Sunday, May 31, 2020

Sunday Surgery: Memory Lane

Just felt wrong not doing one! So... let's talk this past week's shows for a bit, shall we? What a walk down memory lane! I swear it was like wearing a comfy old shoe. Who did I see that I forgot existed? What story lines had I totally blanked out on (quite a few it seems!!) 

*NOTE:  I'm sitting here trying to decide if I should publish today. It seems trivial after a night like last night. My little city had a peaceful demonstration for 4 hours and then... well, all hell broke loose. To the good people; organizers, volunteers, first responders etc, thank you. With change comes chaos and with work and hope come healing. 
I hope the person reading this understands that I'm aware of the pain but think we all need a little ray of  sunshine as well. 

WUBSY HIGHLIGHTS (in no particular order)

DR. OBRECT: Always a winner!! 


BRITT AND BRAD: Oh my gosh. I think this was one of the first times that I've seen true to life dialog and friends presented in such a way. Everything clicks. The jargon, the snark-- it was beautiful to behold. Eating that ice cream, laughing at people. I sure do miss them. 


LITTLE SPENCER: Gah! First he's tiny, making Nik go to the Ball, then he grows a year and has a burned face. Being all Phantom of the Opera. Britt comes in and saves the day. I loved these two as well! Get rid of Sasha and get Kelly back!! She adds so much to the show.  Photo thx to @Robklopfanstein 


NEDLY: Doing Meatloaf!!! Loved it. That is all.  (Photo tx to @NivFans)

FLUKE: Now, not my fave story BUT... one I had kind of shoved into the back of my head. So, when I saw Kiki and Michael giving him dirty looks I was like?? Why? OH! YES!! He was a dirty old man type and hit on Kiki! EESH. :Shudder: 


NATHAN: Forgot how I missed he and Maxie. They worked. Levi? Oh holy And come on, did you remember his real name was PETER??! 

LIZ AND RIC: That seems like eons ago, doesn't it? I mean like EONS. He got Hayden to pretend she was Mrs. Billy Miller? Wanted to marry Liz?  I need some memory pills. It did come flooding back but it took a bit!! 

SAMTRICK:  I remember watching Sam and Patrick, but I totally forgot about it until they showed up together!  I loved Sam's dress this year too. 

More of the same next week!  Things started out with 2014, moved to 2015 and soon we will be in '16. Great! More stuff I forgot! I wonder if filming doesn't resume soon, they'll air even older episodes. I'd love to see even more years. I know it's difficult because of song copyrights but please do it if you can! 

Did you watch the show this week? What were your highlights!? 


  1. YAY! I didn't know there was going to be a Sunday Surgery or not! :)

    "DR. OBRECT: Always a winner!!"


    "Get rid of Sasha and get Kelly back!! She adds so much to the show."

    I agree!!!!

    "FLUKE: Now, not my fave story BUT... one I had kind of shoved into the back of my head. So, when I saw Kiki and Michael giving him dirty looks I was like?? Why? OH! YES!! He was a dirty old man type and hit on Kiki! EESH. :Shudder:"

    Yeah I forgot all about Fluke hitting on StarKi! :)

    "Levi? Oh holy And come on, did you remember his real name was PETER??!"

    ROFL! Levi was annoying and I hated him, until we found out who he REALLY was, and then he got interesting! Too bad Maxie had to kill him off. :(

    "LIZ AND RIC:"

    My babies!! My LiRic!! Why did the writers have to keep ruining them! :(

    "Did you watch the show this week? What were your highlights!?"

    My highlights were LiRic, Britch and Brad, Courtney and Spencer, Britch and Spencer.. Ned singing Meatloaf song! :)

  2. Good morning, Karen! I'm so glad you're continuing with the Sunday Surgery column, it's one of the simple pleasures these days and it is not trivial. I live on the upper west side in the city, and heard sirens the entire evening, feeling so sad for our country. You put it beautifully when you wrote "with change comes chaos and with work and hope come healing". Please don't stop writing.

