Monday, May 11, 2020

General Hospital to air classic Nurses Balls May 15th-June 12th

That's right! General Hospital has decided to air older Nurses Balls during the pandemic to cheer us and have a little entertainment while we wait for everything to tape again. 

The episodes will start in 2014 and I think they'll progress up through 2019.  TV Line has all the details.  It looks like Thursday will be the last 'regular' show before the repeats start. Maybe I'll watch after all. I thought we had until the end of the month!! 

Hope you are all well. I'm watching Little House on the Prairie one after the other!! 


  1. OMG. Nina is SO DUMB about Nelle

  2. I will watch some of the Nurse's Balls. I didn't really like the past year or two myself. Thanks Karen for all you do.

  3. Yup!!! Wish they would go back to the 90's nurses ball, ah well. It would be great seeing Sabrina (Or as Karen used to call her, Nurse Betty) and Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos again! :)

  4. so nothing older where they would have to pay residuals, right? just the recent ones that are already fresh in our memory. and they think they are doing us a favor? i doth protest

  5. It's so strange, because the Young and the Restless has been showing classic episodes from the 1980s (when soaps were on fire, creatively). No background actors faces are blurred (like I see with some GH repeats...even recent ones).

    ABC must be really a really cheap network.

  6. An entire month of Nurses' Ball episodes? I think this is a terrible mistake by ABC.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...