Heather will get well.

    ** Unless something changes drastically, I doubt she ever will. She has been toned down, a BIT. Which I do appreciate. I just can't see that changing.



Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...