    I'm loving the Nurses Ball repeats, I just wish they could air older episodes as well. Wouldn't it be great to see the very first one? I'd also love to see the 1997 episode where Stuart Damon actually sang "Ten Minutes Ago" from "Cinderella" (in which he played the Prince in 1965). I LOVED it as a kid, and just about flew off my chair when he sang it at the Nurses Ball!

    From this past week, I adored all the shows with young Spencer, Cameron and Emma. Adorable. Also loved the ghost return of Courtney with Spencer, was just as moved seeing it as I was the first time it aired. Anything with Dr. O is always a highlight, and totally agree about the Britt/Brad scenes, delicious! These repeats are working so much better than I anticipated, really enjoyable!

  3. My favorites from all this are Brad and Brit. What a realistic relationship they had.
    The 2014 NB was such a hoot! Fun to watch and remember. Moving along a year is when things started going south for me. I didn't remember some of it either. The Jake Doe/Jason/Drew story was starting. Sam and Patrick...enough said. I loved Sabrina and Carlos and still think those characters should not have ended. Especially Sabrina's ridiculous death.
    I too hope they can come up with a way to show some older shows.
    Thanks for our SS! We really do need it...more than ever. Enjoy your Sunday.

  4. Thanks for doing an SS this week. I agree that to some it may seem trivial in light of what's going on in this country right now, but we need a diversion I think. Watched very little of this week's shows because I have an aversion to reruns, but I did check it out from time to time. Even though I am not watching much, I will continue to check out this blog to get my "fix"...

  5. Just wanted to remind everyone that tomorrow's episode will be from May 25, 2016 nurses ball. Hey does anybody know where Michelle Latta is? I haven't seen her on here. I hope she is okay! Is she on twitter or facebook?

    1. I thought I saw her post on Wubs' FB page so I just checked and yes, about a week ago. Why she isn't here anymore I don't know.

    2. "zazu says, I thought I saw her post on Wubs' FB page so I just checked and yes, about a week ago."

      REALLY?!!?! :0 GREAT!! Thanks!!

      "Why she isn't here anymore I don't know."


  6. Thanks everyone. Always love to come on here and read the blog. Even if not much happening. I watched clips of the Nurse's balls on U tube. I can watch what I want that way. Can also watch some of the OLD ones. Just short clips of the numbers I like.

    Thanks Karen. Be safe everyone

  7. Random thoughts:

    I think it's fine that you post. People need some levity in troubled times. Especially then.

    Totally agree about jettisoning Sasha in favor of bringing back another character. If not Britt, how about Hayden?

    Clearly, I am in the minority but I loved the "Fluke" storyline. It led into the big reveal about Luke's past and his split personality, in a way, deals with the rape issue with Laura.

    I want to see Felix help Lucas recover when GH returns, and lead to a romance between the two.

    So, I wonder if "GH" may decide to do a time jump when it returns? It could show the custody decision and a few other conclusions quickly in flashbacks, then show the fallout months later. It would clear the decks for some new storylines.

  8. I love Sunday Surgery and I'm so glad you posted. Thanks Karen!

    I enjoyed the Nurse's Balls this past week. I had forgotten how much I always liked LiRic and they always were eventually thrown under the bus. Rick and Becky had such good chemistry. (Seems Becky would have chemistry with a door, though! Lol!) It was great to see Original Nik, and Britt/Brad's relationship, they were a hoot. And of course Dr. O!

    Things I could have done without where Levi (gross!), Kung-Fu Courtney, and Sabrina. Never liked Sabrina and never will!

  9. I will just copy and paste what I said back then. Today’s episode is from May 25, 2016

    “Thank you Aveeno!!!!

