Monday, May 18, 2020

Ya killin' me

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This is ME...literally. I EVEN MADE POPCORN TO WATCH live because I wanted to see Nelle's new hubby without spoilers, yada yada. I Get settled and MY DAMN LOCAL news channel has a bunch of weenies on TALKING ABOUT NOTHING ....and I mean NOTHING. It was all about guidelines, but not really guidelines "since we can't open without state guidelines" SO LET'S DISCUSS THAT CRAP . 
I 'm so angy. 



  1. Really? The whole hour?!! That's odd! I was able to watch it. Very strange. There were no flashbacks, well except Nelle and her soon to be husband, but that doesn't count.

    The gym:

    Alexis and Sam: Since Alexis lost her job she doesn't know who she is anymore! What will her next job be? A Stripper? Will she dance on a poll? Sam is all sucking up to her. Go away Sam and shut up! Alexis met Brando! :) She thinks he is cute. Sam says she doesn't see it. LIAR!

    Sam and Brando: Brando wins the line of the day.

    Brando: Write me a list of every relative that you have in Port Charles that way I can vet strangers to make sure they aren't related to you.

    ROFL! You deserve that Sam. I'm surprised she didn't yell at him! She actually apologized!!! :0 Well hit me with a potato and call me aunt Fannie!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Ashford Table:

    Jurtis and Molly and TJ: It looked like they are all dressed up to go to a wedding. Oh wait no! They are celebrating Molly and TJ being domestic partners. So dumb. Oh there is going to be a party involved? UGH! I can't with this! Oh hi Sonny. He is talking to TJ glad he is back. Sonny welcomed him to the family! So what will this party include? A wedding dress? A bouquet? Will Molly invite Brando?

    A different table:

    Cyrus and Ava: I'm confused on this. Ava is selling her penthouse? Ava didn't know that Cyrus is the buyer. Lucy didn't tell her. Well maybe she tried but they were on the phone and Lucy was breaking up on the phone. Cyrus knows all about Ava and Sonny having a daughter together! ROFL! She won't sell to Cyrus!!! Hmmm can Ava and Cyrus have a teeny tiny fling together? I can call them Cyva! :)

    Sonny and Ava: Oh Sonny shut up!!!! Don't jump to conclusions! Ava isn't working with Cyrus!!! Go away! Oh Sonny gets a text about Nelle and her hubby! The look on his face! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Sonny and Jordan: Wait what?!!?! Sonny asks if Mac is under control?!!?!?! HUH?!!?!?!

    The REAL park:

    Cam, Trina, Dev, and Joss: Sounds like William Lipton has a cold. This is a great scene. Joss says it's been a year since Oscar died. She apologizes on not acting like a friend and she wants to play games with them. Cam and Trina act like they don't want Dev and Joss to play with them.. Joss notices, and CamRina deny it.

    Dev and Joss: Dev tells Joss that Cam likes her. Joss is dumb and blind!!! ROFL! Joss is too stupid to live! Dev had to explain everything to her on why Cam likes her and why Cam didn't tell her! UH DUH!

    Court: This was fun!!!! :) I won't say who Nelle married, but she was touching his hand and had her head on his shoulder!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Put your head on my shoulder
    Hold me in your arms, baby
    Squeeze me oh-so-tight
    Show me that you love me too
    Put your lips next to mine, dear
    Won't you kiss me once, baby?
    Just a kiss goodnight, maybe
    You and I will fall in love (you and I will fall in love)

    WAIT! Nelle was holding onto her half heart necklace!!! WHY?!!?!?! Was Willow holding onto HER half heart necklace? I hope she has one. :)

  2. And you'll notice, kd, that they never interrupt Ellen for that.

    Sonya said " I can call them Cyva!"

    ...I'd call them arus....hehe

    I think that since Julian knows who Nell's lawyer is he'd have no trouble having his safe burgled for that paper she's left in the event of her death. He can then get rid of her and show her the letter as she slithers down to hell. ...I know. I need help. *sigh*

    It's getting to the point that my brain is now automatically skipping over that heart. It means nothing.

    1. "Di says, I'd call them arus....hehe"


      "I think that since Julian knows who Nell's lawyer is he'd have no trouble having his safe burgled for that paper she's left in the event of her death. He can then get rid of her and show her the letter as she slithers down to hell. ...I know. I need help. *sigh*"

      HAHAHAHAHA. Of course he could do that, but then there wouldn't be a storyline! :)

      "It's getting to the point that my brain is now automatically skipping over that heart. It means nothing."


  3. Today's show was interrupted by CT Gov. about phases of reopening our state. Yada, yada, yada. Taped it on the NYC channel so will watch later. Did see Janelle's new hubby. I did wonder, she said they got married last night but their attire said differently. She is definitely so focused on Wiley. Hahaha.
    Friday's show was the first rerun I taped. Watched late last night and really enjoyed the episode...flashbacks and all. I had water from my eyes. I hope Mike doesn't pass before Thursday.
    Please Sam, cheat on Jason so he drops you like a hot potato.

  4. I wonder if the Holly storyline was leading to Anna’s summer vacation. But no need now for Finola to take a vacation. How will do that change? I also wonder if the writers regret the stupid Julian and Nelle marriage——- cause it’s the last thing we will remember until fall. Not a great way to end.

  5. there was an off the wall rumor that Lucas married Nelle. how delicious would that be? we can have a flashback (i know, right?) of lucas divorcing brad. and then he plotted with nelle so that he could get custody of wiley legally.

    this would be soap opera goodness. lucas can be so pissed at brad that he does this out of spite and for wiley. he would hurt a lot of people in the path but it would be a good dark side for the character we have never seen

    1. I agree, that might have been a lot of fun in a soapy way. And Lucas would piss off Carly with Bobbie caught in the middle.

  6. So, is Nelle the only daughter of Nina or did she have twins and Nelle and Willow are sisters?


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...