Monday, October 26, 2015

Today's GH in quotes

Diane... "Patrick is boring" 

Liz: "Jake Jr? Just confused"... 

Jake: "Gotta call Sam..."

Sam: "Gotta see Jake"...

Kelly OBGYN: "You only gots one embryo and... it's a LONG SHOT, Lante. Like Bad ODDS".... 

Lulu: "I'm going to do it"

Dante: "I don't think we should, it could go bad" 

Carly: "Hell no, Michael's not marrying Sabrina...they aren't in love, they are just consoling each other" 

Jake: "Liz asked me to let it go..but I can't..I can't LET IT GOOOOOOO" 

Michael:  "Will you marry me"? 

Sabrina: "I can't marry you"... HUH? 

Jordan: "You're free Spinelli, but don't F-Up again".... 


  1. Were you as bored as I was?? I started watching the video while the show was still going on, and FF so much that I ran into the live broadcast.

  2. lol That definitely covered it.

  3. Hahahahaha Karen. :)Yup that's how it went. :)

    Police station: Jordan wins the line of the day!

    Jordan: Oh so he does have an off switch.


    Diane and Sam: Yes Karen yes!!! Diane more or less said that Patrick is boring! ROFL! Sam loves adventures! And Patrick is a doctor. So really they are so very different! :)

    The hospital:

    Kelly's office: Woah KELLY! Where the hell have you been!?!?!! :)

    Dante and Lulu: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. They are less boring when they argue. So, I can't wait until the truth comes out!!!

    Sonny's room: Wow can Carly and Sonny BE any more excited about Sabrina being pregnant? Hahahaha! Sonny says that Michael and Sabrina need to get married!?!?!?! This is not the 1950's Sonny!!

    Bocce ball: If Sabrina and Michael get married, am I invited? I hope so!

    Woah! Go Carly!!! You tell Sonny!!! #Team Carly! :)

    Liz and Jake's home:

    Jake Jr: No!!!! You ARE my father!!!! Nooooo you are! You are!!!! You are my father!!!

    Me: Oh time for some cookies and milk young Jr. And also get some twizzlers! They are good. Oh time to go upstairs to eat your snacks and drink your milk! But you don't have any to share with your brothers. That's okay they hardly argue with you anyway. I think they are afraid of you.

    Liz: I realized that being happy is not wrong.

    DOH! *Facepalm*

    The pier: Sam and Jake.. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Jake take off your shirt! :)

    Q home:

    Michael: Sabrina will you marry me?

    Sabrina: I can't marry you.

    Me: Yeah of course she can't! The reason is she thinks Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos is the papa!

  4. Today's episode sounds...not very exciting. Oy.

  5. Dr. Lee lives!

    Wubs got a shoutout from Jamey @ DC on the latest podcast referring to young legacy characters vs. random ones like Kiki and Darby. He said that longtime supporters like Wubs who have backed the show for years would probably be in favor of a Serena or Tommy Hardy Jr. (paraphrasing here but he mentioned Wubs!).

  6. YEAH!! :)

    Great that I get mentioned on some level at DC !! :) I used to Podcast with Luke long long ago when they just did ABC shows and AMC and OLTL were still on. Great people

  7. "Panda said...Wubs got a shoutout from Jamey @ DC"

    She did?!!!? YAY! :)

  8. I liked this episode! Diane rocked it, telling Sam the truth about Patrick and telling Spinelli that since he's lost his touch, he should go legit.

    I also liked how LittleJake called out his Mommy. Liz gave the quintessential answer of someone who's trying to explain a lie when she said, "It's complicated."

    Sam and JakeDoe both wore black and she believes in him.

    Jordan can't win for losing. Welcome to Port Charles PD, Commish!

    And CARLY NAILED IT with Michael and Sabrina. She and Sonny had a great discussion, a REAL discussion, that fits today.


  9. Carly is such a hypocrite. While describing Michael and Sabrina, she was also describing her initial link to Sonny all those years ago. Weren't she and Sonny both in a bad place when they first hooked up (although to a much lesser degree)? This after Hannah betrayed Sonny when it was revealed that she was working for the FBI and Carly, after seeing Jason and Liz slow dancing, thinking they were having an affair.

    Obviously Sonny's and Carly's drama during those situations were obviously much less than what Michael and Sabrina have endured the past year or two; yet, we know both Sonny and Carly are some of the most selfish people in the universe, so they tend to see things only through their own eyes and experiences.

    Having said that, I think that Sonny's and Carly's conversation today actually seemed like a normal, realistic one for a change.

  10. Nice touch bringing back the lovely Dr. Lee. And of course it is always wonderful to see Diane, especially with Spinelli and Sam. Carly needs to shut up. When I start seeing her bare her teeth I have to ffwd. Michael could do a lot worse than Sabrina. Yay to Karen for the mention on DC!

  11. While I like Sabrina as an age appropriate match for Michael, I actually hope the child isn't his. The writers have finally placed him into a leading male role for the 20's age group and he needs more time as a bachelor not playing baby daddy.

  12. "Panda said...
    Dr. Lee lives!

    Wubs got a shoutout from Jamey @ DC on the latest podcast referring to young legacy characters vs. random ones like Kiki and Darby. He said that longtime supporters like Wubs who have backed the show for years would probably be in favor of a Serena or Tommy Hardy Jr. (paraphrasing here but he mentioned Wubs!)."

    I like HE but she gets a lot of flack for playing Kiki. I've often thought that GH screwed up by not casting her as Serena Baldwin instead. She could still be drunk and messy and blocking NiCo just as Serena.



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...