    The nurses ball:

    The performances:

    Ned and Emma: LOVE IT!!!!!! It was great!!! I always love hearing Wally Kurth sing! :) Robin was crying awwwww! And then they show Lulu! And I was thinking wow!!! She got a hair cut!?!?! It looks cute! I like it!!!!

    Magic Milo and the Wands:

    Maxie: This wasn't what I was expecting.

    Yeah me neither Maxie! What the hell?!!?! Oh wait!! There ya go!!! YEAH!!! TAKE IT OFF!! TAKE IT ALL OFF! :)

    Jake and BobTodd: This was fantastic!!!!! Poor little Jake!!! But glad BobTodd helped him!!! When I looked at Nina, she was making me cry! She was crying! And then when I watched Jake and BobTodd sing, that was making me cry!!! Then I saw Liz and the look on her face. She is going to fall in love with BobTodd isn't she? :) Laura saw her face too!!! BobTodd wins the line of the day!!!

    BobTodd: Quack quack quack quack quack quack.

    ROFL! Awwwww. :)

    The chit chatter:

    Lulu: Oh nuts. She didn't get a haircut. Crap. How disappointing.

    Lucas and Bobbie: Yes!!! Take her to the hospital now!!!!! Oh I hope Amy doesn't forget to tell Brad about where Lucas is!!!

    RayRay and Jordan: So basically,

    RayRay I need to talk to you about who shot me!

    Jordan: Not now! Make an appointment!

    RayRay: But but but but but.

    Jordan: Not now!

    RayRay But but but but.

    Nik: Come with me Rachel!

    Carly and Ava: What?!? A sex tape?!!?! OH COME ON! Why didn't Ava blackmail Paul then?!!?! She could have said if you don't give me my flashdrive, I will show the sex tape to everyone!!!! This is so stupid. I don't buy it! Although I do love the girl fight!!! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :)

    *Ava grabs the flashdrive*

    Flashdrive: NOOOOOOOOOOO! Don't kill me!!!!!! HELP ME SOMEONE!

    *Ava flushes the flashdrive in the toilet*

    Flashdrive: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *Glug glug glug* *flashdrive is dead*


    You think I didn't back that up the second I saw it? It's in the cloud Ava!

    Oh! So the flashdrive has a twin sister! :)

    Ava and Paul: She could have blackmailed him right here!!! UGH!

    Lucy: She usually changes dresses in a blink of an eye. Today, she was slow to change. What the heck?

    RayRay I need to talk to you about who shot me!

    Jordan: Not now! Make an appointment!

    RayRay: But but but but but.

    Jordan: Not now!

    RayRay But but but but.

    Nik: Come with me Rachel!

    Mr. and Mrs Snails and Curtis: Yeah!!!! Curtis sticking up for RayRay! Is Nik gonna punch him?

    Dr. O and Piffy: Hahahaha. Even bound and gagged Dr. O is rude. :)

    Laura and Doc: Huh?! I thought they weren't going to show up. I thought they were going to Beechers Corners. What's going on?

    Wedding: Uh Amy!!!!! Where are you?!!?!! You were supposed to tell Brad about Lucas!!!!!

    The hospital:

    Dr. O and Hammerstyne: What?! Dr. O just gave up? She isn't even going to try to work the puppets in the nurses ball? Awwww. :(

    Bobbie's room: Vertigo?!!?!?!!? Since when does Bobbie have vertigo. That is strange. Oh oh! The mystery person who is killing Dr. Hammerstyne's patients is there!!!! Well it's not Dr. O OR Hammersyne cus they are talking! Hmmm I wonder if it's House who is doing it! OH NO!!! NOT BOBBIE!!!!!

    *Lucas walks in*



    Wake up Lucas!!!!! :'( “

  10. The schedule after the nurses ball. General Hospital looks back at some of the best and most memorable moments from Sonny (Maurice Benard) and Carly’s (Laura Wright) explosive and tumultuous 20+ year romance.

