Thursday, November 6, 2014

Felicia for Mayor!

Well, hell WE DID get some scenes. Even though election night is for some reason on HALLOWEEN, I don't care!! Lucy comes in and tell them about the Sonny Sex footage. Then BOBBIE tells them about the AJ Murder confession. Duke is all...:gulp:

Anna sees the video. She's upset that Duke will be implicated. Scotty comes in and says EVERYONE IS going down for this!! She doesn't think the tape will be admissible in court. She goes to find Duke and arrest him.

Todd tells Heather they can't kill Carly on the docks, they have to move her. He takes her to the room where Shawn and Jordan are!! He wants Heather to kill them ALL..No! wait he's going to shoot everyone AND Heather!! He goes on a rant about Susan Moore.  THEN He just LEAVES! Doesn't shoot anyone???????

Ava tells Sonny the baby has been taken. Sonny, the idiot that he is thinks AVA show MAX? Duhhhhhh
Sonny's not sure if he believes Ava about the baby being kidnapped. UGH Then he calls Shawn to find the baby (LMAO) -- and then points a gun at Ava. He says he's going to kill her. He points the gun.commercial.
Then, we see that Michael is behind Sonny and shot in the air.

Kiki tells Morgan about Michael. Morgan tells Kiki about Ava..shooting Connie. Kiki finds out that Morgan told Sonny where Ava is.



  1. I have a feeling that this is where Ava steps up and says AJ was strangling her and Sonny had no choice. It might just save her life.

    And maybe Franco, the lunatic, will burn the building down with them in it. It's more his style than a simple bullet.

    I was so pleased that Felicia is running for mayor. If she wins we may actually get to see her and Mac more often. (I did notice that Scotty said the new major wouldn't take office till January though. I guess that's so the crooked mayor can be used for the upcoming fiasco.)

    And I definitely won't miss tomorrow.

  2. I need the 4 month old to be named A.J. or Alanna Jo. Then I need to see Sonny's veins pop out.

  3. Anna's office: Oh oh! Anna's got the evidence now!!! And Scotty wants everyone involved to pay! Including Duke!!!! Yeah Dante! Can you arrest Sonny? Or will Scotty have to find another cop?!

    The floating rib: Felicia for mayor!!! Is she gonna win?!!?! :) And if she wins will they show the mayor mansion again?! :) There is a recount?!!? Oh oh is it a hanging chad again? :) Felicia had a haircut! It's cute!! The saga of why women can't resist Sonny! ROFL! Felicia and Lucy both say dimples. Don't forget the big pepperoni!!!!! :) Lucy wins the line of the day!

    Lucy: What a day! Weddings, adulterers, murders, oh my! Sorry.


    Pier: Oh oh chatting the person to death!

    Sonny's warehouse: Oh oh more chatting the person to death!!!! OH! BobTodd turned on mommy!!! He has a gun pointed to her! More chattting.

    BobTodd: This all starts with you mother! All your fault! And Carly your fault too because you lied to me! Every women I loved did not really love me!!!

    Oh he is gonna shoot someone! Oh wait he doesn't! Wait where you going BobTodd!?!?! WILL SOMEONE JUST SHOOT SOMEONE ALREADY GAH! Stop talking people to death!!

    Morgan and Starki: Geez if Starki's eyes get any wider, it will pop out! Oh wait it does! And it rolls down the floor. I'm not picking it up!

    Morgan: That's not the way things work.

    Oh shut up Morgan!!!!

    Brownstone: Sonny talking to Ava to death. He says say goodbye!!! A gun shot!!! OH IT'S MICHAEL!! The look in Michael's eyes yikes!!! Oh wait! Is Michael gonna shoot Sonny, and then Carly and Sonny take care of Michael and hide what happened, and then Michael has to hide at the Island, and then he forgives them? Is that how it's going to go down!? UGH! I can see it now! UGH!

  4. "Kg said...I need the 4 month old to be named A.J. or Alanna Jo."

    Oh RedSoxFaninVA has a good name for the 4 month old baby! Zyrtec! ROFL! Hmmmm. Zyrtec Alanna Joe. :) Z.A.J. :)

  5. sonya says: Geez if Starki's eyes get any wider, it will pop out! Oh wait it does! And it rolls down the floor. I'm not picking it up!

    hahahahaha I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way about her eyes.

    Add the gaping mouth and I think we can rename her Miss Frogie.

  6. "Di said...hahahahaha I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way about her eyes."

    Hahahaha. No you are not the only one who noticed. :)Now are you going to be the one who pick up her eyes? :)

    "Add the gaping mouth and I think we can rename her Miss Frogie."


  7. *Squish* Oops. I think I stepped on something squishy.

  8. "Di said...*Squish* Oops. I think I stepped on something squishy."

    ROFL! Oh no!!!

  9. Sonya said, "WILL SOMEONE JUST SHOOT SOMEONE ALREADY GAH! Stop talking people to death!!"

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! I thought the same thing! I was reminded of Austin Powers when Seth Green asks why his dad doesn't STOP TALKING AND JUST SHOOT!!!!!!!!!

  10. I know she is a killer, too, but I feel bad for Ava. Sonny is so evil and cold blooded. And I doubt if there is any redeeming Franco. See ya! Sonya, so funny about the eyeballs. She used to do a major nostril flaring when she got heated. Don't know which one is worse. I hope Anna doesn't step down since we don't see her as much as I'd like as it is. Seeing Felicia, Mac, Bobbie, Anna, Duke and Scott seemed like watching GH in the good old days.

  11. "Julie Langley said...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! I thought the same thing! I was reminded of Austin Powers when Seth Green asks why his dad doesn't STOP TALKING AND JUST SHOOT!!!!!!!!!"

    ROFL! I thought BobTodd was going to shoot one of them in the warehouse, but he just walked away!!! HUH?! Is he planning on blowing the place up with all of them in there?

    "LindaV says Sonya, so funny about the eyeballs. She used to do a major nostril flaring when she got heated."

    Yeah she did do that. I'm surprised she didn't punch Morgan in the face yesterday! :)

  12. Regarding the naming of the 4 month old, (BigOleBaby), although I don't know why she would be named after AJ. But taking it further, how about Allana Concetta after the two folks her putative parents killed?
    It wil be interesting to see how Sonny gets out of this one. Cause everybody knows the villains on this show ALWAYS get away with whatever they have done. (I am pretty sure that is what is making me so cranky about the show these days.)
    Speaking of villains, I gotta go roast a turkey.

  13. I was thrilled to hear Franco discuss the convoluted tale of his birth and upbringing. Poor guy- no wonder he's a wreck. Just where is he going? To see Faison?

    On the previews with Nina rocking the 4 month old- where are they? Back in Dr. O's office? Nathan and Maxie's? Will watch today for sure.

  14. RE: naming the 4 month old, I just want to see Sonny's vein pop. Especially if he had to call her AJ all time time.

    By the way how many spawns would this be if it is Sonny's?

  15. Kiki's panting reminded me of one reason I used to hate Courtney-she did it, too. That baby was adorable! Love love love Anna-FH is so fabulous. By the way, I had read that Carlivati was bragging that everyone loves Nina. In one of my very rare tweets, I told him we love Ava and wouldn't mind seeing her redeemed, but that we hated Nina. Honest but maybe not too nice. He immediately tweeted back a very nasty tweet.

  16. "LindaV said He immediately tweeted back a very nasty tweet."

    What did he say?


Uncut Filler

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