Sunday, March 20, 2016

Sunday Surgery: Where There's a Will....

20160314 1416(13)
COME my WUBS....listen closely..

It felt like a bit of a mish-mash this week, especially circling back to theWill Reading, Parker and Breast Feeding stories. I was thinking they could kill 3 birds there because NLG had to come in for all of them. Then, since she was there, throw in Julian with Ava and Crimson! Alexis was the lynch-pin this week! 

See, there is a method to the madness!! (money lol)

So, here we go. In honor of Crimson's "Assemble Yourself" issue, let's assemble our own brunch. 

20160314 1448(15)

MONDAY shall live in infamy as one of my fave shows!! Yes, it could have been much more and gone on longer but hey, I was happy for what I got. I choose to dwell on the greatness!  I even got my Video Reading!! Of course, Connie Towers was perfection. I also loved the dialog because it was so Helena-esque! I hope you watched it--and if not, find the clip on You Tube. I'm sure some fan strung together just this part for you. (Why they had ANYTHING else on that day is beyond me).
PS. we all need Cassadine Crest Tshirts for GH events! 


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For Samantha? Helena gave her one cent that she could split between herself, Kristina and Molly. "That's what Natashia's children are worth". Heh. BOOM! Sam  was mad and even left the penny (in a gorgeous ring box) at Wyndemere. So ungrateful! 

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Alexis got a bigger gift: Her Mama's sheet music and  the dagger that slit her throat. Alexis was horrified and angry, but did take the dagger with her. She later showed it to Julian-- and seemed a bit on the edge herself. 

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Elizabeth got a "Jake Book" that told the story of Jake's going to Helena's and a secret she told him.  I will get to this book later ... 

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Nikolas received no money because of his 'betrayal"...but he did get a portrait with Helena drinking tea. Which, was her last moments with Nikolas. He gave her poison tea. Now, my spec is that Helena survived because if she didn't, how would she know to commission a painting of herself drinking it to torture Nik with? Hmmmmm??? Nikolas looked panicked.
Hells left all her money to the "Cassadine Medical Foundation" which I am assuming, is the cryogenic-immortality unit.  Why she didn't leave at least an egg or a necklace to Spencer is a puzzle. 

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Lulu got an empty envelope which she has to think about. We know Hells has that Stavvy/Lulu embryo so?? It has to have to do with her empty womb, imo. ;) 

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Lastly there was Laura. The one thing I didn't get was Helena not calling her Lasha. Oh man, I would have FLIPPED for that!! Laura looked worried-- rightfully so because, after all, this is Helena. She could have shipped Lucky's head in a cooler for all she knew. But nope! She got a key--which I guess is to launch Laura's "Adventure" to find out what it opens. You know I want it to be a storage unit with the Pink Caddy and Luke's mummified body inside. I would also love to direct that scene too! LOL...I don't ask for much!! 

20160314 1410(1)

Keeping tabs: Shirtless-Munro has run into both Carly AND Maxie in the locker room. I guess they built the set, may as well use it! How are they going to get everyone else in here for their chem test? Maxie TRIPPED and twisted her ankle. Good LORD, is that the go-to for women on this show? :eyeroll: 

20160315 1509(5)

So.. Kiki woke up. Morgan spoke to her on the phone. Then...NOTHING. NOTHING!! WTH! I mean, I don't like Kiki much but why do you do this? Why not follow up with something, anything? 
Drives me insane.

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Now to the other side of the coin. I was happy that they followed up with a visit to Morgan. I think it was important to show that Sonny is still reaching out. It gave us a glimpse into Medicated-Morgan who is really bored and still angry at being sent away. So, kudos. 

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Boring Jason got a boring apartment that looks like some kind of cinder-block garage. I guess it's "Urban" and "hip" but good gravy--UGH. So many jokes here. Sam came in and looked at some photos that he bought and said "OMG! These were on your mantel in the PH"!! He was like: Um... really? Duh, didn't know. Wow. Okay. They kissed on the mattress on the floor. And don't come at me about JaSam. I didn't like Liason either--and it's due to BM's apathy in this role. I just can't deal with it anymore and I'm going to say so. 

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From the badly-paced box, Nina confronts Franco about going to see Jake and Liz in Philly and not telling her. That whole thing was so mixed-up and rushed with the bike, I had forgotten about it. Seemed like an add-on.