    June 15th: February 7, 2007: Sonny and Carly re-declare their love during the Metro Court hostage crisis. I am not looking forward to watching Alan dying! :( It will never stop hurting! :(

    June 16: September 24, 2013: Sonny has gone off his meds and begins to spiral. Carly convinces him to resume taking the lithium.

    June 17th: September 14, 2015: Sonny is in critical condition after being shot. Sitting vigil in the hospital chapel, Carly reads the vows he wrote for her, and remembers their ups and downs.

    June 18th: October 14, 2015: Sonny and Carly get married in the GH chapel.

    June 19th: October 12, 2016: Grieving for Morgan, Carly blames Sonny for their son’s death.

    1. Ughhhh! Won't be watching any of these.

    2. Ugh, Sonny, Sonny, Sonny. Me neither.

    3. Thanks for the upcoming schedule Sonya. Ewwwwww to the episodes, but thanks lol!! No GH for me yesterday as Michigan had news interruptions. I really wish I could have seen the Jake scenes. I remember that very vividly, and I boo-hooed thru it the first time!

    4. "Julie H says,Thanks for the upcoming schedule Sonya. Ewwwwww to the episodes, but thanks lol!!"

      ROFL! You're welcome! :)

      "No GH for me yesterday as Michigan had news interruptions. I really wish I could have seen the Jake scenes. I remember that very vividly, and I boo-hooed thru it the first time!"

      You can watch the episode online!! :)

  11. I love BobTodd and am not happy with his present day character. Quack, quack.
    Thank you Sonya for reposting your comments from back then. And the upcoming schedule.

    1. ”Zazu says I love BobTodd and am not happy with his present day character. Quack, quack.”

      😂😂😂 Quack quack!!!! 🦆

      “Thank you Sonya for reposting your comments from back then. And the upcoming schedule.”

      You’re welcome!!!!!!!!!! :)

  12. Having trouble posting everywhere. Can't even see the words still so turned my ph sideways to type this. Haven't forgot you guys but I can't seem to post anywhere. (Internet explorer browser, chrome) I'm here, even though I can't see the tiny print. Miss you guys! Thanks Sonya for getting in touch! ��❤

    1. “Michelle P says, Having trouble posting everywhere. Can't even see the words still so turned my ph sideways to type this. Haven't forgot you guys but I can't seem to post anywhere. (Internet explorer browser, chrome) I'm here, even though I can't see the tiny print.”

      YAY!!!! You are here!!! 🤗 Oh I hope you get your phone fixed soon!

      “Thanks Sonya for getting in touch”

      You’re welcome!!!! Glad you are okay!!!!! :)

  13. So happy to hear that you're ok and it's great to hear from you again. *hugs*

    1. Thanks Di! Unfortunately ph is 2 yrs old and not under warranty anymore. Not even sure it's the phone itself. Wish I could post here. But it's so hard without zooming in or turning phone sideways. Any word on when GH might start filming again?

    2. Michelle, what a relief to know you are ok! We sure missed you!

  14. Updated profile yay! P is my maiden name L my married name (divorced but kept married name). Added photo. 😊

    1. Glad you posted Michelle and that you're ok! Big fat bummer about your phone.

    2. Phone is pretty much fine. Once I updated info in google this morning it let me post in browser. So it's not the phone. I just can't figure out why the print is so tiny in wubs? Oh well regardless, at least it's fine here now.

    3. I have the same problem on my phone. When I went thru FB it was always teeny, so I went thru Google, which was fine, until my phone updated. So yup, for me, it's teeny both ways. I feel your pain, lol!

  15. Yes it is! But my payments are lower and until my bill for eye surgery is paid off I'm going to try and hang on to this phone. I still owe just over 5,000. LOL! I'm just glad I'm kind apparently post on this browser again! 😁

    1. Damn. Too bad you don't have a laptop Michelle!!!

    2. I do. I choose to view on my phone. Facebook on the laptop is very diff. I've been doing it from the ph for quite a while. Easier. Laptop slower.

