Thursday, March 3, 2016

New Bike

TODAY "GIFparty" was trending on Twitter so I put up some of my fave Soap gifs ..this is one of the best: 

Aren't they adorable!!?? 

Anyway, I have to get my butt in gear and watch Mon/Tuesday GH's but today I am dealing with a massive headache that may turn into a migraine so there's no way. 

Nina ordered a kid and Franco didn't know. I so wish they'd stop with baby storyline with these two. There's so much more that they could do!!
Maxie and Nina talk. Maxie says they can be friends. Nina says she has no female Friends, and her only friend was a horse and her mother killed it. LOL 

Maxie says she should find out if Nina can really have a baby or not because Britt could have totally lied to her before. So, Nina is going to get tested again. 

Morgan thinks he was on the roof to...'get some air" AHAHA. He doesn't realize how bad things were. He and Michael gab.

Stupid Delusional Sonny thinks he's keeping Avery forever now. Carly's like UM WHAT ABOUT MORGAN, remember him??  I think Sonny doesn't want to think about Morgan.
Diane comes in. Carly actually says Morgan is INNOCENT on the whole Docks mess. Diane says well, Paul needs  a scapegoate. NOPE, Morgan PLANNED that ambush and he's guilty as hell!! Why just not admit that? WHY?

Diane says they WILL have to admit his guilt if they want Morgan saved from jail time. Carly thinks they can't take care of Morgan (commit him?)
-- Sonny is SO MAD. 

Diane then goes to talk to Morgan.  He says he's cool with whatever she wants to do

Franco and Jake Skype and Jake says he's afraid to ride a bike. Franco says: don't be afraid!! Just get up and try!
He says to Liz she seems a bit grumpy for a kid going home. 

Sam and Jason are making out on the couch and Liz walks in. NOT Happy.

Later they all meet up at the hospital... Jason insults Franco. (who's adorable). Liz sticks up for him.


  1. I think Friz are just going to be friends and it will be more of an emotional affair and Nina won't understand. I bet Nina's already preggers too.

  2. I don't want Fritz. I like them as friends so I hope that continues and they don't stuff it up.

    The scene with Franco and Jake and the bike was adorable.

    kd said... NOPE, Morgan PLANNED that ambush and he's guilty as hell!! Why just not admit that? WHY?

    Because Sonny's kids have always been told it's not their fault no matter what they do. And I don't think Sonny has ever taken responsibility for what he's done either. It's always someone else's fault. (usually the victim.) I would like to see at least one story line where he owns what he's done.

  3. Morgan just said, "I'm a kid...." WHAT??!!! Uh no dumba** you're a grown man! So glad after today no more Shriners Hospital for Children, can't.drink.anymore.

  4. The old music was back! Guess they were just toying with us. Sonny is so disgusting, and for him and Carly to think Morgan was an innocent is ridiculous. I could not believe how fast Franco show up at you know where. Just keep treating the audience like we are idiots, GH. Liz is still giving Jason and Sam the stinkeye - they are married! Love Diane!!

  5. So Michael Easton is going to be another doctor not a Cassadine.

  6. There was a horrible fire in Buffalo. A father died saving his children. The oldest age 9 had burns over 90% of her body. She was taken to a local hospital certified as a trauma center for burn victims. Within hours she was taken by heliocopter to Shriners' Hospital in Pittsburgh. The head of the Buffalo hospital said that it was her only hope of survival.

  7. Who's with Kirsten Storm in that GIF? Is that Natalia Livingston?

    Naxie home: There is an adoption agency called the gentle heart? :) Couldn't the writers think of a better name than that? BobTodd wins the line of the day.

    BobTodd: Oh I forgot we were shopping for a child? No I think I would file something like that away.

    ROFL! I don't think you told him Nina!! Oh Nina doesn't have any BFF's! Maxie and her can be BFF's! So wait, if Britch was lying how come Nina isn't pregnant by now?

    The hospital:

    Morgan and Morgan Jr's room: So basically,

    Morgan: No Mikey! I was not trying to kill myself! I just wanted some air! A LOT of air! Morgan Jr wanted some air too!

    Michael: Tell me, What would you have done if I didn't show up when I did?

    Morgan: Morgan Jr and I would have gotten cold and came in!

    Michael: You are sick!

    Morgan: Oh so you are Doctor Mikey now huh? Just relax! I told you. I just wanted some air. Right Morgan Jr?

    Morgan Jr: Yes daddy.

