Sunday, May 24, 2020

Sunday Surgery: Press Pause

I think we just sit here for months, Michael. 
Well, there you have it! All the shows aired that were taped. We didn't get huge cliffhangers because no one knew what was coming but we did get some unanswered questions! Today I give you my thoughts on how they should continue: 


AVA'S PARTY   I'm hoping when the portrait is revealed it's in the nude. YEP. Just my 2 cents to create a little drama. Then, Nikolas and Ava give in to each other and have sex right there in the Art Studio after everyone leaves. 


CUSTODY HEARING:  Dr. O breaks in at the last minute, free from jail, dragging Brad behind her. (don't ask how they got out, they just did) STOP! STOP DESE PROCEEDINGS!! I KNOWS DE TRUTHS! Chaos ensues. 


MAXIE'S "ILLNESS": We all knew there was a spoiler out there that someone is pregnant. Well, turns out it's not her. That's just a touch of the flu.  Peter catches it from her and dies. The end. 


VALENTIN:  Finally gets enough ELQ shares and walks in with Skye on his arm during a board meeting. She's pissed and out for blood. 


SASHA: Leaves for Milan and is gone for good. Don't care if she's hooked on coke or not. Just BYE. 


MARTIN GRAY: Falls for Lucy during the Nurses Ball.  


MIKE'S DEATH: Prompts Sonny to have to have the painful decision whether or not to get tested for the Alzheimer's gene. Same for Michael and Kristina.  


ELIZABETH: Goes and finds Hayden. It's a girl adventure. Starring two women.  Franco stays behind. Opens a bakery with Aiden. 


MOLLY and TJ:  I'm not quite sure. I have a lot of ideas, but none of them involve Brando who can go back to Chicago. BYE.


JAX AND NINA: Move to Sydney where she'll run Crimson AUS edition. BYE. 


CYRUS: Kills Jordan, gets caught...goes to jail (For reals). Mac is Commish. The end. 


CARLY: Develops Vocal Nodes. Pretty severe. Must be on total vocal rest for 3 months. She learns sign language. 


Strange times, isn't it? As everything starts to reopen, we have to wonder if GH will be in production soon. There's 6 weeks of reruns so if they start taping soon, it should come together during the summer. We'll have Mike's death, the Nurses Ball... custody and all that. Because of the stretching of episodes and weird editing the last few months have been um... "interesting"?? Here's hoping it comes back stronger and we can't wait to watch again! 

The Nurses Balls will be airing during your GH slot, starting with 2014. I will tune in now and again and pop in with reviews and news. The Daytime Emmys will be on CBS  June 26. Full list of Noms here:  DAYTIME EMMYS. GH leads the pack in nominations! 

Steve Burton (Jason)
Jon Linstrom (Ryan/Kevin)
Finola Hughes (Anna)
Maura West (Ava)
Tamara Braun (Kim)
Rebecca Buding (Hayden)
James Patrick Stewart (Valentin)
Katelyn McMacMullen (Willow)
Eden McCoy (Josslyn)
Michael Knight (Martin/Tad)
Note:  The Song "North Star"  that was performed by William Lipton (Cameron) at last year's Nurses Ball was nominated as well. 

Take care! I hope you're getting back to some kind of normal where you are. Here in NY state it's a slow process but I think Phase 2 will be coming at the end of next week. 


  1. Great SS! I particularly loved your Carly scenario! At least ratings won’t matter for awhile. How did Rebecca B. and Tamara get nominated and not Becky H.? Appalling.

    1. Can agree about Tamara, but Rebecca B. earned every bit of that nomination. Congrats to her.

    2. Becky H. is one of those people who no longer submits her work.

    3. Ok, then I am happy about Rebecca but not TB.

    4. Becky Herbst doesn't submit anymore...

  2. North Star was not only performed by William, he also wrote it.

    1. Yes. He is a talented young man. He should win for that song for sure

    2. THANK YOU! I wasn't sure, I edit that!

  3. "Peter catches it from her and dies. The end." LOL... ahh, if only this happened.

    I actually like the Martin and Lucy idea, and I would love to see Skye again.

