Tuesday, November 4, 2014


So, today they show Heather shooting Max..I like that they waited. Sonny bent down and totally had the gun POINTED at Max. Geesh, Sonny, you're track record is so lousy with that!!

Michael's reaction was PERFECT!! wow...SHOCK...tearing up..then sick..then rage! I LOVE IT!! Soooo good.  Carly had to tell him that AJ told her that Sonny murdered him! Oh wow..oy to the VEY.
Franco is just drinking wine.

I can't type it all up..
JUST WATCH! Franco totally PREACHES the truth about Carly and Sonny!! 

NINA gives Ava ice chips and describes in detail how she DELIVERED A horse by going up in the birth canal and pulling it out!! "Brought me closer to God" (NIN reference)?!! Ava is like WHAT the hell!! OMG...AVA pushes and it's a GIRL! a BIG girl, btw...and the baby cries/ It's HUGE!! OMG..huge. but I don't even care. I loved that whole thing. Especially the horse story. 
Nina takes the baby (no cord cutting scene) and then Mama Donna walks in.

Max gets rushed to GH. Dr. O even yells at Sonny about being a mobster LOL 

Heather just went back into The warehouse.. points the gun and Shawn and Jordan but we don't know if she kills them. She closes the door and says "That's taken care of"!! 

WATCH THE SHOW TODAY! I can't get it all in.


  1. Why is it that so many folks seem to love Dr. O, Faison, Helena, Nina, and Heather, and hate Sonny? They are all villains, guys. They are all equally disgusting. The actors are all scenery chewers. What is the difference? I really don't understand. (The hatred of Sonny astounds me, because everyone loves all those other characters. Huh?) (For the record, I do not like ANY of them.)
    Silas and Madeline have a lot in common, especially that they are not able to show any facial expressions, no matter what the situation.

  2. So goooood.... I loved the break in Carlys voice when she was screaming "Michael!!!"

  3. The difference is they want us to beleive Sonny is a "mobster with a heart of gold". Nyes, the other do despicable things but the writers dont make them out to be heroes as they do Sonny

  4. I can only speak for myself but here are my thoughts on the difference between the characters ishouldreadmore references.

    The characters, Dr. O, Faison, Helena, Nina, and Heather are all written to be psychopaths, sociopaths, or certifiably crazy. And, for the most part, are all portrayed as campy, over the top villains. The character, Sonny, is written as a business man who loves his family but also happens to be a sane ( I know he has manic depression) cold blooded killer.

    Obviously this is a soap opera, the world where everything from "who's the daddy" to "freezing the world" story lines are the norm. -And you can take a bullet to the shoulder (Liz) and in three months wear a strapless dress with no scar.- I guess I am able to accept crazy nuts who kill better than mafia businessmen who kill.

    I have alternated from despising to liking just about every character on the show at one time or another. (I've been watching off and on since about 1971.) Today I really enjoyed watching the character of Carly be confronted with her behavior regarding AJ and relish seeing what happens when Sonny is confronted with his.

    Also, thank you wubqueen for this site. I've been following you since the Gedstern days.


    HOLY MOLY!!! You deserve a thank you!! LOL

    I shall answer my villain love this way: Helena, Dr. O, the rest OWN what they do. They don't blame others. Sonny has ALWAYS blamed other people (no matter who's writing him) for every single thing he does. I can't take it. I "LIKE" the weird, mayhem crazies because it's just over the top fun.
    I've watched soaps for SO long that if I see another boring story dragged out it just doesn't grab me. This week? OH wow, it grabbed me.I understand not everyone likes it. I get that it's far fetched and the actors are 'chewers'. I like that now and again LOL.
    If Helena showed up in the middle of this, swinging that egg around I'd be in heaven.

  6. I was pretty good at solving your banners. 😄
    I won a signed photo of Constance Towers for one of them.
    Any chance you'd do them again?

  7. Haunted Star: Poor Michael! :( Oh he has started calling Sonny by his name now and not dad!!! :) Great scene!!! More air popcorn! YUM!!! :) Michael wins the line of the day!

    Michael: You are dead to me.

