Monday, March 21, 2016

It's Hamilton Finn Day!

IT's Hamilton Finn DAY! That's right..ME Is back and since I am calling him Hammy Finn, I have a few HAMS with FINNS to show you! 

SO rejoice if you are a Michael Easton fan because he's his FIFTH role on GH to date!!! 


  1. M.E. is back
    and what do I see
    the same stunned look
    staring at ME

  2. But petting an iguana, and sporting a LOT of make up. This is gonna be one eccentric character. Can ME play funny, cause I think that may be what is coming.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Di--awesome cute little poem. :) Love the creativity. :)

    I saw a clip from today online and it showed him on the phone, stroking some weird reptile, and I thought, "It he Doctor Evil now??"

  5. Cute poem, Di, very clever.

    I thought it was a stuffed iguana at first! We need Sonya to come up with a name for it!

    Cute piggy in the shark costume :-).

    I thought it was a good show today although the courtroom ending was a little over the top. Er, without a top.

  6. Doesn't the lizard need to be called Silas?

  7. YAY! The lobster now has a reason to watch GH.

  8. Karen hahahahahaha! Great pictures. :)

    Crimson: YES! Hire Curtis! Great idea!!!

    Curtis: I don't remember you.

    OH BURN!!!!!:)

    Dante: Valerie. Clarence.

    Hahahaha. Dante jealous much? :)

    Courthouse: Love the scenes!! Great editing between Lomax and Olivia. I didn't know Carly was going to be called up!!! Huh?! She was not on the list of witnesses!!! Hey Alexis's idea for women to come in the courthouse breastfeeding was brilliant!!! :)

    Judge: Can't they do that in the bathroom?

    I can't believe he just said that!!!!!! Nina wins the line of the day!

    Nina: What is out of order about THESE your honor!

    ROFL! And then I was thinking well why don't all the women do it! And THEY DID HAHAHAHAHAHHA! Come on Jordan do it do it do it! ROFL! Great scene! It cracked me up!

    Nina's left cupcake: What? What is going on? I was nice and warm and sleeping.

    Nina's right cupcake: I have no idea what is going on. I was sleeping too.

    Maxie's, Carly's, Olivia's and Alexis's cupcakes: What? What is going on? What is all the commotion?

    The hospital:

    Tracy's room: It didn't look like Tracy had surgery. It looked like she has a boo boo on her forehead! Tracy brought her own pillow in her hospital room! Hahahahaha! Oh she doesn't have cancer! Whew!!! She got an infectious disease in her brain! WOW! Stupid Ashton! ROFL! Tracy and Monica scene. :( Tracy stop talking like you are dying!!!! There is no reason for Monica to pull the plug!!!!!

    Monica: I know just who to call.


    Dillon: YES! ON THE PHONE WITH NED! :)

    Dillon, Tracy, and Monica: Wow Tracy is able to walk?!!?! This is a sad scene.. Her thinking Dillon was Ned. :(

    Dr. House, Brad, and Dr. Munro:

    Dr. House: Grumble grumble grumble. You two are going to lose your jobs.

    RA RO.

    Brad and Dr. Munro: Oh Brad!!!! You sneaky sneaky guy! I love it!

    Monica and McHammy: IT'S ME!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :) My first thought that came in my head was Hamilton Cobb!!! Huh!?!?! Cobb? Silly me! :) Now let's name that Lizard that McHammy had! HcHammy Jr? Fin Jr? :)

    1. I lmao when Dante called Curtis Clarence! Loved the courtroom scenes, mouth fell open when Nina took her shirt off! Really loved today! Then squeeee my Michael ♡♡♡

  9. "Di said...M.E. is back and what do I see the same stunned look staring at ME"


    "Panda said...I thought it was a stuffed iguana at first!"

    Wasn't it breathing? :)

    "We need Sonya to come up with a name for it!"

    You read my mind!!!!! :)

    "kdmask said... Doesn't the lizard need to be called Silas? Or Clay?"

    Silas Jr or Clay Jr! I hope we see the lizard again! Otherwise why bother showing the lizard to us! :)

    "Ruthie said...YAY! The lobster now has a reason to watch GH."

    HAHAHAHA! Because of the lizard? YAY! :)

  10. Oops it was an Iguana.. Well, Iggy? Guanny? :) Gugu? :)

  11. Hammy with his iguana vs Dr Evil and his cat.




Yes, Leslie met Alberta back in the day. This was during the  Habitat for Humanity build that GH actors volunteered for.  TODAY'S SHOW: ...