Wednesday, November 26, 2014


If that's the REAL Luke, I'll eat my hat. It's know they switched him out during the commercial and Alexis THINKS it's Luke. Sigh..I'm too old. Seen too much! 

Carly and Sonny GET AN HOUR alone in prison together-- ALONE. Guard says "no touching" Um. OK THEN. Good least TRY to be real.

OMG, who thought DUKE was acting like FAISON?????? ME ! OMG is anyone who they are supposed to be!!!!!!? But no..Faison is at Wyndemere. So its' not him. But Duke is acting weird-- 
Maybe I'm just paranoid of masks.

Helena wanted to talk to Jake Face... nothing big though. She didn't 'complete the task"

Helena and Faison are BOTH at Wyndemere!! Made MY day!! 

Qs have Pizza. 

END: Helena watches Liz' House while Fiason walks in and Dr O sees him. "LUKE" walks into the Q house.
Still not buying that's LUKE 


  1. If that's not Luke and they switched him again, I'll be ready to pack it in.

    I'm still thinking that Ashton is Fluke. He did ask about Kiki.

  2. So we now now that neither Faison nor Ashton is Puke because I agree that Alexis did not rescue Luke. I wish this would end I'm just sick of it.

  3. I agree that it's very likely not RealLuke at the Q's, but he sure is acting more like Luke. Why didn't Fluke ever act like this?

  4. My thing is this: There's NO WAY that Helena/Dagger scene was set up and sent to commercial and then Alexis/Julian come along and "Save Him"

    She was already walking out the door. So he HAS to have been switched. If not WHY bother with the Helena scene?

    Let's say it IS the real Luke-- why would they do that? It would be so bland--and nothingness..right?

  5. Thing is - do we know what happened during the "Special Report" - was there a Helena scene in there that we may have missed? I haven't watched online to see.

  6. There was no special report here.

  7. Their timing is so off how can one tell. Helena left Elizabeth's house when Jake walked into the kitchen to get Liz and when they walked out she was gone, just in time to walk up and stop Faison on Spoon island. Obviously Scotty is still beaming people up on this show.

  8. it has to be a switch because if it was the real luke then fluke could not continue to suck up to tracy et. al. and pull the wool over everyone's eyes. Also, he winked at Tracy. He didnt call her Spanky. Clear sign.

    ok, i havent posted in awhile and I know how much everyone loves my posts (ha ha ha) so here it goes.

    Di is right. Helena left Jake, went to spoon island and then back to Jake's all in 3 scene changes. The timing isn't off, Di. Not at all. Helena simple donned her black hat and cape and got on her broom and flew back and forth.

    I personally like Chad's acting now that his is Mickey Q. (doesnt anyone like that nickname?) I like that he is trying to be a little stronger. Look, he might not be perfect, but to me he seemed to have aged about 5-7 yrs of maturity by being bitter.

    Is anyone else getting tired of the Qs Thanksgiving? I love the actors and seeing them all together. But we all know what is happening. No turkey and boxes of pizza. It is tired, old and predictable. Just like (insert name here). Wouldnt it be a real shocker if they DID have Turkey just once? No one would see that coming. Today, I thought the acting was wooden around the pizza scene and was kinda like "lets just get this over with and get to TG walking in..."

    Billy Miller. Still not shirtless? Lost all my faith in humanity over that one. Unless it happened and I missed it? And why no flashback scenes like in hospital when he met Liz? (the blurry camera) He should remember something by now. They are dragging this out longer than they should. I am not saying he should wake up with full memory, but some more detailed bits and pieces should be happening.

    Duke was upset that Anna didnt tell him that she and Robert hid Faison. What, does he own her or something? I'd chalk that up to police business and she had a right to keep it from him.

    Faison can afford a brand new suit. But he still cannot afford a comb. Boggles the mind.

    I dont like Dr O. (Character, not actress). But I will admit, when she isnt the monster she is 90% of the time, and shows that compassion she is capable of (10% of the time) like she did today with the wonder twins (not zan and jana, but nathan and britt) she really knocks the performance out of the park. I do thoroughly like her when she shows a vulnerable side. The range brings a lot to the character and she isnt one note and totally shows me what a good actress she is.

    Love Constance. Love Helena. Love the same script they have her say for the last 40 years.

    When Duke and Sonny visited each other were they both prisoners? I saw bits and pieces from yesterday but without volume (was at work). Did 2 prisoners actually be allowed to visit each other in a visitation room? How is that possible?

    Alexis and Olivia both Ned's guests at the Q meal. All we need is Lois popping out of a pizzabox. (that reference was for the benefit of all the longtime fans out there). I hope they dont screw up this opportunity. (ps. they will)

    Sorry I highjacked the blog today Karen. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. And Happy Black Friday. And Happy Small Business Saturday. And Happy Cyber Monday. Kinda makes you feel sorry for Sunday, doesn't it? I guess even the business world knows that Sunday is reserved for Karen's Sunday Surgery!!!!

