Tuesday, March 15, 2016

I'm His Son

Morgan is not happy to see Sonny. At all.

Val is going to graduate. Who cares. Not me!! LOL. Dante tells her about Lulu and him being back together. 

Laura and the KEY.  She thinks even if she throws it away, it will come back to haunt her.

Curtis calls Hayden to 'talk' he wants her to co-sign a loan. She does.

Anna shows Griff a pic of Duke "this is why you're following me, right"??  They chat. She mentions the Fitzhugh name, he says he's Duke's son. He never knew Duke. Duke never knew he had a kid.
HEY! Just like Julian! and Griffin and Lucas went to med school together. Fancy that!

Anna reads the letter that his mother left him when she died. 

Kiki says "Morgan"... she wakes up when he's on the phone. 


  1. Coma toast! Hahahahha oh Karen. :)

    Police station evidence room: VAL! Where the hell have you been?!!?!?!! Oh she is still interested in Curtis! :) And she is right.. People's past is there past and they do deserve a 2nd chance. I say go for it Val! :)


    Laura: Is this what Laura is going to do? Go from room to room to see if a key fits? I hope not!!! And what really bugs me, is that they keep showing Spencer's picture, but it's fuzzy!

    Helena's portrait: That oddly looking portrait hahaha. Is there a bug in the portrait? Is that why the eyes are so strange? Is Helena still alive and listening in?:)

    Salantino's deli: Oh I LOVE this place!!! :)

    Curtis and GreenHaydRach: YAY! Another very rare scene with them! Awwww his credit is bad and wants her to cosign so he can live in an apartment! Sweet! :) SO REAL! SO REALISTIC! :) It's the little things I love! :)

    Curtis and Bangs McGee: Oh Bangs McGee is back! Did anybody notice that when Curtis told Bangs that he has an apartment, that GreenHaydRach rolled her eyes? HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Griffy and Anna:

    Griffy: Duke Lavery was my father.

    KABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! :) Too bad Anna isn't his mother with Duke.. You know, the miscarriage baby. Ah well. At least Anna is his stepmom! :) Awww the letter is so sad. :( I teared up.

    Freedman Clinic: Geez do Morgan and Sonny have to keep having the same conversation? Oh there you go! Yes talk to Kiwi that broke the monotony of the scene.

    The hospital:

    Kiwi's room: Kiwi still sleeeeeeeping. No Ava don't wake her up! She is nice and quiet.

    Ava: I don't know what to do for you.

    Kiwi: Morgan.

    Oh there ya go. Let the idiot talk to the other idiot Morgan. Oh see! Morgan's magical wuv woke her up! It's the modern day sleeping beauty.

    Griffy and Anna: Awwwwwww! Beautiful scene!!!!! One question, where did Griffy get that scar from!?!?!?!!

    Crimson: Julian keeps trying to sabotage Crimson but it doesn't work hahahaha. Wow Alexis is acting so strange! Is that knife cursed? Will it haunt Alexis and change her? Will she be all stabby with that knife? Alexis won the line of the day.

    Alexis: Sure I did. I tried to kill her. I just couldn't kill the bitch.


  2. Spencer's photo, I'm guessing they're looking for the perfect fit for Spencer and if you look close enough he's not wearing glasses. As for Hells, yeh hers is weird. In a portrait they are looking "at you" but hers is off looking at something else. Wouldn't surprise me if it's bugged and she's alive. Love Griffin, so glad he's Dukes son. ♡ Curious who the mother is. Tired of Sonny and Morgan and am disappointed that Kiwi woke up. :(

  3. Brytni was sick during the taping of February sweeps. She felt better before the break in February. Still a Dante and Valerie fan. The show doesn't seem to have the balls to write a interracial romance between Dante and Valerie. I'm just glad Valerie's back and I hope she gets a good storyline soon. Morgan should be causing all kinds of trouble around town then finding out he's bi-polar.

  4. sonya said... That oddly looking portrait hahaha. Is there a bug in the portrait? Is that why the eyes are so strange?

    The eyes look almost hollow to me, as if there was a peep hole. Do you think maybe the key fits? lol

    I loved the Griffin and Anna scenes. I want to see lots more. They deserve to be a happy family. I want to see her introduce him to Emma when she comes to visit: This is my stepson, your Uncle Griffin. How great would that be.

    1. That would be awesome! I know she will love her Uncle Griffy ♡

  5. "Michelle Latta said...Spencer's photo, I'm guessing they're looking for the perfect fit for Spencer and if you look close enough he's not wearing glasses"

    I don't remember him wearing glasses.