  4. OMG. Thanks. I needed that. Learns sign language. hahahahahaha

  5. I hope that Maxie is not the pregnant one. I'm thinking either Sasha with Michaels baby or Willow with Chases baby.

    1. well, it should be one of those--or both (can you imagine?? LOL) but it sure looked like Maxie

    2. "kdmask well, it should be one of those--or both (can you imagine?? LOL)"

      ROFL! No not both! If both were pregnant, then that would mean baby switch time!

  6. Enjoyed SS today, of course, since I always do. Hope everyone is going well.

  7. Thanks for the great SS! Love your take on how things should be. When the new writers took over last year there was a brief period when the shows were outstanding. It didn't last long enough. I have said before that GH concentrates too much on doom and gloom, not that it all has to be sunshine and roses but a bit of both would be fine. Too many cast members, not enough meaty stories.
    Some of the Emmy noms are questionable but good luck to them all.
    As things open up in your area please be thinking of safety. Wear a mask in public places and be kind to all. If you are a disbeliever...check the NYT front page today.
    Have a great day and thanks again everyone.

    1. "zazu says, Thanks for the great SS! Love your take on how things should be. When the new writers took over last year there was a brief period when the shows were outstanding. It didn't last long enough."

      Well, some stories are good and some are bad. But of course not everyone is going to like every story. :)

  8. Great SS, and triple thumbs up to Carly and her vocal chords, hahahah! If only! I'll be watching the Nurse's Balls, but it won't be the same as new episodes. Happy Memorial Day to you all, and stay safe!

  9. Thanks Karen. You are the best!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Hahaha Karen! This is great!!! Love it! :)

    "I think we just sit here for months, Michael."


    "Finally gets enough ELQ shares and walks in with Skye on his arm during a board meeting. She's pissed and out for blood."

    Hmmm Skye and V.C. together? YES YES YES!!!! They would be so firey hot together!!! #Team Skylentin!!

    "SASHA: Leaves for Milan and is gone for good. Don't care if she's hooked on coke or not. Just BYE."

    ROFL! I would agree, but she just got interesting with the coke! :)

    "MARTIN GRAY: Falls for Lucy during the Nurses Ball."

    Hmmm. Lucy and Martin? Yeah I could see it!! #Team Luctin!!! :) Does he fall for her AFTER he sees her at the nurses ball in her underwear? ROFL!

    "JAX AND NINA: Move to Sydney where she'll run Crimson AUS edition. BYE."

    Oh Karen! :( You don't like Jax anymore?!!?! :'( *Cries*

    "CARLY: Develops Vocal Nodes. Pretty severe. Must be on total vocal rest for 3 months. She learns sign language."

    ROFL! And wait a minute you didn't talk about the Tribbles!!! :) I wonder who in the cast is taking care of it!! I hope someone is taking care of them! :( So yeah tomorrow's episode is from May 18, 2014. For some reason Karen didn't make a post back then about it, and for some odd reason I didn't make any comments about it! ROFL!

    1. I love reading Karen's view of GH and your enhancements of her, and our, comments.
      Thank you!

    2. "zazu says, I love reading Karen's view of GH and your enhancements of her, and our, comments.
      Thank you!"

      Awwww you're welcome and thank you! :)

  11. Okay so.. Today's episode - May 18, 2014.

    Maxie's home:

    Maxie and Levi: LEVI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Stay away from her you control freak!!!! Leave her alone! If she wants to watch the red carpet that's her choice! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! HI NATHAN!!!!

    Britch's home:

    Britch and Brad: I think it's her home I don't remember. Besties are sharing ice cream!!! NO! Social distancing!!!! The Britch is whining about losing baby Ben and Nik. Well, it IS your fault! ROFL! They laugh at Sam falling.


    Spencer and Nik: Look!!! Teeny tiny Spencer! :)

    Spencer, Nik, and Liz: Liz is wearing a dress that makes her can't wear a bra. Hmmm she must be wearing pasties.

    Spencer and Cam: GAH! They are so tiny!!! :) Spencer vs Cam war.

    Carson home:

    Sonny and Shaun: Sonny is talking to Shaun about how she cheated on Olivia, like it's a badge of honor.

    The nurses ball red carpet:

    Sam and Silas: Oh oh Sam fell! ROFL!