    ROFL! Okay now throw barware! :) Chad Duell is one of the best actors! At one point he made Michael have a vacant stare! And then BobTodd winks! ROFL! I hope BobTodd's wink makes it to Sunday Sugary! :)

    Sonny's home: Oh I'm glad they rewounded and showed who shot Max! Oh man it looks bad!!!!!! :'(

    The hospital:

    Madaline and two trick or treaters: They REALLY want Madaline's candy! But then they see Dr o and SCREAM ROFL! That made me laugh hard! :)

    Dr O and Madaline: Where oh where is Nina? Where oh where is my prescription pad?

    Dr O, McSilas, and Nathan. Dr O is so happy to see her son! Where oh where is Nina?

    Dr O and Sonny: Dr O is so judgy to Sonny and even looks down on him and tells him off! LOVE IT! :)

    Brownstone: Oh! Nina helped a baby horse be born at 13 yrs old!!! Okay Nina! Ava is a horse who is pregnant! Get your hand and pull that baby out! ROFL! The baby is here!!!! Yeah Karen that is exactly what I was thinking! That baby is HUGE! :) Does not look like a newborn!!! Hmmm looks like Sonny ROFL! She has jam on her! I'm surprised Nina didn't Lion king the baby! :) You know, raise the baby in the air and then sing the lion king song! :) So either Sonny has another girl, or Morgan has a daughter!

    Sonny's warehouse: Jordan and Shaun chit chatting. Blah blah. Either try to get out or have sex! Oh hello Heather. Hmmm did she shoot them or not?

    Sidenote: Speaking of Sonny and daughters, the other day Sam was on the phone with Kristina! Kristina had good news! What is the good news!?! I been meaning to talk about Kristina after the Sam scene with Sam talking to her. I'm surprised nobody talked about this. I guess we all forgot! So much stuff on GH that is going on!

    Tomorrow's preview:

    Michael with a gun at Sonny's house and he is calling out for him! OH OH!

  8. So Nina birthed a horse! I knew she wasn't talking about a human from the moment she started telling that story. That baby was huge. It's a good thing Ava didn't carry to term or she would have given birth to a toddler.

    Karen, I agree with you on the villains. The ones who are written to be campy and over the top are different than Sonny, who is written as a hero/anti-hero. I love the campy, soapy villain stuff, scenery chewing and all. It's all part of the escapism from real life.

  9. My hate for Sonny goes way back. He was a real sleezebag when he first came on, a strip club owner who seduced Karen and got Stone into crime. He also teamed up with Luke to get rid of Mr Smith, but he took over the mob whereas Luke wanted nothing to do with it. (The Luke of today has small resemblance to the Luke we long-timers remember.)
    When the viewers took to Sonny because he was 'cute and had those 'dimples', Sonny was on more and more--until he was taking over the show. He did take over and was on every dern day for YEARS! You couldn't avoid him even if you considered him a sleeze and a villain. Half the time he was shown doing criminal things and the other half they were trying to convince us he was a loving 'family man', and characters would say things like 'You're a good man, Sonny'. I guess we were supposed to believe that. Meanwhile he was having kids, but never by the same woman twice. Years were passing and he was still on every damn DAY! There was almost nothing new for him to do.

    I don't altogether hate the bad boys--I liked Todd pretty much and always liked Luke who really wasn't so bad. But Sonny was never my type and trying to tell me that intelligent women couldn't resist him and his obvious comeons and tempers, and those dimples (!) was too much for me. By now I dispise him. He stole the show I've watched since 1978, and though he is on less now, I still hate him for that theft. Guza has a lot to answer for.

  10. Sonny drugged and raped Karen. He was a scumbag then and still is. I am so sick of "Sonny has a moral code" "sonny will do anything for his children." and on and on Poor, poor Sonny. And he is still on too damn much.

    I would bet Heather did not kill Shawn because I can't stand Shawn. Useless character and lousy actor. If anybody is dead it will be Jordan since I like her.

  11. "RedSoxFaninVA said.. It's a good thing Ava didn't carry to term or she would have given birth to a toddler."

    ROFL! Yeah no kidding! :)

    "Soaplover says But Sonny was never my type and trying to tell me that intelligent women couldn't resist him and his obvious comeons and tempers, and those dimples"

    Don't forget his big pepperoni! ROFL!

