Tuesday, December 6, 2016
I'm Telling You
Life is just nutty!! My laptop is in the show because of STUPID WINDOWS 10--ugh, don't get me started!! So, I can't watch TV and tweet/blog easily, sorry. I have to say I haven't missed the show at all so far. Nope.
Grammy nods are out today-- Lemonade! yea! I loved loved loved the debut on HBO. BEIBER got some noms (ugh) and I'm happy to see 21 Pilots on there.
This Is Us is on tonight on NBC and if you want a good soap, tune on in. I love it so much. I cry almost every time!! Randall is my fave.
Ok, that's it. Just wanted to check in to let you know I'm still around.
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Friday Finale
FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...
Meredith Baxter This morning it was announced that television icon Meredith Baxter will be taking over the role of Monica Quartermaine....
Well, ratings are out. So much for getting rid of Dan and Chris!!! How'd that work out for ya? You see my friends, it's not ONLY T...
Up and down week for me when it came to enjoyment. It seemed like things were shuffled up wrong in the editing room and it made me scratch...
The hospital:
ReplyDeleteJulian's room:
Alexis and Julian: Julian wins the line of the day!
Julian: Which you did when you were drunk. And you were about to get on a public road where you could have jeopardized many lives.
Sam: What are you doing here?
Geez Sam. What are YOU doing in Julian's room!?!!?! And I thought you didn't want Julian to know that you were pregnant?! What the hell?!!?!
Alexis and Julian part 2: Oh so gee Alexis. I guess you are going to have to help him with his needs when he goes home or he will tell on you! But just love how she hurt him when she plopped her purse on his stomach hahaha. Keep doing that Alexis. :) Drop stuff on him! :)
Santa Doc room: Oh no! the pull!!!! The pull!!!! Lulu feels so drawn to Charlie!!!!!! Nina and Doc Santa make great points!
V.C.: The children take a shine to each other.
Well sure! Cus I mean they are brother and sister right?!:) I just love when V.C. talks to Charlie in Greek and I love that she understands him!
Lulu: When is your birthday? How old are you?
Oh and of course Nina interrupts! We can't have Lulu know how old Charlie is and what her birthday is just yet!!!! :)
Doc Santa and Laura:
Doc Santa: Just one of the reasons I love you.
Outside Kelly's:
Sam and Molly: More talk outside in the cold air! Well at least Molly is wearing a coat.
Valenina: I can't stand this!!!! Just kiss already!!!!!!! And then go to V.C.'s hotel room!!! :)
Sonny's place:
*Sonny shoves Nelle's necklace in his pocket*
Necklace: No!!! I want out!!!! It's too confined!!!! HELP!!!
Carly: Did you hear that?
Sonny: No.
Michael and Sonny:
Michael: Nelle and I are just friends.
Which means they will be more than just friends in 5 4 3.
Metrocourt hotel/Carly's office:
Michael and Nelle: Zzzzzzzzzzz..
Kiwi and Nelle: Boy Nelle is just manipulating Kiwi and Kiwi doesn't see it.
Kiwi: Soooo you and Michael?
Ewww no!!!!! Nelle is lookalike Carly! Gross! Oh Kiwi you are giving Nelle wayyyyy too much info about your past with Michael!
Car garage: Oh look! Bev More is REALLY Derek Wells Media! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNN! So basically,
Jason: I don't have a chip on my shoulder it's in my brain! And I have little voices in my head! And they are hungry. Want to feed them sir?
Curtis: If you don't, then the little voices will eat your brain sir!
Guy: My boss is Julian Jerome! Julian Jerome!!!!!!
Sonya, Wasn't VC speaking to Charlotte in French? I guess he, Nathan, Claudette and Charlotte all speak French due to the Canadian thing. . .
ReplyDelete"AntJoan said...Sonya, Wasn't VC speaking to Charlotte in French? I guess he, Nathan, Claudette and Charlotte all speak French due to the Canadian thing. . ."
ReplyDeleteWas he? Oops! Well I loved that she knows what he is saying. :)
sonya said...
Valenina: I can't stand this!!!! Just kiss already!!!!!!! And then go to V.C.'s hotel room!!! :)
** Did VC have a sex change, that I somehow missed, due to the spelling of his name?
Michael: Nelle and I are just friends.