    Love to all.

  9. A Little news for "Kevin Collins" fans:

    Jon Lindstrom (Castle) is the latest to sign on for the upcoming second season of HBO’s True Detective. He’ll join Colin Farrell, Taylor Kitsch, Rachel McAdams and Vince Vaughn in the second installment of the crime franchise that revolves around three police officers (Farrell, Kitsch, McAdams) and a career criminal (Vaughn), who must navigate a web of conspiracy in the aftermath of a murder.

    Lindstrom, repped by BRS/Gage and Gordon Gilbertson, will play Glenn Ellinger, a patrician businessman who wears his immense power lightly, but wields it definitively. His previous TV credits include General Hospital, As The World Turns and Santa Barbara.

  10. LOL. Sunday Surgery this week will be short--there's no GH Thurs or Friday right?

    Yes, Hells has had the SAME dialog forEVER. I love her but..seriously.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. DecloDave, I DID love your post, and ITA w/MOST of what you said (as much as I hate villains, I will take Dr. O any way I can get her). She and Spencer together--be still, my heart! I LOVE those two!!

    Why was Helena licking blood off the knife (or whatever she was doing when she left the padded cell), if she didn't harm Luke? I also figured he must have been switched, as they HAVE to torture us FOREVER with this story, but Luke knew everything we knew that happened to him in the last few hours, how would Fluke have known this? (I know, they can drug Luke with truth serum, and ask him . . ., but he really was spot on with his memories.) Also, he SEEMED like Luke, and with Larry Ashton drooling over Sam and Kiki, and knowing who Kiki is, doesn't he seem like the letch that is Fluke? But then, if Ashon IS Fluke, he'd probably have known that Sam WASN'T Patrick's wife. . . Oh, someone help me, I'm overthinking this, help me, please!!

    Have a very happy Thanksgiving, my virtual friends and fellow residents of Port Charles!

    Oh, and traditions like the Q pizza are honored traditions that must be upheld, we fans (well, I think most of us, anyway) wouldn't have it any other way.

  13. Happy Thanksgiving Port Chuckles!!!

    Anna's office:

    Duke: I'm a free man thanks to Sonny. He is the love of my life.

    Well he might as well said that, with the way he was gushing about Sonny! :) Duke calls Anna a hypocrite ROFL! Yeah I agree with Duke Anna. You have to forgive him! Rats she won't and it's over. :( This sucks I love them together! I loved them back in the day too! Oh man! :( Well Duke. You can go find Lucy. She can lick your wounds.

    Wyndemere: Spencer wins the lines of the day!

    Spencer: Oh I remember you. We met last Halloween. You are Beetlejuice's friend. We have just the love of Beetlejuice's life.

    ROFL! Love it!!! :) Awww Dr O! Cheer up and look out the window! :)Come on people look out the window!!!!!! Oh a Helena and Faison scene!!!! DELICE DELICE!!!! Oh finally Dr O sees him! :)

    Liz's home: HELENA!!!! Geez didn't Liz hear the doorbell!?!?! I guess she can't hear anything in the kitchen. Oh Liz thinks Jake Doe is seeing things! ROFL! The kitchen is sound proof!! I knew Helena would be gone as soon as Liz comes out of the kitchen. And there is Sam being drawn to Jake Doe again.

    Miscavage: Natasha saves Luke! YAY! She has a hell of a time getting him out of the restraints hahaha. Yeah Julian you better run!!!!

    Carly and Sonny:

    Guard: Keep your hands to yourself. No yelling, and don't give anything to the prisoner.

    Me: You forgot to tell her to not whine about Michael to Sonny! Cus you know she will!

    Carly: I didn't want to tell you this today. It's Thanksgiving. I didn't come here for this.

    Me: SEE?! I knew she would whine!!! Oh come on Carly! You didn't have to tell Sonny now! But you really wanted to! Stop lying!

    Carly: Michael signed official papers right in front of me. To legally change his name from Michael Corinthos the 3rd, to Michael Quartermaine.

    Me: And the look on Sonny's face!!! It looked like he got a sucker punch! :)

    Q home: Wow Michael is 21? I thought he would be at least 22 or 23 by now. Cook 2 has food poisoning! ROFL! PIZZA TIME!!! :) When Ashton asked can we dig in now? And was near the pizza, I thought the pizzas were going to explode.. Whew. :)

    "Karen says If that's the REAL Luke, I'll eat my hat. It's know they switched him out during the commercial and Alexis THINKS it's Luke. Sigh..I'm too old. Seen too much!"