  12. Were you on soapzone helkatmat? You must have been!!

    I don't do the banners anymore mainly because I don't get the juicy stuff I used to in the old days. But I COULD try one maybe for the Fluke mystery.

    Hmmmm..good idea

  13. I remember those banners well too.

    I know that beautiful baby was big, but serious ladies, who in their right mind would loan these people a newborn? lol

    Who would you want her bonding with?

  14. Why is it that so many folks seem to love Dr. O, Faison, Helena, Nina, and Heather, and hate Sonny? They are all villains, guys. They are all equally disgusting. The actors are all scenery chewers. What is the difference? I really don't understand. (The hatred of Sonny astounds me, because everyone loves all those other characters. Huh?) (For the record, I do not like ANY of them.)


    Friscogh was rt, and Sonny raped Karen and at least half a dozen OTHER girls we saw him slip date rape drugs to, or Stone drugged them FOR Sonny, which is why I never felt bad he got AIDS.

    It's not seduction when you drug a woman, it's RAPE!

  15. I hope this puts to rest the "Sonny is a good father" myth that GH has been perpetuating for years. Too bad it had to be Franco to expose Sonny as I could have done without his smug serial-killer face.

    I'm conflicted on the subject of villains. I don't like cartoonish characters, but I don't mind Helena, and I did enjoy Anthony Z. I can't stand Nina and don't really like Dr. O. I liked Heather back when she was just a schemer but feel they ruined her by making her psycho. For me it's more a combination of the character and the actor's portrayal on whether or not I like the villain. I think there are way too many psychos on GH right now and it's not my cup of tea. I'm looking forward to the Sonny-Michael fallout though and hope Sonny doesn't skate on this.

    The "horse baby" scene will probably end up on The Soup.

  16. I was so pulled in this week I've been planning the day around it. No matter what the stories, these actors are supreme. The whole wedding scene with Laura Wright, Chad Duvall and Roger were outstanding. Love this side of Roger.
    The Ava and cray Nina story is also over the top. How the hell don't those two crack up when delivering the horse story. OMG I was stunned and LOL. Weird that they had the baby all gooey but so big. Ava seemed so reserved too-I was expecting her to be screaming and more panicked. Wondering if she'll drop a bomb on Nina and Madeline today. So hoping she doesn't take the baby.
    I can't decide if the baby should be Morgan's or Sonny's.
    I'm ok with the villans. It's just how GH has become. Hell I'm hoping the can write Monica in to come and kill Sonny in cold blood.

  17. I agree with all the comments about Sonny. The other villains are so cartoonish and sporadic but he is truly evil, regardless of his intentions. I was wondering why Max told Sonny he was shot by a woman. Surely he knows who Heather is - everyone in town should. So glad to see Carly squirm finally. Can't wait until Michael confronts Sonny. At least he won't end up sympathizing with him like Morgan did.

  18. Nina keeps saying that she's taking Ava's baby because she had Silas' baby and it was supposed to be hers. I wonder if Ava will drop the fact that Kiki isn't Silas'. Or even better, not even hers. That would be a nice bombshell.

    I'll be happy to see Michael wipe his hands of Sonny and Carly and go back to the Q's. Maybe even a legal name change back to Michael Quartermaine. That would be the perfect way to honor AJ and PO Sonny.

    A little surgery to remove Kiki from his hip would be great too.

  19. "jasonroks said...Wondering if she'll drop a bomb on Nina and Madeline today."

    What do you mean? What kind of bomb? :) What kind of secret do you think she will share? :)

  20. "Di said...Nina keeps saying that she's taking Ava's baby because she had Silas' baby and it was supposed to be hers. I wonder if Ava will drop the fact that Kiki isn't Silas'. Or even better, not even hers. That would be a nice bombshell."

    Yeah Ava is not really Starki's mother is a nice and tasty bombshell! :)

  21. Loving this week! I agree with everyone about the villains and Sonny. He is just evil. I'm glad Carly has been taken down a bit.
    We know Silas is Kiki's father, but who is her mother? Maybe Nina is actually her mother, not Ava.

    Hi Karen! I too, have been following you since the Gedstern days, but rarely comment. Thank you for keeping this page going for all the GH fans!


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...