20160316 1812(29)

Crimson:  Of course this month's issue was also Fk'd up. Everything came in pieces. If you look closely you can see that"s Epiphany up there. They decide to hold a contest to put the mag together when they drop the pages from an airplane over PCPU and The Mall. Which I had said "Make your own Crimson"! LOL 
Ok, so idea for GH: WHY NOT publish and on-line "Crimson" for us to see--include the still Photos of the ladies and maybe some bonus footage from the photo sessions? Wouldn't that drive some traffic? I know you have interns sitting around. Wouldn't be to hard to do. We never even saw Epiph's picture up close! 

20160316 1829(1)

Back to Jake's book. WELP! Liz LEFT it in the locker room at GH. Yep..and not even in a locker, on the TOP SHELF. She had to had left it the night before by the way they explained it.
REALLY? I suppose it was all to get Franco involved with the story, right? Geesh! 

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KnockKnock? Who's there? Daddy...with a Message for Krissy... Start 'splainin!!  (see scene of the week below)

20160315 1428(2)

Why am I so good looking? It's the Duke-Factor... you see I have Scottish blood running through my veins. Anna: Can it be? You're Duke's son?
Anyway, Griffin's mama was a lady Duke met before even coming to Port Charles. She's dead now. All we have is this pretty face to look at. 

20160319 1205(5)

Her BOOBS are NOT disgusting! 

20160319 1205(6)

Nobody SAID they were disgusting, just don't parade them out while people are trying to LUNCH!!
And..that's about what that was all about. 

20160317 1426(12)

AND...Franco-And-The-Baby-Hijinks rounded out our week! See, Dr. O thought he should watch Leo while Olivia went to get rid of her hives (don't ask). So Franco talks to the kid, says hey, he might not be a bad Dad after all...
THEN...oh then, Franco leaves the kid in a laundry cart to talk on the phone. AROUND THE CORNER out of eyesight. 
OF Course Leo is gone! Franco runs bug-eyed around. Dr O is running around too--and oh, ha ha! A nurse found him and took him to the nursery where Olivia picked him up. Which of course, makes Franco think he can't be a Dad now. ..
*sigh* So it goes. 

20160317 1500(23)20160317 1437(35)

SCENE OF THE WEEK:  I thought this was very well done and felt true to life. Krissy gets into hysterics when she's found out--Sonny blusters, Alexis is a bit stunned. Molly stands up for her. No one finds out the "real" truth yet but I have to say, I did like this. Being on both the receiving and sending end (my life has been long) ..I totally GOT it.  I cried like that to MY Dad long ago and it never worked. LOL 

20160317 1458(29)20160317 1410(7)

FACES OF THE WEEK:  Well, F off..NO..YOU F off! Carly and Ava..ever-locked in the Ava battle.  Carly is such a hypocrite. It's not like any of HER kids ever got shot on Sonny's watch. Nope.
20160317 1432(3)

PROP OF THE WEEK:  There were SO many to choose from! The Cassadine props were a lot within themselves, no? I'm giving it to the laundry cart because Leo looked adorable in there. Oh btw, I could have picked the pictures that Jason "remembered" buying again too.  It was PROP-A-PALOOZA this week, that's for sure.  Special nod to whomever painted Hells. Nice. 

Ok, Well, Monday I have a meeting for my job. This time of year I have a lot of CSE meeting for kids so I'm out later. I will miss the arrival of HAMILTON FINN. Yes, that's Michael Easton's new character's name.
Hamliton Finn. Why not Finn Hamilton? And what? Did they take the most popular musical title and a Star Wars Character and mash it up? I really wish ME would have been a Cassadine and strolled out when Helena said: BOO! Look behind you (people would have thought it was her). VALENTINE!! Or make him a Hardy that was related to Steve somehow-- nephew? I don't know.
Blah.. we shall see. 

What did you think of Jason's apartment? 
Do you care that Nathan was married once? ?? 
Did you notice I didn't include Curtis and Val's "Date"? (nope) 

See ya! Have a great week. 


  1. One thing I didn't get was Nikolas saying he didn't need Helena's money, but the reason he stole ELQ was he allegedly didn't have any money. Also one thing that I have been confused over for a long time is when did the Cassidines become Russian. When they first appeared in the 70's they were Greek, but during the Guza years they were suddenly Russian as well. Not important but I don't remember any Russian influence when they first came on but it's possible I forgot, it was a long time ago!