    OH NO! I didn't even think about that!!!! Oh crap! I hope you are wrong! :(

    Now let's all sing we gather together!!!! Did anybody sing the song while the Q's were singing? I did. :)

    We gather together to ask the Lord’s blessing;
    He chastens and hastens His will to make known;
    The wicked oppressing now cease from distressing;
    Sing praises to His Name; He forgets not His own.
    Beside us to guide us, our God with us joining,
    Ordaining, maintaining His kingdom divine;
    So from the beginning the fight we were winning;
    Thou, Lord, were at our side, all glory be Thine!
    We all do extol Thee, Thou Leader triumphant,
    And pray that Thou still our Defender will be;
    Let Thy congregation escape tribulation;
    Thy Name be ever praised! O Lord, make us free!

  14. "kdmask said...My thing is this: There's NO WAY that Helena/Dagger scene was set up and sent to commercial and then Alexis/Julian come along and "Save Him"She was already walking out the door. So he HAS to have been switched. If not WHY bother with the Helena scene? "

    Yeah you have got a great point there!!!!! Damn! And Julian wasn't stopped by anybody! This was way too easy!

  15. Regardless of everyone's feelings about our show right now, I have only one thing to say:
    First we sing.
    Then we eat

    Happy thanksgiving to my wub family.

  16. The real test of if it is Luke or Fluke will be if he outs Larry as being in on the whole thing. Remember Fluke told Luke that Larry was involved.

  17. Sonya, loved the "he is the love of my life", LOL. Great post Delcodave! I want so badly to believe this is the real Luke, especially on Thanksgiving. I love Dr. O, of course for the sentimental moments and the actress is so fabulous. Britt and Nathan look like they could be her offspring, too. I think Ashton is Fluke, too. And Helena and Faison together was great. Never get tired of them even if there is psycho overload. Happy Thanksgiving to all and very thankful our Karen is still keeping us together!

  18. Happy Thanksgiving seeing Reginald in that picture, I've missed him I thought Duke was acting kind of fishy too

  19. I'm looking at possibles for Fluke and Ashton is about the right height and has that white hair. I'm afraid we are going to be seeing another mask, but it would work best on Ashton. Was Ashton ever that ruthless? I had moved over to Santa Barbara for a few years so wasn't watching when he was on before.

    Helena is involved and so is Faison, but I don't think Faison is Fluke. Or is Jerry. Why would Ashton hate Sonny? Remember, he wanted to bring down Sonny.

    Dustin, we had a Special Report, too, so Missed a bit. I keep recalling Ashton saying how something can be right under their noses--when Kiki came over to the Qs and all of them were eating breakfast to keep Ashton from going to the bank. He made a wandering statement about how things are not always what they appear, etc.

  20. LSV422 said...Sonya, loved the "he is the love of my life", LOL.

    Hahaha. Me too! :)

  21. Soaps should be about family and relationships first, and then layer on the drama. Cartini's failure, in my opinion, is he focuses on the drama first, and then tries to incorporate family as an after thought.

    As much as I LOVED seeing the Thanksgiving scenes at the Quartermaine's and Liz's I still can't help but feel it was not about families, but about plot points. For the Q's it was the Luke reveal, and for Liz it was for the Helena and Jake interaction.

    If the Thanksgiving episode were truly about families we would have seen Bobbie at Carly's cooking for Lucas, Brad and Joss. Or Shaun at Ruby's cooking for Jordan, TJ, and maybe Molly. Or Felicia, Mac, Maxie, Lucy, Duke enjoying a meal.

    I have a few questions some of you may be able to help me with as I have only been watching sporadically
    - Helena complained to Fiason that she could not finish her task with Jake and Liz got in the way. YES, Helena had gone to Liz's. Did she think Liz would not be there? What if Liz answered the door?
    - Do we know where Cameron, Aiden, or Gram were? Again, Cartini ignoring families.
    - Did Ned invite both Olivia and Alexis to dinner?
    - Did Felicia find out whether or not she is Mayor or is this the world's longest recount?
    - Does Christina know her father is in prison? Did we ever find out what her "big" news was she was talking to Sam about on the phone?
    - Has Dr. O freaked out because one of her doctors (Silas) just took off and is MIA (or has no one noticed).
    - Did they ever acknowledge Maxie or Emma's birthdays in late October / early November?
    - Has Anna phoned Robert to tell him Fiason escaped and everyone knows what they had done to him?
    - Does Jax and/or Lady Jane know Carly was arrested? Why have they not tried to get custody of Joss?
    - With Sonny being arrested have we seen Max or Milo?
    With all the Luke / Fluke stuff, Lulu being kidnapped, etc. have we heard anything of Laura, Lucky or Lesley?