    Sonny and Olivia: Yeah Olivia you don't need to talk to this cheating cheater that cheats.

    Felicia, Mac, and Mr. Marbles. MR. MARBLES HAHAHAHAHAHA! The announcer wins the line of the day.

    Announcer: Oh God not him again.

    ROFL! The announcer hates Mr. Marbles! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    StarKi and Michael: Oh look!!! :) Glad to see her!!! :)

    Ric and Liz: RIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    Luke and Tracy:

    The announcer: The man, the myth, the legend, Luke Spencer.

    You got that right!!!! Never forget it!!!

    Anna and Duke: DUKE!!! :) Duke and his kilt! LOVE IT! That guy talking to them, looks like a grown up Spinelli!! :)

    The changing room:

    Felicia, Lucy, and Doc: Ohhhh this was when Lucy cheated on Doc with Scotty.

    The nurses ball begins: Oh dear! When the nurses does the opening number, Dr. O interrupts with her own opening number with a bunch of nurses who look like hookers who sound like helium! ROFL!

    My Flashback: When Sean and Tiffany (Stiff) met!

    1. OMG, little Spencer was sooooo little, I couldn't believe it! Original NiK made my heart go pitter pat, and I seriously laughed out loud with Mumbles fell down. And I KNEW IT WAS COMING!!!! HAHAHA!

      Mr. Marbles was a hated by everyone I think! :)

      Loved your flashback, I don't remember seeing that before. They had chemistry! :)

    2. "Julie H says, OMG, little Spencer was sooooo little, I couldn't believe it!"

      Hahahaha. I know right?!!?! :)

      "I seriously laughed out loud with Mumbles fell down. NEW IT WAS COMING!!!! HAHAHA!"

      Hahahaha. She acted like such a wall flower! Kept saying how embarrassing that was! ROFL!

      "Mr. Marbles was a hated by everyone I think! :)"


      "Loved your flashback, I don't remember seeing that before. They had chemistry! :)"

      Hell yeah they did! :)

  12. Oh and tomorrow's episode is going to be May 9th 2014 nurses ball.

  13. Today's was May 08, 2014. Don't usually watch the reruns but wth and wow...I really enjoyed seeing this again. Silas, Sam falling, Britch, little Spencer and so much more. Looking forward to tomorrow.

  14. "zazu says, Today's was May 08, 2014"

    Oh my! I just looked you are right!!! Sheknows website is the one that I look to for the schedule, and they are wrong!! Oh Karen! Your friend's son passed away 6 years ago! How are your friends doing? :(

  15. I've been lurking for a few years and just got up the nerve to post...I've been watching GH for 45 years since high school when I got mono and stayed home for 3 weeks been hooked ever since by the way i'm a male there are a few of us

    if I could make 2 observations 1st max gail is spot on my dad went through it for 4 years just pasted in late nov. and nelle will lose in court when nina tells what she know about Nelle's marriage to julian being blackmail

    like karen and all of you I enjoy predicting what's going to happen vs what should happen

    I finally got up the nerve to post...

    1. Welcome wsb. Happy to hear from you. I'm definitely hoping you're right about Nina.

    2. "wsb says, I've been lurking for a few years and just got up the nerve to post..."

      Hi!!! Welcome to the blog!! :) I used to do that when I first started. Lurk for a little while and then finally posted!! :) I hope you come out of lurkdome permanently and join us!!! :)

      "I've been watching GH for 45 years since high school when I got mono and stayed home for 3 weeks been hooked ever since"

      I've watched GH since I was little! My mom was pregnant with me when she first started watching. Anyway glad you finally posted and I like your name! :)

    3. thanks for the welcome Di and Sonya I will post again very soon thanks again

  16. Welcome wsb. I think Nina will see the half heart necklace and lie for Nelle.

  17. Welcome from me, too, wsb! We are a friendly group and have a great leader.

  18. Welcome to you 'wsb'. Can you find Holly? lol
    Fun watching the 2014 NB. Forgot so many things. And so great to see faces no longer on GH.

  19. I just read that the actress who played Valerin Spencer on GH has found love with one of her co stars from Y & R. That is good for her


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...