Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Willow Wedding

I WAS going to weigh in on the Willow/Michael wedding today but alas, we had our Gov. on here in NYS--- lots to cover because parts are opening up. 


Use this space to let others know about the wedding. I heard non-alcoholic white wine and white rice for dinner. 

OH! On Thursday May 21st,  you can catch a OLTL reunion of sorts-- "Max,  and Blair"--"Bo and Nora" and David Vickers!! Here's the You Tube LINK for it--- 2pm/est  on Thursday 


  1. Not bad today, especially with a Lucy appearance. Love Martin's attitude towards Nelle. Nice wedding but kind of sad. Did Leslie C. break her arm? Too much close talking with Cyrus - yikes.

    1. "LindaV says, Too much close talking with Cyrus - yikes."

      Yeah! Let's have some social distancing please!!! EEP!

  2. The wedding was touching. Brooke lent Willow a beautiful white lace gown and Michael wore a suit. Lucy officiated. Sasha warned Carly that Nell found out about the wedding. After Nell met with her lawyer, she took off with a devious look on her face and showed up at Julian's. She heard Brooke and Julian earlier talk about how he rigged the brakes on Brad's car, but Lucas was the one that got hurt. I smell blackmail!

    1. I hope she tries and maybe Julian arranges a little "accident" for her. Surely to God they're not going to have her win every time.

  3. There were some flashbacks today..

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Brooky and Julian: Oh oh young uncle Leo calling his daddy! He is so upset so he calls his daddy!

    Nelle and Julian: Nelle knocking on that door! HAHAHAHA! She is harassing him again! :) Oh I know what she is going to do!!! Blackmail him so he marries her!!! :) Delicious! :) Go Nelle!!! :)

    The pier:

    Sasha and Chase: UGH! Now we have both of them together all sad and depressed! Sasha is so whiny!!! Telling him that Michael and Willow are getting married tonight! Both of you shut up!!! This was your choice and your decision! I don't want to hear any whining! Oh goodie they are drinking beer.

    The floating rib:

    Sasha and Lucy: Still making a huge deal about Sasha's nose? UGH! Oh oh Nelle overhears about Michael and Willow getting married! HAHAHAHA!

    Nelle and Marty: Nelle has plans! :)

    The hospital:

    Trina and Cyrus: Oh she is all yelling at him and being all angsty! Love it! Great scene!!

    Trina and Curtis: Geez. How many times is Trina going to yell at Curtis about the same thing? If they are father and daughter, let's just get on with it.

    Metrocourt restaurant: Millow (Michael and Willow) walking in together! They are going to Las Vagas to wed! No Sonny won't hear it! He can marry in Port Chuckles. The other day when Willow tells Michael that she probably will never fall in love with him, HA! That means she will!

    Carly and Willow: Carly wants to talk to Willow alone. She wants to make sure she wants to really do this. To marry Michael.

    Michael and Sonny: Sonny wants to make sure that Michael really wants to do this. Michael is taking a break on love. Yeah things will change Michael! Have you ever watched soap operas? ROFL!

    Q home:

    Ned and Monica: Oh no! What happened to Leslie Charleson's arm?!!? :(

    Ned and Brooky: Brooky wins the line of the day.

    Brooky: Sasha and I got into it, and one of my boxing gloves accidentally collided with her face.


    Ned and Julian: Julian wants to see his son! Ohhhh the reason why young uncle Leo was upset, was because he wanted a snake cus he liked the snake at the party! Ned said no! Ned tells Julian that his son is playing him. Olivia has a migraine and Monica gave her a pill to knock Olivia out! ROFL! She is in bed sleeping.

    The Millow wedding: WOW!!! Her dress is so beautiful! I LOVE IT!!!! And the hair!! Love it!!! Joss's dress.. Uh is it summer now? What is with the dress?

    Rumor: Did anybody hear the rumor that Laura sleeps with Cyrus? I hope it's not true!!! Laura would never do that!!!! What the hell?!!?!

    Sidenote: Oh wow! I was going through my old wub tub blog posts, and I thought that my first time I posted was 2012!!! Nope!!! It was August 30, 2010! Michelle P where are you?!!? :) Hmmmm where have you been hiding?!!?! :)

    "Karen says, OH! On Thursday May 21st, you can catch a OLTL reunion of sorts-- "Max, and Blair"--"Bo and Nora" and David Vickers!! Here's the You Tube LINK for it--- 2pm/est on Thursday"

    YAY!!!!!! :)

    1. Laura sleeps with Cyrus!!! NO! NO! NO! As if the world isn't sick enough!

    2. "Di says, Laura sleeps with Cyrus!!! NO! NO! NO! As if the world isn't sick enough!"

      I know!!!! Tell me about it! Yuck!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Gotta say, if Jules marries Nell I will barf. So, so, tired of her and always winning. Whoever said it, I agree...please let Jules order a SUCCESSFUL hit on her.

    I'm obviously from another generation, but Trina's nasty attitude to an adult wouldn't have flown with my parents. Maybe the first time, being extenuating circumstances and all, but yesterday had to have been the 95th time she let loose on the Ashfords. Her rants, Nell's snark, Brook Lynn's constant fights, the Wiley story and the never ending PLP crap are now officially done to death. Please move on already.

    Watching Nurse's Ball episodes from the past few years will be fun for a little while, but seriously, what is the deal with not showing episodes from the 80's and 90's? Is it residuals? Show runner's ego? What gives?

    1. "Julie H says, what is the deal with not showing episodes from the 80's and 90's? Is it residuals? Show runner's ego? What gives?"

      Ego for 100 dollars Alex? ROFL!

    2. I wondered the same thing, almost has to be a money issue, right? They should be having Lucy intro the very first episode that featured the Nurses Ball. There is a gold mine of old episodes waiting for all of us and they're not being shown!

    3. Remember what happened when Brad tried to blackmail Julian? That's what needs to happen here. Not somme stupid marriage to a psychopath!

      And I'm over Trina's attitude too. Believe me we're all going to be wishing he'd left her there to die too if she keeps this up much longer.

      And Brooke Lynn needs to spend some time in jail or at least anger management classes. Bullying is not acceptable for anyone, even entitled rich brats.

  6. I agree about the Nurses Balls. The ones from the 80s and 90s were the best ones too.

  7. forgot the q's front door was moved, it looked like michael, sonny and carly walked out of the closet.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. "Witch says, forgot the q's front door was moved, it looked like michael, sonny and carly walked out of the closet."

      ROFL! Good one!!! :)


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...