Sunday, December 25, 2016

Joyful Yuletide

It's so rare that Hanukkah and Christmas fall on the same day--I hope you are all enjoying the day the way you like to spend it! We are having family over and have been eating for days it seems.  

Thank you for being faithful readers and stopping by now and then.  No matter what happens on GH, we always make merry! 


  1. Karen, Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to you and yours as well! Thank you for all you do, it is much appreciated!

  2. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to everyone here! Hope you all have a wonderful holiday!!

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  4. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Feliz Navidad!!!!!! :)

  5. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to everyone.

  6. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to everyone.

  7. Sonny's home: Gee time for Nelle to leave already? Carly has got her coat! :) So basically,

    Carly: Thank you for spending Christmas with us, now get out!


    The park:

    Maddox and Jordan: I did like the Kwanzaa history. :) But other than that, meh. he is insecure of Curtis, well duh! already knew that! Time for Jordan to move on to another guy! *coughcoughCURTIScoughcough.

    Police station/interrogation room: Scotty wins the line of the day.

    Scotty: Well in the legal trade there is a Latin phrase that comes to mind. Would you like to hear it? Shut up you dummy.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh Scotty I love you so much!!!!! :)

    Alexis's home: Alexis you ARE drunk!!! You don't know what you are doing!!!! Kissing Julian!!! Julian and Julian Jr loved it! I'm sure Alexis Jr loved it too! But you shouldn't of kissed him! You might have a bad hangover and won't remember sticking your tongue down Julian's throat!

    Nelle's home: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!!?! A rattle that has the name Caroline on it?!!?!?! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! So did Carly's BFF Caroline had a child and that child is Nelle, and now Nelle wants revenge?! The song Caroline pops in my head.

    Sweet Caroline
    Good times never seemed so good
    I'd be inclined
    To believe they never would
    Oh no, no


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  8. "ishouldreadmore said...Happy Festivus, Karen."

    ROFL! Feasts of strength! :)

  9. sonya said.... So did Carly's BFF Caroline had a child and that child is Nelle

    Wasn't Carly's real name Caroline Benson? Maybe Nell is her child.

  10. "Michelle Latta said... could've done without Nelle and the kiss face twins."

    Who are the kiss face twins? :)

    "Di said...Wasn't Carly's real name Caroline Benson? Maybe Nell is her child."

    I am trying to remember if that was her real name or it was her BFF name who died in the car accident.

  11. Carolyn Lee Benson is listed as her maiden name.

  12. sonya said...I am trying to remember if that was her real name or it was her BFF name who died in the car accident.

    ***Sorry that should be Caroline Lee Benson. She stole Charlotte Roberts' identity after she 'died' when they were teenagers

  13. "Di said...Sorry that should be Caroline Lee Benson. She stole Charlotte Roberts' identity after she 'died' when they were teenagers"

    Oh that's right!!!! :) So the rattle is Caroline's aka Carly's! So I was right the first time! Carly IS Nelle's mother! :)

    "Michelle Latta said...Alexis and Julian"

    They are the kiss face twins? Hahahahaha!

  14. Your Sunday Surgery is the highlight of my GH!! Thanks for all you do -your devotion is amazing. Thanks for always telling it like it is and with humor!! Love Jason and Sam being Paint and Wall (with. any Trim on the way) for example!! Hilarious!! Happy Holidays from YOUR fans!!

  15. sonya said...

    Nelle's home: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!!?! A rattle that has the name Caroline on it?!!?!?! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! So did Carly's BFF Caroline had a child and that child is Nelle, and now Nelle wants revenge?! The song Caroline pops in my head.

    ** I've always loved Neil Diamond, "Sweet Caroline" is a fantastic song, and I'd DEFINITELY prefer to watch a blank screen with just that playing, over watching Nelle. I REALLY hope they aren't going the "long lost/forgotten daughter" route with this, but sadly, do not have very high hopes.

