Friday, November 21, 2014


I've been spoiler free for a bit now...can't really notice a huge difference. I think maybe because I had them enough in advance that I've not been shocked yet. I mean not shock-shocked. OLTL shocked. Sooooo, it ends in December. 

Luke is in the corner, all tressed up like a turkey in his straight jacket. He's been spitting out his pills

Sam and Patrick going to the bank. Lulu stops Larry from going... for a bit. Patrick and Sam told the bank lady they were married to get in there. There's a locked box in the safe deposit box.

Anna tells the story about she and Robert and Faison in the stables that day. And..she wanted to kill him but in the end couldn't. And she says He's STILL on Spoon Island".
Okay then.

Spencer has Emma in the stables now, explaining what when on the night he ran in there. They are skipping school. How did they GET there? They boat had to bring them, right? Ugh

Ok, I'm skipping to the end.  Anna goes to show everyone where Faison is. He's escaped! OF COURSE HE HAS!!! LOL... and there's a pic of Faison in the safety deposit box that Ashton has and Luke opens his cell and THEN--Fluke's there.

and you can bet. If that is a rubber mask on him, I AM DONE. I said that before. DONE. I will not watch. 
SO, it is Faison? Today wanted us to think so. I'm saying it can't way they'd do that...RIGHT? NO WAY.
What do you think? 


  1. I'm hoping it was Ashton with the mask as he's got the build and the hair. It would be beyond ridiculous if it was Faison. Put a mask on a troll, he's still a troll. lol You'd never mistake him for Luke.

    I think Ashton actually had the mask in the safety deposit box and that's what he went to get before he went to deal with Luke. (He's probably working for Faison who is out for revenge after being locked in the hole for ages.)

  2. I thought he had the mask in the safe deposit box too Di!!!!

  3. I thought the mask was there, too! Good show today-no annoying characters even if some of it stretched the imagination. And Anna all week!! I think TC mispronounced dishonesty and said dishonestry. Nice to see the real Luke.

  4. If it IS Larry in a mask OR Faison in a mask, why? I cannot think that either one would care enough about Luke to keep him in MI.

    I still think it is BE, who holds a grudge against his cousin.

  5. I thought Fluke might be Larry Ashton, but, when they showed the flashbacks of Fluke with Luke, I swear I saw Fluke seem/sound a little like Faison.

    Also, does anyone know what happened to Finola's foot?

  6. No about her foot.

    I think Faison is too obvious and TOO SHORT. LOL

    Ashton fits-- and he could have had the mask in there but if it's a mask, I am done.STILL lol

    I will only accept Bill Eckert I think. Even plastic surgery will piss me the hell off

  7. Q home: Larry Ashton won the line of the day!!!! He was talking about the picture of Luke and Tracy and she was smiling.

    Larry Ashton: You had a look on your face. The strange expression I have never seen before. Were you stoned?


    Port Charles savings: Oh Sam and Patrick show up pretending they were a married couple!! Sam is so excited being married! ROFL! Larry Ashton was in there and he was smiling at something. What was it? Hmmm a mask?

    Miscavage: LUKE!!!!! Welcome back!!! Oh oh Luke. You haven't been taking your meds. Shame shame! :)Oh Luke got stronger and got out of the restraints and opened the door!!!! THAT'S MY LUKE!!!! :) Oh oh! FLUKE!!!!

    Anna's office: So Faison is NOT dead and Anna hid him in the Wyndemere stables. I did not see that coming! :)

    Wyndemere stables: Okay this Spencer and Emma scene is so strange. They are acting like teenagers. Are they gonna start kissing?! Oh Emma is NOT a townie! Her father is a brain surgeon! Hahahahaha. And wait aunt Elizabeth is a nurse?!!? Why did he bring up Liz and not Robin? Very strange. Oh oh busted by Nik! Great scene with Nik and Britch. Oh oh Faison is missing!!! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. Is Faison pretending to be Lord Larry Ashton and is also Fluke?!!?!

  8. "Di said..I think Ashton actually had the mask in the safety deposit box and that's what he went to get before he went to deal with Luke. (He's probably working for Faison who is out for revenge after being locked in the hole for ages.)"

    Hmmmmm. Do you think he got the mask to give it to Faison for him to wear again? Do you think Faison wants Larry Ashton to keep the mask in the safe deposit box?

  9. im with karen. its bill eckert or nothing.

  10. Sonya, I think it's Ashton wearing the mask on Faison's orders. And he's made a big mistake coming in to see Luke now. Luke can knock him out, put him in the jacket and walk out as Fluke. muyhahahahahahaha

    Hey, it's as believable as Faison rotting under Spencer's secret place. lol

  11. "Di said...Sonya, I think it's Ashton wearing the mask on Faison's orders."

    Yeah could be.

    "And he's made a big mistake coming in to see Luke now. Luke can knock him out, put him in the jacket and walk out as Fluke. muyhahahahahahaha"


    "Hey, it's as believable as Faison rotting under Spencer's secret place. lol"

    Hahahaha! True. :)


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...