    It's hilarious that ANYONE on GH thinks a child would be safer with Sonny, hahaha!

    1. I never got the Russian thing, probably missed it thru some ff I did. LOL! Surprised she didn't leave Spencer anything.

  2. I LOVE Carly's new hair-do. It is so funny to see Carly and Ava going at each other on the show when, at the GH event, they seem like the best of friends. Karen, every time I see Ava and Julian "close-talking," I think of you.

    1. Haha me too! It's like, just get a room already!

  3. I THINK... that the story was the Cassadines had long ago Russian nobility in them and they had to flee during the Romanov dynasty when they were all killed. They escaped to Greece.
    I don't know if it's true or in my head! LOL I thought Stefan explained it once??

  4. Loved the F you faces! Give less than a rats behind that Nathan was married before! I was married before and it would never occurred to me to HIDE it! Naxie is my couple and unless he's embarrassed that Claudette was previously a man and had a sexy change, just.don' Leaving Leo in the laundry basket, wth was BobTodd thinking? Loved Kristina and Sonny scenes, she did great! Am not loving ME's new name, and I agree, Finn Hamilton would've been SO much better...Hamilton really???? Please for the love of God and all of Michael's sexiness, please call him Finn. LOL I'm just glad he's back but that name.... Wonder what he thinks?

  5. Here is a wild guess. What if Hamilton Finn (yes, awful name), is a fake name and ME is really Valentin?. He just came to port chuckles to scope out the situation ? Then, in about 6 months, he drops the bomb on Nik. After he falls for Laura, of course.

    1. Sounds good. I mean we had Derek Wells who ended up being Julian. But then you might get people bitching cause he's yet one more character. LOL!

    2. Sounds good. I mean we had Derek Wells who ended up being Julian. But then you might get people bitching cause he's yet one more character. LOL!

  6. I try to never comment in a negative way about actors but when one actor has played four different characters and you have hated / been bored to tears with each of them, well, it might be less about the characters and more the actor. Instead of bringing back for a FIFTH time what is imo the flattest most un-charismatic actor ever to be on GH, why can't they take an amazing actor stuck in a bad character (RH/Franco or MS/Nina or RB/Hayden), send them off screen for a few weeks and then bring them back as a new character? I'd much rather see RH recast as Jimmy Lee holt Quartermaine, MS as Skye Quartermaine, and Hayden as Sarah Webber then see ME back at all.

  7. Panda said... One thing I didn't get was Nikolas saying he didn't need Helena's money..

    When Helena told him via the video that he had been disinherited Nik mumbled something to Hayden about not needing the money now because he had ELQ. I think he said, "now it's more important than ever for me to keep that company"... or something like that....

  8. Thanks for another great surgery. I love having Sunday brunch with you. I’m washing mine down with a decadent French vanilla cappuccino from Tim’s.

    kd said.... You know I want it to be a storage unit with the Pink Caddy and Luke's mummified body inside.

    lol Oh that would be perfect but we both know it’s too creative for GH.

    kd said...Maxie TRIPPED and twisted her ankle. Good LORD, is that the go-to for women on this show? :eyeroll:

    I was thinking that GH these days would be a great source of advertising for wearing flats.

    And there’s no where on the planet where random civilians are able to walk into a hospital staff locker room.

    kd said....So.. Kiki woke up

    **bangs head repeatedly on desk*

    Also when they first showed that cinder-block apt I thought Jason was opening up a garage again.

    I also agree about BM’s apathy. I’ve never seen him in anything else and I can’t understand people saying what a great actor he is. He’s not even phoning it in; he’s texting it.

    kd said....WHY NOT publish and on-line "Crimson" for us to see--include the still Photos of the ladies and maybe some bonus footage from the photo sessions? Wouldn't that drive some traffic?

    That’s a GREAT idea, but once again, too creative for the current show people.

    kd said.... Liz LEFT it in the locker room at GH. Yep..and not even in a locker, on the TOP SHELF.