    Police station/interrogation room: Scotty wins the line of the day.

    Scotty: Well in the legal trade there is a Latin phrase that comes to mind. Would you like to hear it? Shut up you dummy.

    ** And a very practical bit of advice too, I might add! :) Though, one would think (particularly after the reveal of the knife in the evidence baggy), Liz would be smart enough to see how conveniently obvious it is, that everything is pointing to Franco, and to know he didn't do it.

    "Di said...Sorry that should be Caroline Lee Benson. She stole Charlotte Roberts' identity after she 'died' when they were teenagers"

    Oh that's right!!!! :) So the rattle is Caroline's aka Carly's! So I was right the first time! Carly IS Nelle's mother! :)

    ** That IS the way it seems they're going. Since there has never been any mention of Carly having a baby before Michael, it's coming out of nowhere then. :(


  16. "K says I've always loved Neil Diamond, "Sweet Caroline" is a fantastic song,"

    It is it is! :)

    "I REALLY hope they aren't going the "long lost/forgotten daughter" route with this, but sadly, do not have very high hopes."

    Well, it would be karma for Carly. :) For what she did to Bobbie back then.

    "And a very practical bit of advice too, I might add! :)"

    Hahahahaha yes. :)

  17. Michele Val Jean who wrote Liz being raped storyline back then has been watching GH, she tweeted this.

    Michele Val Jean ‏@MicheleValJean 11h11 hours ago

    Wait... I thought Tom was locked in the cage. He got Franco in there...? You know what? Never mind.

    And her picture she put up of herself, it says I don't write for General Hospital! ROFL!

  18. "Michelle Latta said...I hope they do....karma is so fun! LOL!"

    Hahaha yes it is! :)

  19. And then Wendy Riche, former EP tweeted this.

    Wendy Riche ‏@canyoncatz 9h9 hours ago

    @MicheleValJean @ghoulette27 @xoxoxoitssam why are they being locked in cages?!


  20. Kelly's:

    Paint, Wall, and Curtis: Boy Paint was rubbing her stomach. Is the baby kicking? :) Or you got heartburn? Lately she has been wincing. Is the fake pregnancy belly too big for you Kelly Monaco? :)

    Sam and Lucas: Lucas!? LUCAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) YAY! Oh wait you don't want a child because of Julian? Oh that is silly! Wait what the Chinese wording doesn't say good taste?!! IT SAYS REINCARNATION?!!?!!? HOLY CRAP ON A STICK! This mystery is getting interesting.. Is it Olivia?! IS IT? IS IT?!!?!!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Anna and Laura:

    Anna: Do you remember the shoulder pads?

    Laura: Sadly yes. What were we all thinking?

    RIGHT?!!?! I had shoulder pads too!!!! I had that thought too! What were we all thinking?!!?! Shoulder pads?! UGH!


    Anna and Maddox: Oh yes! Hypnotize her! Then we can see her fake flashbacks and watch her as Vampire Anna! :)


    Valenina: Yowzer! He is about ready to lay on the ground in a fetal position! Well great scene between them! :) He can trust her and she can trust him.. :)

    Alexis's home: Wow!!!! Alexis has alcohol in her bedroom!!?!!!? :( Alexis wins the lines of the day.

    Alexis: Thank you for validating my outrage. If you think you can try to kill your wife and you love her? You're Cuckoo.


    Outside Alexis's home: Curtis watching the pawn shop guy with Alexis.

    Curtis: Damn that is just weird.

    YOU THINK?! :)

    Alexis's home part 2: OH WOW!!!! That Pawn shop guy has the video of Alexis running down Julian! :0 Wait Alexis leaves them alone to talk, but then comes back later? Why didn't she take a shower?!

    Pawn shop: Oh oh Jason get out!!!! Police are coming! Oh thanks to Curtis he redirected them whew. :)

  21. sonya said...

    And her picture she put up of herself, it says I don't write for General Hospital! ROFL!

