Tuesday, November 18, 2014

I AM A Quartermaine!

Welp. Monica is happy. 

Kiki is not. Shawn said "I botched the job"-- like he ever DOESN'T botch the job.

I guess TIME JUMPED AGAIN?  AJ's Birthday? LMAO Okay then. 

Sam's BOOTS.

Anna knows Sloane.  Guess he does work for the justice department. Doesn't mean he's not on someone's payroll;

Paddy's got his job back.  


  1. Sonia,
    Anxiously awaiting your recap. We got 25 minutes of GH folloed by 45 minutes of the weather. The Buffalo southtowns got 4 feet of snow and it's still snowing there. The National Guard is on its way. North of the city we got two inches overnight which melted in bright sunshine during the day.

  2. Dar, I saw it on the news, say it isn't so! I grew up in Buffalo, but don't remember ever getting 4 feet of snow in mid-November!

  3. Arkansas even got 2 inches of snow....NEVER in my 56 years do I remember mid-November like this.

  4. AntJoan,
    As you probably remember lake-effect is really strange. North Buffalo, Kenmore, Amherst got 2 inches which melted in the sun today. South Buffalo, Lackawanna, West Seneca got 4 to 5 feet.
    They just issued a warning for another storm Wednesday night into Thursday. There are people stranded in their cars all over south Bufalo and the southern suurbs. Wegmans closed 3 stores. In most areas south of the city they have already broken 100+ year records for November and the snow is still falling at the rate of 3 inches an hour. Just incredible.

  5. DAR .. My brother is in EAST AURORA!! It's horrible. He lived thru the blizzard of 77-78 and says it's way worse than that. :(

  6. Karen
    At least unlike the blizzard of 77 nobody has died yet. I am so glad I am in the northtowns.

  7. Who knew the late (or as late as a character in Port Chuckles can be) Dr. Q had a double life in which he spelled his name differently?

    Michael's embracing his Q-ness and renouncing all things Corinthos, as predicted. Ava's on the run (again!) and Dr. O wants Britta to help the Feds avenge her "Fozzer" Duke got sent to P-ville where his bromance with Sonny will continue pending Sonny's arrival there. Will there be a bromantic triangle with Johnny Z?

    Stay warm, New Yorkers!

  8. Jail: Sonny is a little panicky. I'm glad Sonny isn't listening to Diane! Shaun admits he botched the job! ROFL! You always botch jobs Shaun that is nothing new! Alexis had to tell Sonny that his boyfriend Duke won't roll over on him! Awwww! :)

    Q home: Michael is going to legally change his name? YAY! Michael wants to live at the Q's! YAY! Monica is so very happy about it!!! :) Michael is suspicious of Lord Ashton hahaha. Lord Ashton wins the lines of the day!

    Lord Ashton: Don't snipe at me you young puppy! Here I am reunited with my son, who I have noticed has been very reluctant to jump to my defense.*starts clapping* Come on boy jump in!

    ROFL! Too good! :) Shaun had to show up to give the tape to Michael, and Michael and Monica had to listen to it! Then the shot rang out. Poor Monica!!! :( Glad Michael was there for her. Yes Monica! AJ's burden is lifted! YAY!

    The hospital:

    Anna and Sloan: So yesterday Sloan didn't know Dr O. Interesting. And Anna is Sloan's mentor? So I am surprised then that he wants her in jail. Odd. Too bad he wants her in jail, cus they could have had a fling! :)

    Anna and Michael: Glad he gave Anna the tape!!! Oh I love how rude he was to Starki hahaha!

    Ava's room: She can't stop thinking of what Michael has said. She is not even listening to what her mother is saying! Awww what's the matter Starki? You don't like that your mama lied to you? How does it feel?!

    Dr O's office: Patrick is reinstated! YAY! When Dr O slapped Britch, my jaw dropped. I did not see that coming! Oh oh Britch! You gotta talk to that Sloan guy about her papa! Or mutter will spill your dirty wittle secret!!! :)

    Wyndemere: Awwww poor Spencer! He is in tears! :( Spencer loves his uncle Sonny! Oh oh Spencer almost spilled the beans about Britch! Whew close call!

    Kelly's: Jordan, Shaun, and TJ! The secret! The secret! The secret!!!! What is it?!!?!! :)

  9. "dar said...Sonia, Anxiously awaiting your recap. We got 25 minutes of GH folloed by 45 minutes of the weather. The Buffalo southtowns got 4 feet of snow and it's still snowing there. The National Guard is on its way. North of the city we got two inches overnight which melted in bright sunshine during the day."

    Yeah I heard Buffalo has got a lot of snow! Stupid snow! Stupid weather! I hope we don't get - degree weather like we did last year! UGH!

  10. "RedSox says Duke got sent to P-ville where his bromance with Sonny will continue pending Sonny's arrival there. Will there be a bromantic triangle with Johnny Z?"


  11. I really like Michael Q! Always glad to see Diane - CH looked fabulous! It's about time Monica has a little happiness in her life. Kudos to MW for no makeup and still looking great. Sloan is very handsome and can act. You can have both unlike Nathan. Sorry for those of you that have to deal with this early snow. Maybe the Farmer's Almanac was right this year in predicting a brutal winter. Hope not.

  12. LSV422 said... Sloan is very handsome and can act

    How right you are. Now he's someone I wouldn't mind having around long term.

  13. I'm soooo glad Patrick got his job back, now he can stop running around with Sam like Nancy Drew

  14. "nance24 said...I'm soooo glad Patrick got his job back, now he can stop running around with Sam like Nancy Drew"

    Hahaha you are right! It is Nancy Drew like. Well it was fine until today. When he was acting all strange toward Lord Ashton! Uh forget it Patrick. Just get back to work! :)


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