    3. "Michelle says, I do. I choose to view on my phone. Facebook on the laptop is very diff. I've been doing it from the ph for quite a while. Easier. Laptop slower."

      Wow! So strange. Hmmmm what is PH? :)

  16. Okay so today's episode is from May 23, 2017.. I will copy and paste what I said back then, and make comments for today.

    Sonny's home: PILLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! :)

    Sonny and Michael:

    Sonny: Michael! I am NOT going to the nurses ball!!!!

    Pilly: Shut up Sonny.

    Michael: But dad.

    Sonny: NO! I am staying home and being a big baby! Now leave me alone and let me wallow in self pity.

    Sonny and Maddox:

    Sonny: Duhhhh what is that in the bottle?

    Maddox: A pill?

    Sonny: Uh duhhh no it doesn't taste like it!!!

    Maddox: I can figure it out for you.

    Sonny: Duh thanks!!!

    Nurses ball/red carpet:

    Mario Lopez: Yum!!!

    Piffy and Felix: Piffy where is Milo? Felix where is your boyfriend? He is not covering the red carpet this year? Why isn't he with you then?!

    Lulu:: What the hell is that dress? Yikes!!!

    Paint, her cupcakes, and Wall: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


    Ava and Scotty: Scotty squirting that spray in his hair! ROFL! Ava looks beautiful! :) Scotty wins the line of the day.

    Scotty: Lucy she does like to squeeze them.


    Nurses ball:

    Song, You are not alone anymore: Damn it!!! Everytime tears!!! :'(

    Chimera necklace and Chimera toxin bomb: MAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!

    Joss: Hmmmm are we going to have a scene with Joss and Emma together? That would be HYSTERICAL!!!! :)

    Emma, Charlie, and Jake: Yeah Joss would look way too old to be in that group! ROFLMAOPMP!

    V.C. and Nina: They are looking at each other! Looks like she is going to forgive him! Oh wait Anna shows up.. Oh wait nevermind! Looks like Nina changed her mind!

    Sonny: Oh he changed his mind?!?!!?!

    My flashback.. When Sonny and Brenda first met. 1993.

    Today's comments: You are not alone song!!! Oh dammit!! :'( That song always gets to me! Too bad that Chamira didn't explode!!! I was very disappointed in that storyline. That Chamira just sat there and did nothing but glow. Tomorrow's episode will be from May 24, 2017 nurses ball.

    1. BWHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Paint, cupcakes, and wall! Oh Sonya, I remember when you said this the first time. It's still hilarious! Thanks!

      I was extremely disappointed in that Chimera story, it had such potential.
      Sonny, Carly, the Morgan grief.....I can't revisit that again. Morgan was such a tool and they granted him sainthood. Blech!!

    2. "Julie H says, BWHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Paint, cupcakes, and wall! Oh Sonya, I remember when you said this the first time. It's still hilarious! Thanks!"

      HAHAHAHAHAHA! You're welcome. Good times. :)

      "I was extremely disappointed in that Chimera story, it had such potential."

      Yeah the writers blew it!!!

      "Sonny, Carly, the Morgan grief.....I can't revisit that again. Morgan was such a tool and they granted him sainthood. Blech!!"

      Hahahahaha! Yeah I know, but they were grieving parents. So I will reluctantly give them a pass. I mean what did we expect them to do? Be happy he died? ROFL!

  17. I won't be watching either I really dislike sonny and carly I can stand sonny with mike but, not carly

  18. I'm on my old as dirt tablet lol and looks good, so depending on how slow it is I'll post here. �� Saw GH today! Char was so cute and Billy Miller �� Is this the NB where SB came back as Jason?

  19. looks like I posted on the wrong thread sorry still learning my way

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Rock N Roll

 TODAY is.... THURSDAY!!  So one of the soap mags has said that Leslie Charleson probably won't be back as Monica due to health issues. ...