  22. BUT! If Fluke OUTS Larry -- to make him LOOK MORE LIKE the "real Luke"!!!!!! can go both ways

  23. friscog, I'll try to answer a few.

    Helena complained to Fiason that she could not finish her task with Jake and Liz got in the way. YES, Helena had gone to Liz's. Did she think Liz would not be there? What if Liz answered the door?
    A. Whatever her plan, it was not well-thought-out!

    - Do we know where Cameron, Aiden, or Gram were? Again, Cartini ignoring families.
    A. With the size of the cast, I suspect they just can't get them all in. Maybe Audrey was having a dinner with friends at her house. Also the actress is well into her 80s now and maybe doesn't feel well enough.

    - Did Ned invite both Olivia and Alexis to dinner?
    A. First he invited Alexis, but she said she would be tied up all day and wouldn't be able to come (she had lawyer business). He'd invited Olivea casually days before (as I remember, or did someone else invite her?)

    - Did Felicia find out whether or not she is Mayor or is this the world's longest recount?
    A. (Never heard.)

    - Does Christina know her father is in prison? Did we ever find out what her "big" news was she was talking to Sam about on the phone?
    A. Don't know and they don't dare mention Christina too often or viewers expect a return. Wasn't she going off to Europe to school on a scholarship?

    - Has Dr. O freaked out because one of her doctors (Silas) just took off and is MIA (or has no one noticed).
    A. Nope.

    - Did they ever acknowledge Maxie or Emma's birthdays in late October / early November?
    A. I seem to recall some mention.

    - Has Anna phoned Robert to tell him Fiason escaped and everyone knows what they had done to him?
    A. The disappearance of Scorpio aka Tristan, is a major problem here--TPTB had expected him to stay on GH. We saw Anna and Robert wondering how to dispose of Faison--should they kill him or not?--and we left them pondering it and didn't learn the answer. TPTB like to bring Faison back ever so often, and they wouldn't want to make Anna a killer, so what to do?? I feel this agent is definitely up to something, but without Tristan, it falls kinda flat. Wish they could get him back...

    - Does Jax and/or Lady Jane know Carly was arrested? Why have they not tried to get custody of Joss?
    A. ? Again, they don't want to mention Jax too often... He is missed but they likely let him go because they had a bulging cast list and no where to go with his character at the time.

    - With Sonny being arrested have we seen Max or Milo?
    A. Max is in hospital and Milo no longer works for Sonny.

    With all the Luke / Fluke stuff, Lulu being kidnapped, etc. have we heard anything of Laura, Lucky or Lesley?
    A NO. For reason given above. Especially with Laura. It galls me everytime Luke acts like Tracy is his true love. For all those years the two actors, Tony and Genie, convinced us their characters' love was forever. Why they couldn't hire Genie was never explained--except it might have been some backstage problem. It certainly wasn't that Genie wasn't a superbly talented actress. She was enormously popular and could easily been the top lady of Port Charles. So they mention her as little as possible (same for popular Lesley) to avoid fan questions. Lucky, of course won't be back--he's on a primetime show.

  24. "soaplover said...A. Whatever her plan, it was not well-thought-out!"

    Nah. She knew Liz was in the kitchen! I bet Helena looked in the window and saw Liz go in the kitchen, and knew Jake Doe was in the living room all by himself. She is very conniving. :)Remember later on she looked through the window and saw everyone gathering to sit down at the table.

  25. I guess I'm fooled, because at first I said, they switched him, but he told Alexis some of the same things he was saying while talking to himself when we were SURE he was Luke. I think Fluke is Larry Ashton, he asked about KiKi that gave it away to me. I might be wrong, God knows I have been all over the place trying to figure this out. I AM SO HAPPY FAISON IS BACK!!! I love him as much as Leisl does!!!

  26. Enjoyed the photo--thank you, Karen

    How nice to see Reginald (forgot actor's name) and Amber Tamblin. Notice Ned and Alexis to one side. Maybe this was when they were engaged. And how lovely to see Anna Lee as Lila. I met her once and we chatted awhile. She was such a distinguished lady. I think we talked about her late author husband Robert Nathan (he wrote the novel 'Portrait of Jenny', and other well-loved stories).

    What a shame so many Qs are gone now.
    I do wish Aston would stop mentioning when Alexis played Dobson--that was a dreadful storyline. The only good thing there was that Lane Davie was briefly on GH at that time. They would bring on great actors like that and Guza couldn't seem to think of stories for them and they'd let them go. Guza was too busy repeating and rewriting Sonny storylines so Sonny could be on every damn day!

  27. "Soaplover says I do wish Aston would stop mentioning when Alexis played Dobson--that was a dreadful storyline."

    Awww really? I thought it was an hysterical and heartwarming storyline. She just wanted to be with her daughter. :(


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...