Friday, March 18, 2016

Friday Notes

My Gus is very sick. He has a 105 temp and a bad abscess in his ear that's infected. I just got home from the hospital with him-- they will have to keep him if his temp goes up or he doesn't drink enough liquids. SO, keep him in your thoughts!

I'm watching GH on DVR right now. 

I saw Olivia and Alexis... Diane and Mayor Lo-Lo. 
Diane: "They are beating their breasts in a shameful bid for attention". 

I still think Sonny is going to try to make Ava think she's in danger so she'll leave Avery with he and Carly. 

Ok I will watch later!


  1. Dear Karen, Oh no, your beloved Gus is sick, he is in our thoughts and prayers. Our darling cat, Chairman Meow, sends her best wishes also.

  2. I really liked today's show. One of the themes was siblings: Molly and Kristina and Ava and Julian. Both situations were well done, and such good depictions of sibling support and caring.
    Mayor Lomax is totally immoral. Is closing down the business of your court adversary not an ethical and legal misstep? I cannot see that being at all legal, and when it comes out, the doo doo will hit the fan!
    There was a lot of the one on one conversation that the writers are so fond of, but in general, it was a good show, that held my interest. I even liked Val with Calvin (is that his name???). Maxi and Nina are good together. And when Nina told Maxi that she knew how evil folks could be because of her mother, it sent a shiver through me.
    Karen, I am so sorry to hear about Gus. Did the vet tell you to apply cool cloths around his ears and paws? Web MD gave that advice. I don't think it could hurt him, but I also don't know how he would react to it. Anyhow, he is getting lots of good thoughts and stuff from here.

  3. when my dogs were sick, i used to give them some pedialyte in their water dish. it seemed to help them. my vet once told me gatorade was cool as well when animals were not feeling well.

    as always, talk to the vet first before taking sage advice from bloggers. :)

  4. Metrocourt hotel: Bangs Macgee and Curtis date! :)Curtis why do you want to win 1000 dollars?! For drugs?

    Crimson: So basically,

    Nina: Babies babies babies. Franco changed his mind! He wants babies!

    Maxie: YAY!

    Nina: Just because I've been in a coma doesn't mean I don't know evil!

    Maxie: YAY!

    Nina: I know who benefits. Julian Jerome.

    DING DING DING! Wait no no no don't change your mind! Rats.

    The hospital:

    Julian and Ava: More inappropriate closeness with them!

    Julexis home: LOVE the Molly and Krissy scene!!!! Krissy your sister is giving good advice! Take it!! Oh my! Krissy is in wuv with Parker!!!!! Come on Kristina your parents love you! Do you really think they will blow up at you because you are gay or bi or whatever?

    Carson home: Oh boy! uh Carson, Krissy's professor is a WOMAN! And I think that is what Sonny is going to find out soon!!! GO MAX! :) Ava is so lying! Sonny can keep Avery because Ava has to stay with Kiwi for now? HA!

    Sonny: Thank you for the assist. The rose, the threatening note. Ava got the message loud and clear.

    HA! I KNEW IT! :)

    Metrocourt hotel part 2:

    Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!!?! Health inspector shutting the metrocourt and Crimson down?!! Who is doing this?! Is it Julian, or Mayor Lomax?!

    Courtroom: Great scenes!!!!! When Lomax was talking about talking to the bar association, the look on Diane's face! Come on Diane! Tell Lomax to shut up and stand up for your BFF!!!:) Diane wins the line of the day!

    Diane: I am not dressed for a rumble!

    BAHAHAHAHHA! And gee Alexis, why didn't you grab Olivia's phone?!!?! Of course Diane had to erase! It's her job to protect her client!

    Carly: You need to drop this lawsuit now.

    Oh shut up Carly!!!!!! You have no right!!!

    Crimson part 2:

    Its working!!!! The build your own Crimson is working!!!! YAY! Curtis and Val are all dirty hahaha. I wonder if Val's fake cat helped too.

  5. Awwww poor Gus!!! :( I hope he is okay!

  6. It's looking like Valerie will be on more, which is great. I just wish Valerie would have more scenes with Carly and Lucas and Michael and Morgan. I still like Dante and Valerie together. I just don't care for any of the storylines right now or any of the couples. I wish they would stop the fighting over Avery between Sonny and Ava. Anyone else finding this show as boring as can be.

  7. sonya said...Carly: You need to drop this lawsuit now.

    Oh shut up Carly!!!!!! You have no right!!!

    I was so disappointed that Carly took that stance. She should be going after Mayor Lomax. I think we would have some great scenes with those two going head to head as opposed to the comedic scenes with the others at the courthouse. Lomax may think she's powerful but Carly would make one nasty enemy.

    I also like Curtis and Val together. I think they need to redeem Curtis' character a little and keep those two together. Val is a smart, good looking woman. She doesn't need to go after someone else's husband. She should be attracting lots of guys.

    1. I am not a fan of Vals, but I did enjoy the scenes with her and Curtis. I couldn't believe Carly, really?!? Actually liked Sonny with the black Rose stunt.

  8. I still like Dante and Valerie together. Looking around on twitter some feel two newbies together does not help getting to know the characters. The show needs to keep Dante and Lulu divorced for now. Lulu should get with Dillon and Dante should get with Valerie.

  9. "Di says I was so disappointed that Carly took that stance."

    Yeah me too. I couldn't believe she said that!

    "She should be going after Mayor Lomax. I think we would have some great scenes with those two going head to head as opposed to the comedic scenes with the others at the courthouse. Lomax may think she's powerful but Carly would make one nasty enemy."

    Yeah Carly SHOULD be going after Lomax! Yes those would have been some great scenes! What a waste!

  10. OK, I think Carly will turn around pronto and support Olivia after some talking-to by all the women in the courtroom. OF COURSE Carly took the wrong side of the issue, she is a selfish beatch, always has been, she came on canvas looking out only for her own agenda, trying to ruin her family; now that she has a family of her own, she is loyal to them, but everyone else be damned!

  11. Karen, I hope your boy is doing better today! I am really liking Nina and Maxie and the Franco/Dr. O. Scenes from Thrursday, too. New Leo is a doll. The courtroom scenes were ridiculous but fun and it is always great to have Diane back. Val and Curtis make a cute couple. Too much Sonny for me again this week.

  12. Look look!!!

    I didn't see Michel Easton's name at the bottom of the screen!!! I will have to take a look! Hamilton Fin!?!?!?! HAHAHAHA! So many nicknames we could call him!!! This is gonna be fun! :)

    1. THAT'S his name???? Ugh! Please please please let them call him Finn! Me no likey. LOL!!

  13. How about Perry Mason's nemesis, Hamilton Burger??? Does anyone remember him?

  14. I remember Hamilton Burger - one of my favorite shows of all time!

  15. "Michelle Latta said...THAT'S his name???? Ugh! Please please please let them call him Finn! Me no likey. LOL!!"

    ROFL! But there will be so many nicknames we can call him! Hammy, McHammy, McFinny, McHamFinny, Hamburgler, Hamster, and more! Hahahahaha!

  16. hamstring finale ......hehe

  17. "Michelle Latta said...Bows head....shudder at the thought haha"


    "Di said...hamstring finale ......hehe"

    ROFL! There ya go. Another one! :)

  18. Just seeing this. How is Gus?!? Hope he is feeling better sweet baby!!!


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...