** He sure got over Sabina fast!
Car garage: Oh look! Bev More is REALLY Derek Wells Media! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNN! So basically,
Jason: I don't have a chip on my shoulder it's in my brain! And I have little voices in my head! And they are hungry. Want to feed them sir?
Curtis: If you don't, then the little voices will eat your brain sir!
Guy: My boss is Julian Jerome! Julian Jerome!!!!!!
** Jaaon and Curtis were fun, the delivery van reveal? Not so much.
"AntJoan said...Sonya, Wasn't VC speaking to Charlotte in French? I guess he, Nathan, Claudette and Charlotte all speak French due to the Canadian thing. Was he? Oops! Well I loved that she knows what he is saying. :)
** Yep, it was.
I have to say, I think VC is DISGUSTING!! He is smirking, oily, looks/acts like a sociopath. I know Nina wants a child, but HOW could she find him attractive? OK, maybe she is still a little bit crazy, she DID love ex-serial-killer Franco also. . . .
ReplyDelete"K says Did VC have a sex change, that I somehow missed, due to the spelling of his name?"
ReplyDeleteROFL! No! :) Valenina is Valentin and Nina! :)
"He sure got over Sabina fast!"
Sabrina who?
"Jaaon and Curtis were fun, the delivery van reveal? Not so much."
Agree! :)
THIS IS US!! I LOVE THIS SHOW!! I totally didn't see that coming. I cry almost every episode also. Looking forward to January. :)
ReplyDeleteI love This Is Us, too! Great show! Quite a shocker.
Some boring stuff first.
Curtis, and Paint and Wall: Zzzzzzzzzzzz. Would have been much better if Paint wasn't there!!!! Just let Curtis and Jason work together!!!
The hospital:
Sam's room: Paint and Wall. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. When she talked about Aurora, I thought she meant she wanted to name the baby Aurora. Oh going to find out the sex of the baby? So basically,
Paint: Uh we are not sure. Uh. We would like for it to be a surprise? Uh well. Maybe. I don't know.
Dr. Lee: I wrote the sex of the baby on this paper.
Paint: Uh well. Uh. Maybe.
Wall: Sure.
Phone rings, and oh can't open it now!! UGH! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
Lante: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.. The only thing interesting was Lulu thinking that Charlie is her daughter. But then they just went on and on and on about it.
Now on to the good stuff!
Private room:
Andre and Anna: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. Maybe V.C. is Anna's brother? :) Half brother?
Naxie's home: I'm a little confused at what happened. She is lying about looking up dance moves? Well it's pretty funny Nathan got hurt. What are you Nathan an old man? :)
Police station:
Curtis and Jordan: Oh! She handcuffed him! Kinky! :)
Jordan: There is something that I think you should see.
Oh? Something sexy? :) Oh it's just a video footage. Curtis calls Jason. Curtis says don't get mad. Jason wins the line of the day.
Jason: Then don't start a conversation that way.
Old man Nathan and Dante: I think Nathan needs a cane. :) Hahahaha. I like that Dante is talking to Nathan about Lulu.
Charlotte was at a sleepover.
DeleteSam is like the overbearing girlfriend type who has to be EVERYWHERE her boyfriend is. It's annoying
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete"Michelle Latta said..Charlotte was at a sleepover."
ReplyDeleteOh I forgot about that!
"Sam is like the overbearing girlfriend type who has to be EVERYWHERE her boyfriend is. It's annoying"
And has to agree with her boyfriend about EVERYTHING! Oh we aren't going to Aurora? Oh that's fine. Oh you don't want to read about the sex of the baby cus you need to answer the phone? Oh it's okay. UGH!
She needs a brain of her own....
DeleteAntJoan said...
ReplyDeleteI have to say, I think VC is DISGUSTING!! He is smirking, oily, looks/acts like a sociopath. I know Nina wants a child, but HOW could she find him attractive? OK, maybe she is still a little bit crazy, she DID love ex-serial-killer Franco also.
** I will admit he is definitely charismatic, with a bit of a rogueish charm to him, and I do like his sense of humor. Not to mention the whole "mystery" factor surrounding him. I've also liked JPS since his AMC days, so that probably plays a part also. That said, I don't agree with everything he's done. As far as Nina finding him attractive, how he cares for Charlotte (and there is no doubt, that he definitely loves the little girl) definitely does play a part. Also, remember what I said a few days ago, about "maturity level" due to the coma. I think something she said today, applies too: Up until now she's only hsd two loves
Miwchelle Latta said...