    ** ROLF! It's too bad that she ISN'T writing GH now!


    Sam and Lucas: Lucas!? LUCAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) YAY! Oh wait you don't want a child because of Julian? Oh that is silly! Wait what the Chinese wording doesn't say good taste?!! IT SAYS REINCARNATION?!!?!!? HOLY CRAP ON A STICK! This mystery is getting interesting.. Is it Olivia?! IS IT? IS IT?!!?!!

    ** YAY Lucas is FINALLY back!!! It would have been nice though if they actually said WHERE the hell he's been for the last half a year, (when Ryan Carnes been shooting a spanish language movie, and starting up a cell phone provider down in Mexico) since Jason clearly said to Sam that he'd let them "catch up", implying he wasn't in PC.

    ** As far as the Chinese writing goes, and the way Rudge was speaking to whoever he was in the back of the pawn shop (To me it really looked like he was deferring to someone much older) I'm leaning more and more toward my previous theory of it being either the resurrection of Mr. Wu himself (remember, Brad did tell Lucas when they first met, that he was Brad's bio dad. So there is that connection there) and if not him, someone else related to the Asian Quarter storyline. I know everyone is saying it's Olivia because Tonya Walker is coming back, and the whole "Oscar Jessup - O.J" thing. But, TPTB have stated repeatedly, that her coming back does NOT necessarily mean she will be playing Olivia again. Which kinda makes me think it might just be a big fake out. I'm not positive, and it very well COULD be her. And maybe I'm just reading into stuff too deeply, and overthinking the whole thing. (Which can be a fallacy when dealing with Jelly's writing.) I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Laura: Sadly yes. What were we all thinking?

    RIGHT?!!?! I had shoulder pads too!!!! I had that thought too! What were we all thinking?!!?! Shoulder pads?! UGH!

    ** I've tried my best to wipe all memory of the existence of shoulder pads entirely from my memory!


    ** This is Lulu though, you know damn well 5 minutes after say goodbye, she's gonna go do something incredibly unwise, if not just plain stupid.

    Curtis: Damn that is just weird.

    YOU THINK?! :)

    ** That sums up a LOT of GH, right now!


  22. I really love seeing Laura more frequently and Lulu should listen to her. She is being totally selfish and not thinking of Charlotte, who up until now thought Claudette was her mother. Glad to see Lucas back! Sam needs to stop rubbing her belly - we know she is pregnant. Maybe the padding is itching her. Yay - it was a no Sonny, Carly or Nelle day!

  23. "K says ROLF! It's too bad that she ISN'T writing GH now!"

    Yeah too bad!!!!

    "YAY Lucas is FINALLY back!!! It would have been nice though if they actually said WHERE the hell he's been for the last half a year"

    Yeah I agree!!!!

    "(when Ryan Carnes been shooting a spanish language movie, and starting up a cell phone provider down in Mexico)"

    He did? I did not know that.

    "Brad did tell Lucas when they first met, that he was Brad's bio dad. So there is that connection there) and if not him, someone else related to the Asian Quarter storyline. I know everyone is saying it's Olivia because Tonya Walker is coming back, and the whole "Oscar Jessup - O.J" thing. But, TPTB have stated repeatedly, that her coming back does NOT necessarily mean she will be playing Olivia again. Which kinda makes me think it might just be a big fake out. I'm not positive, and it very well COULD be her. And maybe I'm just reading into stuff too deeply, and overthinking the whole thing. (Which can be a fallacy when dealing with Jelly's writing.) I guess we'll just have to wait and see!"

    Yes this mystery is very interesting! Well for now.. I hope Jelly don't screw it up!

    "I've tried my best to wipe all memory of the existence of shoulder pads entirely from my memory!"

    Yes! Me too! I wasn't even thinking about it until Anna brought it up!

    "That sums up a LOT of GH, right now!"

    ROFL True. :)


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...