    "cooks7570 said...Brytni was sick during the taping of February sweeps."

    Awww poor thing! Glad she is better!

    "Di says The eyes look almost hollow to me, as if there was a peep hole. Do you think maybe the key fits? lol"

    Hahaha. Could be!!!! :)

    "I loved the Griffin and Anna scenes. I want to see lots more. They deserve to be a happy family. I want to see her introduce him to Emma when she comes to visit: This is my stepson, your Uncle Griffin. How great would that be."

    Awwwww! That would be great!!!!!

  6. Hey check this out.


    By SOD • Posted: Mar 15, 2016

    Though Rebecca Herbst is staying put as GH's Liz, the character will be taking a brief hiatus, she tells Digest. "Because this [contract] negotiation went right up to the last minute, they did have to stop writing for me for a little while. I might not even be back [taping] until the second week of April, so Elizabeth is going to disappear for a little bit on your screens. They are going to try to sprinkle me in, but outlines have already been written, so I don’t know how much they can actually put me in." She last taped on March 8, five days before her current contract expired. For the full story of her contract drama — and how it reached its happy ending — don't miss the Soap Opera Digest on sale March 25.


    1. As long as she's back I'm ok with that. She probably needs a little break after all the drama with Jake Doe aka Jason and then the whole will she or won't she re-sign.

  7. I wish we had more families to spotlight. Sonny's and Julian's families being spotlighted is not what I want to see all the time.

  8. "Michelle Latta said..That would be awesome! I know she will love her Uncle Griffy ♡"

    Awwww! :) I would love to see Emma all excited whenever she sees her uncle!!! I can see it now!

    Emma: UNCLE GRIFFIN!!!!!

    And then she gives him a huge hug! Awwwwww! :)

  9. I was actually hoping to see Anna give him a hug today.

    And I guess with Liz being "gone" for a while they have a bit more time to recast the kids.

  10. So, was Griffin's mother Camellia McKay? She was previously involved with Duke before he came to Port Charles and she was a nun. Before Duke's father Angus killed himself, he made Duke swear that he would take care of Camellia and told Duke she was his half-sister; although that wasn't true. After she arrived in Port Charles, she tried to drive Anna away from Duke by going to a reporter about a crime at L'Orlean and Duke's involvement in it, but she ended up realizing that she had previously murdered Evan Jerome (Julian's brother) when he tried to rape her and Duke and his father helped to cover it up. After a mob hit is out on Camellia, Duke takes her to the Biscayne Islands where she is mistaken for Anna (who is there with Robert, Sean, Greta, and Monica - WSB and DVX stuff),and Duke and Anna end up saving them. Camellia ended up leaving Port Charles.

    I hope they address this and don't brush it under the rug since it was certainly a part of GH past and it would be stupid for Anna not to ask and stupid for the writers to ignore this in place of some random character with no historical value or tie to the show.

  11. Wow LiamAZ! What a blast from the past! I remember her and that storyline! :) That would be an interesting twist!

  12. I have read a few things elsewhere that leads me to believe RoHo and MS don't like working together and that is why they are going to break up Nina and Franco. MS was quoted as saying she doesn't even know him since they never speak to each other. Very strange.

  13. I was thinking of the nun yesterday too, I couldn't remember her name. I agree she should be his mother

  14. LiamAZ, I wondered the same thing about Camilla the nun maybe being Griffin's mother, especially when her letter said something about going to her Heavenly Father. It sounded like it was written by someone who was very religious. I just hope the mother isn't Olivia Jerome, for me the last thing the show needs is more people tied to the Jeromes, I think there are plenty of them (JMO).

  15. NO NO!! She does fun periscopes about Roger..she means that the characters dont' speak!

  16. KD, I read that MS said they only speak to each other on set when they are taping so they don't really know each other. In the new promo he is dancing with LW. When I saw her at that show last year she never even mentioned him or the character. I hope it is just a rumor.

  17. Liam, WOW, I didn't know any of this, I guess I wasn't watching during those years . . . Griffin said his mother is very religious, so her having been a nun would make sense . . .

  18. Wasn't the nun played by an actress who later was on Guiding Light for many years?

  19. yeah LSV422 it's the same actress

  20. "LSV422 said...I have read a few things elsewhere that leads me to believe RoHo and MS don't like working together and that is why they are going to break up Nina and Franco."

    Yeah I heard about them not getting along and that they don't like working together. That's too bad if it's true. :(

    "kdmask said...NO NO!! She does fun periscopes about Roger.."

    She does!!?!?! :)YAY!


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...