THIS IS US!! I LOVE THIS SHOW!! I totally didn't see that coming. I cry almost every episode also. Looking forward to January. :)
** What's in Jsn?
sonya said..
Naxie's home: I'm a little confused at what happened. She is lying about looking up dance moves? Well it's pretty funny Nathan got hurt. What are you Nathan an old man? :)
** She wanted to know what the gift Nathan ordered from France for her.
I CAN'T STAND to watch VC in Nik's house. He MURDERED Nik and took his house (castle). In what world is this charming or OK? NO ONE in PC should go to his house and legitimize his ownership and new position, it is HORRIBLE, and depraved . . .
ReplyDeleteI still won't believe Nik is dead until his body shows up somewhere. I am hoping they will eventually scrounge up enough money to bring Emmy winning TC back-maybe get rid of Roho. I agree that VC seems to be a truly despicable character, but there is something mesmerizing about the actor - maybe his voice and I liked that wink.
"Michelle Latta said...She needs a brain of her own...."
ReplyDeleteYes she does!!!!!
"K says She wanted to know what the gift Nathan ordered from France for her."
Ohhhh.. Still? So annoying.
Ant Joan, I am completely with you on the Valentin debacle. What a come down from Tyler Christopher! I do not understand all the "ooh, he is so sexy" stuff I am reading on here. He is just disgusting. He is smarmy and insincere. And of course, he is evil. I hate seeing him in Nic's home too. And crazy Nina drooling all over him is such a step backward for the character. Nina had finally become somebody interesting, who had made Crimson come back from the brink (with a lot of help from Maxie, of course, but she did the job!) Now she is just putty in Valintin's hands. Yechhh. (I found your post about coming out of a coma very interesting, Ant Joan, and I understand why Nina is so vulnerable, but even after all she has been thru, would she not have gained SOME insight or maturity? Thank you for being so brave and sharing your experience with us. It is valuable, but the soap ain't gonna the truth on such things, we all know.)
ReplyDeleteI literally fast forward thru virtually every scene with Valentin in it.
shouldreadmore said...
ReplyDeleteAnt Joan, I am completely with you on the Valentin debacle. What a come down from Tyler Christopher! I do not understand all the "ooh, he is so sexy" stuff I am reading on here. He is just disgusting. He is smarmy and insincere. And of course, he is evil. I hate seeing him in Nic's home too. And crazy Nina drooling all over him is such a step backward for the character. Nina had finally become somebody interesting, who had made Crimson come back from the brink (with a lot of help from Maxie, of course, but she did the job!) Now she is just putty in Valintin's hands. Yechhh. (I found your post about coming out of a coma very interesting, Ant Joan, and I understand why Nina is so vulnerable, but even after all she has been thru, would she not have gained SOME insight or maturity? Thank you for being so brave and sharing your experience with us. It is valuable, but the soap ain't gonna the truth on such things, we all know.)
** I'm the one who went through that several years ago. Having done so, I do think I'm somewhat more sympathetic and a bit more patient with the character of Nina, than most are. While I didn't go through anything remotely as traumatic as she experienced. With everything that has happened to her, and her state of mind before the coma, it doesn't surprise me at all, with what she's doing now. Remember, she was VERY sheltered before it. And actually, I do think she has matured since she first came to PC, quite a bit, in fact. There is no way she was going to bridge that 20 year gap in just a few years. Also remember, there are other mental side effects that can come from it. Personally, my short term-memory is absolutely horrible now.
ishould: Thanks for agreeing with me re VC. As K said, she is the one who shared her experience re the coma.
ReplyDeleteJoan: I just have kinda felt I should say something. It's definitely an experience that unless you do go through it, it's a lot harder to understand/make sense of things. Which I discovered afterwards, after talking with others who have gone through the same thing. Even if the cause of it was different, a lot of the after effects were very similar, if not identical. To explain where I'm coming from, is all.
ReplyDeleteI do understand your opinion of VC, BTW. Like others have said, I don't think Nik is dead either, which is probably one of the reasons why I don't hate him so much. Also, I like him as an actor/person, just not a real big fan of the character. Same way as I an with RH, I'm an enormous fan of him as an actor, but I don't like Franco. Granted though, his take on the character is a MASSIVE improvement over James Franco's original. (Which I REALLY despised) I've never been a fan of Franco as an actor either, though.