Thursday, January 23, 2025

Day Off For WUBS


My Dad is up for the day and to be frank, I'm so crabby when it comes to the show this week, it's probably better if I skip an episode!! I mean, I can only rely so much on Jane Elliot to make the show watchable.  I don't want to be negative all the time, especially if you're enjoying the show! I will really REALLY try to present just the summary in my daily recaps and not be snarky lol

Think I can do it?!!! 

By the way: Sonny lived. 

Shocker :) 

NOTE!! My DAD left early and I saw the last 15 min of the show. Saw the Ava and Ric kiss!! WHOOT!! Sidwell has no charges against him. LOL, ok--he only tried to blow up 20 people. Liked Lucas and Joss. Did Donna do her hair?? And...that's about it!! Saw Brick leave--BYE! 

TOMORROW I have a check up so...again, I might be home for the end of the show but maybe not. 


  1. "Did Donna do her hair??" thought was why is Joss looking like a 12 year old today. Way to young to be a part of the NEW PCPD. Comprised of Joss, Lucas, Elizabeth and Lucky. They are right on the case. But first Joss will probably be Cyrus' next attempt to free a soul.
    Today's award goes to Ric for the oddest time to plant a kiss.
    Guess holding people hostage and trying to blow them up is not a big deal never mind a crime. Guess I got what I wanted. A bit of reality.
    Another fake fan page breaking news: Ingo Rademacher got his job back. Of course this comes right after 'Nancy Lee Grahn suffers stroke and is hospitalized'. Bunch of bullcrap.
    Is anyone really enjoying the show right now?

    1. "Zazu says, Another fake fan page breaking news: Ingo Rademacher got his job back. Of course this comes right after 'Nancy Lee Grahn suffers stroke and is hospitalized'. Bunch of bullcrap."

      Hmmm. I haven't heard hat fan fiction. :)

      "Is anyone really enjoying the show right now?"

      With some things no. Some things yes. Tracy makes me laugh. :) I love Ric and Ava scenes.

    2. Yes, luckily there are soapy tidbits still around to enjoy but generally it is not what I'd call enjoyable.

    3. "zazu says, Yes, luckily there are soapy tidbits still around to enjoy but generally it is not what I'd call enjoyable."

      Yeah Ryan Lavery is driving me nuts!!! Willow wake up and realize that the jerkwad is manipulating you! Laura and Sonny bonding! UGH!

  2. I didn't know you made it at the end! YAY! :D

    So some funny one liners today!

    Carly's kitchen: Tribbles!!!! The Tribbles are mourning the death of the green beans. :( Poor Tribbles.

    Joss and Lucas: Joss's hair haha. Yeah did Donna do it? :) Joss knows she did a boo boo about Cyrus!

    Lucas: Why can't you agree for once?

    Joss: Genetics.

    ROFL! She would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it. Come on you two! How can you ignore the Tribbles. Give them a hug!

    Ritzy Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Lucy and Sidwell cookie: Are they on a date? Oh Sidwell Cookie wants to meet Laura! What are you planning?

    Sidwell cookie and a worker: Oh look at this! He gives her a ticket for his coat! So snazzy! ROFL! Is she the coat check girl now?

    Ava's new apartment:

    Ava and Ric: OH! Ric thinks it's a good idea for her to move in and live there. :) The set looks so familiar! I know! It looks like one of the apartments from Kelly's in the 80's, and Dex's apartment. :) She is all snippy to him. Yeah because she is upset with Laura! Ooooooo a Ricva kiss!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! :D

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Sonny and Natalia: Oh and there she goes. Taking care of him. Did she have to give him a sponge bath too?

    Sonny and Brick: Ohhhh! Brick called a top cardiologist in Las Angeles!!! Yes time to go Sonny and don't tell anybody. Shhhhh. Oh but I'm sure you will tell giggle mouse.

    Police station:

    Liz and Lucky: Awwww love that she is taking care of him. :) My L&L2 heart. :)

    Molly and Cowboy Cody: What?! Lucky doesn't have to pay anything! He didn't do anything! You did Cowboy Cody! You are the one who has to pay!

    Mac and Cowboy Cody: Mac is treating him like he is a teenager. ROFL! I love it! Well, Cowboy Cody has been acting like a teenager. I'm glad Mac is keeping him in there!

    Molly and Felicia: Yeah Molly is a very mature wise young lady. :)

    Laura's office:

    Laura and Ava: Oh come on Laura!!! Bonding with Sonny! Please. Just help Ava with the custody!!! UGH!

    Laura and Jordan: Laura wins the line of the day.

    Laura: So he is just out there in the open free going clubbing?

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes Laura he sure is. :) Oh no warrants for him? Interesting. Come on he must be a Cassadine! :)

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go see Dillon* Dillon punches! :)

  3. Maybe the coat check girl is putting a tracer patch on it somewhere...hehe And I hope no one mentions tunnels to Sidwell. It could be interesting if they can spy on him there. lol might make for some interesting story lines.

    1. "Di says, Maybe the coat check girl is putting a tracer patch on it somewhere...hehe"

      ROFL! Oh so very soapy! :D

      "And I hope no one mentions tunnels to Sidwell. It could be interesting if they can spy on him there. lol might make for some interesting story lines."

      Hahaha. I thought he knew about the tunnels. Didn't Lucy tell him about it? Hmmm.

    2. In todays ep Lucy said the tunnels were not mentioned on the tour or in th contract.

    3. OH! Then I hope he doesn't find out! *Snicker*

  4. SO Cody came in 2022 and NEVER MET MOLLY???? Chem testing with them for sure...
    -----When Carly and Jason married at least ONE family was destroyed (and Sonny destroyed the guy taking over the guy who died) and I thought Selina took over that terrority - whatever....point is that they aren't 5 families anymore.
    -----I know Ava bought another building and she said she couldn't afford both-----but I still can't figure out how much Jerome money she has...
    ------Sidwell must have blackmailed someone to not have any charges? He KIDNAPPED he former WSB?

  5. "Mufasa says point is that they aren't 5 families anymore."

    Yeah I was thinking that myself! Unless there is a new 5th family that joined. Hmmm.

  6. The picture of Sonny and the hand with the nail polish, makes it looks like Sonny's nail has the nail polish. ROFL!

  7. Attention Jordan, Brenda Barrett wants her blousy sleeves back.



  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...