Friday, December 9, 2016


I am so cranky today I decided to just watch GH to be even MORE Crabby!

OMG I have it: Curtis is now playing the role of Spinelli, right?  He and Jason dumpster dive for something. Not sure what. 

Maxie and Lulu in NYC at the gyno. I wish they'd bitch about Trump Tower Traffic. 
Anyway, Dr. Gyno called Valentin in PORT CHARLES and no lie, he gets there in 7.8 minutes. Then Dante and Nate show up too. LOL
Later, Valentine says that he and Lulu are Charlotte's parents. 

Nellie has ZERO sex appeal. She's just not cut out for the bitchy vixen like Sarah Brown was. Maybe she was given this direction? It's awful! Sonny got Nelly a job in Atlanta, a teaching job-- with more money to get her to leave. She says "you can't make me leave"!
She tapes him again with her phone saying they slept together.

Julian and Ava... Julian feels good. He knows who hit him, but Ava doesn't.  Alexis walks in. Oh, she put booze in her coffee, btw. 


  1. Karen,

    Just a reminder, these are Emmy-award winning writers. They know exactly what they are doing. RIght?


  2. delcodave said...

    Just a reminder, these are Emmy-award winning writers. They know exactly what they are doing. RIght?

    ** If you consider tossing darts at a board filled with post-it notes of names, items, plot devices, places, etc. (I'm still convinced this is how they write stuff) writing, then yep, they know exactly what they're doing!


  3. Dumpster diving: CurSon dumpster diving!!! Love the bromance! Love them dumpster diving! We got to know Curtis a little bit more! He loves collectable drinking glasses and he HATES rats! ROFL!

    Sonny's home: I am really enjoying Nelle manipulating Sonny and having crocodile tears. :) And love that she taped Sonny again!!!! :)

    The hospital:

    Griffy and Alexis: Oh Alexis! Just tell Griffy you are back "inlove" with Julian! Hahahahaha! :)

    Julian's room: Ava just HAD to kiss Julian on the lips didn't she? :) Ava wins the lines of the day.

    Ava: Probably some moron who's wife stabbed him while he was sleeping. You tried to kill her, and then you ended up squished under the wheels of her car.


    Kelly's: When Alexis came out of Kelly's with her cup, I was thinking what did you put in your cup Alexis?! And what do you know? She puts alcohol in her cup right in front of all our faces! Jax!!!! Your mom is okay now come back to see Alexis! Oh wait Joss is with you for Christmas. Damn. :( Well after Christmas come!!!!!

    NYC clinic: Oh that was so anticlimactic! No cell service in that teeny tiny room? Meh I don't buy it. Although that doc could have done it on purpose cus he is bad, so okay I buy it. But Maxie freaking out because she couldn't get out the window? COME ON! Lulu and Maxie you can get out! Lulu you are a Spencer! Maxie you are a Jones!!! THINK OF SOMETHING! What? The doc let's them go? Blah! Then Dante and Nathan come rushing in?! BLAH!!!! It was funny that Maxie called the doc an old guy ROFL! He isn't that old. What is he 50 60? Anybody seen that doctor before? What is the actor's name? Anyway the good part was at the end. V.C. is the father of Charlie and Lulu is the mother! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! Get a quiet DNA test without V.C. knowing. :) Hmmmm. is V.C. really STAVROS CASSADINE?!!?!?!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. RIP Joseph Mascolo, also known as one of daytime;s top tier villains, STEFANO DIMERA, on Days of our Lives. Also had a stint on the Bold and the Beautiful AND on GH as the villain Domino. The guy would have been a great Cassidine too!
    The news:

    A clip with him:


  6. Thank you OldSchoolGHfan for letting us know! Wow!!

  7. You are so spot on about one could compete with what a wrecking ball/train-wreck Sarah Brown's Carly was. She was a force to be reckoned with. She was compelling enough that I grew to really enjoy her character. My problem with Nell, is that I haven't found anything I like about this character or anything that makes me care at all about her story-line. Wow...completely forgot that Monica was married to both the Weber men. Nice mention. I love Valentina..I sense a great love story. Please? Franco and Kiki forming their own Superhero league to save women...good. They both need jobs and reasons to exist. Roger, I hope they give you something to really sink your teeth into soon, I know what you're capable of. So Nickolas niece is also his cousin? Oh you incestuous soapy goodness...

    1. Well kristina and molly are sisters and cousins.

  8. "Arwen Tedhams said...So Nickolas niece is also his cousin? Oh you incestuous soapy goodness..."

    ROFL! I am my own father. :)

  9. sonya said...

    "Arwen Tedhams said...So Nickolas niece is also his cousin? Oh you incestuous soapy goodness..."

    ROFL! I am my own father. :)

    ** This says it all: :)

    Dumpster diving: CurSon dumpster diving!!! Love the bromance! Love them dumpster diving! We got to know Curtis a little bit more! He loves collectable drinking glasses and he HATES rats! ROFL!

    ** This was pretty damn fun. :) It's nice to actually see Jason with emotions and an actual SMILE on his face. Billy Miller does have some issues, but I do like that the character actually feels like he's alive again. Though, now if we could just get him away from Sonny. Sadly though, I don't see that ever happening. Even though it was looking very promising for awhile there, before he knew who he was. I just wish he'd get ALL his memories back. He and Curtis definitely work well together!

    Sonny's home: I am really enjoying Nelle manipulating Sonny and having crocodile tears. :) And love that she taped Sonny again!!!! :)

    ** As much as I despise who/what Sonny has become, I still just can't stand Nelle. The fact of this seeming to be Bobbie/Tony/Carly redux, definitely does NOT help.

    Julian's room: Ava just HAD to kiss Julian on the lips didn't she?

    ** I KNEW you were gonna say that! ;) She actually kissed him on his cheek. The camera angle just made it look like it was the other way, is all.

    NYC Clinic: Anyway the good part was at the end. V.C. is the father of Charlie and Lulu is the mother! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! Get a quiet DNA test without V.C. knowing. :) Hmmmm. is V.C. really STAVROS CASSADINE?!!?!?!!

    ** I don't think he's Stavros. He can actually form a complete sentence without rambling maniacally, nor does he constantly obsess over Laura or Lulu. Not to mention he can actually interact with the general public. Stavros 2.0 (The RKK version, that was changed to be Mikos and Helena's son, instead of just a Cassadine cousin, who even though was obsessed with Laura, was still quite a shrewd person) became more and more unhinged each time, after being "thawed out" or "brought back to life". So I can't see that being the case. Though, I do think (and hope) there is far much more than we've seen/been led to believe over the last few weeks as far as Charlotte's parentage, goes. More than just Lulu's embryo being fertilized with Valentin's sperm, and carried by Claudette, as was eluded to Friday.

    Anon said...

    RIP Joseph Mascolo, also known as one of daytime;s top tier villains, STEFANO DIMERA, on Days of our Lives. Also had a stint on the Bold and the Beautiful AND on GH as the villain Domino. The guy would have been a great Cassidine too!
    The news:

    ** That was the first bit of "news" I read on SoapCentral Friday night, after waking up. :(
    Definitely not a good way to begin one's day.



Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...