    BobTodd and Jake facetiming: Awwwwwww! So adorable!!!!!! :)

    Nina and a nurse:

    Nurse: Oh I think he took the day off. Yeah it was the last minute decision. He went to Philadelphia to visit Liz and her son.

    Oh! Nina and her jealous face. :) Geez I wonder why BobTodd didn't tell her.

    Sonny's home: I think it's a great idea to put Morgan in a psychiatric hospital. Just for a little while.. Geez Sonny! This isn't about YOU! This is about Morgan! He doesn't have panic attacks in small spaces like you do! Listen to Carly!

    Arlington plaza: Sam and Jason are so boring it's like watching paint dry. They are kissing. It looks like a wall and paint are kissing.. Can you imagine a wall and paint kissing? It would be gross to watch too I bet. I wonder how many takes they had to do, cus Jason woke up with red lipstick on his lips! :)

    Shriners hospital:

    The nurse and Jake:

    Nurse: Did you have fun in the playroom?

    Jake: I always do! It's awesome! It's a great place for kids.

    Nurse: That's what everybody at Shriners hospital likes to hear.

    Me: Oh yeah! Shriners hospital for children's playroom is amazeballs!

    The nurse, Jake, and BobTodd: Hahahahaha! Great scene!!!!! Oops BobTodd falls and goes boom! :) Awwww BobTodd! Nice bike! BobTodd came quickly to Shriners on his magical bus. :)

    Nurse: The only rule at Shriners hospital is we let kids be kids. Let them get to their lives as soon as possible.

    Man that nurse is annoying! Oh hi Liz! :)

    Paint(Sam), Wall (Jason), BobTodd,Jake, and Liz: Great scene!!! Oh come on Jason! Let BobTodd ring that bell!

    BobTodd: That was nice what you said before about us being friends.

    Liz: I was referring to you and Jake.

    BobTodd: I don't think you were.

    Liz: Yeah I was.

    Hahahaha no you weren't Liz! :) Love the Friz banter!!!

    "Karen says I smell FRIZ COMING!"

    Yeah me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. "Michelle Latta said...So glad after today no more Shriners Hospital for Children, can't.drink.anymore."

    Been getting drunk a lot lately eh? :)

    "dar said...There was a horrible fire in Buffalo. A father died saving his children. The oldest age 9 had burns over 90% of her body. She was taken to a local hospital certified as a trauma center for burn victims. Within hours she was taken by heliocopter to Shriners' Hospital in Pittsburgh. The head of the Buffalo hospital said that it was her only hope of survival."

    Oh WOW! How awful! The father died a hero! And thank God for Shriners hospital in Pittsburgh!!!

  9. I am loving Friz! I hope they make this a thing. Roger Howarth is so amazing with anyone!

  10. Britch told Nina she was in early menopause. If that wasn't true, it is rather likely Nina would have noticed. At least once a month.

    If the IIC can't remember what Carly went through at Ferncliff/Shadybrook after Michael was born they could just go to Youtube and relive the whole ordeal. There is No Way Carly would be the one pushing for committing Morgan to a psychiatric hospital.

  11. Just can not feel the Sam & Jason chemistry---I thought I would be over the moon but I am not feeling it

  12. Sonya, that was Kirsten & Julie M. Berman. So tragic about that fire.

  13. That is Julie Marie Berman who is the best Lulu we ever had. Not this crappy Lulu we have now. Right now it seems nobody is paying for their crimes on this show. If Lulu didn't go to jail for her crimes then why should Morgan go to jail for what happened on the docks.

  14. "LSV422 said..Sonya, that was Kirsten & Julie M. Berman."

    Ohhhh. Thanks!! :)

    Oh and here is a pic of ME and RH! :)

  15. Someone needs a decent haircut. lol

  16. I too cannot get any chemistry between Sam and Jason, is it because this Jason doesn't cut it as Stone Cold? He just seems stoned..... I also agree, NO ONE EVER pays for their crimes. Ava is not going to pay for killing Connie, Sonny gets away with murder all the time. Morgan caused that ruckus on the docks, but he won't pay either. And then we have Anna worrying about going to prison because SHE shot a man with rubber bullets. Makes no sense to me.

  17. Franco is so great with Kiki and especially Jake, could it be that he just doesn't want a kid with Nina? Sick if the baby stuff also. Loved my Nico but getting annoyed.....

  18. "Michelle Latta said...could it be that he just doesn't want a kid with Nina?"

    Yeah it seems that way to me. I think he would just LOVE to be a stepdad to Jake! :)

  19. Maybe with Michael Easton coming on as a Dr Liz and he can pair up before Sam gets her claws in him. (Like she did John and Silas)


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...