    I know! She would have had to stand on her tippy toes to get it there. PMSL

    I also love looking at Griffin’s pretty face. lol The man can act too so no complaints here. lol

    Leo in the laundry cart was funny but all I kept thinking was that that is probably one of the most unsanitary places in the hospital. EWWWW. Keep the kid under observation for a few weeks at least.

    I loved your screen caps. You always pick the best ones.

    And big deal that Nathan was married once. Unless he offed her, or she was a he, I don’t see any reason he wouldn’t tell Maxie about it.

  9. friscogh said...what is imo the flattest most un-charismatic actor ever to be on GH

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so. I never saw him in any other roles but I was so sick of him staring glassy eyed into the distance while people were talking to him. He must think that makes him look sexy because the young 'uns all loved him as a vampire ( or so I hear) but it reminded me of Laura in her catatonic state. ( And it's very rude to the actor you're conversing with at the time.) If his new character starts this I will be flipping through every scene he's in.

  10. Re Greeks and Russians, the Royal Houses were all connected prior to WWI and even after the war pretenders existed to various thrones and titles.

    Nathan is little more than a pretty face with a good body. Maxie may adore him but I see her ending up with someone else. As to Nathan being married before, he must have a been a boy groom and the marriage lasted 2 days. But ... does "Claudette's" existence mean we have another character coming this summer?

    No mention of Ava, Sonny and the Black Rose. Oh oh.

    And I wanna be around when Julian's terrible, awful, no-good plan to bankrupt "Crimson" blows up in his face. Does Alexis save his sorry butt or does she read him the riot act and she ends up joining in the salvaging of "Crimson."

    I do not like it when GH makes such a hash of legal matters and the court room behavior. Don't they realize there are some in the audience who believe what they see on television? I mean, I'm all for drama and tension and cliff hangers, but judging by what the GH writers do, I don't think any of them have so much as watched a Perry Mason rerun.

  11. I hate Boobgate! If Olivia were in a restaurant or a department store, they would have a story, but Olivia was carrying a baby around at her place of business. What if all her waiters and desk clerks bring their babies to work? How about the parking attendants? Olivia was unprofessional, and I don't blame the mayor for being angry.

  12. Valerie and Curtis got some good twitter buzz about Fridays scenes. If I can't have Dante and Valerie then I will go with Valerie and Curtis. Why can't Morgan be causing trouble all over town instead of this storyline. I just find this show kind of crappy this days.

  13. Pat--FYI where I work you are encouraged to bring your baby in until it's 6 months old. Moms and dads! It definitely builds employee loyalty and ends up saving the company time and money in training/temp staffing roles. So, I actually saw this story line as pretty realistic.

    As for Jason's doesn't seem fitting for a man with millions of dollars and two young sons to live in a weird studio like that. Not a great place for the boys to be able to tumble around in. It's weird that Anna flies solo in her humongous mansion while Jason, who presumably will have some child care duties, lives in that tiny place. Man, you're in your forties, time to start living like an adult! And if Curtis moves in across the hall I'll be very ticked off that super-rich Jason and super-poor Curtis live in the same building. SMDH.

  14. Ruthie I had the same thought about Hamilton Finn being a fake out. That was Jason's apartment?? I thought that was Johnny's garage, that's how much I pay attention to Jason and anyone.

  15. At first I thought it was Johnny's garage, but I had read the blog before I had a chance to watch the show, that's how I knew it was his apartment. Maybe it has more than that one room they showed?

  16. "Now to the other side of the coin. I was happy that they followed up with a visit to Morgan. I think it was important to show that Sonny is still reaching out. It gave us a glimpse into Medicated-Morgan who is really bored and still angry at being sent away. So, kudos."

    Hmmm. You got a very good point there. :)

    "What did you think of Jason's apartment?"

    It's awful!!!! I hate it!

    "Do you care that Nathan was married once? ??"

    NO! Boring!!! I rather have Claudette be his daughter!

    "Did you notice I didn't include Curtis and Val's "Date"? (nope)"

    Hahaha. Awww they didn't grow on you huh?

  17. Nothing can make Nathan interesting, as much a they try. I think Curtis has more dynamics with Jordan - Val is so blah. Jason's apt. is hideous and he surely can afford better. And it is a fire violation to have a motorcycle inside an apt. for sure.


LATE Day Again!!

  I have my yearly check up today (I have to get one for work...ugh) and it's at 2pm. Will I make it back for the end of the show? Not s...